The Owl House: Luz the Draco Witch - Dusk_Somnus (2024)

Chapter 1: The Rebirth

Chapter Text

After the night of the boiling rain, and discovering her first spell Luz goes off into the forest to take the Snaggleback home but on her way back she discovers a large scale with a glyph burned on it.


Daybreak came quickly for the residents of the Owl house but then again most didn't really sleep Luz the human who found a way to the Boiling Isles and now apprentice to Eda the Owl lady was still too excited about finding out how to use magic while King and their guest the Snaggleback were editing the demon book about him, however, a lot of the new information didn't impress king very much except that the Snaggleback could regenerate its shell. But other than that nothing really special.

"Whelp! This was a massive disappointment." King said while throwing both his pencil and newly edited demon book across the living room.

"Aw come on I can share more info about me. Oh! How about I talk about my life up until now."The Snaggleback was trying desperately to per sway King to write more about him trying to regain some of the statues he had before King's editing.

"Sorry but the king of demons needs his beauty sleep as for you Luz will help you get back to umm . . . wherever you came from. "As King was heading upstairs while the said human teen was heading downstairs waving at him.

"Good morning King."

"Good night I’m beat also the Snaggleback needs help getting home. "

"Uh yha my shell hasn’t grown back so I don’t have anything to protect myself from threats. It’s not far from here though."

Luz smiled and nodded her head at the little pink monkey looking demon glad that she could make sure that the Snaggleback would be safe especially after the trauma he went through last night getting eaten by Eda when she was that huge cursed owl beast thing, and still have time to get back before the owl lady woke up.

"Alright let me leave Eda some apple blood first then we can go."

"Ok thank you."

The Snaggleback was glad to get out of the house before the owl witch change back into that monster or just decided to eat him again regardless.

Once Luz returned they headed straight to the door thankfully Hooty was still asleep so they didn’t have any distractions as the Snaggleback was guiding Luz to his home.

Surprisingly his home wasn’t that far, and for Luz, it was very cute it was a small grotto with light green moss on top of it as well as half of the wall. While the other half was pink all the way done to the floor. But it also had a large patch of the same moss on the floor looking like a small nest.

"Aww this your place is so cute. "Luz said with her eyes sparkling at the little cave as the Snaggleback started to enter in.

"Yha it’s pretty cozy thanks again for letting me stay due to the rains."

"No problem I’ll see you around."

Luz said as she hurried back to the owl house before Eda noticed. However right as she was about halfway home something started moving within the trees it was big and had wings curiously Luz started to think it could be another griffin however that turned out to be false when she got close and was able to see its head more. "Horns! It has horns! Is. Is it a..."

Before Luz couldn’t even finish her sentence the creature started to open its wing and in one huge flap it took off into the air. Luz tried to get closer to the creature but before she could even see it now as it was already flying off.

"Maldita sea!" Luz was now in the same spot the creature was in but was too late to even get a glance at it, and unable to even see it as it disappeared into the clouds.

" Aww man! I was so close to getting a look at it Luz said in defeat I guess I’ll have to ask Eda if they’re where . . ."

Luz lost her train of thought when she saw a large sheet of platinum scales that looked like had been ripped off but that’s not what caught her attention.

There was a symbol burned on it similar to the light glyph only this one looked like it had the face of some kind of lizard. Without a second thought Luz grabbed a leaf, and using some of the damp dirt she began to trace it once she made sure that the glyph was correct she activated it far too excited to know another spell than worry about what it would do. The leaf dissolved and in its place, a large ghost-like image with an orange glow started to take shape it had large wings with scales sprouting from its back it had a large tail that had spikes sticking out of it in rows, and was standing on all fours with large horns on its head with smaller sharper scalds one’s going down its large pointed snout. It had orange irises that consumed it entire eyes except for its pupil that were black daggers staring straight at her.

Luz doubled back in shock, and fear of the image unsure of what it would do only to trip and fall due to the uneven ground. "Whoa!"

She fell onto her back but once Luz was able to pick herself up she was meet with a snout of the image sniffing at her. "Aww don’t eat me!"

Luz shouted at the image however it seemed to understand her, and moved back giving her space. Luz was stud by the response and was able to stand back up getting a good look at the image.

"Can … can you understand me?" Luz asked the image and gave her a nod in responses

"Oh wow I … learned my second spell! And was able to summon a dragon! This … this is … I don’t even have the words to say anything I didn’t expect to learn something like this so fast! Just last night I wasn't able to even do magic and it was just a light spell but now I can summon a dragon! This is incredible!" Luz was practically bouncing on the tiptoes until the dragon growled at her trying to calm her down.

"Oh sorry I’m just oh man this is amazing! I can’t wait to tell everyone about this!"

Luz was about to go on another hype rant but before she could the dragon quickly wrapped its tail around Luz.

Despite it being a hallowed image of a dragon Luz could still somehow feel its tail around her and as it got closer to her she could feel the heat of its body on her. The dragon image had everything she would think a dragon would have just no psychical body it seemed that the magic the dragon was made of was able to copy the basic body functions for it but just didn’t need anything to survive.

"Aww you’re a big soft aren’t you."

Luz looked at the dragon with a smile while the dragon itself was looking away in embarrassment.

"Aww come on big guy it's nothing to be embarrassed about."

Luz was trying to encourage the dragon but all she got was a snoring huff. Trying to regain the dragon's attention she picked up another leaf and with some more damp dirt, she started drawing her light glyph.

"Hey big guy check this out."

Luz called out to the dragon as she activated the glyph and a ball of light appeared. The dragon itself turned around to see the light being formed in its summoner’s hand it stared at one of its front claws was egging it to get closer.

"Isn’t it cool big guy?"

Luz said finally able to get the hollow dragon's attention again but notice that it really wanted the orb."You can touch it if you want."

Luz knew if dragon touched it all it would do is pop it but she could always make another. The dragon was happy that its summoner was letting it touched the orb, and without any more hesitation its claw tapped it but the second it did a bright light blinding Luz, and consuming both the dragon and the orb.

Once the light disappeared Luz was gasped at what she saw the dragon had completely change the orange glow was gone and was replaced with pure white scales but instead of rough-looking, they were smooth and shiny. Its horns were shorter and its wing was no longer orange scaled like but a yellow shade that shifted to gold feathers, its snout was also changed as well instead of pointed it was round, and its eyes still had their dagger black pupil but the irises changed from burning orange they were a cool light blue its tail changed to the spike that grew out of it was gone and instead split in two mid-way and had a similar shade of yellow to gold hair. The last thing that change was its chest it looked like glass and glowed with multiple colors. But the most important changed was it was real now a full flesh well scale and blooded dragon right in front of her

Luz look at the new dragon in complete amazement, and the dragon itself seemed happy with its new changes and started to nuzzle Luz

"HAHAHAHA! ok ok, you like your new look I get it and wow I can actually touch you! The dragon gave a small yelp in agreement. I guess this means I have a real dragon now how about I give you a name?"

The dragon gave a small smile and nodded at the thought of having a proper name. Luz slide back a bit from the dragon’s tail to get a better look at it wanting to see if any feature of the dragon could form a decent name.

Hmmm. . . . . Sliver, Glowy, Blight? Ok maybe not that one.

Luz keep trying to think of a good name until the dragon’s chest started glowing brightly the wave of colors reminded her of the Aurora lights she saw in textbooks at school the beautiful rays of light shining in the night of the artic she always wanted to see them I real life but the glass chest of the dragon gave her the perfect view.

That’s it! Aurora! That’s what I’ll call you what do think?

The dragon gave a loud yelp in response happy with the new name.

"Ok then for now on your name is Aurora."

Luz official proclaimed as Aurora started to nuzzle her again

"Hahahaa! Oh hombre Eda va a amar este! Oh man Eda!"

Luz almost completely forgot that Eda had no idea Luz was out here and would start getting worried"Oh! No! Come on Aurora we got to get back home!"

As Luz got up and started running Aurora did the same but not fully the dragon bent its head down, and scooped Luz up to her back once Aurora knew Luz was safely on she unfolded her large feathered wings and in one swoop was in the air instantly.

"Dios mio!"

Luz was a gasp at how high they were so quiet but was enjoying it."HA ha ok Aurora to the Owl House!"

Aurora gave a loud roar in response and headed for its summoner’s destination.

Chapter 2: Awaken Light Dragon


Luz introduces Aurora to Eda and she’s completely awestruck about the situation not sure how something like this is possible.

Chapter Text

Eda was already up by the time Luz got home with Aurora luckily she was still in the middle of drinking the apple blood that Luz left for her earlier. So she wasn’t fully awake yet than is until a small trimmer started rocking the house, and the cup full of apple blood splashed in Eda’s face.

Ugh! Want in the name of the titan was that!

Eda said in a bit of surprised furry having her apple blood ruined with a snap of her finger it was quickly wiped away as she rushed to the front door with her staff floating towards her. But the second Eda opened the door outside her heart dropped right in front of her was a dragon albeit a very strange-looking dragon but a dragon none the less but what really the biggest shocker for her was who was on its back. The human she took in as her apprentice was on the back of a dragon completely unharmed and in fact, looked incredibly happy so did the dragon.


Eda hurried to the dragon only to stop once the dragon turned its head toward her Eda quickly went into a defensive stance ready to cast a spell before the dragon tried anything but the dragon itself only looked confused wondering why this strange lady was being so frightened of her.

Wait Eda don’t hurt her.

Luz quickly got off Aurora’s back and got in between them.

It’s alright Aurora didn’t hurt me at all.

She tried to explain to her teacher.

I can see that but what I want to know what it’s doing here and why where you on its back, and… wait? what did you just call it?

Luz started to explain what happen to her after she walked the Snaggleback home, seeing a mysterious creature finding a huge scale with a glyph on it what it did and how Aurora was made.

That’s a lot to take in kid especially about how this one came to be.

Eda point at Aurora.

I know it sounds crazy but it did. Really it was like the two spells combined.

Luz said trying her best to explain the situation but she was still new to magic that she didn’t really know how something like this could happen, and while Eda herself know more about combining different type of magic she has never seen anything like this.

Ok kid let’s see if we can find anything that can explain this.

Eda while heading back inside Luz was about to do the same until realizing Aurora trying to do the same.

Oh wait! Eda what are we going to do about Aurora she can’t come inside she too big.

Good point and she’ll attract too much attention if we let her wander in the woods.

Luz was starting to get concerned fearing something might happen if Aurora went off on her own but Aurora herself seemed to understand the problem of her size so she closed her eyes, and started to glow.

Both Eda and Luz stood in shock as Aurora was consumed by a ball of light worried someone spotted the and where trying to capture her but instead the ball of light shrunk in size and quickly faded reviling Aurora but completely different she was smaller about the size as King now but her horns were half his own size. Her dagger eyes were gone and replaced with a light blue glow with small white pupils. Her tail now on had a single end, and the blond hair on it had barely grown it was only to a bush of its former self, and her wings had shrunk and change to pure white.

Aurora had pretty much turned herself into a young dragon hatchling and Luz was beside herself by how adorable she was now.

¡Ay, que lindo!

Luz said while quickly scooping up nuzzling her with her check like she did with King on her first day on the Boiling isles. Oh my gosh your so cute!
Aurora was loving the attention she was getting chirped in agreement.

Well at least one problem solve but now we have a new one.

Eda said as she was coming closer to the now younger-looking dragon.

What that?

Luz was confused at Eda's response assuming that the size problem was solved.

Ha now King’s gonna have a playmate that could destroy everything just great.

Eda chuckled at her joke.

Oh there’s not gonna happen isn’t Aurora you’re a good girl aren’t you?

Aurora smile and made a small yelp in response.

See told you Eda Luz said proudly.

Yha yha but seriously kid we need to see what that spell can do and figure out how it made this one.

Ok Eda let's go Aurora you can play with King while me and Eda look up my new spell.

Aurora bark with waving her tail excited as they headed back into the owl house.

Luz and Eda spend the entire day trying to find anything about the glyph or dragons in general but all the books they had from the library had little to no information about them. Even the illegal copies of books Eda either didn’t have anything or was too damage to read properly. Even when Eda tried to cast spells around the hollow dragon it didn't show any interest.

Lazy jerk.

Eda grew annoyed with the dragon no being interested in any spell even her best ones didn't get a response all it did was fly into a tree to take a nap until Luz called it back.

They did find something interesting though Luz can actually summon Aurora to anywhere she is as long as Luz uses the same spell combination that made her.

Also Aurora can change from her adult size to her hatchling size (as Luz calls them) at will however this didn’t really help. Not even bring back the huge scale to study it helped whatever it came from it was ancient, and powerful Luz decided just to keep it as a souvenir. In the end, Luz decided to try, and focus on teaching Aurora some tricks surprisingly she picked them up really quickly.< /p>

Haha yes come my mighty steed we shall rain terror from above!

King was on Aurora back while she was flying around the living room performing flips and spins when he first met Aurora King felt like he had competition but after offering him a ride on her back when they started doing tricks he quickly took a liking to her.

Yes another successful spin dodge soon will be the most unstoppable force in the Boiling Isles! Ha hahaha!

Ok that’s enough.

Eda had spent the last fifteen minutes watching the show but now it was getting late the lackluster attempt of finding information on dragons and hear King's constant war cries had mentally drained the old witch.

It's been a crazy day but it’s time to hit the sack we got to get up early for human treasure day, and seating up the stand so off to bed with you three.

Aw but I haven’t taken revenge on the woodland creatures that took my last soldier. Soon, woodland creatures, Captain Tim will be avenged!

Or had a contest between Aurora and King to see who’s cuter (the contest would have been a draw). Luz whisper to Eda.

As cute and revolting that would be the answer is no. Besides we don’t know anything about that spell you cast. It doesn’t add up so until we know for sure how it works no using it Luz.

But Ed—

Not buts I don’t want to hear it you can keep this one but that spell is hereby banned in the bad girl coven until we learn more about it.
Luz held Aurora closer to her and sighed in defeat.

Ok Eda no dragon glyph until we find out more about it.

Good now upstairs all of you

Yes ma’am

Luz and king both responded while heading upstairs to Luz’s room. Once inside Luz changed to her nightclothes while King started to curl up on the bottom part of her sleeping bag while Aurora took the top part once Luz got in and cuddled next to her.

Good night king.

Good night Aurora.

Good night Luz.
King responded as he quickly fell asleep. Aurora let out a small chirp and followed suit to sleep. Luz let out a small yawn herself before sleeping as well.

Chapter 3: Covention Crist

Chapter Text

Eda hated mornings she hated getting up early too even as a kid she hated having to wake up early, got to school, and go through dull boring useless lectures about history, covens, the emperor's stupid rules, and bla bla bla. Completely pointless busy work but at least she was getting up this early to do something she actually liked and that was making money so after forcing herself up and heading downstairs to get her daily dose of apple blood. Now that she was awake Eda headed back upstairs to wake up the freeloaders.

Luz was still asleep when Eda opened the door to her room but also saw Aurora and King curled up to one another and Luz was holding them both to anyone else this would have been the most adorable thing ever however Eda never really enjoyed that kind of mussy stuff so she had no trouble waking them up.

Rise and shine freeloaders! We got treasure to sort and suckers to Scam!

The sudden shout off Eda startled all of them with Luz jumped out of her sleeping bag holding on to King and Aurora for dear life while King and Aurora themselves were more struggling to breathe due to Luz’s grip on them. She let them go and King started to grown and complain in response.

Aww but is so early can’t we do it later. Luz and Aurora grown in agreement King was hoping that Eda would give into the idea knowing she hated getting up early like the rest of them.

No can do we got to sort through all the stuff we want to keep, the stuff we're selling, and the stuff we personally want. Not to mention we need to get to our usual spot before someone takes it Eda stated while counting what they needed to do before leaving the house. Besides if I got to wake up early so do you three now you two smaller ones head downstairs while Luz changes.

WHEEEEE Fine! Come on Aurora let's go. King huffed out of the room while Aurora made a sad whelp and followed. When Eda was sure they both were downstairs Eda closed the door so she could talk to Luz in private.

I’m quite surprised that dragon is still here though she would disappear around the night but…

Eda was still trying to understand the spell Luz used to make Aurora thinking she was just another spell that had a time limit just like the hallow dragon. But no the dragon was still here tired but here wondering now if the spell was linked to the caster based on their magic. But how was that possible Luz was human and didn’t have a bile sack so what was keeping the dragon around? Maybe be it was wild magic and it was tied to the Isles itself. Great another freeloader Eda groan at that though having another mouth to feed hopefully having a dragon around will make thing interesting.

Is it normal for a spell to last this long or actually come to life? Luz asked while getting her usual hoodie on.

Not by pure magic you normally need some type of material like when making abominations the closes thing that comes to mind are palimans since they have their own magic but that still requires an ancient tree to make them so who knows. Let’s just say it wild magic and go one with the rest of the day because there’s no way I’m going back to spending a whole day gawwww! Studying.

Luz started to laugh at her teacher’s hatred of studying or anything related to school. Ohohoh ok, Eda, it's wild magic we should head downstairs before King has Aurora destroy any of the merchandise out of frustration.

Right Eda replied and created a spell circle about her head and brought it down changing her from her sleep clothes to her usual red wine dress and heels.

Once that was done they head downstairs glad to see everything was still in tacked in fact Aurora was in the middle of organizing things well mainly anything that was shiny was in a pile while King was on the couch sleeping with a new stuffed animal.

Well at least one of them is progressive hey Mr. Wiggles wake up!

Despite the nickname King responded. Ugh, why Aurora organizing everything just without me besides I got what I want you two are the ones behind.

I’ll admit that she’s got good taste when it comes to organizing. But most of the stuff still getting sold. Luz pick something out for her and let's finish organizing this stuff out.


Luz took a step back at the pile trying to see if there was anything that stuck out that Aurora would like. Frontally something did a glass prism that was currently in Aurora’s mouth was reflecting the light from the low flames she spouting shined a rainbow of colors.

You like that Aurora? She responded with a nod of her head and started wagging her tail in excitement. Then it’s yours. Luz bent down to take the prism from Aurora to show Eda what they're keeping.

Hey Eda want to see an earth rainbow.

An earth what?

Eda was trying to understand what Luz was talking about until she saw a row of colors coming from a clear crystal.

Oh wow would yha look at that. So this is what an earth rainbow is and it doesn’t turn you inside out?

Nope and it's thanks to this were able to see it.

Luz held out the glass prism then brought it back to Aurora who used her flames as a light to show off the rainbow again.

Hun well what you yha now.

Eda looked impressed that something so simple could make something that in her world tear you apart into something that was generally interesting.

Well if you’re keeping it make sure it stays out of the piles.

Eda announced as she started to finish up by throwing in a pair of wind-up teeth and with a snap off her fingers everything that was getting sold was in a sack.

With the sack and her staff in her hands Eda was ready to head out while King was waking up from his unfair nap. Luz ran back to her room to put up the prism but grabbed her Good witch Azura book to read there. Once outside Eda was ready for Luz and King to hop on her staff but after seeing a huge ball of light she knew they were going to ride Aurora there. So she took off while they followed.

They made it to their usual spot and interestingly enough they were the first stand to get set up in the area but it was still a little early so Luz decided to use the time to read her book to King and Aurora which they quickly got hooked on to as she was reading the next scene.

Emboldened by the dishonor Hecate had shown, Azura lifted her staff to the cotton-candy skies and shouted, "I challenge you to a Witch's Duel!" And look! I drew a flipbook. Pew, pew, pew!

Luz preceded to flip a little part of the book having two figures similar to the characters clash with their staffs.

Show me the picture.


