The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

'PLAIN. NAIVE DEALER- -THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE-12. Found, Strayed or Stolen, not exceeding Four Lines, will be inserted in both editions for 25 cents. To Rent, To Let, For Sue, Lost of AUCTION SALE.

NOTI Saturday, IS June HEREBY 14th, 1879, GIVEN at 1 THAT o'clock at Room 3, Perkins' Block, in the city of Cleveland, 0, thirty (30) shares of the capital stock of the Mono Tunnel Company will be sold at auction to the highest bidder for the unpaid thereon, suid thirty (30) shares now standing in the name of F. D. Conklin. Terms of sale, cash, By order of the Board of Directors. JOHN P.

HUMPHREY, President. E. J. BLANDIN, Secretary. LOST OR FOUND.

FOUND--Brown Water Spaniel Dog. owner can have him by paying charges. Call at 740 Lorain street. FOUND bay Mare, STRAY heavy set, with two -Found, white a fetlocks. and white spot behind the ears.

The owner can have the same by paying penalty and charges by applying at the Sixth Ward Pound. LOST BRACELET ONE -Has LADY'S E. GOLD engraved CHAIN on clasp. Liberal reward will be paid for return of bracelet or information leading to its recovery. I.

V. GARRETT, 145 Water street or 91 Seymour avenue. NOTICE. TN CONSIDERATION shave of for the cents; hard times hair cutting, 20 cents; children, 15 cents. J.

T. ALSTON, No. 8 Prospect OFFICE OF THE CITIZENS' SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, CLEVELAND, May 31st, 1879. EPOSITORS in this Association are hereby notified that on and after July 1st next interest will be allowed on deposits as follows: On sums of $8,000 and less five per cent. per annum, and for any excess over $3,000 four per credited semi annually.

U. W. LEP. l'ER. Treasurer.

my31tljull MEETING NOTICK. A MASON CO Lodge, No. meet 229, at F. Members and Masonic A. are requested to Hall, Case Block, Friday, June 13th, at 2 D.

sharp for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late Brother, J. B. Esty. By E. D.

P'AGE, W. M. -C. H. GARTIN, Secretary.

owners in Lake View Cemetery, for the -The annual mecting of the lot election of four Trustees and a Clerk and the transaction of such other business as may be necessary, will be held at the oflice of the Association, No. 123 Huperior street, on the 2d day of June next at three o'clock p. In. J. 1.

WADE, P'resident. (leveland May 22d. 1879. FOR SALE. FOR SALE LIVERY in the AND city; stock 'BUS all LINE-The only one good and new; population four thousand; terms low.

Address BIGELOW Box 336, Shelby, 0. ff SALE OR EXCIANGE -West ern lands, farms and city property. Great variety. O. B.

P'ERDUE Real Estate Brokers, Water street, N. W. corner Superior street. EXCURSIONS. EXCURSION point in PARTIES the West to or KANSAS Southwest should get their information as to rates for freight or tickets at the office where rates are made.

Their best interests will be served by addressing or calling upon A. J. SMITH, General Ticket Agent, C. I. No.

91 Water street, Room No. 11, R. R. Block. MEDICAL.

TS for A CERTAIN SYPHILIS, SCROF- CURE ULA, OVARIAN TUMORS, DIABETES, BRIGHT'S DISEASE and all BLOOD POISON. Cure of Syphilis guaranteed either stage. Send for pamphlet, and please state disease. Oftice hours, 8 to 11 for ladies: 11 to 2 and to 8 for gentlemen. T.

HI. GOODSELL, Sole Western Agent. OfAce. 52 Seneca street. Cleveland, O.

MISCELLANEOUS. ATONEY TO The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. is prepared to make loans on first-class business property and improved farms in the State of Ohio at current rates of interest. No commissions are charged for placing loans. Applications may be made by letter or person to A.

D. ALDEN, Special Agent, 148 West Fourth street, Cincinnati, 0, or to L. W. MUNROE, Agent of the Company, 211 Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio. junG: TEAMSHIP PASSAGE AGENCYEstablished in the year 1851.

Emigrant tickets East and West, first and second class, good on any express train, at the lowest excursion rates. Passage tickets for all mail line steamers to or from Liverpool, London, Glasgow, Queenstown, Belfast, Dublin, Derry, Bristol, Cardiff, Piymouth, Bremen, Hamburg, l'aris, Havre, at considerably reduced rates. Drafts on the old country now lower than ever. A word to the wise--try the old Passage and Exchange Office of J. U.

WAGNER 178 and 180 Superior street, opposite Weddell House. dec13 $10 000 goods WORTII for sale of as follows: unredeemed 200 gold watches from $10 to silver watches from $2 to 340: 1,500 pwts of 14-k. gold chains at 80c per pwt; 100 diamond rings, pins, studs and ear-drops from $10 to $100; cameo, amethyst and plain gold rings; guns, revolvers, violins, guitars, at E. HOLMES', 140 Ontario street. All goods warranted.

P. to loan on all articles of value. SUMMER RESORTS. DENNIS COTTAGE, Splendid view ATLANTIC of the Ocean. CITY, ju123m TTS JOSEPH I.

BORTON. Prop. ROSADALIS. Pure Blood Will Tell. "A beautiful face is a joy forever." The ladies of Baltimore, Cincinnati and Louisville have always been celebrated for their beauty, and the highest medical authority has long since decided that their clear and lovely complexions are attributable to PURE RICH BLOOD, as they never resort to the usual cosmetics, the very best of which are dangerous.

If littlo Black Pimples, Blotches or any of the skin diseases appear they never attempt to cover up by using Face Powders but take at once the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, ROSADALIS. It is a sure cure for Scrofula, Ulcers and all skin diseases arising from an impoverished condition of the blood. One bottle will convince you of its great merit. For sale by all druggists. 1 John F.

Henry, Curran Pro prietors New York. BENTON, MYERS Agents, Cleveland, 0 ONLY Nine Dollars EFOR SIX Tree White Dress Shirts, MADE TO ORDER, AT Johnson's, 14 Public DOLLAR STORE. Aurora Dollar Store. in We are now offering some entirely new styles with those POPULAR BAMBOO ROCKING CHAIRS Gents' fancy large trimmings, Ebonized and Gilded bauds; upholstered Lawn Chairs. Frames for $1.00 extra.

in These the best Chairs quality of carpeting for particular, made from the best are selected perfect hard in every wood and asking. worth more than four times the price wo are to. Orders Our 10 by cent mail or department express continues promptly. attended all classes with its wonderful bargains in to astonish Novelties. Goods formerly sold Ornamental Toys and Utensils, useful articles, Kitchen are now placed on this counter for Vac and 50c for 10c.

