The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

I J. J. J. J. J.

J. J. J. a a i 1 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER Mather, 10; Kas't Mills, 11; Verona, 1:20 p. Vulcan, Alberta, Wallula, Continental, Holland, Ralph, Delaware, 7:40.

-UP: John Mitchell, Gethard, 10 p. lavette Brown, 8 p. Volunteer, Forest City, Brown, A. W. Fryer, Roumania, Georger, Athabasca, Minnie, Slawson, Spinner, Shawnee, Godfrey, Raleigh, Adams, Empire State, Cheney Ames, New Orleans, Woco*ken, Wall, Pellcan, Elfinmere, Wadena, Langell, Arenac, 7.

MACKINAW CITY, Sept. Helena, 3:30 a. Commodore, Stimson, Newsboy, Durr, Jobuson. Avou, Ilercules and a consort, Andy Johnson, Armenia, Chaffee and consorts, Oregon, S. H.

Foster, 1 Wyman, New York, Iron King, Iron City, UP: Sweepstakes, Our Son, Crosthwaite, Keith, 5 a. Pablow, Arnold, steambarge Swallow, M. lI. Boyce, J. I.

Case, McGregor, Julia Davidson, Gogebic. 1:20 p. Wreno, North, Barnum, Skylark, Cambria, Flower, Syracuse, 5. The wind bound fleet got away. from the straits at daylight this morning.

Palpitation of the heart, nervousness, tremblings, nervous headache, cold bands and feet, pain in the back, aud other forms of weakness, are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made specially for the blood, nerves and complexion. TANNER'S SCHEME, Appointing Old Soldiers on Pension ExThe New Cleveland Examiners. Boards to Gain PopularityThe tactics of the redoubtable Corporal Tanner are being felt in Cleveland through the pension examining surgeons. With the incoming administration the board of aminere, which tras composed of Dra. Burton, Butler and T.

A. Weed, were quick. that their services were no longer needed and board composed entirely of Republicans WAS just as quickly appointed. The present board is composed of Drs. W.

A. Knowlton of Brecksville, Charles Gentsch John Dickinson. But little is known generally of the importance of the duties of this board. The examining. physicians meet every week at Dr.

Gentsch's. oftice and examine veterans whose claims for pension have been allowed. Upon this examination depends the amount of pension the veteran receives. The examiners make their report as to the disability aud his pension is graded accordingly. Complaints have been made all over the country that the physicians being appointed in the new boards are all members of the G.

A. P. and that in their examination they favor Grand Army men. Tanner has given out that his desire ia to have ex-soldiers in all of the examining boards. All three mnembers of the new board of examiners are old soldiers and the complaint seems to apply to Cleveland.

This is only one of Tanner's underhand methods of gaining a hold on the old soldiers. THE ROSETTE CLUB Pars Compliments to tho Napoleon of Street Itallways and Arranges a Picnic, The Frankling yesterday afternoon were very tame. They discussed nationalism and Tom Johnson. They admired the push and' enterprise of Mr. Johnson and said that when auy one referred to the Brooklyn line they meant Tom Johnson.

The rest of the stockholders were little bits of fishes and did not count. In nationalism everyone would have a voice. The Frankling then rehashed the necessity of having the gas companies, street railways and mines controlled by the state and municipalities. The miners from the Brazil district who were present at the previous meeting attended yesterday and arrangements were made bolding a picnic to raise money for the sufferers in that district. KAKO IS FOUND But the Case Appears as Mysterious as in the Beginning.

Kaku, the Japanese girl who disappeared 60 mysteriously after her arrival in New York from Cleveland, has been found. The police found her in a Japanese boarding house and sialor's resort kept by Charlie Lymata at No. 84 James street. Eymata denied it, but on searching the house the girl was found asleep, and gave evidence of having been drugged. She was awakened with difficulty and for some time refused to go with the ofticers.

Eymata, Katanoka, a boarder, who knew the girl was in the house, Kara her father, Eyi her another, and Kiku, her cousin were locked up to await a hearing. There is talk that the girl is not the daughter of Kura, and that his motives in having so many Japanese women about hint are suspicious. JAMES MEANS' $3 and $4 Shoes and James Means' Quarter- Eagle Thick Boots are the best made and are sold Send postal to J. Meaus St 41 Lincoln street, Boston, Mass. Dreman Carpot Melcher.

Props. Cieaning Telephone 3110 DIED. HAMILTON. ITAMILTON- On September 7. ELIZABETH J.

Services at the residence of W. I. Stewart, 1115 Willson avenue, Tucsday, September 10, at 2p. In Burial private. 10 YOUNG- -WILLIAM YOUNG, Sunday morning, in tho 80th year of his age.

Funeral from the rosidence of his daughter, Mrs. William Herron, 154 Beech street. Wednesday, at 2:80 p. ml. Cincinnati, St.

Louis and Dubuque papers please copy. 10 VINCENT-At Gila Bend, August 1. 1889, of heat prostration, Mr. JOHN VINCENT, aged 57 years, son of the late John A. Vincent and Mary A.

Vincent. Burial at Gila Bend. A. T. 9 WILLIAMS--Sept.

8, 1880, MRS. ALICE P. WILLIANS. Funeral from room 29, The Doan, Monday, 9:30 a. m.

9 WANTED-FEMALE MELI'. wages; reliable employment -Capable domestics; satisfactory agency; German spoken. Telephone 350. Matrons' and Domestics' Bureau, 345 Super.or. st.

oct9tf WANTED -Girl without to do washing. general Apply at housework, 662 Superior st. WANTED Girl French for light and housework; pre. one erred. that Inquiro of I.

Loisy, 292 Vega ave. aug28tf two in family. girl 620 tor Cedar general 9 WANTED -Working rood housekeeper home. by Address widower box 485, Chagrin Falls, 0. 9 family of three.

Apply in the morning at Girl to do general housework for Liberty st. 9 WANT housework; references required. girl for 80 general Fourth ave. 9 -Girl for general housework. 123 Liberty st.

9 WANTED -Good washwomau for Monday.100 9 WANTED general housework. 'Apply experienced Saturday girl or Mouday afternoon at 1048 Willson avenue. 9 -Girl for general housework; no washing; references required. Apply at 719 Genesce ave. 9 assist housework, Call at 830 Superior girl take care of children and street.

9 WANTED -Competent without girl washing; for general good wages. house1652 Euclid ave. 9 WANTED nurses; $5 small weekly: families second down house- town. Employment bureau, 96 Euclid. 10 WANTED -Competeut sized girl family, for with general or with- house out washing.

