What is your favorite Grilled Cheese Sandwich Cheese [chat]? - Page 16 (2024)

An update on recent technical problems and more from the admin: https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/250292/on-technical-difficulties-mod-coverage-and-other-things/p1?new=1



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      Orca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular

      June 26

      In the spirit of this thread, I am making a grilled cheese sandwich right now with sourdough bread and mozzarella

      I'd normally use a different kind of cheese but I bought the cheese in expectation of making a pizza and I haven't bothered making said pizza

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      SummaryJudgment Grab the hottest iron you can find, stride in the Tower’s front door Registered User regular

      June 26 edited June 26


      The keen-eyed spreadsheet compiler will note the Ohio 555 Triple Nickel long-sleeve from a previous chat OP

      SummaryJudgment on

      Some days Blue wonders why anyone ever bothered making numbers so small; other days she supposes even infinity needs to start somewhere.


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      Tumin Registered User regular

      June 26

      Excuse me, that's a melt, not a grilled cheese

      Elendil wrote: »

      elden ring dlc boss area

      hey buddy can you do a favor for us. we'd really appreciate it
      the favor:
      What is your favorite Grilled Cheese Sandwich Cheese [chat]? - Page 16 (4)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFmlq1wItNg



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      Casual Eddy The Astral PlaneRegistered User regular

      June 26

      Tumin wrote: »

      How hot are the goblins

      Depends how much of a “being butchered and eaten” fetish you’ve got

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      SummaryJudgment Grab the hottest iron you can find, stride in the Tower’s front door Registered User regular

      June 26 edited June 26


      The fight starts with the boss's turn. It does a 7-hit combo. You slightly mistime one roll and get chunked for 60% of your health. It is now your turn, and you spend it getting up from the floor. No time to heal because it is now the boss's turn and the next combo is already starting. You manage to dodge all of it and avoid dying instantly. It is now your turn, so you heal. It is now the boss's turn, and you perfectly dodge again. As your reward, you are allowed to land one attack, bringing the boss to 95% health. It is now the boss's turn.

      Absolutely unhinged

      SummaryJudgment on

      Some days Blue wonders why anyone ever bothered making numbers so small; other days she supposes even infinity needs to start somewhere.


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      Tumin Registered User regular

      June 26

      Excuse me, that's a melt, not a grilled cheese

      Casual Eddy wrote: »

      Tumin wrote: »

      How hot are the goblins

      Depends how much of a “being butchered and eaten” fetish you’ve got

      We were talking about you ceddy Im not on trial here


    • Options

      Tumin Registered User regular

      June 26

      Excuse me, that's a melt, not a grilled cheese

      SummaryJudgment wrote: »

      The fight starts with the boss's turn. It does a 7-hit combo. You slightly mistime one roll and get chunked for 60% of your health. It is now your turn, and you spend it getting up from the floor. No time to heal because it is now the boss's turn and the next combo is already starting. You manage to dodge all of it and avoid dying instantly. It is now your turn, so you heal. It is now the boss's turn, and you perfectly dodge again. As your reward, you are allowed to land one attack, bringing the boss to 95% health. It is now the boss's turn.

      Absolutely unhinged

      That post was followed up by copium of "well none of it is individually as bad as waterfowl dsnce so seems fair"

    • Options

      SummaryJudgment Grab the hottest iron you can find, stride in the Tower’s front door Registered User regular

      June 26


      Tumin wrote: »

      SummaryJudgment wrote: »

      The fight starts with the boss's turn. It does a 7-hit combo. You slightly mistime one roll and get chunked for 60% of your health. It is now your turn, and you spend it getting up from the floor. No time to heal because it is now the boss's turn and the next combo is already starting. You manage to dodge all of it and avoid dying instantly. It is now your turn, so you heal. It is now the boss's turn, and you perfectly dodge again. As your reward, you are allowed to land one attack, bringing the boss to 95% health. It is now the boss's turn.

      Absolutely unhinged

      That post was followed up by copium of "well none of it is individually as bad as waterfowl dsnce so seems fair"

      What is your favorite Grilled Cheese Sandwich Cheese [chat]? - Page 16 (10)

      Some days Blue wonders why anyone ever bothered making numbers so small; other days she supposes even infinity needs to start somewhere.


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      don't slightly mistime one roll nub

      Allegedly a voice of reason.


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      SummaryJudgment Grab the hottest iron you can find, stride in the Tower’s front door Registered User regular

      June 26


      Chanus wrote: »

      don't slightly mistime one roll nub

      I'd reinstall Tarkov before ER

      Some days Blue wonders why anyone ever bothered making numbers so small; other days she supposes even infinity needs to start somewhere.