Luz want sure what King said at that moment but after repeating his request she quickly obliges turning the book around to face it toward King and Aurora.

Aurora seemed to like it while King didn’t look impressed.

Ha! I can draw better than that. You know they once called me the King of Artist.

Both Luz and Aurora gave King a confused look trying to understand the title name while he made a pose as if the name was in lights.

Wait. I thought you were the King of Demons? Are you just making this up now?

King was stud due to Luz's response and Aurora was making noises that could only be described as small chuckles. But he quickly recovered stating that people would give him stuff as some kind of tribute. Luz didn’t really have anything to give him through but offered to read more of the book until Eda intervened.

Ugh! Please stop reading that. Its flowery language is an insult to witches, and driving away all our serious customers!

Luz only gave her mentor a confused glance. Um, Eda? What costumers? There aren’t even any other stands around. What’s going on?

Luz was right they had been there almost the entire morning and haven’t seen anyone even come around here. This is a bad omen there must be something horrible happening today.

That what she thought until two familiar voices came around the corner, and confer it the convention was today and there was no way she was going. Until she was forced to give in due to King reading Luz's horrible flowery book.

By the way Luz who’s this little guy?

Willow spoke out after being able to express her excitement over the convention she was able to see a new face in the group.

This is Aurora she’s a dragon I . . .

A DRAGON! Both Willow and Gus were a gasp and started swarming Aroura trying to get a better look at her Aurora herself was actually excited to see new faces so she got closer to them with a smile on her face.

How did you find a dragon Luz a lot of witches were starting to think they gone extinct due to how rare it is to find anything thing about them. Gus explained while watch Willow tries to pet Aurora only to end up having her in her arms nestling her head under her chin.

Well funny story I.

Luz was about to explain the whole event only to be stopped by Eda.

I think it better to keep the truth close to your chest kid Eda whispered to Luz.

Why? We can trust Willow and Gus they won’t rat us out.

I get that but we still don’t know a lot about that spell. The most I want out about it is it makes an image of a dragon not that it can make new ones.

Ok but can I at least tell them they’re the first friend I ever had to tell such secrets Luz claimed trying to get Eda to understand

Sure that’s fine but no one else we don’t want to risk someone using that spell to do something terrible. Like use it to make dragons only to use them for material, or worst merchandise I could never top stuff made from dragons scales.

Despite Eda joke Luz got the picture so she told Gus and willow how she found a way to do magic, how she found the dragon glyph, and how Aurora came to be.

After packing the stand-up and having three kids going crazy over a baby dragon with a jealous King beside them they made it to the building the contention was and Eda was struggling to tuck her hair in a Cowl.

Gha! Gotta keep a low profile.

Is this really necessary?

Luz asked Eda think the disguised was a little overboard.

Do you think all my wanted posters are for petty theft?

She tried to explain but a large number of trinkets fell out of her hair showing that might be the case.

Partly. But the big whammy is I disobeyed the law and refused to join a coven. If I’m seen, I could go to jail again.

Willow hesitantly got closer to Eda explaining that the convention could change her mind about covens only to have her hood wrap around her face by Eda’s magic.

Let’s just get this over with.

With a huff Eda followed the group inside and Luz was amazed at what she saw all sorts of witches’ banners were on display showing off their type of magic or demonstrating their craft.

Was I even alive before now?

Those are the main nine covens Gus was pointing at several flags hanging from the ceiling of the building all in different colors, and symbols on them. But there are hundreds of other ones you can join.

They continued walking through the convention while Willow started describing the different types of covens only to stop when Eda started groaning in annoyance.

Also the Grumpy Coven.

Willow whispered the joke to Luz only to start running when Eda caught on. Eda herself was having her own problems when someone noticed a familiarity to her and her wanted posters that were scattered all over escaping the witch however was pretty easy as she saw an illusion image of Luz and Aurora.

Ah! You’ve taken in by the allure of the illusion coven we like to magic with a hint of showmanship

Gus announces as he showoff a disappearing spell alongside two other witches.

Luz was both amazed and excited to be a part of this but one question lingered

Eda why haven’t you ever joined one?

Watch closely, Luz.

Eda pointed out a student as they handed their arm out while one of the illusion coven witches held out a strange glyph and placed it on but when it activated the student seen drained the joy they had was instantly gone.

When you join a cover all your other magic is sealed away. From now on that kid will only be able to make illusions, since I never joined a coven, I can do every kind of magic. That’s why I’m the most powerful witch on the Boiling isles.

While Luz was prosing the new information she hears a small wimp, it was coming from Aurora she had her tail curl around her legs, and was staring at the floor unaware of everything, she was terrified at the thought of being locked away, or worst disappearing from existence.

Aurora what’s wrong?

Luz picked up Aurora but all she got in response from the little dragon was her burring her head in Luz's chest completely terrified to even look at her summoner.

She must be scared at the whole seal thing.

Eda proclaimed we still don’t know anything about that spell Luz if you end up joining a coven who knows what could happen? she might not be able to continue existing or you could lose full control of her and end up going on a rampage.

Luz thought about this and remembered when trying to find out anything about the spell even bring the large sheet of scales back to the Owl house they didn’t find much only that dragons were some of the most powerful creatures on the Boiling Isles even strong enough to rival demons but they preferred to tend to themselves and get extremely hostile to anyone who came to close to their territory.

But Aurora was different she loves meeting new people she was curious about everything just as much as Luz was and incredibly kind. She also listens to Luz instantly the spell may have given her that ability or it was a link between the two. Either way, if something happened to Luz what was Aurora's reaction going to be, or what would happen to Luz if Aurora got hurt there were so many questions, and far too few answers that made it difficult to say. But for now, Luz just wanted to reassure Aurora that everything will be ok.

Don’t worry Aurora I’m not letting anything happen to you we just need to find out more about the spell that made you and, if it’s not safe to join a coven then will be covernless together does that sound good?

Aurora looked up at her summoner still having that fearful look on her face. Luz gave her a warm smile while petting her back scales while Aurora was slowly calming down giving a smile back to her.

That’s my girl

Luz said as they continued through the convention but none of the noticing King wandering by himself with a thrust for what he calls offerings.

Hey this panel looks popular.

It’s the Emperor’s Coven! Do you think they’ll sign my forehead?

Only on way to find out?

Willow and Gus rushed in but Luz was a bit more hesitant to go inside Aurora was better but still scared about the thought of Luz joining on and having to say goodbye as well as Eda’s increased disgust to this coven.

You’re making a good chose kid out of all the covens, they’re the worst

Eda gave Luz a proud smile but knowing the real truth.

Besides its best if we stay here out of all the covens the last thing we want is this ones notice us.

Eda mention while pointing at Aurora looking concerned about the whole situation only to overhear a conversation between the witch Eda blindside and a conformatory guard

Uh - oh come on you two inside quick

Eda quickly push Luz inside the Arena taking a seat in the far back trying to keep a low profile but were still close enough to Gus and willow. While Aurora was trying to relax and avoid any eyes contact that would spot her staying her head close to Luz chest focusing on her summoner’s heartbeat than anything.

The light went but quickly return to the center of the stage with a ma named principal bump appearing as well a microphone.

Hello Bonesborough! Students ask me all the time, Principal Bum, what’s the height of magical achievement?

Is it this?

A student asked as he increases the size of his head but unable to keep its balance as he crushed another student .

Wow. I failed you as a principal. It’s being selected to join the best of the best, and there are none better than the jewel of the coven system and the enforcers of His will the Emperor’s Coven.

The figure appeared out of nowhere denotation the advantages of being in the coven as Bump continued.

Luz was amazed by the show and so were her friends and they pointed out the Gus was able to get them to sign his forehead. But Eda wasn’t really amused at the so-called elite making jokes about them and as for Aurora she was outright trembling at the sign of them, Luz couldn’t understand why though if anything she should be interested in this coven but it seemed Aurora could feel something off about them.

Despite finding out Eda had a bit of a mysterious past when a woman named Lilith that was the head of the coven Aurora was still in a bad shape she was still trembling as if the shadow of the emperor coven was still had her in their grasp. In the end, Eda was sick of the convention and was about to head home while Luz was trying to find King so they can head home as well she official stated that Aurora had enough of the contention as all it did was terrify the poor thing only thing was she wasn’t watching where she was going and bump into someone letting go of Aurora as she hit the floor in a daze.

Aurora! I’m sorry are you ok?

Shaken her head Aurora looked at Luz snapping back from her state of fear but seeing her summoner concern about her quick changed her priority’s, and remember what she had said that covens making it know that she wouldn’t make that kind of dictation without a full understanding of everything. So she nodded her head smiling trying to have understood that she was ok which made Luz smile back.

Hey! Watch where you—oh it’s you Willow’s . . . abomination thing.

Hey Amity sorry about that and last week but I’m a human my name is Luz and this is Aurora.

You . . . you have a dragon? How!

I um I found her in the woods alone and abandoned so I’ve been feeding, and taking care of her.

That’s impossible dragons are supposed to be protective with their young even if they come of age you wouldn’t be able to come close to their territory and train one there’s no way. You’re just a human how can you train one if even some of the strongest witches can’t beat let alone control one.

Well I’m training to be a witch and I have trained Aurora a bit.

Luz cleared her voice and quickly came up with instructions to tell Aurora

Ok Aurora in the air.

she responded, and with one flap of her wings she was above all the stand.

Now flip Aurora responded and proceeded to do several aerial flips.

Now do a barrel roll.

Aurora responded as she rushes towards the coven flags once she was close Aurora folded her wings and spinning through them and opening her wings back out.

Now dive boom aerial ace responding again Aurora dash back down to the grow floor when she looked like she would flat out hit the floor she pulled up and spun around landing next to Luz.

Great job Aurora!

Luz hugged her she was astounded at performance even though it had been just a few hours of quote “training” she was able to understand and perform the action perfectly. They even got apposed from witches that were around.

Amity was completely gasped not only seeing a dragon performance but also a human controlling one without any problems. What was going on first this human comes into Hexside as a fake abomination, getting her into trouble, and losing her spot as the top student. But now she has a dragon and is able to command it well enough it could put anyone in the beast keeper coven to shame. No this wasn’t right this had to be another trick.

Are you trying to make a fool out of me? There’s no way you can command that dragon so well in less than a week what’s you gain?

I . . .

Hey Luz! I saw Aurora flying around Look at all these offerings!

Both girls and Aurora turned around to see King wearing a bunch of coven merchandise while holding a cupcake in his hand but he tripped on his scarf and fell dropping his food Luz and Aurora hurried to help him King was ok he but when he tried to get his cupcake it was crushed under Amity shoe.

Oops. That was an accident.

Why are you being so mean, Amity?

Because you have done nothing but bring shame to witches in training with you being nothing but a fraud.

Fraud? I help Luz teach Aurora those tricks, she can even do them in combat.

Kings a great teacher and the King of Demons I’ll tell you what, Amity. It’s one thing to say I’m a fraud - -

Cause you are.

…but it’s another thing to bully my friends. Just lie the Good Witch Azura said when facing down here rival Hecate at the Bog of immediate Regret - -I challenge you to a Witch Duel!

Everyone within an earshot was gasp at her challenge. Thinking she was crazy but Amity didn’t back down.

I accept.

Eda was so closed to getting out of this horrible place, so close to getting In here and coming out without getting caught but her sister Lilith had to be the roadblock that got in her way. Now she was trying to one-up and mess with her for not being in a stupid coven. Eda now was trying to prove that she can be just as good as perfect little Lily that is until Luz, King, and Aurora came to ask her to help train for a duel with her sister's best student within an hour. She was instantly in once she found out Luz was facing off her sister's student but also the oath Luz make to not only give up learning magic but also Aurora.

All right Luz no more baby stuff you have two spells and a dragon let’s see what we can do with them.

But you said that the dragon glyph was off-limits because we don’t know enough about it.

Yha but that was until my sister showed up, besides this could be a good chance to see what it can do besides just look insane as well as Aurora.

Eda had a point they have never seen Aurora do much of anything a typical dragon would do heck the most they have seen her do was use her flames to shine a light if they really wanted to know what both dragons can do they had to take a much more physical approach

Ok let see what I can do with the big guy first.

The hour was up and everyone was excited to see this duel. Eda, Luz, and Aurora were standing on the center side of the Arena while Amity and Lilith were by the stage ready to begin.

Beloved citizen, the Emperor’s Coven proudly presents an impromptu demonstration of the sort of witch we seek every year. Introducing Amity Blight.

The crowd started cheering once hearing amity’s name there was even a foam finger with her name and a number one on it.

Versus. . .

Hey that’s the dragon witch!

Yha lets go dragon witch!

She needs a better name than that how about Draco witch! Let’s go Draco witch!

You can do it Luz! Aurora!

Lilith was shocked at the crowd's sudden change of the crowd sure she saw the dragon but it was basically just a hatchling she didn’t believe it could do much let alone listen to the human but the crowd were cheering for her just as much as Amity.

Her name is Luz. Luz Noceda.

Eda was excited they spent a whole hour figuring out how to use the dragon glyph, and when she was told about Aurora performing tricks for a good part of the convention she was terrified that it accidentally gave away the dragon best-known trait but now they knew more so what Amity saw pretty much nothing to what the Aurora can really do.

Luz herself was surprised sure she knew a lot of people saw Aurora do her tricks but didn’t expect anyone to care once Amity was involved but that surprisingly that wasn’t the case.

Very well Luz Noceda Lilith continued as both girls stood off. As a bell ringed

Amity started off first making a huge spell circle on the ground.

Abomination. Rise.

The mud-like golem emerge while groaning the thing that was surprising was that it was way bigger than it was an hour again while Luz and even Amity where gasped at it.

Whoa. Show me what you got, human!

Alright fine! You asked for it.

Luz pulled out her dragon glyph and slammed it on the ground the orange halo dragon appeared with a powerful roar as it stood toe to toe with Amity abomination. Said abomination was the first to make as it tried to hit the dragon with its fist but it never made contact its fist faze through the dragon, and was now hard as dirt that quickly fell off the golem. Now it was Luz turn of an attack and her first objective was to talk down amity abomination quick without actually hurting her.

Aurora it’s time to get big and fly! Amber keep that thing down

Both dragons nodded as a huge light-filled the Arena, and once it was gone Aurora and Luz were already in the air. Everyone was gasped at the now fully grow Aurora with Luz on her back. Amity couldn’t believe the whole thing but once she did it was too late Amber unleashed a massive heatwave that quickly turned the bottom half of the abomination to dust while Aurora fired a ball of light that hit it right on its chest causing it to explode into a pile of goo and fire.

Aurora landed right in front of Amity catching her by complete surprised falling to her back with Aurora standing right on top of her. Amity was completely terrified wondering what she could possibly do next but Aurora moved first bring her head closer to Amity's face with flames in its mouth giving a huge roar that pieces through the Arena. Amity could do nothing but shut her eyes, scream, and shout out that she gives up hoping that it wouldn’t burn her alive.

When nothing happened Amity opened her eyes only to see Aurora, and Amber were staring at her only Aurora was smaller as for Luz she was extending her hand out.

Sorry about that I didn’t want to hurt you so the best I could do was take down your abomination the fastest way possible.

Amity still couldn’t process this whole thing the dragon that looked like it was about to eat her alive was small again, the spell the human-made was still here, and now the human who beat her was trying to be friendly like nothing happened it was all too much she placed her hands to the back of her head and neck only to brush something a piece of paper with a familiar symbol.

Well well well what do we have here?

The glyph that was in Amity’s hand was quickly taken and was now in Eda’s.

A power glyph from the construction coven.

The crowd gave a gasp seeing this especially when the abomination tried to reform only for its large head to crush its much smaller body.

Ha! What do you know perfect Lilith cheated.

I only did that because I knew you would cheat!

We didn’t that’s Luz's own spell and Aurora had been trained by her as well with means you cheated and still were defeated.

The two Clawthorne started to argue. While Amity, Luz, and Aurora left the Arena once out Amity was trying to hide from everyone but Luz was able to find her.

Amity. . . I’m sorry.

Ugh, Seriously? Just leave me alone

I didn’t mean to embarrass you.

That’s all you ever do! First at school and now this!

Yeah but - -

You made me look like a fool in front of the Emperor’s Coven. My future! You think it’s so easy to be a witch I have been working my whole life to get to the top! All you been is lucky nothing else you not a witch and you don’t belong here!

…Your right I’m not a witch.

Luz then proceeded to take out a note pad and pencil drawing both the light glyph and dragon glyph then activating the light glyph first showing off a ball of light

But I’m training hard to be one.

Then she called Amber the hallow dragon appeared again only this time it was a lot more docile. Amity had to admit even if it wasn’t real it still looked beautiful.

And learning everything I can about magic especially this one.

What do you mean?

Luz then told Amity the truth about everything how she found out how to cast magic, where she found the dragon glyph, and how Aurora came to be.

So that’s how she so obedient to you despite not having her for so long.

Yha it pretty crazy I still don’t know how it works but every day I’m learning more and more about both of them.

Sigh Amity grab Luz her hand and made a familiar spell circle making a light fade.

The oath is unbound.

Did it work? Can I still learn magic? can I still keep Aurora?

Humans have no magical ability. But I doubt that’ll stop you.

Aurora got closer to Amity nudging her arm and making a small chirp noise that could be only described as thanks, and letting Amity pet her.

Hum especially with this little one with you.

Thank you amity.

Luz gave her a small smile before heading back to the entrance of the convention.

There you two are come on we need to get out of here before my sister catches us.

Eda do you think I’ll ever be a true witch let alone a Draco witch?

What? I don’t know who’s a true witch? These suckers? According to them, that means being in a coven, but I never joined one and I’m better than all of them combine. You gotta be your own witch and Draco witch sounds like a good start

My own witch.

Luz looked at Aurora and they both nodded in agreement they were going to train hard to be the best they could be together.

By the way did you just say Lilith was your sister? That's crazy

Ha if think that’s crazy wait till I tell you about my parents

You have parents? I’ve got to know everything

You very much don’t!

Lilith was incredibly annoyed Eda student was able to beat hers, being blindsided by her sister and now her shoes were tied together wilt her superior breathing down her neck what’s next.

Also Lilith the Emperor wants you to capture the owl ladies student as well this Draco witch has caused too much of a disturbance, and must be dealt with.

I will capture them both, ma’am. You have my word.

Very good

Your days are numbered, Edalyn as well as that pet of yours.

Chapter 4: Conjuring the Moon Dragon


Luz and her friends do a moonlight conjuring only to bring the house to life and truly find out what kind of bond Luz and Aurora have.

Chapter Text

After the insane weekend of training and witch dueling it was nice to just spend some time at home, and relax or it would be if Eda wasn’t addicted to a card game called Hexes Hold’em, and now was trying to get Luz on it by giving her pointers as she was playing and seeming losing a game with Owlbert.

Now when it looks like the deck is stacked against you that that’s when you break out the wildcard.

Eda then proceed to thrown down a card that instantly burned all of Owlbert. The little wooden owl then bow to Eda admitting defeat with a hoot.

Woo! I win! In you adorable owl face. Ah I love the feeling of victory; it feels . . . fluffy?

Uh Eda? It’s happening again!

What’s happening again?

Your curs is returning!

Eda quickly realized the feathers that where sprouting on her arms. She then rush to her room with Luz, and King right behind her almost tripping on aurora who didn’t know what was going on so she followed as well.

Entering her room Eda then opened a chest only for the three to fall in fear, and worry at the empty jars wit Aurora still not understanding what’s going on.

Oh boy. This is terrible; I’m all out of elixir.

Uh, last time this happened you turned into this thing.

Luz the showed Eda the picture she had of her cursed form. Aurora saw it as well and started to understand why everyone was in a panic.