Apply 480 Dunham ave. 9 WANTED town; three for small laundresses private for family, public laundry; general House work girls and hotel help; good wages. Oldest and best city. Miss Hall, 834 Erie near Euclid. "Telephone 2,150.

-Good girl for general housework. Kennard st. 10 WANTED- A goOd cook. 176 Euclid ave. 10 -Girl or woman for housework in country; good wages; steady work and fare paid to place.

For particulars address A. T. Tinnar Alton. I i Schr Leader, Baraga, lumber. Schr Jupiter.

Baraga, lumber. Schr HI. F. Church, Oscoda, lumber. Sohr J.

U. Porter, Detroit, light. Schr May Richards, Ashtabula, light. 4 CLEARED -SEPT. 7.

Stmr City of Detroit, Detroit, pass and muse. Prop Nyack. Duluth, pass and indse. Prop Alma Munro, Chicago. pass and mdse.

Prop Montana, Duluth, mdse. I'ron Nellie Torrent, Au Sable. light. Prop Rufus P. Ranney, Two liarbors, light.

Prop Brittanic, Milwaukeo, light. Prop Nashua. Bay City, light. Prop lI. B.

Tuttle, Herron Bay, coal, Prop Kalkasa, Oscoda, light. Prop Prop Parks Frontenac. Foster, Marquette, Chicago, light. Prop Specular, Marquette, light. Prop J.

11. Outhwaite, Escanaba, light. Schr Sir C. T. Van Straubenzie, Algoma co*ke.

Schr Alice B. Norris. Green Bay, coal. Senr H. F.

Church, Choboygan, light. Schr Lilly May, Oscoda. light. Schr Emma C. Hutchinson, Ashland, light.

Schr R. J. Carney, Oscoda, light. Schr Queen City, McKays Ifarbor, coal. Tug William A.

Moore, Buffalo, light. 8. Stmr Prop City India. of Duluth, Cleveland, pass Detroit, and mdse. pass and miso.

Prop Cuba, Montreal, pass and mdse. Prop W. A. llaskell, Ogdens burg. muse.

Prop Keystone, Ashland, ore. Prop Kepublic. Marquette, ore. Prop Lowell, Bay City, lumber. Prop Salina, Au Sable, lumber.

Prop Empire. Bay City, lumber. Schr Magnetic, Marquette, ore. Schr Michigan, Escanaba, ore. Schr It.

D. Alverson, Escanaba, ore. Schr Thomas I'. Sheldon, Escanaba, ore Schr T. C.

Lestor, Bay City, lumber. Schr (. W. Wesley, Boy City, lumber. Schr Mary Birkhead.

Bay City, lumber. Schr James G. Wortz, Port Colborne. Schr C. 1.

Weeks, Au Sable, lumber. Schr Keepsake, Au Sable, lumber. Schr J. B. Kitchen, Escanaba, ore.

CLEARED--Sept. 8. Stmr City of Cleveland. Detroit, pass and indse. Prop India, pass and cadso.

Prop Cuba. Chicago, pass and muse, Prop W. A. Haskell. Chicago, mdse.

I'rop N. Mills, Baraga. Prop Roland, Detroit, light. Sonora, An Sable, light. Schr Leader, Baraga, light.

Schr Jupiter. Baraga, light. Sohr J. U. Porter, Amherstburg, coal.

LAKE ERIC. TOLEDO, Sept. Props Concord, Tawas, salt; Brittam and consort, Reindeer, lumber; schrs Hammond, Charger, Oswego, coal; Voges, light. Erie, Sept. Winslow, Buffalo; Alaska, Chicago; India, Duluth.

-CLEARED: Winslow, Duluth; ludia, Buffalo. FAIRPORT, Sept. Spokane, Ashland; John Mitchell, Two Harbors; Corona, Oscoda and A. Keating, Escanaba; all Spokane, Ashland; Pasadena, Two Harbors; all light. BUFFALO, Sept.

-ARRIVED: Portage, Neshota, Buffalo; Jewett' delphia; liope, Moran, A. L. Hopkins, Roberta, Agnes, E. C. Roberts.

-CLEARED: With sundriee, Cayuga, Jewett, Hudson, Chicago; Sage, Toledo, coal; Hope, Charles Eddy, Chicago; North Star, Duluth, light; Neshoto, Duluth; Mercur, Escanaba; Roberte, Inter Alt. Clemens; Roberts, Ocean with Sawyer and Champion, coal, Chicago, left at noon. Inter Ocean returned in a few hours in tow of a tug, baving 'lake the consorts proceeded under sail. blown out her cylinders. The wind being will take about two weeks to repair the Inter Ocean's engine.

LAKE SUPERIOR. DULUTII, Sept. 1-ARRIVED: James Fisk, Bulgaria, Northwest, Outario, North Wave. -DEPARTED: North Wiud, wheat, Buffalo; Ontario, pass and freight. Two HARBORS, Sept.

North Wind. SUPERIOR, Sept. None. -DEPARTED: Araxes, American Giaut, Two Harbors, for ore. LAKE MICHIGAN, MILWAUKEE, Sept.

RIVED: With mdse: Newburgh, Wissahicken, Oswego, Tioga, W. L. Frost, Juniata. -CLEARED: Oswego, Buffalo: Tioga, Chicago. ESCANABA, Sept.

1-ARRIVED: Palms, Plymouth, Mooulight, Arizona, Oscar Townsend, Watson, D. Wallace, Ed Kelly, lawgood, Avery, Progress, McBrier, Bloom, Fitzgerald, Ketcham, Una dilla, Groton. -SAILED: None. CHEROYGAN, Sept. Abercorn and barges, Col.

Eilsworth. MANISTER, Sept. 8. ARRIVED: Markham, Thompson, Joys, A. Lawrie.

C. Hull, Sam Flint, Nellie Mason. Do -Up: MINORVILLE Sept. 8. Oiga, Mayllower, Emerald, Thomas Smith, I.

Badger, Pewaukee, Butcherboy, Barbarian. STRAITS, RIVERS AND CANALS. PORT DALUOUSIE. Sept. St.

Magnus, -DOWN: Canada. -ARRIVED: Saginaw Valley, prop Niagara. PORT COLBORNE, Sept. flaskell, Ogdensburg to Chicago. RIVED: John Martin and consorts, WaverJ.