E. TTS 210 Superior Street. F. W. WARDWELL 00., Crociond Plain Draier.

DAILY, TRI AND WEEKLY. TO THE PUBLIC. The rapid and steady increase of circuation of the PLAIN DEALER, it being the only English Democratic duily published in the city, makes it a valuable advertising medium. Business men and all wishing to enlarge and increase their trado should advertise in the PLAIN DEALER. Parties desiring to rent or sell houses, to buy or sell real estate, desiring hired help, should advertise in the "Wants" department of the P'LAIN DEALER.

BUSINESS MEN desiring "Local Notices" business, trade, or notices of any nature, will please leave word at our Counting Room. Orders for the Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly can be left at the PLAIN DEALER of. fice. Seneca street. New Advertisemeuts.

Euclid Av. Opera Mouse- Tony Pastor. Enclid Ave. Opera House--Kate Claxon. E.

R. Hull- Clothing. Hower lligbee-Dry Goods. M. Halle Co.

-Gloves. F. R. Merchant--Deposition Notice. Steamer Pearl -Excursion.

J. H. Borton-Dennis Cottage. Bigelow Bros. -Livery Business for Sale.

Lawson's Curative. Lawsou's Curative- Local. E. I. Baldwin Co.

-Dry Goods A full line of Ladies, Misses and Children's machine and hand sowed Shoes at McGuire's, 120 Ontario street. RISE IN COTTONS. -A great advance has taken place in Cotton. Most merchants have advanced their rates on cottons, but at E. 1.

Baldwin one can still get them at old prices. This firm have three cases of Extra Stout Fancy Striped Shirtings at a shilling, although they have not been sold at less than 15 cents. Tickings, Carpet Warps, Ginghams, l'rints, Sheetings and Shirtings can be had of Baldwin Co. at lower rates than at any other establishment. Men's custom Boots and Shoes made to order at McGuire's, 126 Ontario street.

To Pittsburgh. Two trains each way are now running between Cleveland Pittsburgh over the new route via the Atlantic Great Western and Pittsburgh Lake Erie Railways, leaving Atlantic depot, Scranton avenue, at 7:10 m. and 2:40 p. reaching Pittsburgh without change at 1:05 and 8:20 p. Ill.

Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. A full line of Men's machine and hand tario sewed Boots and Shoes at McGuire's, 126 On-: street. CITY AND GENERAL. Three coal oil lamps in Birch street exploded last night. The elevator in the City Hall is out of repair and is not running to-day.

Eugene C. Rogers, thirteen years old, away yesterday from his home, No. 19 Sked strect. Bear in mind the Diet Dispensary lawn fete at Haltnorth's Garden this afternoon and evening. The Free Will Baptist Sunday School of the South Side will hold a festival on their church grounds on Thursday of next week.

The Cleveland Baptist Association is still in session in the Willson Avenue Baptist church. William H. Gaylord was this afternoon appointed administrator of the estate of Robert Atkins. Alexander J. Gott and Mary Weigel were to-day adjudged insane and ordered sent to the Asylum.

A young woman named Kittic Brown escaped this morning from the Lunatic A Asylum The at Sunday Newburg School and scholars is still and at large. congregation of the First Congregational Church on the West Side will have a picnic on next Saturday at Rocky River. An artists' picnic will be held at the house and grounds of Mrs. Dunham, between Euclid and Collamer, on Tuesday next. The whip and lap robe stolen from Alexander McClane's buggy while standing in front of a Monroe street saloon have, been recovered.

The Palmer Guards of Columbus and another colored company of somewhere in the interior of the state are talking of going into camp at Rocky River sometime during the summer. The Soldiers' and Sailors' Mutual Benefit Association hold their regular mecting in Crocker's Block this evening. A full attendance is requested. Mrs. A.

13. Spears, of room No. 4 Cham. berlain Block, lost a pocket book, containing $8 in currency and a pair of gold spectacles valued at $14, ou Superior street a few days ago. Andrew Harris, the eight year old boy who ran away from the Detroit Street Industrial Ilome Tuesday morning was found in Collinwood this afternoon by oflicer Sprosty.

At the meeting of the Cleveland Presbytery Wednesday the pastoral relation be. tween Rov. J. Jones and the church at Chester was dissolved by request and the pulpit was declared vacant. A little five years old daughter of Mr.

Clauss Linderman, of No. 10 Carroll street, accidentally fell into a cistern in the rear of the residence about three o'clock yesterday afternoon and was drowned. More reports have been received of the bursting of the new fangled oil street lamps. In one case a lamp burst in front of a cooper shop, where shavings were scattered all about, and if the bursting had been in the night when no was around there would have been a conflagration. All persons interested in the subject of public drinking fountains, and desiring their erection in those parts of the city now entirely destitute of them, are invited to be present at a mecting to be held Saturday, June 14, at 4 p.

in the chapel of the C. A. At a meeting of the Cemetery Trustees yesterday we understand there was some. thing of a breeze. An employe named Charles Gimper was "bounced" and he spoke his mind right out in meeting.

It is said that Gimper is about 10 make sone damaging revelations with reference to the management of the Board and the conduct of one of the Trustees. PERSONAL MENTION. Detective Lohrer is, in Cincinnati. Justice P. I.

Kelly has returned from Columbus. Mr. Joy, of Boston, and Miss Emma, daughter of Dr. J. A.

Torry, of this city, were married yesterday at the residence of the bride's father, No. 71 Jenniugs avenue, Rev. C. S. Pomeroy, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, officiating.

Mr. and Mrs. Joy went cast on a wedding tour, returning from which they will make their home in Cleveland. At the Forest 1. Wilner, N.

George I. Bell, New York; Mr. Troy, and Mrs. J. A.

Lansing, Utica, N. N. DI. A. Newell, Weinberg, Toledo; E.

Kalz, Pittsburgh; Meadville, Baltimore; D. L. Quinn, Henry E. Reynolds, Salem, S. B.

Robinson, Marysville, M. Freidenthal and L. W. Smith, New York. At the P.

Miller, Buffalo; C. B. Baird and wife, Wooster; A. W. Schlect, D.

Bellairo; A. B. Flower, New York; ville; James Hofins and 8. lI. Phelps, SharpsCarter, Now Orleans; G.

A. Harlan, Fremont; V. G. Gerwig, Cincinnati; 0. Benton, Hudson; N.

Fisher, Vermillion; F. W. Townsend, West Richfield. River Street Inn. The ladies of the River Street Friendly Inn desire to acknowledge the receipt of the following contributions toward the repairing and furnishing of their new chapel aid reading room at No.