I know I should be repulsed but that loo is fierce.

Hearing this Aurora started to whine and whimper fearing for Eda while nuzzling her head on eda’s leg.

Eda look down at the small dragon then started to pet her head. Despite still not understanding the who dragon thing Eda was actually appreciated its concern.

Ok ok; let’s head to the market.


I’m stealing everything that’s not nailed down!

Aurora respond with a bark wagging her tail in excitement.

Before we go, would anyone like to play one more hand of Hexes Hold’em? Hey, where are my cards?

Luz figured Eda would still want to keep playing her cards game. So she was able to take them without her mentor finding out give them to Owlbert knowing for sure Eda would follow him to the market without any fuss.

They finally made it to the shop Eda got her elixir ironically called Mr. Elixir except it appeared to be closed but she know the owner was here.

Hey, open up Morton!

Uh, ju- -…just a minute!

Luz, King and Aurora sat down by a nearby bench enjoying watching the daily live off the Boiling isles residences. Such as Tiny Nose from the comformatory try to catch the egg like bus but couldn’t due to their tiny legs. They then spotted a group of witches waging a restrained giant grub like creature into town.

Whoa, that is one ominous parade. Luz said as the trio headed back to Eda’s location.

Eda turned around to see what Luz was talking about only to gasp and grab Aurora and stuff her in her hood.

That’s no parade Luz, those are demon hunters: dangerous nomads who capture and sale the most powerful beasts. Aka your little dragon.

Eda explained as one of the hunter turned his head giving an intimidating glare at them. Luz quickly understand and Aurora whimpered in fear trying to hide more in Eda’s hair.

As well as me if you don’t open up, Morton!

As if on que a young adult witch with brown hair and a beaker on his head opened the gate to the main part of the building looking ill.

Sorry Eda! I was up all night poison tasting and for some reason I don’t feel good.

I’m all out of my juice, pal.

Oh, gee. Lemme see what I can do.

Also Aurora those hunter are gone now you can come out.

Hastily Aurora peeked out of Eda’s hood making sure that the cost was clear before hopping off.

Willow and Gus! Heya, friends! Wait, what’s wrong? Who hurt my babies?

Them. Willow responded by pointing behind her.

Both Luz and Aurora saw a group of girls that went to Hexside were laughing and not in a good way.

Amity’s having a moonlight conjuring and invited everyone but me.

And she keeps posting about it on her Penstagram account.

Gus showed Luz and Aurora his scroll with the picture of Amity with the rest of her friends with a message underneath it.

“It’s conjuring night! No dorks allowed”? What a jerk! What’s a moonlight conjuring?

You spend the night at someone’s house, telling stories, playing games…

Luz interrupted Willow before she could finish out of excitement.

Like a slumber party! We have those!

Then you bring something to life with moon magic!

This isn’t like how Aurora was made is it?

Nope the object can only last while the moon is at its peck, and we need at least people and- -

I’m three people- - I mean we’re three people and we’re way better than them!

One of the Hexside girls started laughing again she had pink hair with three eyes while her Hexside uniform sleeves had yellow on them, and was now approaching the group.

Sorry you couldn’t get an invite to the conjuring, Willow only real witches allowed.

She then looked between Luz and Aurora give them a smile that only excited to continue her gloating.

And that include you Draco witch.

Wait me?

Luz was shock the whole Draco witch thing was only hear by anyone in the convention so she assumed this girl was there to see her duel with Amity or the trick Aurora pulled off.

Of course you actually have talent unlike half a witch here or this small fried nerd.

Hey! Don’t dis my friends Willow is a great witch and Gus is the smartest person I know.

Gus perked up at Luz defending him will Willow was struggling to control her anger, and Aurora made a small growl at the girl but didn’t seemed fazed.

Ha! Yha right you able to summon and control dragons what makes these two anything special making friends with weeds, and lame illusions.

Aurora had enough of this girl verbal assault, and a light quickly consumed her shifting to her grow up form giving off a loud roar, and shooting daggers at the Hexside girl while still behind Luz.

Luz herself could feel Aurora’s rage building up it wasn’t a lot but it could be dangerous if she didn’t calm her down. Luz slowly paced a hand on Aurora snout wait for her to relax a little until laying her head on Auroras while whispering to her which slowly started to calm her down as both the human and dragon closed their eyes only focusing on keeping Aurora’s rage down.

It’s ok Aurora I know you want to defend ours friend but don’t worry she was just leaving.

Luz then opened her eyes but they were different her normal human eyes where replaced with the dagger shape of a dragon.


Luz asked the girl but her voiced had a bit of a different to it sounded like another voice was talking with her it sounded almost angelic.

It was the Hexside girl turn to be in shock not only at the huge dragon staring her down but her tamer as well giving her the same soul piercing stare similar eyes and all.

F fine whatever have fun with you loser friends. But just so you know you just ruined and chance of a reputation.

She join the rest of her group who were trying not to show any fear of the dragon or Luz the only one of the that didn’t look scared was Amity who out of all of the knew neither of them would harm anyone just scare them away but that change in Luz’s eyes concerned her a part of her was interested on how that happened. But it was clear they didn’t want to be mess with anymore. Only down side was she was staring right at them, and Luz was staring right back but gave her a smile which caused her to blush a little, and quickly joined her group.

Aurora changed back to her smaller form but Luz’s eyes didn’t change back.

Luz are you ok?

She turned around and saw Willow and Gus faces filled with concern and appreciation.

Yha just fine don’t worry I just didn’t want Aurora getting into a fight with them. She’s actually super protective but that’s normal you should see here chasing smaller demons around the house.

Luz laugh remembered how two demon started messing with Hooty until Aurora showed up and chased them off enraged that they would try to harm her friend.

Anyway let’s get back to the moonlight conjuring we can do it at the Owl house.

Are you serious? This was on my bucket list, after owning a real human bucket?

Not tonight you aren’t, I’m going ou- what happened to your eyes?

What do you mean?

Kid look in the mirror.

Eda made a spell circle and created a mirror out of ice showing Luz her reflection.

Luz herself was stunned at her appearance her eyes were now like that of a dragon.

Did your friend cast an illusion spell or something?

No! I just tried to stop Aurora from going after a bunch of Hexside students, but I could feel her rage, and the first thing I wanted to do was calm her down then… I don’t know something felt off not bad but off.

Ok that settles you’re staying home, as well as that little dragon of yours until we find out what’s going on.

Then maybe they can come to the house and - -

No! You’re not doing anything involved magic for the rest of the day besides, conjurings are dumb; sitting in a circle holding hand. It’s like magic for babies. As Eda proceeded to walk away wanting to get ready for her trip to the night market.

But- -

Luz! What did Eda say?

So … guys…

Oh, look! The moon is rising into place; the celestial powers only align once a year.

Oh, I can’t believe I finally have enough friends for a moonlight conjuring! Thank you. Luz! Did Eda say it was okay?

Luz starred at her friends seeing how excited they were but she was turn about what to say next sure she would love to help them out, and Stick it to those bullies. However the sudden change to her eyes and being able to feel what Aurora was feelings were concurring unsure of what else has change worried her not wanting something to happen to her friends if something went wrong. But Aurora was the one who made her mind giving her dragon like puppy dog eyes not wanting to let her friends down.

Uhm... Yes. Eda said yes. We can do it at the Owl House… as long as we don’t make a mess or touch anything and never bring up that we did it! Ahahaha.


Oh, you’re the best!

“We’re gonna do a conjuring! We’re gonna do a conjuring! Conjuring! Conjuring!”

As Gus and Willow singed and dance way to get ready for the night, Aurora brushed Luz leg thanking her.

If we get busted your taken the heat.

Night fall was hitting fast as Eda prepared to head out.

Luz you’re in charge while I’m out. Make sure Hooty doesn’t get into any trouble. Or Aurora from eating anything important.

Hoot Hoot! I don’t need a babysitter; I’m a big boy house!

Aurora made a barking noise in response to Eda commit

You can count on me; I’d never betray your hard – earned trust. Ahaha.

You’re acting suspicious. You’re doing that thing where you hide in your hoodie.

Meow I’m not.

Eda actually snickered at Luz cat joke the change of her eyes made her look like a genuine cat now.

Uh…oh, where’s king?

He’s right here.

Eda opened her robe to show a sleeping king in a baby carrier.

His little boy just conks out when he’s weightless. Look at this.

Eda then proceeded to rock King back and forth while his weightless arms and leg followed in response.

Aww, he’s so dangly. Oh! I should get one for Aurora tittle be so cute.

I’ll think about it anyway, really going now. And Luz… if you mess up the house, I will never trust you again. No pressure! Bye!

Eda hopped on her staff and flew off heading to the night market. Once she was out of side Luz concern returned she tried to find out why her eyes had changed or why she can feel Aurora’s emotion now but nothing they read had an explanation. Not even the books about beast keeping helped sure they explained that the tamer and beast would have a connection but not in the level Luz and Aurora had. Not to mention what would happen if she uses any other type of magic while like this.

Ay… should we really be doing this?

Luz looked down at Aurora as she responded with a bark.

You right Willow is counting on us.

Luz then went closer to the resonantly add bushes on the side of the house and stared whispered to them.

Okay, she’s gone.


Both Willow and Gus burst out striking poses wearing more casual clothing Gus was wearing a grey long shelved shirt that was underneath a green vest, blue pants and brown shoes. While Willow was wearing a long shelved yellowy – orange dress with purple leggings and brown boots that really fit her.

I’m a sneaky sneakster!

I’ve got leave in my pants . . . and l like it

Luz opened the front door and invited them in before Hooty could start going on one of his stories.

Welcome to, the living room .We call it that because it’s technically living! The walls are breathing, look

Luz explained as Willow got closer want to see it was true. As Gus was looking through some of the trinkets Eda had keep even finding an actual human bucket. Luz however want to know one thing before they stared the conjuring.

How does it work?

Well first, we find something to animate. Since it’s our first time we should pick something meaningful, something beautiful.

Willow was trying to proclaim to use flowers at animate only for Gus to bring out and action figure she tried to arguing against it but Gus gave out a whimper, and puppy dog eyes that instantly had her agree.

Nice to know I’m not the only who's week to those.

Luz said whispering only for Aurora to make a small chirp and smile at her.

After lighting some candies they huddled around the doll ready to bring it to life. While Aurora sat on the couch and watched.

Now we just have to make a connection to the doll.

Figurine. Gus said a little annoyed but still holding Luz, and willow hands ready for the chant.

Moonlight, we call, we sing. Moonlight take this chance.

The chant itself was simple but Luz was struggling to understand her friends

Moonlight tie . . . string And I don’t know the words.

A huge wave of light pulsed around the room blowing out all of the candles even the light of the house Hooty controlled were out.

That you cue little man. Gus said to the figure but no response come from it instead the house started to shake. Luz and her friends tried to keep their balance but as they were tossed around while object started falling.

Outside Hooty’s eyes turned blue the same as the light that was around the three kids inside. As he started to stand up tearing open the ground using his new pair of feathery scaled like wings and landing with a pair of scaled like bird legs

Guys… did the house jus hiccup?

Luz started to wonder if this was her fault while Gus was arguing with the doll.

No, I think - - I think we might’ve animated the house by accident!

The house?

Aurora was the first to respond at that by quick getting out of the pile of books she was bury in and heard to the out front door and started barking seeing if she could get Hooty’s attention but to no avail as he started walking and slowly picked up speed.

By the power of moonlight I have risen Hoot. Hoot.

The others was able to get our right after Aurora as imminently saw Hooty’s eyes.

He’s in some kind of trance! Gus announced but lost his balance again almost falling off when Hooty took a small leap trying to fly. Lucky Luz and Willow were able to catch him grabbing his hands as well locking together their own. With Aurora biting on Luz hoodie while flying trying to keep them from falling.

Hooty Stop!

And just like that everything came to a complete halt. Hooty had stopped in his tracks thankfully this made it easy for Luz and Willow to bring Gus up.

How’d we do that?

Luz only needed a second to realize what they needed to do. Willow Gus hold hands again. They did and once again Hooty move but instead moving back away from the cliff Hooty was going to use to take off.

We’re controlling it with the power of friendship…uh - - and the moon. Probably the moon. Aurora though seemed to like Willow suspicion of friendship barking in response while inside Luz hoodie.

This is amazing! Wat do we do now?

On the one hand, we should probably stay put.

On the other hand, we’ve got a giant waking, probably flying house and should totally take it on a joyride.

Luz looked at the sky seeing the moon was still their but was slowly descending so they had plenty of time to get back. Okay okay but we gotta be back before the moon sets or Eda will kill me.

As the three teens and the small dragon cheered to start their night of mischief they were spotted by a familiar figure who grown and headed to regroup with his team to prepare for their hunt.

Hey, is that… Willow was scanning through the forest and was able to spot someone familiar.

It’s Boscha. That girl who made fun of us, and tried to recruit you Luz. Aurora growled still angered not wanting the girl anywhere near her friend or her summoner.
Don’t worry Aurora I got an idea.

Meanwhile Boscha was talking to her mom with a crow.

Ugh! Yes, mom. I’m moonlight conjuring. No, Mom. You can’t come. And yes, Mom it’s sad that you’re asking. She released the crow once she was done but stopped walking when she heard a voice.

Hey, H-Hey you. You should stop being so mean to people you’re kind of a jerk. Luz said using a hill to cover them while Gus us a spell to make her voice louder. Laughing at messing with the bully girl.

Ew. A talking house is giving me a lecture? Whatever. I’ll just TP you like I did with the rest of the neighborhood.

But don’t you see I am no mere house. Luz and her friends had Hooty stand up however Aurora started to flap her wing, and in response so did Hooty’s. They were now hovering in the air starting to get closer to Boscha thankful she started running away before she could spot them.

Woo how did we do that? The three teen tried to move the wings but to no avail. Until Aurora barked at them and showed them that she was the one to do it while emanating a similar blue aura of magic.

How did Aurora do that she wasn’t part of the conjuring? Gus asked completely confused

Maybe it has to do with me and Aurora’s bond? Luz said thinking this was the best way to explain. After what happened at the market I’ve been able to feel Aurora’s emotions and feelings maybe it’s a connection between me, you guys, and the moon?

Your bond is that strong?

Yha l… I don’t have any way of explaining it… Maybe it best we head back- -

Hey one of Amity’s friends are updating on Penstagram.

Shout out to my fellow witches. #Humans can bite it. Aurora was enraged and Luz could feel it but this time she allowed it even embraced it as she said let’s go show them what real witches can do. With the angelic voice backing her up.

Willow and Gus only cheered as they flew to Amity’s house with several dark figures following them.

Meanwhile Eda was able to find the shop owner who might have her elixir named Grimm Hammer but preferred to be called Tibbles. However his price for it was outrageous so she decided to make a deal with him with a game of Hexes Hold’em. If Eda won she gets the elixir, if her won then he took something from her. Tibbles accepted making Eda grin thinking this will be easy.


The three teens and the dragon were almost to Amity’s house ready to show off to amity and her friends what a real conjuring looks like. But they were stop when a large rope that was now around the house.

What Happened?

Luz pointed out something in front of them is that a … giant crossbow?

The leader of the hunter order the crossbow to fire forcing Hooty to land and be locked in place.

Aurora take out that crossbow. Luz ordered

Aurora then flew toward the hunter’s turning into her adult form only two more to appear and started making spell circle shooting out green lighting. Aurora tries to dodge out the way but the leader was a lot sharper of a shoot, and was able to hit her left wing.

AWWWWWWWWW! RAAAAOOOORR! Both Luz and Aurora screamed in pain despite Luz not even being hit by the spell she still could feel it through Aurora she could stand it and quickly passed out. While Aurora crashed to the ground with her wing looking burned with a few lost feathers. The hunter quickly tied her up, throw her in front of the house with the leader jumping up after landing in front of Willow and Gus who were making sure their friend was ok.

Knock. Knock. Was the only thing he said to them before teeing them up, and placing them in the house.

Luz was slowly regain concusses but when she did she felt fine as if the pain was never there and just fell asleep. Not only that she felt empty as if something was missing, but could tell that Hooty was still moving. Looking at her friend she saw Gus biting at the ropes while Willow just looked defeated.

Ugh what happened?

Luz! You’re ok! Aurora got hit and you just started screaming.

Is she ok?

Willow sighed before answering. We’re not sure they placed her in front of the house but she’s teed up…I’m sorry, Luz. You shouldn’t ask me to help with anything.


Before Luz could say anything else the house came to a sudden stop knocking the teed up trio back from the front door.

Did the house stop moving?

Ugh my insides didn’t Gus said looking sick despite the short roll they did.

The front door opened reviling The Leader of the hunters and two of his comrades laughing evilly as he dragged the teed up teens outside ready to give out orders.

Take the house and rip out the house demon. We can sell it to restaurants as exotic meat. As for the dragon once we finish it we’ll skin it to make heat proof clocks, but were keeping the head. I want to mount it on my wall. He said malicious voice.

No! No! No! No! One Hooty would taste terrible.

Hey I’m a refine taste Hoot! Hoot! Despite still being in the moonlight trance Hooty was still able to defend himself from Luz’s comment.

And two Aurora will be useless to you if you kill her.

Ha! will see about that. Throw these worms over the cliff.

The other hunter only chuckled while shoving them closer and closer to the nearby cliff only stopping when Gus tried to make the guy guilty for tossing them off. That didn’t work though as it turned out that the guy was kind of a weirdo as he quickly pushed them down with childish glee. Thankfully the rope caught on a branch and they were saved from their watery grave for the moment.

If we’re not killed now, we will be when Eda finds out about the house. Luz said trying to think of a way out.

Luz I’m so sorry. You wanted to turn back but I just had I just had to show off to Amity. The truth is she and I used to be friends.


We played together as kids, but when she got her magical powers and I didn’t, stopped hanging out with me.

Guys, is now the best time?

Willow sign and just got straight to the point. I just wanted to prove to her that I was a powerful witch too.

That’s ridiculous. Luz said wanting to cheer up her friend. You helped bring a house to life. Amity doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Next to Eda you’re the most powerful witch I know. No offense, Gus

No, not at all. I know what I’m about he said looking completely unfazed at the remark.

However that quickly changed when the branch they were on stated to snap.

This tress can’t hold us much longer.

Willow started to struggle through the ropes trying get one of her arms free and successed.

There. Now, if I could just reach that… root. Gotcha! As she started pouring magic into it.


Yeah, they tried to fight back and they nearly got me. But you know, I handled it. The hunter who had push the trio off the cliff was gloating to his boss, trying to make it sound like a real struggle. But he just looked unimpressed. They were children Tom. The head hunter said with a look of disappointment. But that quickly changed when the ground stated to shack reviling massive vines with thorns, and three familiar teens.

We may be children, but we’re also witches. Powerful ones. Willow said while using the vines to snap the rope with Luz, and Gus ready to save Hooty and Aurora.

Willow sent out the vine to attack and distract the hunters, while rushing toward the house. Luz even sent out the hallow dragon to hold the off long enough to reach Aurora.

Aurora! Come on girl you gotta get up!

Aurora struggled to her feet while shifting back to her hatchling form easily freeing her from the chains, but her wing looked even worse. Seeing this Luz quickly scooped her up heading inside the house with her eyes returning to the shape of a dragon instantly felling not only Aurora’s emotions again but also Amber’s rage fighting off the hunter while Aurora was hurt and tired they need to leave now!

Everyone, quick! Luz held out her hand for Willow and Gus to grab with Aurora back inside her hood, they did so but something changed to the dragon outside a circle of blue aura surrounded it as the light grew brighter as well as the moon.