A. Walker and consorte, achr Prussia. DETROIT, Sept. Passaic and barges, Ranney, Negaunee, Wagstaff, 12:40 a. Frontenac.

Columbia, Olympia, Pasadena, Cobb. Kalkaska, Mackinaw, Point Abiuo, Leland, Prentice, Carpenter, Brainerd, Parks, Foster, Niko, P'orter, Morley, Ewen, Rugee, Veronica, S. C. Clark and barges, 11; Josephine, Parker, Ishpeming, 12; Pawnee nod barges, 12:10 Northern Light, Rust, Tokio, prop Delaware, 2:10: Flint, Woolsou, Comanche, l. Wolf, Havana, felena, Italia, Owen, II.

B. Tuttle, Queeu City, Michael Grob, Senator Blood, DOWN: Bailentine, Ironton, 12:30 a. Grand Traverse, Tempest, barges, George F. Willians cleared City of Coucord, 11; Conemaugh, Gratwick, Rosedale, 1:10 Maine and barges, Florida, Russia, Westford and barges, Chemung. Il.

Stark, Bessie, F. L. Vance, Joseph Paige, J. L. Austin, Hackett, McCregor, C.

N. Jobuson, Egan, Barnum, Wort, lairbank, Egyptian, k. Winslow, Badger State, J. C. Gilchrist, Law.

Bacon, Gilmore, Wanderer, 5:20. LATER--UP: Sea Gull and consort, Business, Cayuga, C. H. Burton, Wilcox, Marengo, Morris, Selkirk, Straubenzie, Ed Swith barges, lug Owen, Merrill, Estell, Sigel, C. G.

King, Badger State, E. Jenks, Danforth, Schoolcraft, Nester, Wales and barges arrived Hebard and cousort, tug Winslow, Iliawatha arrived 11:30. PORT HURON, Sept. Syracuse, Cambria, Turner barges, 10 Garden City and barges, 12; Lehigh, 12:20 a. Barion, Annie Young, F'edora, United Lumbarman and barges, Mary Merrett, Park with Mary, Spook, Olwell Baldwin, Cook, David Stewart, Burt, Columbian, Caledonia, Couch, Rose aud barges, Louis and consorts, Alcona cousort, Robey, I.

E. Packer, Tom Adams, Nyack, Rhodes, Frontenac, Columbia, Tacoma, Ruby, Pridgeon, M. J. Wilcox, Narragansett, 11; Oliver. Mitchell, lodge, Olympian, Rauney, Negaunee, Wagstaff, 12; 'Toledo, Alma Munro, Sicken and barges, Pasadena and consort, Passaic and barges, Parks Foster, Porter, Veronica, Rugee, Northern Josephine Parker, ConeAustin, maugh, 11 p.

Brady, Joseph Paige, Stark, 7 a. R. J. Hackelt Jenks, consorta, Florida, Campana, E. Dunford, Sanilac, F.

L. Bacon, Vance, Gilmore, Richard Ed Winslow, Smith Sumner, barges, Estell, Egan, C. A. King, Ward, John B. Merrill, Gilchrist, Law, Fairbanks, Devereux, Badger tug State, Winslow, Ilia Wales and barges, Schoolcraft, Nester, Roanoke, Servia cousort, Australasia.

Georger, P. Glasgow and Wright, barges, Yakima, Colorado, 9:30. DEALER Huron STE. City, MARIE, Sept. Chandler, 9:30 p.

Flower, Grover, Quayle, Brown, 5:50 A. P. Grover, Baldwin, India, DashWhitnev. 7: 7.40. SEPTEMBER 9, 1889 WANTED -MALE HELP.

-Plasterers; cornice hands; months' work: $4 per day. I. T. contractors, Auditorium building, Chicago, Ill. $2.50 ANTED -15 day.

sandstone Apply to Robertson quarrymen; Eureka Sandstono Quarry, Tenino, W. T. is such that work can be done all winter. au-28-1m WANTED the -Six good luber bricklayers manufacturing on the pany, Marion. none need apply except class mechanics; come well provided with John Gorman Son, contractors.

ANTED--Man that understands the care horses and is willing to make himself around a place. Address box 151, Plain off Two good upholsterers: trill stendy employment to the right men. at 180 Superior st. ANTED- Two or three good solicitors for accident insurance company; good ments offered and if suitable will arrange for ritory. Call on or address.

Monday and Tuesday from 9 to 12 a. C. Winkel, 100 Bridge st. WANTED- A man. 653 Pearl st.

month ANTED-Smart guaranteed. man a with D. $50 C. to Merr, $100; Shore housc, Bank st. cities, represent in his locality a -A live mun, living outside leading house; monthly salary $60 to $100 at start: ences exacted.

Supt. Mfg. House, lock box New York. WANTED- SITUATIONS-MALES. Bookkeepers.

WANTED -Situation or by' office a young clerk; call married nish best of references. Address box 142, Dealer ofice. WANTED bookkeeper -Situation and by salesman; young wants married make a change; can refer to present employers 31 1 others. Address box 159, Plain Dealer WANTED A competent sinall set of bookkeeper books to and keep stenographer. Address box 163, Plain Dealer ofico.

Coachmen. lishinan; ANTED-Situation well understauds as coachman his by duties; an good laundress and neat. 34 Tracy Side. box 177, ANTED--Situation Plain Dealer as office. coachman.

Address WANTED Situation references. by Swede Address man as 480 coachstreet. 11 WANTED can milk as and make coachman by hiwself ful; middleaged, single; can give references. dress box 168, Plain Dealer ofice. 11 as Address box 171, Plain Dealer ofice.

11 Situation as coachman: understands care of horses and is willing make himself useful around a place. Address St. Clair st. 12 and ANTED understand -Situation the as garden; coachinan; can give can class references. Address box 3, Plain Dealer oflice.

12 Miscellaneous. nace in ANTED-Situation private family by for man winter; to tend Address R. 78 Erie st. 13 WANTED Situation by or 8 clerk in young store; married had experience; best of references. Address 157, Plain Dealer office.

10 WANTED man Situation in a education; railroad best office of refer- by onces and recommendations; low salary expected. Address box 156, Plain Dealer office. 10 work or ANTED--Situation collect; can by furnish boy of 15 references. to do office dress box 155, Plain Dealer office. 1) ANTED Situation by and a work young around Englishman house.

Address box 157, Plain Dealer office. 10 first ANTED class workman. by a Addross man J. as machinist; Schwarz, 34 California st. 10 WANTED where he can by boy earn of a 16 living: to work would like to learn a trade.