163 River street: CASI RECEIPTS. Mr. Joseph Upson Walton 10.00 10. 1. 50.00 J.

D. Rockerfoller. 50.00 T. Somers 5.00 Mrs. W.

H. 10.00 Mr. Mrs. D. W.

Patterso 3.00 Mrs. S. 10.00 Mrs. D. 4.00 Mr.

H. B. 25.00 J. J. Tracy.

50.00 Mr. Vincent 3.00 J. M. Hower. 1.00 C.

H. Seymour 1.00 J. 1.00 I. Stone 3.00 Miss B. Sedgloy .25 Total $307.25 DONATIONS.

c. King; 1,000 feet of lumber: Sturtevant, feet of lumber: B. P. Jenness, 300 feet of lumber and lumber for window boxes, Shorwin Williams, paint; Strong Cobb, twenty-five pounds of lead: B. F.

Rouse, shelving and counter; Mr. Kilpatrick, curtains and towels; Rice Burnett, pair of vases; P. Churchill, feather duster; Mr. Krause, curtain loops and towel arm; Mr. Savage, book for register; Mr.

rinstrong, DAILY PLAIN DEALER; E. Cowles, Daily Leader; Gas Company, labor; Euclid Avenue Presbyterian Church, seventy gospel hymns; Sterling stair matting, doormats, carpet lining, oilcloth; Mr. Thyng, six tumblers, one mug; Mr. Butler. towel roller; Mr.

Reid, two mottoes, Mr. Ryder, two mottoes, Sargent Teal, looking glass; J. Foot, soap dish; Felsenheld toweling; Mr. Clayton, zinc for stove; Hunt Davis, look and key; Mr. Shackleton, stovepipe and labor; Mrs.

T. Crocker, carpet for ladies' room; Mrs. R. D. Noble, collection baskets; C.

D. Bingham, twenty-five yards matting; Moriarty, arm chair: Cobb, Androws stationery; George Adams, coal bucket, shovel and dust pan: Inglam Clark, "Silent Comforter: S. Hogan, six dessert spoons; F. II. Born, water cooler.

EXPENDITURES. Painting, carpentering, kalsomining, lettering, gluss setting. Painting 28.20 Labor. 20.00 Transparency. 4.00 Plumbing and gas fitting 22.990 Dishes 2.75 Hardware.

3.00 Twenty-five feet 2.50 Coal 1. (X) One hundred 41.00 Stoves, pipe and labor. 48.05 Curtains 13.00 10.00 Lounge 8.00 Four chairs and 8.00 Moving. 2.50 Total $366.79 On .40 AMUsem*nTS. TONY PASTOR.

No greater favorite visits us during the summer mouths than Tony Pastor, for all know that with him comes a company that is always first class, but this year he has surpassed all his previous bringing a double company, and all of the very best talent that could be procured. Mr. Pastor, unlike most managers, appears each evening, and gives a budget of his peculiar style of songs and sayings. The programme was long, and as scarcely an act was done that was not encored the audience got fully all they were entitled to. We cannot speak in detail of all that was said and done, but special mention can be made of Niles and Evans, who are the best song and dance men now on the minstrel stage; they are original in all they do and say, and their acts are free from coarseness or vulgarity.

The French Twin Sisters have improved wonderfully since we saw them last. Ed. French, a Cleveland boy, is one of the best banjo players in the country, and also a good comedian, and was enthusiastically received by his old friends and associates. Tony Pastor will play in Toledo to-night, and then go to Chicago for a week. MR.

ELLSLER'S BENEFIT. The scats for the bencfit of Mr. Ellsler, Friday evening, are being taken up freely, and we expect to see the house crowded. Mrs. Young, who was the popular representative old women characters in the Academy of Music company a few seasons ago, being in the city has volunteered to play the part of the "School Marm" in the musical burlesque of "Pocahontas." The other attractions are Gilbert's "Trial by Jury," and the Irish sketch "Family The bill indicates an evening of music and mirth.

KATE CLANTON. Next. week the Kate Claxton Combination will produce the new drama Double Marriage," at the Opera House. It has met with great favor wherever produced. She brings with her a large and talented company.

NOTES. The concert given 1 by Miss Helen Briggs, last evening at the hall of Brooks School, was well attended and the patrons of the school were highly entertained by the music teacher of the institution and her pupils. one should forget the fete of the Diet Dispensary this afternoon and evening, nt Haltnorth's Garden. There will be good music, an elegant supper, and the ladies will make it pleasant for all who attend. The ladies of the Pearl Street Inn have arranged for a concert to-night, when the following well known musicians will take part: Mr.

J. E. Herrick, assisted by Professors. Drake and Nichol, Mrs. Frank Price, Misses Etta Durheimmer, Lucy Harris, Miss Ileywood and Messrs.

Snow, Newcomb and Ingraham. Receipts From Pinafore. The Treasurer of the amateur Pioafore Company presents the following statement of receipts and expenditures for publication: RECEIPTS. Total gross receipts for seven performances, six nights and one matinee. $1,911.65 DISBURsem*nTS.

To M. II. Hanna, rent of theater, preparation of scenery, attaches of theater, gas, orchestra, newspaper advertisments and one half extra advertising, lithographs, by agreement 50 per cent. of gross 955.83 Rent of Halle's Hall for 30.00 Expense of lithographs, printing, 1 postage, etc. 10.39 Music, vocal scores, scoring orchestral parts, paid accompanist at rehearsals, hiring a moving of pianoforte, S7.25 Railway and traveling expenses, carriage hire, compensation to Mrs.

A. B. Kennan and C. M. Collins, extra expense attending postponement, 104.00 Purchase and hire of complete costumes for cast, chorus, wigs, paints etc.

sundry incidental expenses, 286.89 Total 81,510.35 Balance Paid to the Treasurer of the Chil- dren's Aid Society. 101.30 The committee wishes us to take this opportuuity of publicly thanking every member of the company for the careful and consetentious participation in the opera, which resulted in so memorablean artistic success. The individual efforts of each member of the cast, seconded by so admirable a chorus, it is felt has make the representations full worthy of the very high praise liberally bestowed and added greatly to the already cstablished roputation of the amatuer talent of Cleveland. 'To Mr. J.

'T. Wamelink especial thanks are due for his gratuitous services in the important work of directing the opera and to Mr. J. B. Lang for his efficient stage management; also to Mr.

L. G. Hanna, the affable treasurer of the Opera louse, whose uniform courtesy to every member of the company made him a host of friends. out a CAUTION. -Do not let your druggist palm substitute when you demand Dr.