The light faded and reviled a new dragon this one had a longer body than Aurora when she was an adult, it had a black scaled body even it wings but they were more see through with a light blue shade when they were open it even had two small flaps below them, their face keep the sharp point but it didn’t have horns, instead more looked like it was wearing a white mask with two shape pointed edges extended to the side of its head that ended near its jaw, with a blue jewel like eye was in the center of it. But it true eyes were black with the same shade of blue for it pupils. While its tail was completely smooth an almost twice as long.

The dragon gave off a loud roar that caused the sword the hunter started to twist, and turn around him trapping him completely. He tried to break free but stop seeing Hooty was free from his restraints and crush him under his foot.

Ok as much as I want to freak out we gotta get home before Eda does.

They started to move heading back to The Owl houses original location with the new dragon flying right beside them. Leaving the hunters groaning in pain.

They’re just children, Tom the hunter said to his leader who just sigh in defeat.

Speaking of defeat, Eda lost the game Tibbles played her completely and had taken king as a prize to model his baby cloths, and had trapped Eda who was unable to perform magic due to her curse. Now she was on the ground chained up as well as king. The only thing she could do now was swallow her pride and admit the truth.

King I’m sorry.

King? Who’s King? I go by little bone boy now.

I know I have a problem. I get obsessed with Hexes Hold’em. But I’m done with that stupid game. Look. Eda then proceeds to eat one of the cards near her.

You promise?

I promised Eda said still with the card in her mouth.

Ha. ha. Okay, okay. I’ll grab you the elixir and then we can bust out of here.

King then easily freed himself and was on his way to grab the elixir until Tibbles return gloating that the Emperor coven was already on their way while having more cloths for him to show off. King started to protest at that but Tibbles wouldn’t allow it believing he’d won. That is until a familiar house can and crushed his stand.

Sorry, mister came for the house as it continued moving with a large dark figure followed them.

Ahaha cha haha. Wait was that my house? Before Eda could come to a conclusion King got her attention throwing her the elixir as she catch it with her mouth, and quickly chugged the orange glowing liquid. Once done she used her magic to break the chains with ease.

No, no, no! My scam stand.

Sorry, Tibble, old boy. It looks like you forgot about the wild card. Eda said waking away from the destroyed stand, while Tibbles went on to vow to get revenge before the stand came down on him.

The trio finally made it to back to the house original spot having it sit back in place.

Did we do it?

Is the room spinning or is it just me? Ha ha ah. Just a little house humor. Ooh Hooty responded looking a bit daze but freed from the trance.

Sorry about all that, Hooty.

It’s okay. I’m just glad I was included.

Luz was glad everything was back to normal. Well as normal as it can be for the Boiling isles, now all they needed to do was clean the house befor-

The door was slammed shut to revile an annoyed Eda and King.

Oh, boy.

You are so busted.

Oh, man.

You held a moonlight conjuring.

I did.

And not only did you make another dragon Eda then held out a small long body hatchling that had a round white mask that covered it face with a small blue dot on it, with its front and back legs dangling as it’s long tail was barely touch the floor and its pure black eyes with a small white pupil where filled with fear. The only thing the poor thing did in response was weep, but you animated my house. My house!

Yes. Eda the tossed the little dragon to Luz as it buried it head in her shoulder terrified of the older witch as Luz was ready to talk whatever punishment Eda would comment.

No. Don’t punish Luz. We’re the ones who pushed her to do the conjuring. Willow said stepping in for her friend.

If you’re gonna eat me just do it now. Do it now! Gus said a little over dramatic.

Hey you didn’t have to do that.

Yes, Luz I did.

Well you’re all guilty, so you’ll all be punished by cleaning my house top to bottom.

Clean supplies appeared above their heads, and they struggled to carry it as it dropped in their hands as Eda walked to the couch only to suddenly stop.

And another thing…

The three teens froze up wondering what else could be instore for them.

That was totally amazing. And I’m so joining you for next year’s conjuring. The trio smiled glad that not only cleaning was their only punishment but also getting the approval to do it again with Eda’s help as they happy started their work.

Oh wait Eda can you get Aurora from my hoodie she got hurt when I asked her to help us with a few demon hunters. Luz asked a little disappointed in herself for not thing properly on how to get away from the hunters.

Luz then turned around showing the sleep Aurora trying not to put on any weight on her damaged wing.

Sure kid let’s see what the damage is. Eda then lifted Aurora with and spell that startled her awake but calmed down once she know where she was then some bandages and medicine.

Come on you walking candle light let me see your wing. Aurora was heist but obeyed she slowly open her wing only to show a big gap of burned and missing feathers, along sided that the wing itself lost some skin as well it didn’t look to bad but she wasn’t flying anytime soon. Eda the proceeded to apply the medicine on the damage skin before quick wrapping it up with bandages.

There that should do but no flying until this heals.

Aurora nodded giving a smile to Eda before nuzzling her arm.

Ok that enough of that why don’t you mess with your new play mate over there. Eda pointed at the black hatchling as it was helping the three teens clean by having the cleaning rag flopped, and zipped around while Willow sprayed the shelves.

Aurora didn’t seem to want to get in their way so she went over to King part of the cough nuzzling next to him, and fell back asleep.

Aww. Best servant, I can’t believe they animated whole house.

Eda lifted her head in realization. Yha you’re right. That takes some powerful magic. she started at Luz for a bit wondering if it was possible that there was more to the than she though she means of course there was Luz was able to summon dragons but that was just due to wild magic…right?

You know, I still wish we got to show up Boscha and Amity. Luz said wanting to show up Boscha the most.

Yeah. Too bad no one will know of our daring adventures.

Meanwhile said bully and her group had no lucky bring anything to life not even a simple stuffed animal.

Ugh. So what if we couldn’t move a doll. Now we have time for what really matters … Penstagram Boscha summoned a scroll that unrolled and quickly stated fiddling with it as well as the rest of her group.

All but one though wasn’t joining in and that was Amity annoyed that they failed to bring anything to life, she though they actually did it when the moon start shinnying incredible bring but still nothing now she was at her window wondering what that light could have been. Only for her attention to be draw on Boscha when she was startled by a familiar image. Amity got up to see only to find a picture with a house with legs and wings. Boscha keep scrolling down turning red from rage only stopping when three familiar teens and a dragon appeared.

THAT LITTLE! Uuuugh. Boscha was seething first that human had the nerve to turn her down, then defend those two loser, and now this impossible.

Hey there’s another update. Amity said looking a bit curious.

Boscha scrolled down again only to see a large black figure with wing flying right next to house with the message saying


WHAT? Both Amity and Boscha said.

Chapter 5: Enemy understanding


Luz and Amity start to get along with the help of a little dragon, while another helps keep an eye on the children of a longtime ally.


Ok super sorry that this was late a lot of stuff can up and my computer decided it wanted to mess with me. so super sorry I'll try to be a bit more consistent with chapters so long as nothing stupid happens.

Chapter Text

It had been a few days since the moonlight conjuring and the new dragon Nax had been settling in with the rest of the group very well especially with its magic, the first one was being able to bring things to life but he needed an actual object to do it, such as when Eda keep trying to bring ingredients to life to cook themselves and never working

His second ability was feeling out other people bond to each other making it easy for Nax to help detect people with ill intention such as the guards or Boscha and her group who had continued to annoy Willow and Gus even more at school while keeping their distance if they ever near Luz after their conjuring became the big thing on penstagram, But weirdly enough yesterday Nax ran off chasing the group only stopping when he got close to a familiar green-haired witch Amity notice the new hatchling wondering what it was doing, and where was its tamer?

What do you want? Amity asked Nax only for him to get closer stopping at her feet with a smile making a small bark at her.

Amity didn’t understand what was going on but didn’t have time to question the dragon more as its human tamer called out.

Nax! Where did you go?

Hearing this Nax quickly ran back to his summoner only giving Amity a small bow before leaving.

What was that? Amity thought before brushing it off as nothing as she went back to her group.

As for Nax's relation with his dragon sister, the two got along very well but Luz quickly started noticing the differences between to two while Aurora would always get annoyed and protective over anyone she didn’t like such as the other girls in Boscha's group. Nax seemed to see through them know for a fact they weren’t mean people just following a mean person in fact every time they got close when Boscha or Luz weren’t looking he would follow them even play with them if he didn’t see their leader there. The same goes for creatures around the house such as the small demons that missed with Hooty instead of chasing them off with his sister he’d bring food for them, or guide them to a different location for them to take shelter he turned to more of a guardian of the forest than a protector.

After taking some food from his bowl to a starving big-headed butterfly Nax returned to spot his summoner reading from her favorite book to Aurora and King.

Azura…” Our paths have crossed only in battle. But today I stand before seeking an ally Luz then closed the book as she sighed satisfied in the characters' speech.

Luz, you’re getting all swoony again. King said with Aurora behind him with her wing was now free from bandages but the feathers haven’t grown back full making it difficult for her to fly.

I can’t help it. Azura is able to befriend everyone. Even her biggest rival. I wish I had that kind of power.

You’re able to summon dragons that can annihilate your rivals as you should. Now keep reading I’ve been sucked into your awful fandom.

Aurora barked in agreement to continue the story while her brother got up on the couch as well ready to lesson to the story.

Okay. “Suddenly the door swung open.”

As if on cue Hooty swung opened himself. Ding-dong, Ding. Hoot! Hoot!

The book has come to life! Burn it! King said started at Hooty sudden appears.

Luz then was to the front door wondering what was going to see nothing at first until spotting a basket. Thinking it was for Eda Luz carried it to the kitchen.

Eda you got a package. It looks like a gift basket.

Probably an offering. Ah, being the most powerful witch in the Boiling Isles has its perks.

King wearing a bib quickly pulled the cover to take a peek at what was in the basket before dining on it only to reveal a baby bat creature.

Mm. Fresh meat.

No, not eating that. Luz said disgustedly at the thought.

Witches eating babies is so 1693. What is this? Eda asked wondering if this was some kind of joke.

There’s a note. King grab it and started reading. “Take care of my child till morning. Yi Yi.

Nope. Babies are awful. Not happening.

You help with Aurora and Nax though. Why is this different? Luz asked her mentor.

The difference is those two can partially take care of themselves.

You’ll be handsomely rewarded, X-O-X-O-X-O-X. Bat Queen King said continuing reading the note.

Bat Queen? Reward?

Eda quickly changed her tune once she saw King holding a few snails.

Who’s the Bat Queen?

She’s the wealthiest demon on the Boiling Isles. Get in with her and you’re set for life. So, we keep this thing alive for a few hours and we get paid. Pfft. Easy.

Our greatest adventure yet! Learning about love and life tough a child’s eyes.

Both Aurora and Nax barked in agreement happy to play at the thought of playing with the baby bat.

Not you. You have to return the books I checked out from the Library. Eda said while dropping a stack of books in Luz’s hand, luckily Nax animated some of them to help lighten the load as they flapped around the room while Eda whispered something to King.

I don’t want her getting a cut of the loot.

Good thinking. King said in response.

Now let’s take a look at this little darling. Once Eda removed more of the sheet the baby bat gave off an ear-piercing screech that rocked the entire house, not happy being woken up so suddenly making Eda cover her ear and knocking King on his back, while Aurora tried to endure the whale.

On second thought maybe we could use your help!

Well, I better get to the library! Let’s go Nax! Bye! Luz hurried to close the door behind her with Nax and the flying books followed suit.

We got this, right? Eda tried to reassure King only for the baby bat to cling to her face.

Luz and Nax were almost to the library having half the books flying had its perks when they were passing people who Luz might have tripped over due to the books blocking her view. She was gladder at that once they make it to the building it was huge coming straight out of one of her Azura books it even had a stained glass window in front of it.


They hurried inside heading straight to the front desk excepted the librarian bet then to it as he used a spell to hover the books had while the flying ones Nax himself brought over.

Late, late, coffee, grass, and bloodstains? These are Eda’s, aren’t they? He asked already knowing the answer.

Huh. That was a crazy night. Was the only thing Luz could say about the whole event.

The Liberian just sighed before summoning a very long scroll. I’ll put them on her tab. By the way, we’re closing early for the Wailing star meteor shower.

Ooh. What’s that?

You’re in a library. Read a book.

Haha. Good point by the way where would I find books about dragons? Or even beast-keeping magic Luz asked thinking that this could be her chance to learn more about her ability to feel her dragon’s emotions or her eyes changing.

Anything involving beast-keeping magic would be on the first floor here in the coven section next to the kids’ reading corner. He then pointed to the section of the library the said covens.

Thank you Luz said hurrying to find anything use full with Nax following behind her.

Shh! was all the librarian said in response.

Luz found several books about beast keeping but nothing came close to her situation some can close as beast keepers were able to summon their animal partners but nothing else. Even Intel on dragons was pretty much the same powerful, territorial, aggressive blah blah blah same old some old.

Meanwhile, when Luz started to look for books Nax felt a familiar presence in the kid's corner, and quickly rush in only to stop and hid behind a bookshelf not wanting to be spotted by a green-haired witch that was about to read to a group of kids.

Ok everyone today's booking is going to be Otabin the book weaver. Amity announced to the kids who cheered excited for the story. The black hatchling hearing how sweet Amity’s voice was slowly started getting closer to the group of kids only for one of them to spot him.

Aww, you’re so cute a young light blond-haired girl said trying to pet him. Nax happily allowed as the young witch girl scratch the side of his masked face.

Hey, little one you can’t just run of by your—Amity imminently lost her train of thought once she spotted the young black dragon knowing for sure his tamer was somewhere near. (Just great) she thought in her head really didn't want to be near the human as she had been nothing but trouble for her. Just before she was about to take the young witch away from Nax he was scooped up by the young one.

Please Miss Amity can I keep him?

Umm sorry. But he already has an owner who probably looking for him.

Then can I let's hold on to him until storytime is over?

Amity tried to argue but both the young witch and the hatchling were giving her puppy dog eyes making it impossible to say no.

Oh all right. But you have to pay attention to the story, and he has to go back to his owner. Ok?

Ok, thank you Miss Amity. The young witchling said with Nax cheeping happily as they headed back to the rest of the group of kids. Amity however was staring back at the entrance of the kids’ corner hoping that the dragon’s tamer wasn’t actually here.

Ugh! Ok, this was useless let’s go Nax looks like we gotta find answers on our own. Luz closed the book she was reading and pushed it to the side ready to leave the library in annoyance. Nothing in here had anything new about dragons they are powerful, territorial, aggressive. Bla Bla Bla same old same old. Nothing in the beast-keeping book helped either sure some were close but nothing to her level of bound.

Luz just had to assume that what was happening was something completely new which both excited and worried her. Sure there wasn’t anything dangerous happening but how long will that last? Will there be other changes? And what will happen to Aurora and Nax? Will they still be as kind as they are? Or will that change and become just as aggressive as the books say? She didn’t know but one thing for sure she wasn’t going to let that happen.

Luz was deep in thought until a sudden voice broke her out of her trance.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

Wait, what?

She looked over to kid corner and saw Nax being held by a little kid but also Amity reading to them who generally looking happy doing it as she continued reading.

We’re you’re friends and we wanna help, said the Tin boy with a yelp. Otabin smiled and paced the floor “I’ve never had real friends before.

Luz sneaked into the kid's corner hiding behind a bookshelf not wanting to interrupt due to being way too cute to ruin.

“Then we’ll be your first, ‘the Chicken Witch clucked. Otabin couldn’t believe his luck. So, Bookmaker Otabin surrounded by friends bound a book of friendship and that’s the end.

The young witchlings and clap and giggled at the end while the black hatchling chirped with glee.

Wow, Amity seems so nice and smiley. Maybe I can actually befriend her? Luz said thinking of her options sure she and Amity didn’t start out all that well not to meant the duel just made things worse. But Luz trusted Amity on how she got her dragon glyph and Aurora even if it was to prove how hard she’d been working to become a witch, she wanted to show that they were equals.

Before Luz could do anything else the group of witchlings rushed out while thanking Amity one even stay to hug her, once that was done she looked over at Nax who was by her side nuzzling her leg as a sign of thanks.

Ok that enough, time for you to go back to your owner before one of the kids tries to take you. The green hair witch said about to leave the kid's corner until spotting said, owner.

Oh, there you are.

Amity … Reading to kids oh and thanks for letting Nax stay for the story. Looks like this sour lemon has a hidden sweet center.

It’s for extra credit. Amity said turning her back to the human until she heard the hatchling purring she turned around seeing the dragon had curled around his owner's neck with nuzzling her cheek while Luz was scratching his head in response.

So you have a new dragon does that mean you have a new spell?

Not really when we did the moonlight conjuring we brought the house to life—

I already know that you guys were everywhere on penstagram.

Oh wow really? We didn’t check it because we just assumed no one noticed us.

Well, they did continue.

Oh right, anyway we got caught by some demon hunters and had to fight them so I used my dragon glyph to hold them off the thing is though I have a connection to my dragons including Amber so when we hold hands again well . . . I don’t know I’m guessing the moons magic passed on to him and turned into Nax here since he has magic similar to the conjuring. . . I don’t know how else to explain it.

Luz looked to her side at Nax scratching his head again but looked completely lost.

Amity tried to ask what was wrong but Luz continued taking.

I originally come here to return some books Eda checked out but I asked if there was anything about dragons and beast keeping only to find nothing new. . . I’m completely in the dark now which is cool, and all but it brings a lot of what-ifs. My eyes have changed due to it will there be more? I can tell how they feel but their emotions can affect me as well what would happen if I lose my cool and allow them to hurt someone? Heck, I can feel their pain to so what would happen if someone tries to hunt them down? I won’t be able to do anything because I can’t take the hits they can . . . there’s just a lot I don’t know about the spell and continuing just keeps piling on more questions. . .

Luz took a deep breath trying not to lose her composer due to fear.

Despite that though I’m gonna try to keep finding answers there’s gotta be someone on the Boiling Isles who know what’s going on, and if not then I’ll find them myself even if I have to do something crazy, well crazier.

Why . . . why are you telling me this? Amity asked surprised by how open Luz was to her.

Because I trust you beside Gus and Willow are you one of the few people who know about the spell beside you let Nax stay for the story it’s only fair.

Amity was gasped at that remark sure she still thinks Luz is a hazard to be around but she was being compared to her friends as if she was one.


Aww isn’t that cute Mittens got a new friend.

Hey, isn’t that the Draco witch she was in that duel with?

Both girls looked behind them to spot two witches mostly twins with green hair the only differences they had were a different gender.

What are you two doing here? Amity asked annoyed.

Well, mom said stop forgetting your lunch the boy said handing her a lunch bag.

Plus we wanted to check something out but it looks like you’re having a lot more interesting conversation.

Then you can leave now. Luz . . . I’ll talk to you later. Amity started walking back to her spot in the kids’ corner while the twins just laugh know they got under her skin.

So, you’re the human we’re heard so much about.

I’m Emira and this is Edric. We’re Amity’s older siblings. We heard how you embarrassed her at the school and at the witch convention last week. Though I heard your dragon was white not black?

Umm yha, I have more than one. Aurora is the one you’re talking about this is Nax. The black hatchling bard in response greeting the twin while still around Luz's neck.

Really!? Haha, no wonder she hates you.

Yha . . . I have been making things hard for her. But we’ve been a bit cooler recently though I can tell she’s still sour around me.

Don’t was your time with Mittens. Me and Ed, we are way more fun. Follow us.

Luz followed the twins as they started pulling pranks and terrorizing the librarians until Amity came and busted them ready to kick them out but. Nax beat them to it as he turned into his adult form and picked them up by their shirts with his teeth happy that his summoner and her friends stopped messing with people as he really didn’t like it.