Apply or address 35 Canfield st. 10 crience references, Address box 180, Situation as retail delivery clerk; Plain Dealer office. 9 WANTED horse Situation lawn: by a good young worker man to around take the house, Address box 165, Plain Dealer office. -Situation by a young Englishman wholesalo shirt department; seven years' experience; would assist in packing room. Address box 168, Plain Dealer ofice.

11 -Situation by a young man of wholesale or retail grocery; steady work Ohio. preferred. Address 11. N. Rosebaugh, Bellevue, 11 for furnace.

Address by young John man to care Booker, 301 Waverley ave. 11 WANTED work; -Situation best of by :6 boy references. to learn a Address trade box 170, Plain Dealer office. 11 WA work at anything; best by of young city man willing refereuces. to Address F.

room 14, Kendall block. 11 -Situation by young man to do shorthand typewriting: $10 to anyone securing mo good, permanent position. Address box 174, Plain Dealer office. 11 to drive delivery wagon by a or as young porter married in store; man knows the city well; good references. W.

Haigh, 169 Prospect st. 10 WANTED bas Situation experienco by a in young bingo man 18 factory years of seven years; willing to work at anything. Address box 194. Plain Dealer office. 11 refercuces Address box 186, Plain Situation as bartender; good Dealer office.

9 by a young inan as Inachinist; first class workman. Address 31 California st. 11 WANTED man -Situation years a8 of age; stenographer operate cali- by graph; can furnish good references. Address WANTED man -Situation years a8 of age; stenographer operate cali- by graph; can furnish good references. Address 201 Lake st.

11 packer of of goods: worked in Situation in store by first class Cleveland the last twenty years for three firms, Box 191. Plain Dealer office. 10 ates either caligraph or Remington machine. Situation by stenographer; operBox 196, Plain Dealer cflice. 9 WANTED -By janitor or respectable any position married man of situstrust.

R. Chauter, rear 563 Euclid. 9 ANTED- Situation as first or second butler Englishman; experienced waiter. Address G. box 192, Plain Dealor office.

11 WANTED some Situation by outside young work; and competent employed in office at present. Address care of Cleveland cooperative stove company. 11 -Situation by young man stenographer. with some experience; character unimpeachable; operato caligraph. Address E.

E. 132 Duane st. 12 -Situation as stenographer and typewriter by young man; references Al; can furnish typewriter; come on short notice. Address box 4, Plain Dealer office. 12 FOR RENT--HOUSES.

FOR RENT good order; -House $16.66 of six per month. rooins, 10 Clinton 10 FOR Glendale. room house; rent $14. Inquire TOOR between RENT Cedar -House and on Garden. west side WALTON Willson 13 Public square; 'phone 2378.

11 FOR sewerage; 123 -Nice Quincy 8-room $:5. house; gas. Inquire water, next door. 15 TOR Ontario. 153 Lake.

Inquire at 44 10 FOR dition and all modern Kennard st. improvements. First class Apply conat 1032 Wilson ave. 11 FOR RENT nice -Six place; rooms. 10 furnace, laundry bath, Perkins near Sterling and Euclid aves.

9 ANTED -MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED To vacant exchange; lot in good or near young the horse city; will pay small cash difference. Inquire at 201 Superior room 206. aug2-ti BOARDING. BOAR or -Pleasant gentleman rooms.

and wife. with 409 board. Pros- for pect at. 10 WANTED do at -An home experienced rill g0 lady, by wants the SeW day or will act as housekeeper, Address E. Superior st.

10 3 THE LAKES. 1 "Old Hutch" Holds the Corn and Will Not Move It. Ile is Now Playing With the Vessel Men-Sinking of the Big Propeller Armour- -A Coming Test of the Different Marino Engines Vessel Movements--General Marine Notes. "OLD HUTCH' HAS THE CORN. "Mr.

B. P. Hutchinson is credited among vesselmen and grain shippers with having in bis grasp most of the cash here," the Chicago Tribune. "They claim with much bitterness of spirit that he will neither send the corn forward himself nor allow anyone else to do it at a figure at which they can now make any money with eastern markets they are. Under these unfavorable conditious the lake rate on corn to Buffalo sagged from 23 cents to 28 cents Friday, and was extremely weak at the latter figure.

at "The wain question among vessel wen this juncture became: 'I "Old Hutch" intending to play his game on through If be did, then bright prospects for money making audulged in by vessel for the last fortnight were to be the groups of vessel men on 'change that Mr. dimmed. Then it wis do rumored around in Hutchinson had issued a pronunciamento. It was that he would begin sending his corn forward when he got a rate of cents to Buffalo. This was as bad as not having the grain shipped at all, but it was the 3 cent Mr.

rate men had counted on when Hutchiuson's corn got started for New York. "Mr. Hutchinsou was asked in the afternoon was true he would ship when he got boats at 24 cents. He was in high good humorisat is be replied. 'I've got some loads to ship at 22 cents and I'll bet you $5 to $1 that I'll get that rate in three days.

I'll double that bet that freights will be 2 cents in thirty days. It is reported, around that I have chartered several vessels at spore than 24 cents, but I haven't chartered a boat fur to year. That mau 1 just pointing toward Mr. D. T.

Helm, to give me a vessel at 28 cents, but would not have it. "These vesselmen seem to think I have got to ebip that cora. That's where they are wrong. I don't have to ebip it. I can sell it here or I do what I please with IN FIFTY FEET OF WATER.

DETROIT, Sept. collision occurred last night at Southeast Bend, St. Clair flats, between the steambarges Philip D. Armour, bound down with a full cargo of corn, and the Marion, coal laden, bound up. The Marion struck the Armour on the starboard bow with great force, sending the latter to the bottom instantly.

She lies in fifty feet of water. Iler texas and pilot house floated off. The crew all escaped, but some of them had a close call. The with Diarion her is bow lying on at the the Canadian scene of bank the and collision her I I I stern resting athwartships of the Armour, bout over the latter's engine room. The Marion's bows are badly crushed.

A NEW SIDE WHEELER. steamer City of Detroit returns to this port CHICAGO, Sept. the next season she will hare a competitor on the Chicago and St. Joseph line in a new side wheel steamer to be built by the Graham company. That company has entered into a contract with F.

W. Wheeler of West Bay City for a side wheeler to be 230 feet keel, 34 feet beam, 00 feet over the guards and 13 feet in the Fletcher Co. will build the engiues. AN IMPORTANT TEST OF ENGINES. A lost important test of the comparative merits of the fore and aft compound and triple expansion styles of engines made for lake steamers is to be made by the Vermont Central line in the boats it now has under construction at Detroit.