Bull's Baby Syrup, or you will be disappointed, for no medicino for children equals it in effect. WEATHERWISE. Observations and Prognostications. MORNING OBSERVATIONS. SIGNAL CORPS OFFICE.

CLEVELAND, June 12. Tho following is the result of. the Unitod States Signal Corps obsorvations taken at 7:35 (Washington mean time) this morning: The pressure is rising in the Northwest, far West and Upper Mississippi Valley, accompanted by falling and followed by rising temperature, light, variable winds, mostly from the enst in tho first section, and partly cloudy or clear weather. In the Upper Lake Region rapidly rising pressure, falling temperature and fresh to brisk northeast winds veering to northwest, and clear weather prevails. Over the Lower Lake Region cloudy or partly cloudy weather prevails, preceded by areas of heavy rains, with thumler and lightning and variable winds, becoming fresh and brisk during the passage of this thunderstorm, with falling followed by rising pressure and higher followed by falling temperature.

Rain fell during the night at Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Erie, North Platte, Oswego, Port Huron, Toledo and Sandusky. The pressure is highest at Duluth and Fort Gary (30:07) and lowest at North F'latte Temperature this morning was as follows: Cleveland, 67; Albany, 70; Buffalo, 05; Chicago, 61: Detroit, CO; Erie, 70; Grand Ilaven, 68; In Crosse, 06; Milwaukee, 65; Port Huron, 61; St. Paul, 07; Toledo, 71; Sandusky 67. Lines are down at Madison, Alpena and Yankton. The maximum temperaturo at Cleveland at 3 p.


For the Lake Region higher pressure, cooler northeast to northeast winds and clear or partly cloudy weather, preceded along the Lower Lakes by local rains and followed over the Upper Lakes by winds veering to casterly. MARINE NOTES. Port Record. of corn. ready to leave Port Huron in twenty four hours for Buffalo.

A letter from Captain Spaulding, Superintendent of the Sault Canal, reports the water as steadily rising, which will be good news to owners of largo vessels. BUFFALO, Juno 11-Cleared-Propellers Newburgh, muse, Conestoga, muse, Russia, mdse, Potomac, mdse, Chiengo; China, mase, Duluth; barges Journeyman, E. Cohen, Little Jake, Superior, S. Clement, Saginaw. Coal freights are dull.

MARQUETTE, June W. L. Wetmore; schooners Brunette, S. II. Kimball, S.

II. Alker, I. W. Superior, Newcomb. Cleared Propellers E.

B. Hale, Sandusky, V. S. Swain; schooners Alva Bradley, I. Kimball, A.

Maxwell. Passed up -Propeller Winslow. Passed down -Propellers City of Fremont and Pacific. The vessel building at Radcliff Langell's ship yard will not be launched prior to Juno 21st, all reports to the contrary notwithstanding. Mr.

Minch has selected a name for the craft but will not reveal it until the launch, when ho will break a bottle of wine and formally christen her. Coal freights are firmer at 40c for large vessels and 15c for small vessels to Chicago and Milwaukee, and correspondingly to intermediate ports. The following are the latest charters reported: Schooners Vanderbilt, coal, Ashtabula to Chicago and ore back, Escanaba to Cleveland; Sophia Minch, ore, Escanada Cleveland, p. Wabash, ore, Escanaba to Ashtabula, p. Kato Richmond, coal, Cleveland to Walkersville, 30c; Exile, ore, Escanaba to Ashtabula; John O'Neil, ore, Ashtabula to Erie: Our Son, ore, Escanaba to Cleveland, D.

Flora Carveth, coal, Black River to Toronto, 00; Wawanosh, Black River to Toronto, 80c. A resolution was adopted by the Board of Trade yesterday, directing the P'resident to send an oflicial letter to our member of Congress, Mr. Townsend, requesting him as a member of the Commitlee on Commerce, to consider the question of the tunneling of Detroit River as well as the proposition that is 110W being agitated for a bridge at or near Detroit. All commercial men and vessel owners are unanimous that a bridge wodld be very detrimental to the entire commerce of the lakes, while a tunnel would not obstruct navigation, and would be of the same benefit to the railroads as would he a bridge. PORT IIURON, June 11.

-Passed lers City of Toledo, Cuba, Arctic, Avon, Philada with Allegheny; steamer Maring City, schooners Sunnyside, Acontias, Josecilic, C. J. Kershaw, St. Paul, Abercorn' and phine. Passed down -Propellers Pabarges, Forest City and consort, Yosemite and consort; schooners Richard Winslow, Frank D.

Barker, Ellen Spry, James I. Cause, Charles Foster, Joseph (. Masten, Chandler, J. Wells, Elizabeth Jones, M. E.

Trimble, C. G. Trumpff, B. F. Bruce, Watertown, Alex.

Muir, Mysotie, Sarah Jane. Wind northeast, fresh; weather fine. Arrivals, June 11. Scow A Lamars, Islands, stone. Prop Empire State, Duluth, mdse.

Prop Morning Star, Toledo, lumber. Scow Palmer, Islands, stone. Prop Schr Il City of Montreal, Port Stanley, muse. Webb, Escanaba, ore. Stmr Northwest, Detroit, indse.

Schr Jones, Islands, stone. Prop Cuba. Buffalo, mdse. Schr Blake. Rondeau, muse.

Prop Newburg, Buffalo, mdse. Schr Augustus Ford, Buffalo, salt. Prop Fred Kelly, Ashtabula, light. Clearances. June 11.

Stmr Northwest, Detroit, Prop Empire State, Buffalo, mise. Prop City of Montreal, Port Stanley, mdse. Prop Cuba, Chicago, mdse. Prop, Idaho, Duluth, mdse. Prop Newburgh, Chicago, mdse.

Schr Leonard Hanna, Escanaba, light. Scow Jones, Islands, light. Scow Mollie, Islands, light. Scow Conklin, Islands, light. Scow Palmer, Marblehead, light.

Scow Wilcox, Marblehead, light. MISCELLANEOUS. The steamer City of Detroit goes to Detroit to night. The steam barge V. If.

Ketchum was taken off this morning by lightering 16,000 bushels Tho greatest disorders that flict kidney and bladder melt away, before the all potent Bethesda Water. this city to-day are men, in full enjoyment of life and health, who firmly believe that but for Bethesda Water they would be in their graves. A Home Made Happy. "My restored health dates from my uso of the Vienna Female Tea and Pills," writes a lady from Detroit to a friend of hers in this city. The remedy is without parallel for all female troubles.

No ladies atllicted should fail to give it a specdy trial. It never fails to cure. Wholesale agents, Strong, Cobb retail by S. P. Churchill.