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      Quid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular

      June 26

      Something else you simpleton

      What is your favorite Grilled Cheese Sandwich Cheese [chat]? - Page 16 (14)


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      Tumin Registered User regular

      June 26

      Excuse me, that's a melt, not a grilled cheese

      The real incantation is a flight to Tokyo and a sock full of nickels


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      Nova_C I have the need The need for speedRegistered User regular

      June 26

      Ah, my friend's cat has a terminal tumor growing on her face. She's taking her to the vet on Friday to be euthanized.

      My other friend just lost a cat a couple weeks ago.

      Bad times.


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      Orca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular

      June 26

      SummaryJudgment wrote: »

      The fight starts with the boss's turn. It does a 7-hit combo. You slightly mistime one roll and get chunked for 60% of your health. It is now your turn, and you spend it getting up from the floor. No time to heal because it is now the boss's turn and the next combo is already starting. You manage to dodge all of it and avoid dying instantly. It is now your turn, so you heal. It is now the boss's turn, and you perfectly dodge again. As your reward, you are allowed to land one attack, bringing the boss to 95% health. It is now the boss's turn.

      Absolutely unhinged

      This is what FromSoft fans consider fun

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      P10 An Idiot With Low IQ Registered User regular

      June 26

      doing 5% of a boss health bar in one hit? damn, that fight's going to be real easy

      Shameful pursuits and utterly stupid opinions


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      Hahnsoo1 Make Ready. We Hunt.Registered User, Moderator mod

      June 26


      The company cafeteria set up a big outdoor grill and smoker and is having a barbecue for lunch today. We can all argue about what's the best barbecue in the nation, but fresh barbecue cooked by professionals is always going to be delicious. $7 for a half rack of ribs and two generous sides? Yes, please.

      What is your favorite Grilled Cheese Sandwich Cheese [chat]? - Page 16 (20)


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      Tumin Registered User regular

      June 26

      Excuse me, that's a melt, not a grilled cheese

      Best BBQ is the one who brung you tbh


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      Kruite Registered User regular

      June 26


      Quid wrote: »

      What is your favorite Grilled Cheese Sandwich Cheese [chat]? - Page 16 (23)

      Early bird slays the wyrm!


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      Eddy Gengar the Bittersweet Registered User regular

      June 26 edited June 26


      I speedran the Elden Ring DLC as a mage in heavy armor and eventually a greatshield for the final boss. Every ARPG game just can't shake the ez mode that any kind of ranged DPS is. Skyrim, Dragon Age, soulslikes

      Eddy on

      "and the morning stars I have seen
      and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin

    • Options

      Tav Irish Minister for DefenceRegistered User regular

      June 26

      Eddy wrote: »

      I speedran the Elden Ring DLC as a mage in heavy armor and eventually a greatshield for the final boss. Every ARPG game just can't shake the ez mode that any kind of ranged DPS is. Skyrim, Dragon Age, soulslikes

      i like when they just make ranged dps sh*t like in bloodborne and lies of p


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      Havelock2.0 Sufficiently Chill The Chill ZoneRegistered User regular

      June 26


      Co-worker yesterday: “there’s a thank you meeting for all the joint field office people who helped on [past disaster]. They’re all ‘come and get a treat’. I don’t have time for that I got so much work to do”

      Me, has less work: “wait but what’s the treat???”


      What is your favorite Grilled Cheese Sandwich Cheese [chat]? - Page 16 (27)

      You go in the cage, cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water, our shark.


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      durandal4532 Registered User regular

      June 26


      I do think Sekiro/Bloodborne/Lies of P all are a bit more fun for not really having an option to shoot a big energy beam from across the map at your foes.

      That said I totally beat Elden Ring mostly by using that big energy beam spell and that one thing that made stuff not cost mana for a while.

      Take a moment to donate what you can to Critical Resistance and Black Lives Matter.

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      Kamiro Registered User regular

      June 26


      Today I get to tour a Coast Guard boat that was taken from the Germans after WW2. The main distinguishing feature is it has sails.

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      Chanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular

      June 26

      apparently there was a typically important NY Times Op Ed about how "based" is Nazi slang but we should all be able to use it and people are up in arms because the NY Times is at it again with puff pieces normalizing Nazis

      but i'm pretty sure anyone who still uses based is a dork anyway regardless of the fact i don't think it's ever been Nazi slang

      Allegedly a voice of reason.


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      Tumin Registered User regular

      June 26 edited June 26

      Excuse me, that's a melt, not a grilled cheese

      Watching some folks demo how to dodge malenia's waterfowl dance(that I never really got the hang of) I wondered how many speedrunners or challenge run folks use invincibility trainers to learn movesets. He had a mod to turn off moves in her moveset, so he could just do waterfowl dance. I assume he was invincible or whatever.