The first steamer, the Gov. Smith, which was recently launched, is to have a fore and aft compound engine. The next steamer, which is to be named the Landon, is to be given a triple expansion engine. The boats are exactly the same both in build and boiler capacity, excepting their machinery. The results obtained alter they have been thoroughly tried both in speed and consumption of coal will decide S.

the style of engine the three subsequent steamers the line is building ou the same 1I. mold will be given. There Das been an endless debate on the lakes between the adherents of the two styles of engines, but it has resulted in no decision either way owing to the lack of practical tests. The triple expansion principle is an importation front salt water and is best adapted for a high of speed. On the lakes, outside of railrond and passenger lines, speed above ten or twelve miles does not cut much of a figure.

What is more to be de- ly, sired 16 economy in the consumption of coal aud quickness for work in the crooked rivers. The former is yet an open question. The latter is settled bevond dispute pattern. 10 In the favor experiment of the of the compound Vermont Central line it is believed that the triple pansion engine will require a trific more coal, but as a recompeuse will drive the bont from a half to a mile faster. It also involves she expense of a third engiveer.

A good point is made by the advocates of D. the compound pattern when they claim the triple expansion principle will prove A bad thing when boilers become old and boiler spectors begin culling down the pressure of Ira steam they cau carry, as it is admitted engines of that style cannot work successfully much under 110 pounds of steam. RELEASE OF THE LELAND. AMHERSTBURG, Sept. Saginaw released the steambarge Leland and brought her into port.

The greater por- p. tiou of her cargo of coal was jettisoned. C. M'DOUGALL'S LOOM. DULUTIT, Sept.

Alex McDougall was invited to the a United States custom house this evening and presented by eux, friends with a perfect silver model of his whale shaped vessel the 102. It is about thirteen inches long and perfect in every detail and all silver but the capstan, which is gold. It was modeled by Capt. J. W.

Miller. Capt. McDougall's yard will 80011 Van put on the stocks the 101 and 105, which will and cut this fall. 'The 103 will be launched about three weeks. MARINE NOTES.

The schooner May Richards came up from Ashtabula Saturday night and will go into Shipowners' drydock to be recalked. 'The corn cargo of the propeller C. A. Eddy, which was aground on Gray's reef, was only p. 8,000 a good bushels speed short.

when she Although went she on was unher bottom was found to have sustained no material injury. The keel and some planks werc splintered a trifle but nothing bad to be replaced. St. Capt. Lynn of Port Huron informs Cleve- and land vessel owners that the range lights which have been established at Port Hurou and Point Edwards will be burning in future.

A movement is on foot in Chicago to comtugs to burn only bard coal in order to tana, rid of the smoke nuisance. Officials of the Pepnsylvania coal company have beco inspecting sites at West Superior with a view of building docks. WIND AND WEATHER. John Mackinaw City -Northwest. light; clear.

Port Cotborne-North, light. Superior -Northeust, strong. Minorville-Southeast, light. Buffalo-Northwest, light; clear. and CLEVELAND PORT LEST.

IT. ARRIVED -SEPT. 7. Stir City of Detroit, Detroit, pass and indse. Prop Nyack, Buffalo.

pass and indse. 9:20: Prop Alma Munro, Montreal, pass and mdse. Prop Montana, Buffnlo, mdse. Prop Brittanic, Escanaba, ore. Pron Nellie Kalkaska.

Torront, Oscoda. Au Sable, lumber. lumber. Prop N. Mills, Baraga, lumbor.

Prop Calumet, Aghtabula, light. and Prop Nashua. Oscoda, lumbor. A. Rubo Richards.

Ashtabula, light. Prop R. Martinni. Bay City. lumber.

Emmn O. Hutchinson, Escanaba, ore. Itasea. Escanabn. ore.

El za Escanaba, oro. It. J. ('arney, Au Sable, lumber. billy Niwy, Au Sable, lumbor.

Sonora, Au Sable. lumbar. Tor A SPRAINS, "Bruises, BackI ache, Pain in the RRR 9 Chestie Congeition, or Sider, Soro throat, Rheuma. Neuralgia Lumbago, READY ca, HEADACHE RELIEF Soilier Toothache PAIN, or a few any applications 'act magic, causing the PAIN to instantly stop, Quicker Than anyKnownRemedy matter how violent or excruciating the pain the Rheumatic, Bedridden, Juirm. Crippled, Nervous.

Neuralgic or prostrated with disease may suffer. )ADWAY'S READY RELIEF. WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. A Cure for All Summer Complaints INTERNALLY--A half to 1 teaspoonful in half a tumbler of water will in a few minutes cure Cholera Morbus, Cramps, Spasws. Sour Stomach, Nausea, Vomiting.

lleartbura, Diarrhea. Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Colic, Flatulency, Fainting Spells. Nervousnoss, Sleeplessness, Sick Headache and all internal paing. "GENUINE SPECIFICS." NEW YORK, April 20, 1889. Dr.

Radway--I have used and prescribed your Remedies many years and know from observation and exporience that they are genuine specifics in nearly allforms of disease. Yours truly, P. DOWNES, M. General P. 0.

Den't. MALARIA IN ALL ITS FORMS, Fever and Ague. There is not a remedial agent in the world that will cure Fever and Ague and all other malarious, bilious and other fevers, aided by RAD so quickly as RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. 50 cents a Bottle. Sold by Druggists.

BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. WANTED work. -Situation 507 Princeton for two st. gir's to do diving 9 WATER day Situation take by washing woman to home. do washing Address 20 Laurel st.

9 ANTED Situation by an cxperienced woman as private family; first class references. Address box 178, Piain Dealer office.9 WANTED housework; good by references. competent girl to Address do box 181, Plain Dealer office. 9 WANTED plain -Dressmaking sewing. in Address families box 137, by Plain the Dealer office.

9 WANTED to do -Situation sccond by an work. experienced GorAddress box 185, Plain Dealer ofice. 9 do goneral housework. by a Inquire middloaged at; 064 lady Lo- to rain, in the rear. 10.

10- WANTED. -Situation housckeeping by respectable, middle will go out of city. Box 195p as Plain a chambermaid; Dealer or office. 9 WANTED small family, to do general housework Box 1, Plain Dealer office. good city.

references. 1 WANTED housekeeper -Situation by widow with little go in the or cook in a hotel; will office. country. Address box 191, Plain Dealer 03 118 9 WANTED the -Situation to do washing and street. 123 Orange 9 good general housework.