Once outside the desk librarian came to the doors saying. You’ve made reading far too fun. Now, stay out. Before slamming the doors to the library shut.

Nax made a growl upset that Luz wouldn’t say anything to stop the twins and not getting back on Amity’s bad side. Luz then got closer to him extending her hand to pet his head as a way to apologize which he allowed.

Well, I manage to make both my dragon and Amity mad at me at the same time. I didn’t think that was possible.

No, when Mittens gets mad, she looks like this Edric then held his breath to puff up his cheeks and turning his face red. When he finally realized the breath Edric almost collapsed due to the lack of air. "Whoa, I almost passed out."

You're pretty fun, human, even though your dragon a bit of a stinker Nax made a small growl at the description of him but Emira didn't seem to notice. But besides that, we're coming back tonight. There's a certain book we forgot to check out.

And bonus, rumor has it the Wailing star's supposed to unlock some rare magical event. You in, friend?

Before Nax could argue Luz accepted their offer making him glare at her in annoyances once the twins were gone.

Aww come on Mr. grumpy it'll be fun Luz tried to convince Nax. It didn't work as he just made a small growl as he walked back to the Owl House.

It's been hours. How can it keep screaming?

Speaking of Eda, King, and Aurora were having trouble with the baby bat still crying.

Ugh. I hate it too, pip-squeak. But think about the money. Eda said putting her hand back on from her ears.

Aurora was trying desperately to calm the baby bat but nothing worked not even showing it the prism's rainbow work instead it just made it cry even more as its screams made anything glass crack or break.
No amount of snails is worth this torture. Make it stop. King begged.

Eda sighed regretting what she was gonna do picking up the baby bat and it imminently stop crying so she started rocking it back and forth pretending to know what to say to it.

Nax opened the door completely done with the whole day while Luz was having the time of her life.

I just had the best day. Cool teens like me. Call me a library book cause they were checking me out.

Nax only huffed at the hit joke rolling his eyes. It not like Nax didn’t like the twins just had a feeling that they were planning something bad. Luz didn’t seem to notice his annoyance as she spotted Eda holding the baby bat.

Aw, Eda, you look so motherly.

Say that again and I steal your tongue. Eda warned Luz.

Aw. How can you say that around this cute little baby?

Luz tried to pet the little one but it woke up and threw up another baby bat, and that one threw up another bat. The five residents of the Owl House quickly scattered as one of the baby bats started belching out fire onto the couch and crashing into the walls. Two of them started lifting up Aurora as if they were trying to help her fly but her wing was still hurt and it just ended with her falling. Thankful Eda caught her along with holding on to King for dear life.

Luz had wished them luck as she grabbing her bag followed by Nax headed back to the library while King tried to reassure them with one thing.

Uh, for, for the money?

For the money.

Aurora barked in agreement. Before Eda had to dodge barf that shot at them.

Luz and Nax were back at the library entrance waiting for the twins. Luz tried to find poses and jesters to make her look cool, but for Nax it only made her look silly. Especially when the twins came supposedly seeing everything. Once that was done they made their way to the front door.

It says no trespassing but I’m allergic to the rules. Edric said as he pulls out a scroll and passes it to Emira.

And dairy Emira responded, and hurting her brother’s pride. As she packed the scroll on the door making the keyhole enlarge.

The four went inside just in time to spot the Wailing star passing through the glass of the Library. But the rumor seemed to be false as nothing change, that is until Luz took a closer look at the books she opening up a book of “Extinct Birds of the Boiling Isles” and instantly a swarm of birds burst out of the pages the three teens were amazed at the sight, while Nax flew alongside them until Luz close it giving the twins a smile of joy with the twins smiling back.

The witch twins and the human started open multiple magazines, and books trying on outfits from characters, use history books to mess with each other, or just curious about what the book would do if they opened it. They were in the middle of a snowball fight with Nax using his magic to take control of three “ Snowballs a History” books until Luz took cover in the Kid’s corner where she notices the “ Otabin the bookmaker” book opening it up the bookmaker himself appeared staring at Luz while she stared back at him with welcoming smile.

Despite the teens and the hatchling were having the time of their life, his sister was struggling to keep control of three baby bat who kept messing with everything they could get their claws on while Eda and King took cover under the couch that was pushed to its side unsure what to do.

What silences children? King asked What if we invent a TV network for ages 6 to 11?

That’s insane. Eda interrupted him. Aah, there’s only one way out of this. She then pulled out a jagged knife. Which made King gasp in fear until Eda pulled out a book similar to the one her student, and cut up an apple.

Apple slices and storytime.

All right brats, let’s do this. Ugh. Being parental is making me sick. She said annoyed while lifting the couch back up as Aurora, King, and the baby bats sat on the floor ready to hear the story.

“Otabin spend his day alone amongst the many books he’d sewn. With needle and thread . . .

“. . . The pages he mend. But all while he longed for a friend.” Luz was in the middle of reading the same page her mentor was reading though little to her knowledge of it.

Luz, check this out Edric got her attention while Emira held out a book called “Quacks East Snacks”

Look what we discovered. She opened the book and out came the duck maned Quacks quacking happily.

Aw. Cute little quacker.

Edric then pull out a pen and started drawing on the book reviling now that Quacks had large hairy legs now. As he quacked in panic.

Now he’s extra cute. Emira said laughing with her brother until Nax snatch the book from her making Quacks disappear as he held the book in his mouth refusing to let the twins from doing any more damage.

Stinker. Ok, Luz your turn. Emira said but Luz just couldn’t do it really no wanting to deface the sweet children’s book but Edric forced her hand as they gave Otabin a large frowning face, huge eyebrows, and monstrous claws. Nax again tried to take the book away but Edric lifted it up causing him to crash to the floor. As Edric placed to book back in Luz’s hands wanting her to do the honor of reviling their work but Luz refused not wanting to see the nightmare she made. The twins though didn’t seem to mind as they had other plans as they dragged Luz to the Romance section dropping the book with Nax following them.

Oh, wow. Boiling Isles romance. That’s totally lame. I mean, unless you guys are into it? Luz as nervously.

I think I’m into this one. Edric pulled a book from the shelf only to put it back imminently as the shelf started moving to revile as a hidden room.

It was a small lite room that had its own bookshelves in it with dangling stars and planets hanging from the ceiling. On the floor was a small dark green rug was in the center of the floor with 2 large pillows by the entrance and the back of the wall, there was also a small desk with a few books, a mug, and a lite candle with a small yellowish gold chair, a trash can and a pair of slippers under neat it.

Wow! Luz said amazed at the sight. That’s a good book. Your clubhouse is like my ultimate secret hideaway.

Nax followed them in as he spotted his summoner's favorite book series but saw one book with them that didn’t seem right.

We don’t hang out in the library. “Uh, teacher, I’m in love with a dictionary.”

I’m studying the dork arts. The twin mocked. This is Amity’s secret hideaway.

Luz was speechless at the information now worried at what the twins were planning.

Mittens has gotten too full of herself. She keeps tattling on us when we cut class.

She needs to learn not to mess with people like that. So, we’re going to find her diary.

And then post the pages all around the school for everyone to see.

The twins cheered at the idea as if they were plan was genius, But Luz didn’t.

What? Isn’t that taking it a bit too far? She asked.

No. see, we’re her family. It’s tough love. She needs to learn to lighten up.

Luz was trying desperately to think of something to get the twins out until Nax caught her attention he was hiding under the table and had what appeared to be the diary in his mouth. Luz could feel his desire to run out of there before he was spotted. Luz then made a small nod to him pretending to agree with them as they started their fake search. Once the Edric and Emira backs were turned Nax made his move, quickly rushing out of the room only to bump into someone, realize the familiar figure as he happily gave the diary to them.

Is it over here?

Nope. What about on the desk?

No nothing.

The twins were still trying to find Amity’s diary looking everywhere for it while Luz stopped her fake search a while ago. The only thing that caught her interest was the “Good witch Azura” books Amity had which made her squeal with glee knowing she finally had someone to talk to about her favorite book series.

Well, we looked everywhere. Guess it’s not here. Luz said sarcastically.

Yha you right Mittens must have moved it.

Maybe it in her room or her school bag?

The twins were trying to figure out where the diary could be still not giving up one spilling everything Amity ever wrote on it.

Well since it not here let’s get out of here before—Luz stopped what she was going to say as the one person she was hoping didn’t find her here was right by the open secret entrance.

Amity shows up . . . um hi, Amity.

Amity just had an annoyed blank stare on her face as she started talking.

Edric, Emira what are you two doing?

Hey sis we were just –

Trying to find my dairy? Amity cut Emira off already knowing what they were doing.

No, we just . . . wanted to copy your history homework, Edric lied.

I finished all my homework at school you two know that.

Ugh. Ok, we were looking for your diary, but only because you keep tattling on us.

Yha! Because you two would cause trouble and I’ll be the one who gets caught in the middle of it.

Aww come on, it never that bad.

It will be bad if mother and father find out so unless you two want me to tell them I suggest you leave. Amity then looked at Luz. We need to talk.

Luz was a bit worried wondering if she just destroyed any chance of befriending Amity by invading her personal space.

All right we’re going. See you later cutie. Emira winked at Luz causing a small blush to appear as the twins walked out of the hideaway leaving her and Amity alone. Luz wanted to apologize and explain everything but Amity beat her to it.

Don’t try to explain Luz I figure out what’s going on. As on cue, Nax came back with a flying book close behind him and quickly landed in her hands.

First, thank you for keeping this away from my siblings. Amity said while pressing the book closer to her.

It’s no problem, your siblings are cool but had I know we were here to take that I wouldn’t have come Luz tried to explain but was again stopped by Amity.

Like I said it's fine. Secondly I . . . I want to apologize for how I’ve been acting I haven’t been the nicest witch.

Amity don’t worry about it I didn’t make a great impression with the whole fake abomination thing, or the duel and I guess this doesn’t help either. Ha Ha. Luz hollowly laughed trying to make this conversation a bit lighter.

It's fine Luz maybe . . . we can restart, try to get to know one another better?

Yha! That sounds great! But . . . I should probably clean up the messes me, Nax and the twins made with the books first.

I’ll help with that. Amity insisted.

No, it's fine we made the mess might as well clean it.

Amity nodded her head refusing the decline. It’ll be if beside it’ll be faster to get done.

Nax barked wanting his summoner to accept the witch's offer. Well ok, thanks.

Don’t mention it. Amity said as the three started heading out the hideout only to spot a huge figure waiting for them. A massive corrupted pink rabbit-like demon with a book that both teens and dragon were familiar with within its chest, an unfazed stare of blue moon magic in its eyes with tusk-like teeth coming out of its mouth.

Otabin!? Both teens said. But the demon didn’t react to it except tried to grab them in his large hands

With claws and fangs and breaking bones, I found some friends to make my own. The corrupt bookmaker said as he first tried to grab Amity only for Luz to push her aside catch her instead.

Luz! Amity said getting back up only to stop once she saw Nax change into his adult form and taking control of five snowball books firing them at Otabin but was able to block them with his other hand as he retreated taking Luz with him.

Let me go! Luz said as she struggled to get out of the demon's grip but her voice was added with another this one sounded like a sturdy warrior or a soldier but it didn’t change anything as Otabin gave up on defending as just started running away.

Nax was about to go after him only to hear Amity’s voice.

Wait! You won’t be able to save Luz alone.

Amity was right Nax didn’t want to hurt Otabin because he knew it wasn’t his fault. He knows this was the twins doing or at least Edric’s doing that turned the once lonely bookmaker into a monster. So Nax nodded his head in agreement.

We’re gonna have to work together to save her. Amity then looked at her fallen diary. Staring at the cover she made. And I think I know-how. She said as they came up with an idea.

While they were preparing to stop the corrupt demon said bookmaker was back in Kids corner with a giant book placed against the wall. He placed Luz on one of the open pages and started to sew her arm on to the page once it was tied one it instantly fixed itself onto the page.

Otabin please! I’m sorry that I deface you let me fix it. Luz begged but only got another rhyme in response.

But friends are what I’ve always sought. And now a friend my claws have caught. As he continued to sew her into the book. Until a massive blast of purple smoke filled the room only to quick dissipate, as Nax appeared with a piercing roar and his wings spread outward but what was surprising was the who was on his back they had a simple blue dress with a gold belt, and a golden crescent moon-like crown, with short green hair in a small bud, and holding a familiar book. Honestly, the two match each other pretty well.

Hecate? Luz said completely speechless at the sight.

Close. The figure said as the smoke cleared up reviling Amity dressed as Hecate and fitting perfectly.


Amity nodded as the masked dragon she was riding on used his magic to bring some of the books to life and circling around Otabin distracting him while she rushed to get Luz free.

Wow just . . . wow that entrance with you and Nax was amazing. You really hit the mark with the dress. Luz said fangirling about the ordeal.

You can praise it late once we get you out of this.

While Amity tried to get Luz out of the book Nax was struggling to keep the corrupt bookmaker at a distance from both him and his friends using the snowball books to keep him distracted or the bird book to flock him until he spotted the Necronomicon shelf, again using his magic Nax opened up one of them up and multiple rotting arms shot up from to ground grab hold of Otabin as he struggled to break free only to have the giant book smack him in the face as Luz still stuck in the book rush to Nax who thankfully bite of the treads.

Oh, third dimension how I missed you. Luz said while Nax stared nuzzling his summoner happy she was unharmed. However, it was quickly interrupted as Amity grab Luz’s hand and hopped on Nax back

Quick run. She said as the masked dragon rushed out of Kid's corner to the main hall of the library as the bookmaker was getting back up.

We need to get his book if we’re gonna stop him.

Right . . . but first. Luz said to Amity as she wanted to do something before the opportunity was missed.

You squirm and fight, yet scream and shout. But friendship always will win out. Otabin said as he caught up to the trio the girls were still on Nax's back but Luz’s outfit was completely different. She had on a white rob with both the bottom of it and the collar being purple with a star in the center. Also a white witch hat with a gold-like crown on it. With both Luz and Amity holding a white staff with a sky blue crystal on top.

Do not fear Otabin the bookmaker I Luzura.

As well as I Amicate.

With the help of our friend Nax the moon dragon. Nax then proceeded to roar in response. Shall free you from your defaced form. The moon dragon then charged to rabbit demon while Amity and Luz led up the staff creating a massive light that blinding him as Nax pushed him to the floor, and ripped out the book in his chest using his magic and giving it to the girls. Amity then started writing in her diary as a huge eraser appeared in Luz’s hand as she got rid of the monstrous addiction to the Otabin in the book. Once it was done the Otabin that was on the ground shrunk down looking just like the cover of his book Amity then got off Nax and went to pick up the freed bookmaker.

I’m so sorry. Otabin said while in Amity’s arms. I don’t know what came over me.

Hey, it’s okay. We’re still friends. Amity smiled reassuring him. With the bookmaker smiling back glad to know his friend wasn’t mad at him. As he faded once Luz closed his book. The green-haired witch then smiled at Luz who pulled her into a hug still excited about the whole event.

THAT WAS AWSOME! Oh, man with the speech and the costume and the staff, and the name-

Luz you crushing me. Amity said trying to breathe.

Oh sorry, I just never had anyone to do any of this stuff with. Luz tried to explain.

Wait the monster thing? Or the costumes thing?

More of the costumes. The monster thing starting to become a weekly thing. Both girls started to laugh as Nax come and wrapped his wings around them giving off a chuckle of his own.

We haha. We should clean up the mess, and head home. Amity said while trying to control her laughter.

Yha you right but…


Can we keep on the costume until we’re done? Luz asked.

Hmmm. Sure why not.

Yes! Come on Amicate we got books to sort out. Luz said hopped out of the masked dragon’s wings as she started getting some of the books up and back on to the shelves with Amity giving her diary to Nax to watch until they were done laughing a little while she joined Luz in cleaning.

Once they were done Luz grabbed her bag, and Amity her diary saying goodbye to their costumes as they started heading out of the library as the sun was coming up.
Well, that that was an adventure. Luz said as she fully closed the library door.

Yha. . . I actually had a good time . . . Amity said a little unsure how to describe the whole event as she headed home.

Oh, wait! Luz asked Amity as she reached into her bag and pulled out a book. I know you said it was fine but you can borrow this as an apology for invading your hideout I noticed you only had up to four. Luz held out her copy of “The Good Witch Azura VL 5” which amity accepted.

Thank you. But like I said it fine. Amity tried to assure.

I know but I want us to be even, besides it’s nice to know another fan of Azura. Luz said with an assuring smile.

Amity smiled back ok thanks again I should head home see yha. Amity then waved to Luz as she walked off.

Nax barked at Amity as a way of saying goodbye as Luz hopped on his back ready to fly back to the Owl House.

Hey Guys we’re . . . home. Luz said as she and Nax came in only to see King and Aurora nuzzle next to a sleeping Eda hold the also sleeping baby bats. Making both her and the black hatchling smile only to be interrupted by Hooty opening the door saying ding! Dong!

Luz was about to scold him until a massive bat-like figure just like the babies can coming through the door.

Whoa. You must be Mama. Luz said a gasped at the huge figure as she gave her a smile

Yi Yi. Mama is I. and I is the Bat Queen and you are new keeper of friend’s kin.

Wait what? Who’s Kin? Luz asked even more lost than ever.

Little dragons are kin and friend thank you. The Bat Queen then started to whistle which instantly woke up the baby bats as they flew into their mother’s hair.

Aah! Snuggle dumplings. The Queen said as barfed out a chest full of snails as well as a skull whistle. For troubles. Eda is owned one, and as for you, she barfed something out into Luz’s hands. This time was a necklace it was made of platinum just like the sheet of scales Luz found and had a red dragon eye in it with two sets of wings folded on each side and one set curving upward.

Wow, thank you. Luz said as she put it on as the Bat Queen bowed as she headed out the door flying off before Luz could ask any more questions as Eda started to wake up worried.

Ah. Sweet babies. Babies? Where are the babies?

Luz only gave her hand signals to tell her what had happened luckily Eda understood. Oh. And I just taught Junior how to pick locks too.

Luz tried to cheer up her mentor by showing her the chest the Bat Queen left behind. Your night looks very successful. Look at all that money you made. And look at this cool Whistle that scary woman gave you. I’d wash it before you use it.

Eda sighed remembering why they were watching the babies. Yeah. We did it for the money. She tried to reassure bur King didn’t care.

I miss my babies he said weeping with Aurora also upset as she missed her new friends.

I actually got you something from the Library. Luz said as she opened her bag and handed the Owl Lady a copy of “Coping with Empty Nest Syndrome”.

Eda took it a chucked a little. Thanks, kid. So how was your night?

Good. Then bad. Then great. But now just confusing. Luz tried to explain the whole event and while she may have made friends with Amity what the Bat Queen said about her friend’s kin where her two dragons only gave her more questions than answers.

Why's that? And what’s with the necklace? Eda asked.

I’m not sure the Bat Queen said it was to thank me for taking care of Aurora and Nax saying they were his kin. Could it have been the dragon that had the scales I found the dragon glyph on?

Couldn’t tell yha kid like I said I’ve never seen anything like those dragons they're a total mystery themselves including that dragon. Eda said.

Luz sigh annoyed that there was someone that had answers but didn’t want to or couldn’t mention anything about what’s going on. Ok, I’m gonna head to bed I’m beat. Nax yawned in agreement.

Alright, kid sweet dreams.

Before Lux could even make it upstairs Hooty burst opened again.

Hey, you wanna hear about my night? He asked

Only to get an annoyed group no in responses as Luz and Nax hurried upstairs with Eda slamming the door shut again wanting to read the book Luz got her with King and Aurora.