      Which I think is like, hmmm. If I could just be invincible and train on a bosses moveset one move at a time I bet Id learn it 20x faster???

      Is that even the game

      Tumin on

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      SanderJK Crocodylus Pontifex Sinterklasicus Madrid, 3000 ADRegistered User regular

      June 26

      Lies of P is the easiest soulslike if you accept the cheese.
      Throwing builds are intensely broken, all you need to do is accept that throwing XP at the enemy is great if the outcome is advancing the game. You don't need 2 extra damage on a 100 swing as much as a 'dump inventory for 2000 damage' choice.

      The shop with consumables is before the 4th boss, out of 11 total?

      Steam: SanderJK Origin: SanderJK

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      Organichu poops peesRegistered User, Moderator mod

      June 26

      can i use the frog yet


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      Tav Irish Minister for DefenceRegistered User regular

      June 26

      Organichu wrote: »

      can i use the frog yet



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      Chanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular

      June 26

      Organichu wrote: »

      can i use the frog yet

      i feel like we took the frog back a while ago but i haven't seen him in a while

      Allegedly a voice of reason.


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      SanderJK Crocodylus Pontifex Sinterklasicus Madrid, 3000 ADRegistered User regular

      June 26

      High end Apex players spend 1/3rd of their time in a completely seperate installer, based on a leak of the game, updated for years to mimic current Apex behavior.
      The sole purpose of it is to practice 1 v 1 fights really fast. An r5 round has you fight 7 other players in 2 1 v 1 each, and takes 3 minutes or so. Those are the most decisive moments in some games, but they only happen individually maybe once per hour. Now they can practice once per 15 seconds.

      Steam: SanderJK Origin: SanderJK


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      Tav Irish Minister for DefenceRegistered User regular

      June 26

      SanderJK wrote: »

      Lies of P is the easiest soulslike if you accept the cheese.
      Throwing builds are intensely broken, all you need to do is accept that throwing XP at the enemy is great if the outcome is advancing the game. You don't need 2 extra damage on a 100 swing as much as a 'dump inventory for 2000 damage' choice.

      The shop with consumables is before the 4th boss, out of 11 total?

      there's a couple of bosses where you actually have to know how to play though

      the puppet king and the true final boss are both too fast to hit with consumables and you can't go to the shop before corrupted parade master so you'll get shafted pretty quickly if you're just relying on cheese and summons


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      Weaver Who are you? What do you want?Registered User regular

      June 26


      SummaryJudgment wrote: »

      What is your favorite Grilled Cheese Sandwich Cheese [chat]? - Page 16 (39)

      If these have a liner they might have a sale


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      Eddy Gengar the Bittersweet Registered User regular

      June 26 edited June 26


      There's an Elden Ring lore woman who cosplays as the person they're discussing and sometimes the get-up gets a bit gratuitously chesty and I'm like, I don't want cleavage to be just out there, I just want hints of it! It's about the pursuit, the idea, the possibility. I'm being entrapped.

      Eddy on

      "and the morning stars I have seen
      and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin

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      Weaver Who are you? What do you want?Registered User regular

      June 26


      Lunch eaten, back to packige

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      Tcheldor Registered User regular

      June 26


      Arch wrote: »

      I want to play FF14 but also I don't want to spend hours levelling a zillion jobs someone give mr a max level lalafell with all jobs unlocked so I can just run around and farm transmog items

      good news. You can buy the ability to jump level a character to 80(I think. Maybe it's 90? I think 80).

      League of Legends: Sorakanmyworld
      FFXIV: Tchel Fay
      Nintendo ID: Tortalius
      Steam: Tortalius
      Stream: twitch.tv/tortalius

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      Weaver Who are you? What do you want?Registered User regular

      June 26


      Just got tipped for packige


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      Evil Multifarious Registered User regular

      June 26

      I think Sekiro is more fun than Elden Ring because the combat is much better and the parry system is flatly better than Souls-style dodge rolls


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      Quid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular

      June 26

      Something else you simpleton

      Evil Multifarious wrote: »

      I think Sekiro is more fun than Elden Ring because the combat is much better and the parry system is flatly better than Souls-style dodge rolls

      Also you get to web sling use a grappling hook


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      Tumin Registered User regular

      June 26

      Excuse me, that's a melt, not a grilled cheese

      Plus you dont have to be ashamed of using a katana, theres no choice


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      Tumin Registered User regular

      June 26

      Excuse me, that's a melt, not a grilled cheese

      I didnt choose this katana life, it chose me


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    What is your favorite Grilled Cheese Sandwich Cheese [chat]? - Page 16 (2024)


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