Garden st. 9 by Danish girl for Miscellaneous. -Situation by a yours lady, as a8- sistant bookkeeper or cashier. Address box 160, Plain Dealer office. 9 WANTED respectability au eastern any kind lady of of office refinement work or copying for law firing; good penman and accountant; experienced and competent for reoffice.

sponsible positions. Address box 175, Plain Dealer 9 WANTED dare -Situation gentlemen's by respectable rooms or offices. widow Address box 167, Plain Dealer office. 9 writer by young lady typeas copyist; operate a caligraph. Address Perry st.

9 by the day or to take home washing and ave. ironing or to do house cleaning, 26 Aster 9 writer ANTED Situation by young lady typeas operate a caligraph. Address 131 st. 9 7 by young lady as clerk or cashier in a grocery store; has had experience Parrs ate and can furnish references. Address 9 adway' I PILLS The Great Liver and Stomach Remedy For the cure of all disorders ofthe Stomach, Liver.

Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Norvous, Diseases, Loss of Appetite, MIca lache, Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Biliousness. Fever. Inflammation of the Bowel, Piles and all derangements of the Internal Viscera. Purely containing no mercury, minerals or deleterious drugs. NEIV LEASE OF LIFE." MIAMISBURG.

March 13, Radway: I am very much pleased to say I have been taking your mend pills, them with for all great you benefit, claim. I and They would hive recom- reani- mated my shattered frame and given me a new lease of life. Whenever symptoms of a disordered system arise your Pills quickly bring abont a cure. GEO. E.

SHAFFER. 8 DYSPEPSIA. DR. RADWAY'S PILLS are a cure for this complaint, They restore strength to the stomach and enable it it to perform its: functions. Tho symptoms of Dyspepsia disappoar andowith them the liability of the system to contractdisoases, Radway's Pails and Dyspepsia.

NEWPORT, Feb. 27, Radway: I have been troubled with dyspepsia for about four months. I tried two different doctors without any permanent benefit. I saw your ad. and two weeks ago bought a box of your Pills and feel a great deal better.

Your Pills have done me more than all the doctor's medicine that I have taken, etc. I am, yours respectfully, ROBERT A. PAIGE. Price 25c per box. Sold by all druggists.

DR. KADWAY 40., No. 32 Warren street, New York. TO THE PUBLIC- Be sure to ask for RADWAY's and sec that the name "RADWAY" is on what you buy. FEMALES Domestics.

ANTED -Situation to do general housework in small family: also situation for nurse girl. Audress 8.3 Superior st. 9 WANTED general housework by a or cooking. competent Call porson at 43 Lakovicw first st. north of the Lake Shore track running off Willson are, 9 WANTED Situation AS widow of housekeeper 30; can in give the references.

Address Mrs. E. C. Wilson, general delivery. 9 thoroughly satisfactory Situation as housekeeper by a references given.

Address box 162, Plain Dealer office. 9 woman. ANTED 274 -Situation Oregon by tho rear. day AS wash 9 widow; 2 cook; best of references Situation 23 housekeeper by A given. Call or write Mrs.

057 Superior st. 9 -Situation by girl to do general housework. Address 11 Lorain court, hear Columbus st. 9 housework ANTED-Situation in small by family girl or to to do do general second work. Address 41 Eagle upstairs.

9 WANTED work. -Situation 507 Princeton for two st. gir's to do diving 9 WANTED-AGENTS. three WA to solicit orders for Mellon, celebrated oil portraits; the finest made; 11 experience required; beginners carn $50 a $2 outfit free; send for full particulars; a wages chance. Safford Adams 46 Bond York.

aug29-1m tising ANTED-Agents; machine ever most produced; wonderful sells to merchant, manufacturer and business man new world; big pay; clear field; quick sales. Call com- address three days only, L. A. Bishop, first 61, Hawley house. tools.

FOR SALE- -MISCELLANEOUS. of TOR SALE -One second hand No. 61 Ruby uSeful air furnace; brick set with hot air pipes Dealer registers. Inquire at Morgan Steam Heating 9 19 South Water st. give TOR boiler, SALE--Fifteen connections, horse-power locomotive Apply $175, First class in every injector, Two sinokestack, 9.

burr feed mills and all kinds of mill machinery. 0. 0. Lartlett, 67 S. Water st.

an induco- SALE -A cheap lot in the vicinity ter- Wade park; will take as part payment road horse with wagon and harness. Goorze Parker, postolice box 178. aug 9 SALE -New set tinner's tools, stoves, ware, spring wagon. 50 Professor st. Lake FOR W.

H. Brown, 110 Ontario $100 SALE- Cheap; New Iligh Grade 14 STEAMSHIP TICKETS. large SO TO EURO PE-We have refer- Tuesday, Wedndsday, Thursday 1610, Saturday via Cunard, Guion, Inman, White Anchor, National, State, Allan, Nord-Doutsoher Lloyd French line to Havre. Hamburg-American Packet company, Red Star line, to and Liverpool, Queenstown, Glasgow, Derry, Larne, Galway, London, Bremen, Hambur, Stettin, Antwerp, Rotterdam. Paris, at fur- lowest possible rates.

Passports procured Plain sbort notice. For cabin and steerago 9 call at 178 Superior st. Established 1851. J. C.

WAGNER Agent. Telephone 945. to FOR RENT- -ROOMS. even- REN 52 Bond. FOR -Furnished front room in 9 RENT-Three or four unfurnished dren.

Apply at 242 Kennard st. for light he housckeeping to family without En- TOOR RENT -TWO pleasant furnished wife with large closets; $6 and $7 per month. West Erie st, 10 board: references required. Euclid Elegantly furnished rooms, 9 nue. Erie Seneca st.

FOR RENT-One furnished front room; first FOR also furnished parlor. 103 RENT--Front room. alcove and use- street. Ad-Furnished front room to one two ladies, 80 Wade Park ave. FOR en RENT suite; -Elegantly gentlemen furnished preferred.

rooms, 46 treet. to 217 FOR RENT Arlington -Furnished with room board, in gas, private bath milk furnace heat, to one or two geutlemen. first box 172, Plain Dealer office. FOR Erie RENT st. -Four unfurnished rooms, fur RENT--Nicely furnished rooms, with without Lord.

302 Prospect st. RENT--One furnished room with for light housekeoping; also one room for have tlemca. 07 Water st. box RENT -Nicely furnished rooms; steam heat, terms reasonable. 009 a near luntington.