DIED. CASSELS. -Wednesday, June 11th, 1879, J. Lang Cassels, aged TO years. Funeral Saturday, the 14th, at 2:30 p.

from his late residence, 1016 Euclid avenue. 9:50 a. Juno 12th, at his residence, 23 Lake street, Randall Crawford, aged 52 years. Services at the house at 2 p. 1 IN.

Saturday. Burial at the convenieuce of the family. Friends are invited. 9th, 1870, Hannah, wife of Elias Cozad, aged St years. Funeral services at her lato residence, 194S Euclid avenue, Thursday, Juno 12th, at 3 D.

m. MASTER'S SALE. command of an order of sale issued from to the the Court of Common Pleas within and for the County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, on the day of May, A. D. 1879, in a certain action therein pending, wherein George D.

Brainard is plaintiff. Johana Devine and others are defondants and directed and delivered to me, I shall offer for sale at public auction at the south door of the County Court louse, Cleveland, Ohio, on Saturday, the 5th day of July, A. D. 1879, at the day, hour the of two following (2) o'clock in the afternoon of said described premises, to wit: Cuyahoga Situated in and the State city of of Cleveland, connty of and known as sublot of number eleven in Hiram Stone's subdivision being a part forty of original feet in lot No, 70, said lot umber 11 side of Hicks street, in said front on the southwesterly city. Said Terms of premises sale are appraised at $1,500.00.

cash WILLIAM I. HUDSON, Master Commissioner, P. P'RENTISS. Room No. Sloss Block.

Att'r for Plaintiff. YOU HAVE A STOCK OF DRY Caps, Goods, or of Boots and Shoes, or of Hats and thing or else, of that Hardware, you wish or to of Millinery, or of any. Hell, Advertise! FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCE. The Local Money Market.

CLEVELAND, June 12. The local money market is without inportant change, but there is a larger demand for currency, as tho pay rolls of some of the large manufacturing establishments and some of the railroads are to be met this week. Tho deposits aro fair and the situation comfortablo. GOLD AND BONDS. (Corrected daily by E.

3. Hale Bankers, No 111 Superior street.) The closing prices in this murkot for gold and government securities, are given in the following table: Buying. Selling Silver Sixes of 1881, 107 New 5s, New New 1021 New Fours, To-Day's New York Bond and Stock Market. By Telegraph to the PLAIN DEALER, 1 p. m.

Money 304 per cent. Sterling Exchange Gold at par. here Silver in London 5214d per ounce: silver bar Gold and Subsidiary Silver Coin per Cent. discount. Governments quiet.

State Bonds dull. Railroad Securities quiet. Stocks generally firm. Western Northwestern. 07 Pacific Northwestern pref.

Adams' C. bI Wells. Targo Co100 Jersey Central American Express Rock Island 140 U. S. Paul New York Central.119% St.

Paul Erie Toledo Erie Fort 1093 77 Mississippi. Michigan 583 Panama. .148 Pac Tel. Union Pacific. Kansas 51 Lake 76 Illinois Hannibal St.

Joe. Cleveland Pitts. Han St. Joe pref Canada Southern' Louis. Kansas St.

Louis San St. L. K. C. L.

S. F. St. L. K.

C. N. prefered. 23 C. C.

I.C St. Paul Iron GOVERNMENT BONDS. Gs of '81, reg. new, do coup 1074 do Now New 4s, do coup do coup Currency The subjoined table--also corrected by E. B.

Hale to-day's opening and closing prices of the active stocks dealt in at the New York Stock Exchange: Opening. Closing Western Pacific 16 157 Adams' Express Wells, Fargo 100 100 American Merchants' U. S. 401 N. Y.

Michigan Union Lake Illinois 97 Pittsburgh. C. C. C. I.

Rock 140 130 St. 59 Toledo 3037 Ohio 154 Lack. 581 59 Atlantic Pacific 394 35 Hannibal St. Preferred. 43 43 COMMERCE.

The Local Flour, Grain and Province Markets. CLIEVLAND, June 12. The Produce markets on the river and tario street were quite active during the part of the day, but business fell off in afternoon. There was, however, no particular change in the prices. Provisions steady but quict, the principal call being Smoked Meats.

The receipts of Butter somewhat better than yesterday but are light: prices are sterly. Eggs are firm unchanged. Poultry quiet and steady. Neither old or new Potatoes aro in large receipt the market is firm for the best qualities both. Oranges and Lemons in good demand and firm.

The following are the wholesale selling prices, which are carefully revised and rected each day. The report of the sales Grain always indicates the prices from unless otherwise designated: FLOUR steady and unchanged. quote as follows: CITY BRANDS. White 06.25 No. 1 Red XXX Amber XX 6.00 Akron City Mills COUNTRY BRANDS.

Red White XX XXX. and $5.25 Spring $1.2504.50 Red 4.0024.75 Brownhelm RYEFLOUR-Steady and in moderate demand: held at BUCK WHEAT FLOUR--Very little demand prices nominal at $3.0003.50 per 100 pounds. MILL FEED -Market is firm and steady; Middlings, $17.00 per ton: Second Fine, Shorts Bran, $11.00: Chopped firm and stendy: the ceipts moderate; held at $1.15 for No. 1 $1.10 for 2: rejected, very firm at 38c for No. 1 30e for No.

2 do: 39c for white. Receipts light, and prices are firm Re for low mixed; 43c for high do; Ears track 39.240c. RYE--Market quiet and steady at good to choice No. 2. BARLEY--Market quiet; moderato demand prices Western are and quite steady; State held at 65480c Canada -Steady at $10.50 per barrel for mess.

in PORK-Steady and the market is unchanged Extra prices; Mess, Short Mess, Short Clear $12.00: Prime, $9.50. LARD Market nnchanged; city rendered in tierces; 7c in kegs; country rendered SMOKED MEATS- Good demand and the ket is steady; Hams, light heavy Shoulders Bacon Dried do 13c; Country made lams do Bacon Shoulders Canvassed Meats are held higher. BUTTER- The market firin; receipts for choice and very nice: low grades in good fair; held at for good a to choice: supply and dull at Bc for common to dium: for prime; Creamery held at 120 140. CHEESE -The market is steady; fair demand; held at for good to choice; common, old and new. EGGS -Receipts are fair and prices casier selling at for fresh stock in barrels crates.

POTATOES-Thereceipts are small: and market is 1lrm; they are held at $1.1001.15 from store. for Peach Blows: for Rose and barrel. Peerless. Now are held at $4.0024.75 POULTRY -Demand light: the receipts small: Chickens, live. neld at fair demand for Turkeys at Ducks Geese each: dressed nominal.