Chapter 6: Race against Dragon rage


Boscha has had enough of both Luz and her dragons and tried to prove herself. Meanwhile, Eda and Lilith talk.


This one took longer due to one thing.

Chapter Text

This village is a mockery to the Titan’s will! Destroy it and crush everyone in it leave no survivors! Belos ordered his coven as they continued to fight against both Witches and beasts his continued goal to create order to the Boiling isles was almost complete this village and the people in it we the last and the most stubborn to deal with. Yes, the witch and their proclaimed pure embodiment of wild magic were strong but they lacked in numbers ten to one. This was their last hold of any land and once gone then he finally did it the Isles would be his their numbers dropped quickly as most of his members were specialized in using beast taming magic making it easy to abuse that once great bound these witches shared with these freaks of nature as multiple fell with figure fell and quickly finished off.

Some trying to run but screams were the only thing that can from that. Some even tried to fight him but were quickly dealt with as the once feared and proud eyes turned dim. Seeing this made him grin underneath his mask. Finally, this group and the chaos of the Isles will end now the only this left is—

Belos lost his train of thought once as a massive spike of ice almost went right through him.


A massive figure was hovering over his head but it was using the sun to keep it self-hidden but Belos knew exactly what this was.

Do you see this beast do you see your kin fall? Do you see the allies you have made die? This is the Titan’s will speaking and it says for you and your kind to disappear. Belos then used his magic to grad a familiar necklace off the ground before crushing it into an unrecognizable lump of metal.

But do not worry oh great beast your deaths will not be in vain as it shall be a stepping stone to an even brighter future and beyond.

The figure heard enough as it gives a terrifying roar and flew down to face Belos tired of hearing words from a mad man.

Belos awoken in his bed chambers after going through his most difficult battle again remembering it so well that he could see it in his dreams.

That reached beast . . . Belos said as he got out of bed and started putting on his robes. Its been years since that battle and now . . . now you decided to finish what you started. He then was about to put on his mask but gave a quick smirk. Very well let’s see what your new crusade can do. Fully putting on his horned mask Belos looked in the mirror in his room trying to reignite the flames of hatred he had for the beast in question remembering the pain that was inflicted on him, remembering the sacrifices he made just to harm the beast and the massive drawbacks the beast made just to keep Belos away from his goal. Let’s see if this so-called Draco witch can do. . .

Another weekend another day sell human treasure it’s would excite anyone except Luz who was just staring at necklaces the Bat Queen gave her as if it would come to life and talk to her finally give her some answers. . . I mean she tried with Nax’s magic but for some reason, it didn’t work.

King though was more focused on the flags above the stand to notice and failing to get one

Stupid flag!

It’s been a little slow around here.

You say that likes it’s a bad thing no customers mean we get to have fun today. King said getting the sock out of his face.

Yha but it would keep my mind off this thing Luz then held up the necklaces showing it to King.

Hmmm. I have never seen anything like that it probably junk the Bat Queen wanted to get rid of, I say sell it or toss it in the woods.

I can’t do that she said it was a gift from a friend, and they're related to Aurora and Nax that means this has to be important. Besides, it’s pretty cool.

If you calling something cool it must be terrible a familiar voice said.

Luz turned around and spotted a lone Boscha giving her a smug grin. What wrong Draco witch finally realized you not a great as you thought.

Luz was already annoyed but hearing Boscha gloat made it worse despite that though she put on a smile and greeted her.

Hello Boscha! See anything you like?

Yha you miserable. Hahaha. Boscha said as she pulled out her scroll and took a picture.

Luz was trying desperately not to lash out at the three-eyed witch it was odd this wouldn’t really bother her that much the only reason she would feel this way was if Aurora was near but she went off to find Nax who ran off again.

That’s not funny Boscha. By the way shouldn’t you be with a group you know since they're a new dragon in town I thought you stick close to them or just run for the hills.

The three-eyed was mad now yes she knows about the second dragon but neither one was here right now so might as well try to get a little revenge for that conjuring prank.

Ha! as if I’m scared. You on the other hand should be without your dragons you just a joke.

Luz was about to say something but was interrupted by Boscha. So how about a challenge to see who really is the best.

No thanks, you’re not worth it. Luz said trying to restrain herself.

Aw is the little Human scared?

No, I just have better things to do than was time with someone with no spine. Luz said as she went to organize some of the inventory.

Boscha's face was deep red with anger but didn’t do anything but huff away. But stopped when a little voice called out.

You will tremble before me! King said to the pink-haired witch. Having argued with Luz that she should have accepted Boscha's challenge and crushed her King wanted to show her how it’s done. But it had the opposite effect as the three-eyed witch just pick him up, called him cute, and took a picture with them together as well as ask how much he was.

You couldn’t afford me, sister! King said before breaking free from her grip. But only got an Aww from the girl. That’s the incorrect reaction!

Eda who was in the back felt this teen could be an easy mark. Hey, kid! Can I offer you the latest fashions from the human world! Eda said as a puff of smoke appeared and quickly dissipated with her wearing a bunch of random clothing including a black t-shirt that said “100% DAD”, fish oven mitts, sunglasses even a golf club.

Boscha wasn’t amused and instead use it to mock Luz again. At least I know where your fashion sense comes from Ahahaha. She said walking away.

Well, I hate her Eda said changing back to her regular wine red dress.

Same with me and Aurora. Luz said glad that the three-eyed witch was gone but it still was slow and her dragons still haven’t come back yet and the last thing she wanted to do was keep thinking about the necklace.

Hey, Eda do you think I could go and find Nax and Aurora? She was supposed to find him but they have been gone for a while now.

Alright, kid but come back quick we still got a lot of stuff to sell and plenty of suckers to scam. Eda said laughing at that last part.

Luz nodded her head and hurried through the same route Aurora want with King trying to follow but was stopped by Eda’s magic as she took her place in front of the counter

Hey! How come she can run off and I can’t?

Because she needs something to do besides trying to find answers and hitting another wall. Eda said giving a small sigh. Ever since her apprentice found that dragon glyph it’s been one surprised to another. But also increases the number of questions even she wanted to know just to make sure the kid was ok, and now with the information that the Bat Queen knew someone related to it but didn’t say anything just seemed unfair. Eda was at a loss for what to do with the whole situation even when they find something about the glyph or the dragons something else pop up and knocks them back to square one again and was giving her a headache.

While one Clawthorne tries to find a way to help her apprentice another has been ordered to her ruler's throne room Lilith was on her way there only for a small red demon with a hand for hair and her mouth covered by the collar of her uniform.

Lilith. The demon said.

Kikimora. Lilith said in response.

Before you go meet the Emperor it best for you to know that he has been in quite the mood.

How so? Lilith asked hoping not to be in a room with an enraged man as powerful as Emperor Belos.

By the way, he sounded I’d say interested as if he was in a game as ridiculous as that sounds

A game? Why would that hold his interest? Lilith asked trying to understand Kikimora's description.

It would seem that someone has challenged him and he sees this individual worthy of his time.

Lilith was surprised as that who could Belos possibly seen worthy enough to be a challenge for him the witch who brought the Boiling Isles out of the Savage ageist. Who created both the coven system and empire and ruled with no equal. But now out of nowhere comes some being he saw as said equal.

Thank you for the information Kikimora I must hurry now. Lilith said walking off.

Very well Lilith. The red demon said heading in the opposite direction.

The raven witch made it to the door of the throne room but once she was close to it they imminently opened. Lilith was discouraged at this the only time the doors would open without the person asking permission to enter was if Belos was out of patience all she could hope for was this was what Kikimora was talking about. So while she did enter professionally with her back straighten and her arms to her sided it was also with caution.

Once Lilith made it to the stairway that held the throne where the Emperor was sitting deep in thought as he was staring at the floor with his hand in the same area where his mouth would be. She bowed to him nonetheless.
My Lord. She said.

Belos only lifted his head a little to stare at his coven leader it seemed he was trying to determine his next move.

Ah Lilith. He said I can see you still haven’t brought me the Owl Lady.
No my lord but I –

Lilith was cut off by Belos raising his hand.

No need for an explanation the company she has is a much greater focus.

The human? My lord, I’m sure that my sister just cheated there’s no way a human could use magic let alone control a dragon.

The masked man only laughs at the remark. Hahahahaha. That is true a human would only be able to use the minimum of wild magic. He said getting up off his throne. But that dragon . . . that dragon is an exception to that rule.

Lilith didn’t understand what The Emperor was talking about. Yes, wild magic was still used but only in small uses, and there were no records about dragons even being connected to it. They were just beasts that were tamed at used as guards but that was from the most elite in the beast-taming coven.

But how can that be my Lord how can simple a minded creature ever come close to being connected to magic at all?

The Emperor stared at her know full well that Lilith’s knowledge about this topic was little to none. It seemed it was time to inform her.

. . . Lilith Clawthorne as head of my coven I shall inform you on knowledge that I have destroyed and kept secret from decades. Belos knew if he was going to finally crush that beast that escaped him years ago he needed someone strong with magic and was willing to follow his orders completely no matter what they had to do and Lilith was the perfect pawn the love for her sister will crush both the resolve of wild witches once their most famous icon was gone but also the complete extinction of that horrid beast’s spices as well as itself.

Ok, when Luz was wondering what happened to Nax and why Aurora didn’t bring him back she wasn’t expecting this. The group of Hexside students that normally hanged around Boscha were shouting and cheering with Nax with them as they were behind a huge glowing finish line waiting for whoever was racing to come through.

As Luz got closer she was able to see two dots coming in fast one was recognizable though it was Aurora in her adult form and she was racing a boy with a black baggy hat the kept his dark yellow hair down to the point some of it was in the middle of his face he also was wearing a Hexside hoodie with a purple shirt show that he was in the abomination track, he also had on red boot that had bat wings on them? Ok, she'll admit that’s pretty cool the two figures were neck n neck as a boy witch was struggling to keep up but was too late as Aurora was able to win by a nose.

And the winner is little shine! A girl with a blue Hexside shirt said as the finish line disappeared.

Nax Quickly ran up to his sister who was changing back to her hatchling form before getting tackled by him happy that she won. Aurora only gave off gleeful chirps in response while the witch teens cheered.

AWW! No way! My wings must be busted the boy said trying to come up with an excuse.

HAHAHA! Yha right dude little shine totally beat you heck they beat you in both their big and small size. A girl with a red Hexside shirt said.

The two dragons were about to ask for another run but they spotted Luz smiling at them and quickly rushed to her side.

Oh hey, it’s the Draco witch. Another Hexside student with a blue shirt said.

Hello Hexsidians. Sorry to interrupt I was wondering what happened to these two but looks like everything’s fine but how did this happen?

Well, mask here showed up again—

Again? Luz said interrupting. She then looked at Nax while he had an acquired apologetic smile on his face. Well, that explains why you keep running off. Luz said happily.

Yha they’ve been coming around hanging out with us for a few days. Well, Mask has Little shine we uhmm tried to avoid . . . but today they seem ok with us. The redshirt Hexside student said.

Well, Aurora only gets like that with Boscha she’s super protective with people she sees as friends. Luz said as the mentioned dragon barked in agreement.

Oh, so that’s was her name we completely forgot. My name Skara by the way.
Mine’s Cat one of the other girls said with the blue sleeves added. And mines Amelia the

last girl of the group said with green sleeves.

The names Keith the boy with the purple sleeves said and you’re…

Oh yha, I’m Luz Noceda.

Well, Luz if you ever you’re in danger and your dragons aren’t around and you in trouble you came count on me. He said as he flexed his none existence muscle trying to impressed Luz but only got laughed at by everyone.

I think if her dragons can beat you in a race they’ll be there before you Skara said trying to control her laughter but a familiar voice help and not a good one.


Everyone instantly stop laughing and turned around to see an enraged Boscha. She had her arms crossed leading back a bit as if she was the boss of everything.

Aurora was the first to recover from the shock and was about to snap at her but Luz beat her to the punch putting on a neutral face trying to hide the anger that Aurora was sending out to her.

They were just talking to me Boscha nothing else. Luz said defending the group.

HA! Yha right they all lied to me just to hang out with you. Now lesson here human Boscha said getting in Luz’s face.

You may think you better than everyone here but you not you still just a worthless human who just so happens to have some creepy powers it doesn’t mean anything but make you a freak with loser friends and a criminal for a teacher. I have power, respect, and a higher reputation than you will ever have. So why don’t you take your bad fashion and these two useless lizards and go back to whatever lame realm you came from before I call the guard I’m sure some of them will love to have new scald boots or maybe watch that wash-up teacher of yours rot behind bars.

Boscha finished her insult with a smug smile while Luz was looking down at the ground barely able to control her emotion she was upset that Boscha insulted the people she cared about, a bad sense of Déjà vu from her school when everyone bullied her and . . . and ANGERED for the threat this spoiled brat just proclaimed Luz was about to snap back at her until she had a better idea.

Hey, Boscha remember when you wanted to challenge me?

Ooooh, does the little human think she can beat me? Ha yha right beside I thought “I wasn’t worth your time.”

That was before you threatened my friends so yes I accept your challenge.

Ha, this will be worth a laugh. One of you give your bat shoes Boscha ordered to her group all of them tried to get their shoes off fast to give to her before she got more mad at them. Skara was the first and quickly handed them to her but once she was done she walked up to Luz.

You don’t have to do this, you know we know humans are, like super fragile.

I know but I want to shut her up for good. Luz said ready to get started and win with both Aurora and Nax turning into their adult forms ready for anything

HA will see about that. But once I win you will follow in line like everyone else. You'll do what I tell you and never question it

And if I win you take back everything you said and leave me and my friends alone.

Aww isn’t that cute the human still looking out for half a witch don’t worry though I’ll take good care of her once you're my little puppet. Boscha said as if she already won and have made Willow her personal property. So will race from here to Hexside and back first one to cross Cat’s finish line wins. One of you flies over there to keep watch to make sure no one cheats.

Keith nodded and rush over to the school as fast as he can. Boscha knew Luz was banned from Hexside campus if she was spotted there would be no stopping whatever punishment she would get. Luz knew as well but she had an idea.

Whelp just when this day couldn’t get more annoying it does Eda said sitting in a chair in a confession room tied up. How this happen well when a certain little demon decided to sneak off while she was lost in thought trying to think of something to help her apprentice until someone can to the stand and as for one of those weird cubes with all those mitch match color on in only for the supposed customer to be a conformatory guard and she was instantly detained. Now here she was stuck in a room waiting to be taken away to the conformatorium . . . again well it better than getting another stupid mouth full from her sister—oh wait she’s here too. . . great.

Hello Edalyn. Lilith said in a stern tone and a blank expression on her face.

Hello Lily can we hurry this up I got suckers to scam and kids to find. Eda said not taking the situation seriously.

You mean that pet of yours that you call a student?

Her name is Luz and yes my student.

. . . So you see a human as a person and not the object she is. Lilith was trying to hint at something but all it did was enrage Eda as she snapped back.
Hey! My kid was able to beat your perfect little pupil I didn’t interfere at all or did you forget that you were the one who cheated.

I only did so – Lilith cut herself off not wanting to argue.

That’s not the point I want to make. She said trying to get back on track I was referring to her relationship with those dragons.

What are you talking about Lilith? Eda said wanting to know what her sister was getting at.

What I mean is those beasts are only using that human of yours. A tool to bring them back into some state of power and numbers. Once that’s done they will turn on her and tear apart the Isles. Lilith was done explain and now to use it to her advantage. But you can stop it before that happens to the human back to her realm and bring the dragons to me so I can . . . disposes of them properly the Emperor will reward you and even allow you to join the coven no strings attached.

Lilith knew she had her sister this time her feeling for the human will easily—

HAHAHAHAHAH! Yha right, Lily those dragons wouldn’t hurt a fact, one of them is friends with them and you're telling me that they’ll turn on her oh please who’s the moron who told you that. Eda said laughing without a care.

The Emperor himself was the one who told me and for the record. He would know the most about them since he was the one who exterminated them decades ago.

Eda stopped laughing at that now concerned. So that’s why there’s no information about them that the blowhard took them out but there had to be a reason besides the nonsense Lily was told. Eda though.

It seems your starting to get it The Emperor wants both the human and the dragons gone but has allowed me to make it easy on both of you it seems pretty simple, get rid of both your pet and those beast’s and have your curse cured, and then we can be in the Emperor coven together like we dreamed of when we were girls. Lilith said with a smile and hope in her voice.

Yha back when I thought joining was a dream come true until I had a taste at the real world and found out that coven was filled with nothing but jerks and creeps that locked people up if they didn’t fit in or felt like it with a leader who ruled by fear.

A ruler has to be strong if they what empire to thrive and to make their rule

absolute he’s only doing what’s best for everyone.

He’s scared of everyone Lily and I bet that why he took out those dragons and witches like Luz even if I did send her back he’d still hunt her down because of fear that’s why he’s set the coven system that’s why he seals away young witches magic so they can’t become a threat that can equal him.
That doesn’t matter what matters is if she stays here she’d still be hunted down and if

she’s caught it could lead to her being petrified or worse do you really want that on your couches? A child’s blood on your hands?

. . . Eda was lost for words at that it’s true she was worried for the kid with the whole dragon glyph thing that just kept piling up unanswered questions as the days go by, but now with the information that The Emperor was the reason for the destruction of the whole species was troubling but still . . .

. . . Everything you told me sis has been the most information we’ve got since Luz found that glyph and truth be to I’ve been feeling useless for not being able to help Luz. But recently I found that someone’s keeping an eye on her someone who actually has answers and even though we’re still in the dark about everything I know for a fact those dragons would never hurt Luz. So tell that old prune of an emperor that I'm not doing it.

Very well Edalyn but just remember you made things harder for both of you. Get the branding gloves. Lilith ordered as she snapped her finger as a guard can into the room were said gloves that had a glyph glowing on them.

Well, this has been a fun chat buuuut. Eda then whistled and in an instant Owlbert burst through the cage, he was in and head-butted the guard almost doing the same to Lilith but ducked as an explosion was made and dust filled the room. I think family times over. See you later sis. Eda said as she jumped out the opening and flies away on her staff.

EDALYN! Was the last thing she heard from Lilith before her, a few guards and a multi- mouth dog stared following her just great.

While Eda was struggling to shack off the guards her apprentice was in the middle of a heated race. Literally, Luz was riding Aurora as she dodged fireballs coming from the triceps witch. Despite flying again after a few weeks with an injured wing Aurora was holding strongly behind Boscha but every time they got close another wave of fireballs would be shot at them forcing them to stay back. Aurora would have loved to fire back with her own ball of light but her summoner wouldn’t allow it instead told her to wait, and focus on keeping up then attacking so she did however they were coming close to Hexside and for what her summoner told her brother this it was going to be difficult if it went wrong.

Both Keith and Nax were hiding in the trees by Hexside making sure that none of the teachers that were still here wouldn’t see them wait for the racers to come the black dragon was waiting for his summoner to come so they could start her plan by conjuring some of the objects outside to life to distract the teachers while his summoner and sister pass through. That shouldn’t be too hard sure the front didn’t have a lot of things but there was one thing that would cause all a massive distraction as the masked dragon was finishing his thought he spotted two dots getting closer to the school. Knowing instantly that had to be the racers Nax started using his magic as a blue aura started to appear on the flags, statues, and the giant bowl on top oh boy this was gonna be fun.

Principal Bump was in his office going through paperwork making sure he had everything organized for the events that were coming up such as the start of the summer semester and that meeting with the Emperor’s coven for funding while the damage to his school wasn’t bad this year it wouldn’t hurt to improve some of the classes or even a bigger Grom dance the options were there. As Bump was trying to think of a way to use the extra money on the photo memory teacher barged in.
Principal Bump!