79 Lake st. -Nicely furnished -Pleasant furnished front Ad- all moderate convenionces. 473 Superior FOR per RENT week. 62 -Furnished Wainnt st. rooms, from $1.25 the RENT-Three or four rooms on ground floor for light housekeeping.

Apply at Merchant ave. TOR RENT -Nicely furnished rooms for tlemon or gentleman and wife for housekeepat ing; also sleeping rooms $1.50 per week. 127 street. family, with or without board. 46 Bolivar REN Furnished front parlor in private stroet.

TOR RENT--Furnished rooms; table board, single meals 20 Cents; 6 meal tickets for 163 3 St. Clair st. 11 RENT- -Furnished front room for one gentlemen at a reusonable exchanged. 1:3 Franklin ave. TOR suitable for Large front room on firet floor, one o1 two gentlemen; all 17 veniences; references.

164 Lako st. TOOR ground RENT-A. floor. 31 Mandrake furnished st. front room and closets.

unfurnished; also 1 furnished RENT- Ono large I front I room with alcove room. 354 Prospect st. TOR RENT -One neatly furnished room, bath conveniences. 387 Prospect st. use of bath, terms very moderate.

shed room in private famquiro No. 47 Huron st. with closet. Parkman st. 9 Room furnished or unfurnished FOR or Nicely on furnished transient front, also.

rooms. Seneca st. 9 FOR RENT also parlor, large furnished front or room unfurnished; with first class board; hom*o comforts; references changed; also a few table boarders accommodated. 353 Prospect st. 10 FOR RENT 9 -In good new rooms brick can be block rented; rear .8, 6, 4 and 2 room apartments.

14 $8.30 RENT month; -Three water robins and for sewerage. housekeeping; Corner Woodland and Ohio. Apply at Steinfield's, Superior. 9 FOR rooms for RENT-Suite no housekceping, of three on nicely first furnished floor. Prospect st.

9 and bath. 356 Prospect st. 10 RENT on first door, with water FOR RENT- -MISCELLANEOUS. TOR REN stores, Nos. 60 and 62 and 01 and 65 St.

Clair each store 38x110, five floors and basem*nt; steam heating, engine, suitable for clothing manufacturing business; stores and 6215 lighted on three sides: possession immediately. H. P. McINTOSH. Room 201 Porry-Payno Building, Telephone 835.

10 103-109 Superior st. RENT-3-story building on C. P. railroad, with engine, boiler and sido track; will lease for term of years to a desirable tenant low rental. Il.

WAIN, 201 Sv grior st. sep6-1m FOR RENT OR TO L' SE-For it term years; a great a three-story brick block, 40x90; good location tor manufacturing, general business or storage. 30 and 32 Last River cpposite Detroit boat dock. 12 FOR Payne building, OR Nos. and 103-109 stores in Superior the st.

Perry- tew choice front and rear offices. either singly or in suites, still for rent in this building; also banking room, which will be finished like the National City 'bank's room and 2 storeroom 40x100 feet, with basem*nt and three floors 20x50 feet in the rear, connected with lower floor by steam elevator; this store will be rented singly or as tiro stores, cach 20x100 feet. This building is fire proof, all offices are well lighted and ventilated and many of. the suites have vaults; it has two fast passenger elevators (which will be run from 10:30 to 11:30 a. u.

Sundays) and a freight elevator for tenanis' use, and an electric lighting plant. Tho entire building will be heated with steam and supplied with lake water without any charge to tenaats. Telephone 835. HI. P.

McINTOSIT, 10 Room 201 Perry-Payne building. TOOR RENT-Store in the Atwater, building, Viaduct front, with or without basem*nt; good light. Apply Brooks Manning, li Atwater building. 21 FOR third of -Desirable Atwater front offices building, on Superior second and South Water streets. Apply Brooks Manning.

11 Atwater building. 21 RENT-Store and basem*nt, 47 Woodland reasonable; good lacation for grocery or notions. Apply Steinfeld, 212 Superior street. 9 MEDICAL. SE NUPERFLUOUS by electrolysis; HAIRS safo and permanently harmless.

reMra. Baldwin, 477 duclid opposite The StillmAn. MUSICAL. -Signor Rocco Rotunno of the Neapolitan Conservatory is prepared to receive flute or violin pupils at his studio, No. 802 Prospect st.

sep7-lin TOCAL-Mrs. C. S. Day, room 38 Clarence building; pupil of Errani, Italian method: voice training and building up of weak or strained voices a specialty. 11 FOR SALE -HOUSES AND LOTS.

our SALE -Fine lot on Kenlake near no G. DI. park HICKS, and electric per foot; easy week; 2218. room 11, 5 Euclid rare New TOR SALE -Handsome lots ou Anderson flagging; near on Woodland to $12 per adver- Newburg line of extension of Broadway every HICKS, street railroad; very easy terms. in the room 11, 5 Euclid tolephono or room FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- -Vacant lot 9 place to exchange for house and also house vacant and lot lot on Hawthorn ave.

to oxchange ence; another in on East End and pay cash Beach st. to exchange same hot ll. WAIN, 201 Superior and all in good 8 room house with large 9 condition; pleasant neighborhood: on with line of payments street care; will ba sold very reasonably, to suit purchaser. 172 Quincy inch5-tf inch SALE -On time and for cash, the convenient East to lots, the adjarent to Wade park electric lines, at $10 per of and and upwards. Apply any afternoon or good be shown around by George II.

Parker, H. dalo aves. (late O'Connor corner Crawford and O'Connor homestcad, Otf city. P. 0.

box septitf 13 and Payne ave, 12-room new tin- On Hazard st. between cold water, furnace and bathroom, house, finished hot Safety strect. ablo hardwood; price $7,000, $3.000 down: terms 9 Giddings to ave. purchaser. JAMES ROCHFORD, REAL ESTATE.

and TNO. COLAHAN, Star, Kailroad, River and Dealer in room 301, The Beckman. 204 Suporior property, st. Manufacturing, from Tel. 1841.

Take the elevator. Beifast TOR SALE -Acre land Park; better land in the vicinity of tho can not be had. to cut up into building on Parker, P. 0. box Apply by letter only, Geo.

passage 178, city. ATTORNEYS. T. I. man, 201 GRAIIAM, Superior st.

attorney at law. The sep2) private J. Court McCORMICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 9 place, rear Park theater. doo25 rooms PUDNEY THIEME, 11 Rooms 25 and 26, 117 Public square, Cleveland. chil- a ATTORNEYS AT LAW, rooms, patont office, To Fisher, late examiner U.