Spring Chickens, in good request at dozen. BEANS--Dull but steady: hand picked Marrows picked Navy medium Hand PEAS-Held at GO for Wisconsin and Marrowfats or Salt SALT--The at following are the present flgures wholesale in this market orders are Dairy, FF 28, 10D bags, Dairy 60, hw bags, Dairy 100, Ib bags, Ground Solar, $1 15; Coarse Di mond $1.60: Diamond F. Ashton, per sack, Higgins, per sack, $2.90: Fine Unon daga. $1.10: Michigan fine salt, $1.10 per bbl. barrel Saginaw, is $1.10 allowed per bbl.

A discount of 5c per on salts in large orders for cash. SEEDS- Market steady: a moderate, jobbing trade; Clover held at for medium; for pea vine: Timothy, demand fair bushel; Alsike Clover Red Top 80e: Orchard Grass Hungarian Grass $1.30: Millet $1.30. -Market steady and firin; Linseed 62c for raw and G7c for boiled. ard PETROLEUN-Market aulet but steady; Standand White, under car lots Ohio test 5 barrels 24c advance; 10 bbl: and under 2c advance; 20 buls and under le advance; Headlight way (150) test 1tic, headlight (175 test) in a small above these figures. LEMONS--Market frin and the demand active; held steady at per box: receipts are moderate.

ORANGES--Market firm and good demand at $0.50 per case; per box; the stock only fair. at 20c WHITE LIME Good demand and steady; held lots, and SCe barrel in car lots; 75c barrel in large HAY--The inarket barrel is in a small way. demand for firm and there is A good 11.50 by baled. We quote Timothy at car Jots: do by the bale from store; Prairie nominal at by car lots. Baled Straw firm VINEGAR -Pure cider gallon and pay or packages.

White Wine, TALLOW--Steady at for good choice to lots. mixed FEATHERS lots -Prime live, geese ID; Chicken GREEN APPLES- dull and 2 moderate $1.50 inquiry; good re-packed qualities; per barrel. DRIED APPLES-Firm; now in moderate request at for good to choice. DRIED for PEACHES- Southern Unchanged and steady at balves. peeled 3746c for unpeeled, the HONEY comb; request strained.

at per pound in MAPLE SYRUP -Fair request per gallon, including packages. 40c for APPLE good Very good request at 350 choice per gallon. 10c per MAPLE ponnd. SUGAR--New in fair request at The receipts were: Flour, 759 bbls; Wheat, 2,400 Corn, 4,050 Oats, 0,400 Butter, Coalkes, Eggs, .84 pkgs; Pototoes, 4 cars; cars, OS boat by oanal; Hogs, 259; Cattle, 32. Shipments: Latest Home Markets--Transactions at the Board.

CLEVELAND, June 12. Flour, G10 bbls; Wheat, 100; Coru, 19,000 Oats, 2,100 Meats, 5 cars; Coal, 21 cars; Butter, 74 Lard, 1 car; Feed, 1 ear. The market Grain was quiet, and there. were no changes to note. Groceries.

SUGARS. New Orleans. 8c (tranulated Extra De Coffee. Yellow A SOAPS. Cleveland Chemical Pyle's O.

American 10c White German, white and 110Wc Bell's Buffalo Soap, 100 cakes in $5.25 Forest City (pressod cake). 0.00 Bell's do do 5.25 Oakley's do do 7.50 Eureka do do 5,00 Babbitt's do do 5.25 TEAS Young Imperial 35070el VOREIGN FRCITS. Choice new layer Figs, new old Valencia do Prunes, new. MOLASSES. New Cuba P'orto SALERATUS.

DeLand's Chemical.7½c|Healthy TC Gold 6c CANDLES. ROASTED COFFEE. Rio 30c Fragrant 10c Arbuckie' 17c RICE. Rangoon COFFEE. STARCH.

Pearl White Silver Corn. Satin Limper. CLEARS. First clear, 38.00 First clear, and 2 39.00 Second clear, 1 inch 35.00 Second clear, and 2 35.00 Third clear, 1 32.00 Third clear, and Since 32.00 Fourth clear, or box, I 22.00 Fourth clear, and 2 inch 24.00 Thicker than 2 inch higher. STRIPS.

Strips 2d and 3ds 33.00 Strips-4th quality or flooring 22.00 Strip boards, 17.00 Strips--Fencing 12.00 STOCK BOARDS. No. 1 18.00 No. 2 barn 13.00 SELECT COMMON, CONMON AND Select common, 1 17.00 Select common, and 2 18.00 Common, 2 inch. 12.00 Common, and 2 12.00 9.00 BILL STUFF.

Joist, scantling and timber, 18 feet and 11.00 Joist, scantling and timber, 20 feet and over, $7 less than length. DRESSED LUMBER. Surfacing adds to the price of rough lumber 1.00 Double 2.00 Matching. 2.50 Matched flooring (or ceiling), 1st and 2d clear, mixed 28.00€35.00 Matched flooring, select 26.00 do do 22.00 do do coarse. 16.00 do do Norway.

22.00 do do ash. 20.00 do siding, coved. 22.00@28.00 Siding, inch, 1st and 2d 22.00 Siding, inch, box 20.00 Siding, inch, 16.00 SUINGLES, LATH AND POSTS. Sawed shingles, XXX, 18 inch. 3.0003.25 Sawed shingles, clear butt and No.

1 2.0002.50 Sawed shingles, No. 2..... 2.00 Sawed Shingles, all 16 2.00 9.00 Cedar posts- 100; nodium, 16c; large, 20 030c. Oils and Drugs. OILS, PAINTS, ETC.

Oil, Linseed, raw. Oil, Linseed, boiled. Carbon, test 11012c Oil, Oil, Elephant, W. 650750 Oil, Whale, W. 600750 Oil, Sperm, W.

Oil, 35050c Spirits of Turpent Benzine 12015c Lead, white, in Zinc, white, in 6010c Putty, bulk and bladders 2024 DRUGS. Alcohol Nitrate Aloes lodide P'otass $4.40004.50 Blue Alum Vitriol 4c Quinine Sulp. 3.70@3.80 1.2503.25 Borax, 206250 Flour Castile Oil. £3.00 3.25 1.30@1.50 Copperas Salts. Oil, 3.0003.25 Epsom Oil, .7503.25 Gum Camphor.