What? What’s going on? Did the choosy hat escape? He asked.

No sir but the front décor of the school just . . . just got up as started causing havoc.

What? Bump said as he started looking of his office window. Sure enough, the two statues were walking or rolling to be exact around while the flags were flying around wrapping around teachers heads but still tried to catch them, but the statues were too fast for the plant and Oracle teachers as they slip through the vines and outwit the predictions and spirits. Bump didn’t find it too bad until a massive figure come out of no were only to realize it was the school old flame chalice now used as a large pot for plants but that didn’t stop it from returning to its old roots as the top of it burst into flames.

All right this has gone on long enough. Bump said in a commanding voice focus on stopping the chalice them find out what’s causing this. He said and he pointed to the photo teacher.

Right away sir. The photo teacher said as she quickly rushed out of the office with Bump right behind her. But the second they got outside they were blinded by the flying flags. Nax still behind the trees nodded in approvement while he didn’t like using his magic to mess with people but this was the best way to help his friends and not a moment too soon as Boscha and Aurora were flying around the school to focus on the race to check as see if the plan actually worked only Luz was the one paying attention to the chaos below as now was a better time than any to pass the three-eyed witch.

Ha! Nice aiming Boscha I thought you wanted to prove to be the best how can you do that if you can’t even hit us.

Oh, so you want a fireball to the face? Well here!

Boscha turned around and was about to cast her spell but only hear Luz say Aurora Now! As a blinding light filled the sky blinding her. This was the change as Aurora started flopping her wing faster and passed Boscha leaving her and Hexside behind making them both howl with joy.


Was the only thing they hear from her.

Nax finally made it through the forest and back to the main street of Bonesborough wanting to head back to the finish line. Keith had already left once he saw Boscha and Aurora heading back to the market but he stayed behind to put everything back to its proper place at Hexside. Now it was his turn and the black dragon was almost there until a familiar demon called out to him.

Nax! King shouted to the masked dragon. Hey, where’s Luz? I think Eda might need some help with the guards. Nax then used his magic to locate the Owl lady and Titan behold she was being chased by guards as usual but this time there was someone who had a bond with her and something else. . . Nax didn’t know what it was but it sent a shiver down his spine and now his first action was to get his friends and sister way from here as fast as possible. So the black dragon quickly picked up King placing him on his back and hurried to the sky hoping he could get to his summoner before they passed them.

Aurora and Luz were still in the first place though it wasn’t easy as Boscha kept using her fireball spell her rage completely unleashed and they were right in her crosshair but she was so focused on blasting them and shouting every insult she could think off that the triceps witch wasn’t even trying to pass them.

You rotten freak human Luzer I’m going to blast both you and that useless lizard out of the sky! Boscha shouted not caring about anything else just wanting to hurt Luz and her dragon. I’m going to prove I’m the best and you’ll be grateful if you get out of this with just a few burns and not a burning crisp! She said as another wave of fireballs.

Aurora up! Luz said as the light dragon flew up higher to avoid the flames. Jeez, Boscha shouldn’t you try to win the race them firing at us? Luz asked thinking this was getting out of hand. Oh, I’ll win but first ill roast you! Boscha said readying another wave of fireballs until the other dragon came into view with the cute demon on its back.

Luz! Eda being chased by guards and the big guy here is freaking out. King said in a bit of a panic. With Nax turning his head in the direction of the owl lady wanting to grab her and go home.

Luz could feel the masked dragon’s fear but what could have scared him this much? What wrong Nax? What happened? Luz tried to get through to him but I wasn’t working the black dragon was consumed with fear for himself and his friends and there was nothing his summoner could do.

… Ok let go help, Eda. Nax led the way. Luz said feeling that if something was freaking out one of her dragons it wasn’t good. As they started flying off they were stopped by Boscha. Hey wait a minute you can’t just leave where in the middle of a race. Well, I am Luz said not bothering to look back at the hexside student once again I got more important things to do than feed your ego so later. She said as they continued to fly off leaving a shocked Boscha unable to process the response.

Eda was driving the guards mad. Outsmarting them every turn but Lilith was always right behind her and catching up. Man, she’s persistent she said getting annoyed at her sister. Give it up Edalyn you won’t escape. Lilith said with determination. Oh yha? You and what army? Eda responded but was stopped with a wall of guards right in front of her as she hopped off her staff trying to run back the way she came but more guards came with Lilith in front of them.

Sister, time and again I’ve offered you my help, yet you foolishly run back to your worthless life. I’m tired of trying, Edalyn. Your days of running are over! The coven leader said ready to brand Eda herself only for two massive figures dropping right in front of her. Both Aurora and Nax made a piercing roar freaking out most of the guards but Lilith was unfazed.

Good now that your pets are here it’s time to—before Lilith could finish her sentence Aurora glass chest glowed again unleashing a blinding light the perfect distraction as Nax grab Eda placing her on his back and flew back into the sky heading straight to The Owl House with Aurora following him.

No! Those reached beasts got in the way again Lilith said trying to regain her vision before—gone. They were gone again and they had no clear indication of where they went. I was so close Lilith stomped her foot on the ground trying to let out some of her anger. Next time. . . Next time I will end both this chance and those beasts. She said with hatred in her voice.

. . .

Boscha made it to the finish line making her the winner of the race but took no thrill from the group cheering her. Luz had given up which only made her madder, she had her right where she wanted her but without Luz finishing the race this wasn’t a victory only once she beat her properly would this prove that she was better. I will be the best Boscha said to herself. I have to.

And that pretty much the info my sister told me Eda said walking in The owl house tell Luz everything that her Lilith told her while Luz herself stared at her necklaces processing everything her teacher was saying.

So The Emperor is the reason there’s no information about them he. . . He killed them all.

Yha. . .Look Luz I’m telling you this because Lily has been ordered to get rid of them and if that the case she’ll do it. You could end up getting hurt.

. . . Luz was at a complete lost on what to think, no she didn’t believe she was a tool there were multiple times she came across wild magic and glyphs but neither dragon tried to make her use the dragon glyph to create a new one so that couldn’t be it. As for them turning on her well. . . Luz turn around looking back outside seeing Nax bring some brushes to life to clean Hooty and listening to his talk about his day while Aurora was in a line with a bunch of stuffed toys as King was acting like a general giving order. Luz then remembers how Aurora stood up for their friends, and how Nax and Amity saved her from Obtain both dragons showed that they cared about everyone they saw as friends including her Luz just couldn’t see earthier of them turning their back on her much less hurting her.

. . . Everything that’s been happening has been pretty crazy and a bit weird . . . Luz took a deep breath and smiled a little. But I’m used to weird stuff and this is no different plus am not alone this time I have you, King, Owlbert, even Hooty not to mention this friend of the Bat Queen to help me. So I wanna keep trying to find answers heck maybe this friend could be an additional teacher or something.
Eda smiled giving a small laugh. Ha well, kid that was super cheesy but sweet. She said brushing her apprentice’s hair.

As the two dragons started coming inside the house hearing their summoner’s words and started hugging Luz by wrapping their wings wrap around her.

Aaaaw you guys. Was the only thing that Luz could say before hugging Aurora and Nax back with King joining them.

All right my acceptances of both cheesiness and cuteness have reached their limit. Eda said as she snapped her fingers and instantly appeared in her sleeping clothes. And it getting late so good night the Owl Lady said as she headed up the stairs to her room.

Luz only smiled at that and was planning on going upstairs herself until King stopped her. Luz the king of demons demands food with the two dragons nodding in agreement. She laughed a little at the order allllright you bunch of cuties let’s get some food. She said as all four of them headed to the kitchen.

. . .

Eda fell asleep instantly once she got into her nest but her dream was strange she was in some weird kinda space floating—no no she wasn’t floating she was standing as if there was solid ground but this place was strange it was huge as the sky but with a mix of dark and light blue with weird yellow and white lines speeding around from time to time and a bunch of dots that shined like stars.

Ok, this is strange but not the worst dream I’ve had. The Owl lady said trying to figure out what was going on but stopped when she heard another voice.

Apologize for the sudden invasion of your dreams Ms. Clawthorne.

Eda turned around to find the owner of the voice but found nothing. Who are you? Where are you? She said getting a bit worried.

Aah my apologies it’s been a long time since I did something like this one moment. The voice said again. In an instant, a figure appeared in black and platinum robes with the shoulder having armor plating on them. With a tail and six sets of wings sprouting on their back. Their hair was short and push back sticking out in three ponytails like fins on each side with a stern but handsome looking face that would make any of her ex-boyfriends jealous and his eyes were different colors his left was blue while the right was red but the shocking thing about them was they the Iris they were the same as Luz’s.

Well hello, handsome. I guess you’re The Bat Queen’s friend?

The man blushed a little at that. Y-yes I am but please Ms. Clawthorne this form of mine is not what I truly look like. I only took this form so I didn’t frighten you awake. Again I haven’t use the dreamscape in a long time so I needed to make sure that nothing went wrong. The man said.

Well, you got my attention so handsome you got a name? Eda asked.

You may call me Bahamut.

Chapter 7: My New Teacher the Dragon King


Eda and Bahamut get to know about each other and what to do with Luz's education of magic.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Eda and Bahamut started taking wanting to get ever and any suspicions about the dragons out of the Owl Lady’s mind. Bahamut did his best to explain that Luz was fine and her eyes were only to show of her bond with her dragons and share the history of his Linage of dragons before their extermination.

"We are simply wild magic taken form Ms. Clawthorne-

"Can we stop with the Ms. Clawthorne thing that’s what everyone called my mother and the last thing I want is to be reminded of that woman. Just call me Eda." She said.

"Apologize for that Ms. Eda."

"Close enough continue."

"Very well the dragons I belong to were magic takin form however much of our power was limited we couldn’t do much with it on our own but once we came into contact with wild witches from what you call the Savage age we found a way to fully use our strength by creating partnerships with them. We were a great group of allies, friends, and teachers and, family we fought some of the most powerful of demons and stop some of the most destructive of wild witches that is until Belos came. At first, he wanted to join forces to turn the Boiling Isles into a place that could grow and prosper under his rule as the Will of the Titan guided him. All I saw was a mad man who just wanted to rule and consume everything he could get his hands on and we refused. After that, we did everything in our power to not only protect ourselves but also others that Belos tried to force into his new Coven system. And for a while, it was a standoff. . . That is until we were betrayed . . . my own sister betrayed us. While I and my partner were gone she led Belos and his Coven to our hidden village and once her usage was over she was slain and the destruction of our home began. . ."

"Huu. I guess you had sister problems too." Eda said.

"Yes . . . after we returned our first act was to stop Belos which we did but it was too late. . . Everyone was gone and my partner who was injured during the fight died a few days late I was alone unable to trust anyone in Belos new world and unable to find a strong enough partner. So I hid at the knee where my magic was at its peak making it I’m possible for anyone in Belos's wretched coven to defeat me."

"But why now? Why come out of hiding now when yes have no partner?"

"Two reasons the first was that Belos is planning something to do with the human Realm for what reason I’m not sure but I know I had to act and that leads to my second reason."

"You mean Luz?"

"Yes, I wanted someone with a kind heart and love for both the Isles and the human Realm someone who would care about the human realm and wouldn’t imminently believe that harming it was in any way was for the best."

"Then why not me? I’m the most power full witch on the Boiling—

"Because your curse wouldn’t allow you to handle the bond with a dragon it would only harm both of you." Bahamut said interrupted Eda gloating." Even if you did the only thing that would happen is that your curse would carry on to the dragon and possibly make your curse worse the ability for you to bind with one is impossible."

"So what your gonna take Luz and be a better teacher than me because you think my time is running out? Ha fat chance buddy I’m still strong enough to beat you." Eda said reading herself to fight the man but Bahamut didn’t react to it.

". . . You may be weakened by your curse making it impossible to bind to a dragon in a normal sense but that can change," Bahamut said unfazed by the Owl lady remark.

"What are you talking about?"

"I will use my magic to create a solid illusion that able to use a portion of my magic that can both bond with you to help you teach Luz magic and how to use the full ability of her dragons—

"Oh no, I’m not taking any more freeloaders." Eda said not wanting any additional guests in her house.

"I can assure you that the illusion won’t take up any space but if you still wish for some form of payment then the bond should help as I will share some of my additional magic to help you with your curse."

"Are . . . are you going to cure me?"

"Unfortunately, no even my magic can cure you I can only share my magic with you to push it back I can feel it getting stronger even that elixir you use won’t be able to help for long without a large amount of it."

"So your just gonna add more time for me before I go full owl beast?"

"More like turn the clock back. Yes, you will regain quite a bit of the youth that was taken due to the curse but it will still be there so long as you don’t overexert yourself".

"How do you even know this stuff? Have you been spying on us?"

"No no, I’ve only been keeping an eye on Luz and my kin. But I can feel your magic being drained by the curse and if you were wondering if I know who cursed you I’m sorry I don’t"

"Ok, so you want to train Luz on how to what? Work with her dragons?"

"Yes while she has done very well with them it can be improved."

"And what about the dragon glyph?"

"That is a spell I made myself and while my old partner found a use for it the limitations of it will be for her to discover."

“Good. I’m glad the kid will be able to make something her own.”

“Indeed. Are there anymore more question you want to ask?”

“Nawww I’m starting to get sick of this place so let get this bond thing over with so I can go back to sleep.”

“Technically you are asleep. But in any case, the deal I previously made still goes do you except?” Bahamut extended his hand.

“Extra magic, no extra company, and. . . Wait will my eyes change like Luz’s?”

“Not by our bond no. Bahamut explained. It only magic were sharing nothing else.”

“Yha, the kid told me about feeling pain when Aurora got hurt.”

“Don’t worry their bond is still in its early stages a little more time together and that side effect will be gone.”

“Alright, then you got a deal.” Eda grabbed Bahamut’s hand. The second she did thought a blighting light came from their extended hands and Eda was awake back in her nest.

“Uuuuhg, what a dream,” Eda said rubbing her head only to spot a mark on her wrist it looked just like the dragon glyph on it had a red glow to it. “Aww come on I didn’t just agree to be in a coven did I? Hey Bahamut I’m talking to you buster!”

She said shouting at the mark causing it to glow brighter and instantly a figure appeared this time looking like a genuine dragon but its body structure was different, unlike Aurora and Nax who stood on all fours this one was on its back legs stand like a regular person with his front ones folded to this chest and his hand tucked under his elbows. His scalds were smooth and plate-like all the way to its tail like the armor and the same color too. His head was small but his snout and jaw were wide and open showing his massive teeth as well with his horn pointed back and his wings were wide open only having one set but they almost filled her room showing off a gleam of gold in them. Basically the true form of a dragon that would terrify anyone who looked at him. But to Eda, he was just a punk that swindled her.

“Hey you! What with the mark? I thought this was just going to be sharing magic and nothing else.” Eda said annoyed.

“It is,” Bahamut said his voice much different than before originally it was smooth and kind like Luz’s but now it was rough and almost full of rage. “The mark is just to show that the bond is complete take a look”. He said as an ice mirror formed in front of Eda and true to his word much of the curse’s effect was gone. Her hair was no longer gray but bright orange her face looked younger and most of her wrinkles were gone and when she went to touch her face to see if it was real she took a glance at her hand and notice that it had regained some muscle and so did the rest of her body. Eda actually looked more her age than she did in years.

"It. . . . It worked it really worked!" Eda said exited hopping out of her nest and casting a spell to change into her casual clothes. And I still look great she said now possessing in the ice mirror.

"Just remember not to use too much magic or you will revert back." Bahamut said making sure the owl lady didn’t overdo it.

"Yha. Yha. No worry just wanna enjoy this." Even if she wasn’t completely cured Eda still was happy not to be falling apart or constant back pains.

"That’s fine but I would like to meet Luz and my kin face to face before we start training." The dragon now turned teacher said a bit excited have a pleasant encounter with kind and a new student.

"Alright, buzzkill but you should probably change back to your handsome form if you going downstairs don’t wanna freak everyone out . . . well more freaked out when they see me." Eda said thinking of all the people who would flip out when they see her younger it sure will stick it to her sister and that Titan crazed leader of hers.

"Very well but please Ms. Eda I would appreciate it if you didn’t find that form alluring I made it based on my old partner’s look and body structure."

"Aww is the big scary dragon embarrassed?" Eda said continuing to tease Bahamut.

"No! The dragon said now back to his witch form but noticing a small blush. “I just find off-putting is all. If I ever considered a relationship I rather it not be for a form I created as an homage to my old friend.”

“So tell is there a lucky dragoness you’re seeing?” Eda was having too much fun messing with the dragon witch as it seemed he wasn’t used to this kind of conversation.

“I. I. I’ve had enough of this. I’ll wait for you and Luz outside.” Bahamut said wanting to get out of the uncomfortable talk as he disappeared.

“Hahahaha cha haha” Eda was laughing manically falling to the floor unable to control it.

. . .

Finally finished laughing Eda went downstairs to see Luz and King in the kitchen finishing up breakfast but there was a plate uneaten pancake for her.

“Hey E- holy cow!” Luz said while King spits out his drink in shock. “What happened to you!?”

“Oh nothing just a little gift from that friend of the Bat Queen.” The owl lady said gladly showing off her old light orange hair.

“Friend of the Bat Queen? You mean you meet them!”

“Meet them Ha! I made a bond with the bag of scalds” Eda said as she showed her wrist with the dragon glyph on it.

"I didn’t know the dragon glyph could cure you how does that even work?" Luz was excited wanting to know more about the spell than what they originally thought I could do.

“It doesn’t this is just to show that my bond with the dragon and him sharing some of his magic with me keep my curse away as far as possible and all I needed to do was include him in the Bad girl coven.”

“Oh brother her isn’t your new boyfriend is he?” King joked.

“Include? Does that mean. . . “Luz was then interrupted by the sound of roars coming from outside and hurried to the door knowing that they belong to Aurora and Nax. But what she saw stopped her in her track as both dragons were in the hands of an unknown man with different colored eyes but their reaction to him looked like they knew each other for years.

“It’s so good to see my kin alive and well I hope you two haven’t been causing too much trouble for your partner.” The man said as the two hatchlings nuzzled him and roars of joy. Until the man noticed the human. "And there she is Luz Noceda it’s a pleasure to meet you my name is Bahamut." He said extending his hand to greet his new student.

"Bahamut! Like the Dragon king Bahamut!" Luz said basically fangirling about meeting a legend.

“Hahaha! I see that rumor about me have spread even to the Human Realm.” Bahamut said happy to know that there was someplace not influence to believe he was nothing but a mindless beast.

“Of course in my world, you would only ally yourself with those who proved themselves worthy by their strength or by their heart.”

“Well looks like he chose heart for you kid,” Eda said coming outside with king on her shoulder.

"This guy is the king of Dragons? Ha." King said jumping off Eda. "He’s nothing but a big softy playing with babies a real king would strike fear into anyone who comes across him. All this guy is all happy and loving ha yha right." King said mocking Bahamut only for a shadow to looming over him. Turning around to see a massive new dragon behind.

"Do you think I’m all happy and loving now?" The dragon form of Bahamut said scaring King back into the Owl house.

“Ahahahaha. Ok, this day just keeps getting better.” Eda said having the time of her life right now. While Luz and the two dragons stared in awe at the giant dragon.

“Wow just wow.” That was all Luz could say before Bahamut changed back to his human form. “Now that we're done with greetings. Shall we get started with training Luz?”

"Training? You mean you gonna teach me magic too?!" Luz was excited that the king of dragons himself was going to be her teacher as well.