125 stone building. solicitor and counselor. 31 9 with BUSINESS CARDS. 10 ave- NEW YORK pictorial Daily World, Tribune and the Raphael. papers and books; the best cigar cheap.

5 South Water all st. lavana, 5c. 'B. S. Stapleton, 9 jy 27-3m sa-su closet.

LA ADIES' Corsets of any material made Bolivar specialties measure: for ladies' ladies' belts, and supportors and 9 moderate misses' woar for sale prices. Please call at 313 Erie st. or sep3-3m 9 NO -John Gillospie, chanical chimuey sweep in the city. only the Wood single done steam without going on roof if necessary. Hot 9 ders furnaces and boiler flues cleaned.

All Lakeview sent by court, mail to postoffice box 28, city, or Satisfaction between Bank and Water family guaranteed. 22sept and 9 warm and feed wy tonic food: it will Address FOR birds that are now moulting keep thow Store, sing opp. again; 20c by mail. Wilson's Big upstairs City hall. or on pool uros, tables coolors, show cases, etc.

Repairing SALE- -Billiard and pool tables, barfixt9 174 Seneca st. promptly attended to. A. gen- closet $9 Electric door bells tor $3 during 9 catarrh batteries, cure $20 electric belts. electrio August; Wanted $1.

Best male. Catalogue bath, 13 agents. Fletcher Fletcher Electrio South Water st. Euclid, proof safes on easy monthly payments. burglar fire and 9 low.

or address B. F. Smith, 50 Frankfort st. feb5-ly parlor; smokers' caler articles. and jobber of cigars.

tobaccos J. M. WATERMAN moved to 134 Superior st. 7 give me a cull. Imported cigars a spocialty; 134 Superior American House.

to aug24-2m 9 Linethod F. B. permanently CASSERLY removes De. her facial improved 31 ishes, superfluous wolos, by electricity; 9 operation painless, leaving the skin smooth. lors 261 Pearl corner Detroit.

13 genS OPPORTUNITIES. Lake 9 $300 BUYS HALF INTEREST IN LIGHT manufacturing business. Stock, terne, models, patent, big sales can well made. for established business paying 9 coal city property, one half bakery. businese ten years established.

$1,000 $1,300 -printing, and etc. Steam laundry, bargain. Hotels, 10 $1. M'CONNELL'S BUSINESS Established 18:9. 208 Superior st.

17 EXCHANGE: or good wan with $2,500 cash 9 business tako onchalf interost in 1t first class office and going real estate; businoss is established those and paying over $400 per month clear: con- only need call. with the cash and meaning business 9 N. 0. R. E.

b. room; 61 and 100 Euclid ave. 13 9 on DLANING MILL and lumber yard, $8,000, health; steam laundry; grocery: drugs; loon: general stock; confectionery: photograph gallory; bakery: road house; wall paper; painters' supplies; restaurant; moat market; botel: hard9 ware, manufacturing interosts of all kinds: bargains. McConnell's Business Exchunge. with Superior st.

Established 1869. 16 9 FOR roomers SALE- and -Lease boarders; of 16-room house; full good street. central In- part of city. Address box 109, Plain Dealer oflice. sepitf cialty ANTED- company: Partner rare for A chanco dramatic -for tho and right spaman; Mansfield, this is no fake.

Call or address Manager Ontario house, Cleveland. 9 55 PERSONAL. TOST was sent oity. She is but one CX- "all amongst a "very few," as hor talents in disclosing things" you may sock to know dates back from birth. 311 Detroit upstairs, with Mrs.

Keesler. 22 563 also TADAME MILLER, the colebrated clairvoyuo equal in telling past and future; tells names, ages. Satisfaction given. Parlors, 218 St. Clair st.

10 242 ME voyact. 811 Woodland medium and clairCLARK-business room 6. febl1-tf DERSONAL-Madame Le Rush, fortuna teller, 304 406 Erie reveals past and future, roliabla information on all affairs of life, missing relatives accounted for etc. my DENTISTRY. extracted painlessly, vitalized air 50 artificial teeth $7.

Dayton, dentist, 5 Euclid rooin 2. tt TO LOAN. PERMANENT loans BUILDING for purchase AND or LOAN building of homes, repayable principal and interest in easy monthly instalments. jv30-1m-eod to 10 years' time on city property or faring TO -At per cent. for from at in Ohio and will buy mortgaged notos.

II. WAIN, 201 Superiors st. mylotf of TO to loan on watches, ditmonds, jewelry of all kinds, at reasonable rates. Business strictly confidential. Established 1850.

$25,000 worth of unredeemed goods for sale at about half price. All kinds of repairing done at about half tho regular price. The Home Security 119 Ontario st. A no of eastern money to loan in a LANDS BARNES, 5 Euclid telephone suing of $10,000 and over at 5 I per cent. ille 901.

sepitf ARTISTS. a $5.00 for CABINET thirty days PHOTOS at reduced larrington's, to $2.50 472 Pearl st. ly WANTED--ROOMS. WANTED for light by October housekeeping; pleasant, between Scovill and Prospect. Willson and Forest; by lady and daughter: good references; private family preferred.

Address box 176, Plain Dealer office. 10 WANTED housekeeping: or four 15 unfurnished minutes' rooms walk from postofice. Addres3 C. care letter carrier 25. 9 few furnished or partly furnished rooms for light housekeeping; West Side.

Address box 188, Plain Dealer office, 9 -A single room by young gentlewan. Address, stating terms, box 2. Plain. Dealer office. 9 WANTED about -Three rooms ten for minutes' light walk housekeep from Euclid ave.

depot; two in family. M. 11. Tyler. 859 Willson ave.

10 ANNOUNCEMENTS. late firin of L. L. Cook Bros. has been dissolved by the death of C.0.

Cook. L. L. Cook is to assame all liabilities, and all credits of the firm to be paid to said L. L.

Cook. L. L. COOK. my9-tf.

LIZZIE M. 000K. Adu'x. JUDICIOUS AND PERSISTENT Adverueily Dad alwaye proven successful, Before placing any Newspaper Advertising consul LORD THOMAS, ADVERTISING do Randolals Suresto CHICAGO Wade torms. telephone 13 30 M.

22iS. 13 on lot: for differs WAY. st. lot, choicest and foot evening old Rosa178, Superior and in suit399 9 aug7-tf Wade lots H. sepitf.

Beek- 11 st. 0. S. Black- Star: is No. ta other at we; Work air, or18 sta.

them mike Bird land, tf $15 frea. Call st. and blemnPar patbe to well 65, ill sa- 205 of to.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.