Oil, 1.6003.00 Gum Opium. $5 Pen'erm't Hides and Leather. Prime Cured Hides, mixed Green tc Hulls, grubby, badiy scored or damaged. price Prime Dry Salted Hides and 10c Prime Dry Flint Hides and Kip 12c Horse Damaged Dry Hides and price Hides, $1.50 Prime Dry. 1.00@1,25 Cured Veal Calf, 8 to 15 11c Prime Dry Veal Prime Dairy Calf, GUc Winter Kips- as Hides.

Prime Veal Kip Pelts, wool estimated as 32c Lamiis' Sheepskins, early to 25040c Rough Leather, Tallow, Tallow, dark and No. 2....... 23c Fish. White Fish, half 4.50 Trout, half 4.00 Ciscoes. 8 half bbl 3.25 P'ickerel, No.

1.... 3.75 Pickerel, No. 2... 3.00 Herring, No. 2.00 Mackerel, 1, half 8.00 Mackerel, Mackerel, No.

1, mess, 10.50€13.00 No. 2, half bbls. 5.55 Mackerel, No. 2. half 5.7.3 Mackerel, No.

3, half 4.00 French cured 4.75 Cod, Georgo's Bank, cwt. 4.5004.75 Salt Salt Water Herring, 5.50 Water Herring, half 3.00 Dox Smoked Herring. Halit.ut, No. 1, new, Outside Markets by Telegrapn to the Plain Dealer. NEW TORR.

NEW YORK. June quiet; middling bbls: uplands sales 127c. Flour very firm; receipts 15,000 12,000 bbls: supertine state and western common to choice extra state 3.90: common to choice extra western common to choice round-hoop Ohio $4.00 06.00. Rye Flour steady. Wheat-Spring winter red; white a shade firmer; receipts 190,000 bush: sales 8,000 bush; no prices stated.

quiet; western state ada Corn active: receipts 238000 bush; sales :200.000 bush at 4 for mixed western. Barley dull and nominal. Unts steady; receipts 42,000 bush: sales 30,000 bush at mixed western; for white. firmer at $10.25 for mess. Beef quiet.

Lard stronger for steam rendered. Butter Cheese Whisky Sugar Eggs l'etroleum-Crude redned Tallow 5 5-16c. BUFFALO. wheat, BUFFALO, 150,000 Jnne 12. -Receipts -Flour, 3 165 bbls; ments by bush; corn, 98,450 bush.

Shipbush. canal -Wheat 28,813 bush; corn 15,300 Shipments by railroad -Wheat 10,500 bush; corn, 20,000. Wheat-Spring neglected; winter sales 1,000 bush white Michigan $1.12. Corn dull; sales 1,000 flush high mixed western at 41c. Rye Oats ond quiet; sales 1,000 bush No.

2 Chicago at 38c. for wheat Barley and neglected. Canal Freights quiet; for corn to New York. HIGHWINES. NEW CINCINNATI, YORK.

June 122. Whisky June 12 -Whisky steday at $1.02. 1.07. BALTIMORE, June -Whisky firm at 31.00½@ ST. Louis, June 12.

-Whisky $1.04. CHICAGO -Whisky $1.04. MILWAUKEE. the noon MILWAUKEE. board June closed advanced for No.

2 and steady at for nara; July: seller June; seller No. seller for August; for No. for shipments rejected; receipts 68,900 bush; No. 2. 9,410 bush.

Corn steady at for at 53c for Oats No. 1. quiet at for No. 2. Rye steady Barley steady at 64c for No.

2. CHICAGO CHICAGO, June firm cash; fu94c tures August. easier; No. Corn 2 firm spring cash; 99c July; and steady at bid firmat June; July; August. Oats cash; July.

lye steady. Barley Pork strong and higher at $9 95 cash and July; $10.10 asked August. Lard firm and August. higher at $0.25 cash; July; CINCINNATI CINCINNATI, June firmer. Lard held at short $0.15.

Bulk Meats stronger; shoulders $3.75, firm at ribs, $1.90, short clear Bacon and LIVERPOOL. 1033d LIVERPOOL. June 12 P. per Western cental, red Wheat-Western spring. 7sUd 8std club, winter, white.

cental. Oats Corn per Lard 33s. 5s6d. Barley 5s3d. Pork 47s.

low Bacon Beet 75s. Tal34s. Peas 6s3d. Cheese 45s. LEGAL NOTICE.

Ambrose Anthony In the Court of Common William vS. Farrell. Pleas, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. in TILLIAM the above FARRELL, the defendant of residence entitled action, whose place heard is unknown, but who, when last on the of, resided in England, will take notice that plaintiff 12th filed day of May. 1879, the above named Fleas his petition in the Court of Common William of Cuyahoga county, alleging that the said a Farrell claims an interest arising out of land premises: contract in and to the following described nine in Brooklyn A part of original lot number twentynumber township, being subdivision lot part two in Ambrose Anthony's allotment of township, of said West original lot twenty-nine of Brooklyn county, Ohio.

Cleveland village, Cuyahoga be The quieted prayer in of said petition is that plaintiff scribed his possession and title to said demay case will premises and for equitable relief. Said 1879. be for hearing on SAFFORD the 14th day of July, SAFFORD, 'may Att'ys for Weekly UBSCRIBE or FOR THE DAILY, TRI Weekly PLAIN DEALER. E. R.

HULL'S CLOTHING ANNOUNCEMENT. Half a Dollar, Three-Quarters of a Dollar AND One Dollar! These are the Prices for White Vests of Perfect Fit and Latest Cut, at E. R. HULL'S. Strictly One Price, Ontario Street.

HOWER HIGBEE. SPECIALTIES FOR June July Trade. No. 692 -Figured Lawn Suits $2 50 No. 693-Lattice Suits 3 50 No.

037-Striped Lawn Suits, Chinese bor4 00 No. 057-Striped Lawn Suits, fancy border and lace trimmed, at 5 00 No. 701-Brocaded Lawn Suits at 5 00 No. 690-Plain Lawn Suits, fancy border trimmed, 5 00 No. 694-Plain Organdy Suits, fancy border and lace trimmed, at 8 00 Also an elegant line of finer and higher priced Suits for party and graduating classes.

White Shetland Shawls, White Zephyr Shawls, White Satinette Shawls, White Berlin Shawls, White Turkish Shawls, Pink Shetlanc. Shawls, 1 Pink Satinette Pink Zephyr Shawls, Blue Shetland Shawls, Blue Berlin Shawls, Blue Satinette Shawls, Cardinal Shetland Shawls, Cardinal Zephyrs Shawls. Shawls, Clouded Striped and Fancy Light Shawls in a great variety. HOWER HIGBEE. We have just received 200 dozen LADIES' BERLIN GLOVES, including some excellent styles of 3 and Elastics, Lace top, VERY SCARCE AND DESIRABLE.

TI. Fallo co 147 WATER STREET. FURNITURE. ARCHER BARBER called; to the NEW ARCHER BARBER CHAIR. The best and cheapest Barber Chair ever offered.

They are sold on EASY MONTIILY PAYMENTS or at a discount for cash. Vincent, Sturm Barstow, Sole Agents for Archer Chairs, Nos. 114. 116 and 118 Water Street CLOTHING. ALFRED EYEARS 354 Euclid Avenue.

A REDUCTION IN PRICES. Suits made up in first class from $28.00 upwards. 1m DEPOSITION NOTICE. STATE OF OHIO, Cuyahoga County, ss. In Common Pleas Court.

Ella Ruehle John W. VS, Rueble. Notice to take Depositions. DIE DEFENDANT, JOIN WV. Ohio and Reuhle, whose who is a non-resident of the state of the said plaintiff, place of residence is unknown to the 7th day of July, will A.

take D. 1879, notice that Monday, nesses, plaintiff to will be take used as the depositions of sundry witthe above named above entitled evidence on the trial of the Griflu, 5 cause, at the oflice of Moore St county of Moffat Wayne and Block, in the city of Detroit, the hours of So o'clock a. m. and 6 Michigan, o'clock p. m.

between state of said day, and the taking of the same will of be hours, adjourned until from they day to day, between the same are completed. 1 ELLA RUEHLE. ju12 3w Th By F. R. MERCHANT, her Attorney.

DECOATRORS. Kemmer Kushman DECORATIVE CO. Have Ceiling the and largest and fInest assortment Wall Papers of Artistic west of New York. Fresco Painting mer's patented highest Oil style P'rocess. of art.

Also by Kemmv22 1m 338 EUCLID AVENUE. ATTACHMENT. William VS, Downie Before R. N. Denham, JusJ.

B. Myers and tico of the Peace of CleveEliza G. Myers. county, Ohio. township, Cuyahoga land ON said TIE Justice 12th issued day an of order May, of A.

D. 1879, in the above action for the sum attachment ing two June and dollars. Said case will be for hearone hundred 20th, 1879, at'9 o'clock a. m. P.

W. PAYNE. Attorney for Plaintiff. Cleveland, May 28th, 1879. my28 3wW AMUsem*nTS.

Saturday Excursion On the Elegant Steamer PEARL. Leaves foot of St. Clair street SATURDAY, JUNE 14th, at 2:30 P. Returns at 6 p. sharp.

GOOD MUSIC ON BOARD. TICKETS, 25 CENTS. EUCLID AVENUE OPERA HOUSE. GRAND FASHIONABLE EVENT. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 19, 20 and 21, Matinee Saturday 2 p.

m. Appearance of the Charming Emotional Actress, MISS KATE CLAXTON Supported STEVENSON, by the talented young actor, CHIAS. A. and her New York Company. THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS and SATURDAY MATINEE, will be presented Charles Reade's powerful ptay of the DOUBLE MARRIAGE, As produced at the LYCEUM THRATRE, New York, cal and success.

pronounced by press and public an unequivoSATURDAY EVENING Drama of DeEnery's Thrilling TwO Orphans. KATE CLAXTON AS LOUISE. atre. Played New by her York. originally at the Union Square he.

BOX SHEET will be open for the sale of reserved seats Monday, June 16th. BEDFORD PICNIC GROUNDS, Opposite the Bedford Depot. some Fifty of the finest acres of grove and dell, including giving TWO scenery in Northern Ohio. By plied with DAYS' NOTICE l'ienics can be sup. ICE OREAM OTHER REFRESHMENTS desired.

Application made by letter or telegram will receive immediate attention. Address 8108800. BEDFORD, O. HALTNORTII'S (HARDEN. SUNDER NIGHT CONCERTS EVERY Wednesday, Saturday and 1 Sunday Evening BY THE Germania Orchestra Arion Quartette COMMENCING SATURDAY, JUNE 7th, 1879.

Tickets ADMISSION -Gents, 25c; Ladies, 10c. Season $5.00: Ladies, $2.00. N. B- will run CHAS. to and HOGG, from Prop.

Euclid avenue every concert evening. jun? LAKE NAVIGATION. NORTHERN TRANSIT CO. Grand Trunk of Canada and Central Vermont Line. On and after this date of the this Company will leave Cleveland daily steamers of Mackinac, at 7 p.m.

for Detroit, Port Huron, SarRacine and Chicago. Cheboygan, connecting Petosky, at Milwaukee, the Grand Trunk and Central Vermont Sarnia with lines for Toronto, Kingston, Railway treal, Boston and all points in Ogdensburgh, New England, Mon or Northern passage New apply York to If. and P. the Canadas. freight K.

McDOLE. Pass. Agt. CHAMBERLIN, Agt. 1879.

1879. Cleveland and Detroit Steamers THE ELEGANT SIDE-WHEEL STEAMERS City of Detroit, Northwest, WDI. Captain. McKAY, Captain A. McLACHLAN, ed) Leave at 9 Cleveland o'clock, every connecting evening (Sundays excepttroit with the Michigan Central, next morning Detroit at Dewaukee, L.

for Chicago, Milwaukee, Sagi- Milnaw Northwest. and Bay City and all other points West and L. A. PIERCE, D. CARTER.

Agent. General Detroit. Agent, Cleveland. ASSIGNMENT NOTICE A SSIGNMENT that in NOTICE. pursuance -Notice is of the Probate Court of Cuyahoga of an order I will pay a dividend of 13 per cent.

county, Ohio, creditors of the estate of Close to Crozier all of the claims have been allowed by. Said dividend whose be payable at my office, No. 9 Public Square, will the city of Cleveland, on and after the in June, A. D. 1879.

MI. M. 12th day of ju10 3t HOBART, Assignee. PAPER HANGINGS. Paper Hangings INTERIOR DECORATIONS.

and It is best an assorted established fact that I have city. In stock will stock of Paper langings in the the largest of Wall and Ceiling Decorations, the latest styles Dadoes, Mouldings, Frieze Borders, My PRICES workmen are second to none. GUARANTEED. W. ju9 DOWNIE, 20 Public Square.

FURNITURE. OUR Usual Reduction in Prices for the Summer Months will he continned this season. A Rare Opportunity in and to. all are E. TO Secure Bargains Every Department Well Stocked.

A. S. MERENDEN FURNITURE COMPANY WAREROOMS, Nos. 114, 1141-2 and 116 Bank Street. jul1 A VERTISE! in busy times and ADVERTISE! in ADyou want to succeed in business, dull times if.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.