“No not magic but to have a better connection with your dragon partners,” Bahamut explained.

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t be discourage your still new to it and what you have done is impressive except for the sharing of pain and while you can hold off some of the influenced of your dragon’s emotions a bit it still has made you more emotional making you willing to accept those emotions.”

“Oh yha . . .” Luz remember how Boscha was easily able to push her even though it was nothing new to her despite not being around Aurora or Nax and once she was the insults the three-eyed witch said had her completely consumed with rage only able to stop it once a better idea came to her by embarrassing the triclops in front of her friends. “Sorry was it that bad?”

“HAHAHAHA! Don’t worry about it little one everyone who made a bond with a dragon-like me always had massive fits of rage. You should have seen me and my partner in rage we spent most of the time yelling at each other over the simple’s things HAHAHAaaaaaa . . . Good times.”

"So how do we start with umm . . . improving my bond with Aurora and Nax? Luz asked.

“First you need to be able to hear their voices. They're still young, yes but you should have noticed your voice being overlapped by another when your emotions are in synch or danger. But what we’re going to do is give you the taste of hearing their voices first then for you to remember how it felt on your own.” Bahamut then traced a familiar glyph on the ground.

“Hey isn’t that the power glyph? How will that help?” Eda asked not getting it. Bahamut told Luz to draw the glyph on her note pad.

“This is a trick my old partner made to make this a bit easier. In his words, if one is to bond with someone they need to understand them.”

“What does that mean?”

“Just watch,” Bahamut said as Luz finished draw the glyph right but didn’t activate it yet.

“Now take this and one of your dragon glyphs and place it on your arm by overlapping them together.”
“Got it Teach,” Luz said placing both glyphs on her arm feeling the magic flow through her body and the changes that come with it. Her arms started to harden slowly turning into red scalds and her hand became pointed and sharp like claws. The same started happening to Luz’s legs and feet thankfully not damaging her clothes and she was able to get her socks and shoes off before they fully turn. And finally, her face and hair started sprouting the same red scales. But the strangest thing was none of it really hurt it was itchy at first and a little dizzy but nothing more.

Once the transformation was done Luz’s arms and legs were fully covered with red scales and her hand and feet were now claws. Her face was normal but scales had grown up half of her neck to her check stopping close to her nose with some scales grown to the root of her brown hair and even mixing in with it and extending it down to her shoulders.

Luz looked like a hybrid of a dragon and a human but was completely fine. “WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO TO HER YOU BAG OF SCALES!?” Eda shouted at Bahamut outraged and worried that he might have cursed Luz.

“Eda I’m fine just . . . a little shocked” Luz said trying to get her baring’s she wasn’t hurt but her mind was foggy. ‘You need to focus your thoughts Luz.” a familiar angelic voice told her. “Give her some time sister this must be a lot especially if she starting to hear our voices.” another familiar voice Luz heard but it sounded stern like a guardsman.

Luz then turned around to the voices only to see Aurora and Nax in their adult forms looking at her with worry. “Was . . . was that you guys?” Luz asked. “Can . . . can you actually hear use, Luz?” Aurora asked but not by using her mouth Luz could hear her voice in her head. “Yes! I can oh man this is amazing like a psychic link! It thanks to our bond that we can talk like this but traditional speech we still can’t do due to being too new but it will come to us. Nax said.

While Luz continued having a conversation with the light and moon dragon Eda still yelling at the king of dragons. “Next time you want to try something light that. WARN! Me. I thought you cursed Luz for a second.” My apologies mis-“Eda! Just Eda. She said interrupting Bahamut mid-sentence. “Eda I was just a little excited it’s been a long time since I’ve taught anyone my old ways or even my own kind that hasn’t been turned in simple animals or. . .” Bahamut couldn’t finish his sentence remember the horrors that happen to ones Belos allowed to live and what he needed to do if he couldn’t restrain them.

“I’m sorry that I worried you next time I will as before trying any type of training Luz is your student too.” Eda started to calm down a bit looking at Luz and the dragons having some kind of conversation. “To be honest I haven’t been that great of a teacher. Luz hasn’t really been learning much about magic only understanding that dragon spell and what kind of potions belong to the right type of customers. Heck I haven’t even been able to help her much with this while dragon thing until you showed up. . .”

“Again my apologies about that I only wanted to see how far Luz could go without my inclusion but all it did was fill her with paranoia and answers. I know she determined and would go to great lengths to discover the truth but after your sister tried to tell you that lie about us I had to make a much more direct move to prevent any scene of fear that could have sprouted due to it.” Bahamut said explaining the dissociations he made since Luz found the dragon glyph.

“So this was all just to save your scales hid?” Eda asked.

“No. like I said Belos want to go to the Human Realm for what reason is still unknown and that makes you and the rest of the resident of the Owl House a target and I wish to help any way I can. Speaking of shall we test how well these three work together I’m sure you would love to see the boost in power of your own magic?”

“You sure? Won't their bond cause them to feel the same amount of pain or something like that?”

“Not while Luz is like that it’s matured their bond to the point where the pain they have will stay to themselves and since that spell will last for quite a while it would be a good time to see how they coordinate as a group,” Bahamut said smiling at Eda ready for action.

Eda smiled and laugh at that. "Hahaha. Yha alright." She then turned to face the two dragons and the now dragon hybrid. "All right you three that’s enough chit chat," Eda said as she summoned her staff. "Now it’s time to see if you three can work together and compensate for each other weaknesses." And with that Eda twirled her staff around creating a spell circle shooting a beam of light at the trio. Hurrying on to Aurora back Luz and the two adult dragons dodge the blast but couldn’t go any higher due to an unknown barrier.

“Sorry you three but we need to make sure we don’t damage the house I can help fight off curses but I’ve always been terrible at making things,” Bahamut said as he ready a fire spell while Eda continued firing beams of light.

Despite the barrier, Aurora and Nax were able to dodge most of their teacher's attacks through a lot of them were thrown at random or Aurora could fire back to counter the problem though was Nax. He had no ability to fight back on his own and anything brought to life was quickly destroyed making the masked dragon completely defenseless.

“Darn it!” Nax said getting his masked face hit by one of Eda’s beams and barely avoided one of Bahamut's fireballs. “Luz I can’t hold out like this.” “Ok let’s try this!” Luz said as she pulled out one of her dragon glyphs and brought out the hallow dragon. “Amber help Nax!” they nodded as they flew toward their friend using its own body to block some of the spells or unleashing a wave of now fire to counter. “Ha! You got a good idea, Luz. While that spell can endure magic attack how long do you think it will last?” Bahamut asked as he changed from fireballs to ice spears and Eda started to bring out owl-like tubes from the ground. The ice was affecting Amber as they keep protecting Nax but was starting to fade while the owl tubes came after Aurora trying to surround the feathered dragon barely able to fight back as she fired a ball of light at a group of tubes seminally destroying them but they regrew and create more tube owls. “Aw come on! How is this training?” Aurora asked Luz. ”Not sure all they said was . . . awww.” Luz groaned realizing what they needed to do once she took a look at their surroundings. We need to get to Nax before Amber completely fads. She said as the light dragon-headed to her brother still outmaneuver the owl tubes just to see Nax tie-up by them staring at them in defeat and Amber completely disappear. “Aw, man.” They all said.

Once everything was done Aurora, Nax and Luz were sitting on the ground with their heads down as their teachers looked at them with their arms crossed and disappointed faces. “On the plus side you were able to understand the training but you neglected both your spells and your dragons. You should have tried that light spell of yours once you saw the dragon glyphs strength increase or had Aurora blind us with light to give Nax time to use his magic to conjure the trees to life.

“Yha I figured that out too late but we weren’t expecting to just be thrown into practice like that. I was still studded that I could talk to Aurora and Nax then the next thing we know we're getting blasted.” Luz said a little annoyed at her teacher for their quote. “Training.”

Hey, the best way to learn is when you’re in the heat of action keeps yha on your toes. Eda said only to get an annoyed look from the three.

“I will admit that I was a bit excited. But Eda does have a point even with book smarts is a good way to gain experiences is in real life.” Bahamut said.

“That’s right far better than any old school will teach yha”. Eda was glad to hear that finally someone that believed that school was stupid hopefully that would end any and all talks about it would finally be over.

“Actually having a balance with both would be a good idea.”
“What!?” both Luz and Eda shouted.

Don’t get me wrong Eda I’m sure you’re a great teacher but book smarts are still helpful when it comes to understanding how certain magic works.
Before Eda could start arguing Gus appeared out of the woods.

“Hey Luz I need your—“

Gus was at a complete loss at what he was seeing Eda looked younger, Luz was half-dragon now and a strange man that he had never seen before.
“Um, that’s a long story,” Luz said.

“Then I’ll tell him. This guy here.” Eda pointed at the illusion man. “Is the reason we’ve been going through this whole dragon thing by making Luz his unannounced successor.”

“THAT’S AMAZING!” Gus said rushing to Bahamut.

“So are you part of the Beast taming coven who has found a unique way to create dragons but the coven refused to allow you to use it due to unknown side effects on witches so you decided to leave it with your first creation with it and have it decided who would be good to continue one your work? Or are you some kind of mystical dragon spirit that wants revenge for the enslavement of your brethren? Or. “

“Uh, Gus you came here needing help?” Luz said saving Bahamut from the young illusion witch's questions and theories.

“Oh right,” Gus then explained his situation apparently a new student in Hexside named Mattholomule (what a mouth full) was trying to become the president of the Human appreciation club showing off his supposed better human object so Gus wants Luz to come to Hexside to prove if their real or not.

“I’d love to come to school with you Gus but principal Bump banned me remember? Plus with that race, I had with Boscha I doubt I could get in if they step up security.”

“Good like said.” Eda then looked at Bahamut shooting daggers at him. There ain’t nothing for you at that dweebus factory. No offense, dweebus.

“It’s okay. I come from a long line of dweebuses and that’s true there are new guards buuuut w- with my H.A.S presidential authority I . . . was able to pull some strings and got you a full pardon!”

“What? Really!”

“Yha I got the ban lifted.”

“Holy gosh. Yes, yes, yes!”

“That great news maybe we could-“

“No way Bahamut. Were her teachers not those chumps at Hexside.” Eda said interrupting him again.

“We maybe her teachers but both of our knowledge is earthier limited or useless to Luz Hexside could –“

“Hexside can do nothing but turn anything creative into mush.”

But Eda! Luz tried to argue but was quickly shut down.

No buts. I don’t want to hear anything about Hexside, except “Hexside is on fire” and “let’s get front row seats!" Eda then walked back to the Owl house with Hooty quickly opening the door for her knowing how annoyed Eda was and not wanting to get in the middle of it.

“I’ll be the Gus don’t worry.” Luz said despite one of her mentors hating the idea of Hexside all together she still wanted to help her friend.

“Great I’ll see you tomorrow!” Gus said rushing back home and cheering that his spot as president was safe.

“Do you think we should talk to Eda about this school-hating thing?” Luz asked Bahamut.

“I think it’s best to let her cool off and think about the dissociation. So it probably best for me to come back tomorrow.”

What are we going to do until then? Luz asked wondering what else the king of dragons had planned for her training.

“I will release the illusion and send it somewhere else there's something I need to check on. You on the other hand should stay close to your dragons continue having conversations with them it will help keep the connection with them strong. Once the spell wears off will see if you can do it without it if not will use it again until you ale to hear their voices without it.”

“And if I can’t?”

“Then we will continue your training and put it to the side. Don’t worry though you’ll get it and if not then it will be fine.” Bahamut said giving Luz an insuring smile. She smiled back thanking him before disappearing. Luz then headed back inside helping a grumpy Eda organize boxes.

“Hahaha. She reminds me a lot of you old friend.” A massive figure said far away from The Owl house as it stares at a staff dugged in the dirt and snow of his cave. The staff itself was made of wood that showed age with the original color completely faded as its once rich brown coloring was now a mix of brown and black the pailsman had been gone a long time ago and the token that had taken its place was now in the hands of his new student. But then memories it holds and the person it once was used it made it impossible for the great beast to let go. “I just hope I can keep her safe unlike you.” The figure said praying that his dissection to come out of hiding didn’t bring any unnecessary danger to the girl.

The next day Luz sneaked off the Hexside with Nax and was out of her dragon form that wearer off last night before bed and while it was risky to bring Nax despite not seeing him if any remnants of his magic were found it could be track then it was right back to the banned list for Luz. But it was better to bring Nax than Aurora who always had a hard time being around people who try to harm her friends in any shape or form, plus this was his reward for helping with the whole distraction thing and with Bahamut believing it was a good idea for her to attend magic school it would be bad if she got rebanned from one after getting unbanned . . . that is if he’s able to get Eda to agree.

Luz and Nax were coming out from the forest behind Gus while he having a conversation with Willow as he grabbed a hood from his backpack.

“To keep her undercover.” Was the only thing Luz head before joining the conversation.

“Undercover for what?” She asked only to get some kind of hood placed around her head in response.

“Behold your new cowl!” Gus said trying to change the subject. But the little dragon beside the human seemed to pick up that something wasn’t right.

“Whoa. I love it.” Luz said putting it on properly then took a whiff at the hood. “On the Boiling Isles, new things smell old.”

“Yep, put it on. Hide your ears. Wanna keep you under wraps ‘till the big reveal.” Gus said chuckling a bit but getting a disappointed glare from Willow.

“Hopeful they’ll believe us when we tell them that I am human despite the dragon eyes. But as a showman, I will still bring the dazzle to your razzle.” Luz said as she pulled out a bunch of confetti from her pockets with Nax dancing around her in joy.

“Do you always have confetti on you or …” before willow could finish questioning her friend a high pitch scream was heard coming from Gus's arm. Pulling up his sleeve up to show a small purple demon wrapped around his wrist with a large eye that had the hands of a clock with its fangs biting Gus wrist as it continued to scream until he pocked it in the eye.

“That’s my alarm. Uh, we better get going.” See you after school, Willow Gus said as he grabbed Luz's arm and hurried into the school with Nax following them and leaving a worried Willow behind.

“Oh, Gus I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“For the last time scales for brains the answer is NO!” Eda said shouting outside the owl house arguing with the dragon witch. As Hooty watched silently.

“Why do you insist that Luz going to a magic school is such a bad idea? I will admit I don’t like the idea of any child learning during the time of a dictator’s rule but we don’t have much of a choice. We both can teach her everything we know plus make sure she has real-life experience. But as I said before our information is limited or useless to her. The school would help her learn the gaps in our knowledge plus make her own path in using magic.” Bahamut said arguing back at Eda.

“I chew insects. I turn them into mush” Hooty said with flies buzzing around him.

“Come now I doubt it was that bad.”

“. . . Yha that’s my own beef talking. But I guess she needs to draw her own conclusion. Right?”


“My beef is insects. They’re what I eat.”

“Hooty will you can it. You’re not helping.”

“All I know is, you taught me and I turned out just fine.” He said as a fly land and crawled right beside him but all he did was just extend his tongue out not even extending his tube-like neck to reach out further as he struggled to reach for the fly while Eda and Bahamut look on in a bit of worry.

“We gotta get that girl into school.” Eda said.


. . .

As Gus and Luz started to enter the main hall of Hexside they spotted two students being dragged by canes by two similar humanoid figures wearing a black undershirt and blue robes with an unknown gold symbol on them but their faces were something else it looked like a masked with their whole face and front jaw upside-down with their eyes sewn shut as the students they carried away protest to their punishment while a strange ball of energy followed them that was glowing yellow

“That’s new.” Luz said.

Well, they kinda showed up after your last visit. They smell trouble and that orb detects magic from trouble makers due to that whole. Bring to life the school's front décor thing.

Just as Gus finished explaining one of the new guards one of them stop and sniffed the air looking straight at them.

“Trouble.” It said in a haunting voice. Gus noticed this and so did Nax who quickly crawled up Luz’s cowl to hide. “It’s ok Nax just stay hidden you should be fine,” Luz said trying to comfort the masked dragon even though she still couldn’t have a proper conversation with him Nax still nodded in agreement. “Ok, then time to run,” Gus said tugging Luz in a different direction from the guards. “Good idea we can tell principle Bump about the whole thing later,” she said unaware of her friend's bluff about the banned being lifted.

However they end up crashing into someone causing the banned poster in Gus’s bag to come out. Panicking Gus did his best to grab them all and hide them but was stopped when a familiar voice spoke out.

Augustus you should really watch where you’re going. It was Mattholomule a witchling like Gus but was a little older with lighter skin. Dark brown hair, brown eyes, and wearer a colored brown undershirt. “Don’t want the president of the H, A, S, getting hurt on his last day in office.” He said picking up Gus’s president crown and a sinister smile on his face. “This must be your human-. The second Matt look at Luz he instantly recognized her. “The Draco witch? Ha! Nice try Augustus she may be good at taming dragons but I doubt she knows anything about humans.”

“Psst! Dazzle.” Gus said acting quickly got Luz’s attention and pulled his own ears wanting her to do unveil her ears.
“Oh right.” Luz then made a small trumpet with her hand playing a small and quickly pulled up her hood revealing her round ears and the hidden dragon. “Ta-da.”
“Wait? You’re human!” Mat said in shock.

“Not just any human. An expert human” Gus said.

“Yeah. I’ve been doing this for years.”

“She’s here to authenticate your treasures. See you at the meeting.”

They then walked off leaving Mat in a state of fear with Gus taking back his presidential crown. As well with Nax taking the rest of the papers Gus dropped using his magic and sticking his tongue at the young witch.

“Oh, no, no, no, no! They can’t know I lied.” Then they’ll never make me president. Mat said trying to think of something to save his image until one of the magic detection orbs that secured the school started to glowing blue slowly following the group that passed him realizing that it was reacting to the dragon’s magic he quickly grabbed it. “Ooh Gus, I have you now.” Mat said with a sinister grin.

“As president of the H. A. S., I should feel bad about dunking on one of my own members but as a Gus, I feel like doing this.” Gus then proceeded to do some kind of victory dance but was suddenly stopped by a piece of paper in Nax’s magic.

“Oh! Thanks for that Nax I have no idea why this is still--“before he could continue to play dumb about the ban flyer Gus heard Nax growl in annoyance while Luz was busy checking out the school awards.

“Ok. Ok. So I didn’t get the ban lifted but I promise it just one time once Luz checks those human items then I’ll tell her everything. I promise.” Gus then lifted one of his hands above his head while the other to his heart Nax couldn’t talk to the witchling but the look on his face didn’t show any confides in the plan.

“Wow! Who got the trophy for the most bones?” Luz asked. However one of the guards was coming around the corner and it started to pick up her sent so Gus imminently pushed her to the direction of the club wanting to hide her there until the meeting but stopped when the abomination teacher walked into the hall who Luz wanted to apologize to for the who fake abomination incident that got her banned in the first place only for Gus to once again change their direction to a full tour of Hexside.

Despite Gus trying to be a good tour guide for Luz and Nax they always had to flee due to the trouble smelling guards or the magic orbs being everywhere.

Meanwhile both Eda and Bahamut were sitting in Principle Bump’s office. “Been quite a while since I’ve sat here, huh?”

“I gotta admit it's extra weird without you yelling at me for picking fights or stealing.” Eda said balancing a pencil between her nose and mouth while placing her heels on Bumps desk rocking back and forth. With Bahamut staring at her annoyed.

“Hard to forget when you look like that.” Bump said creating a spell circle to levitate Eda off both his desk and her chair. Causing Bahamut to snicker.
“Hahahaha apologize for Eda's rudeness but we can here to talk about something important.”

“And you are?”

“My name is Bahamut Flare, Principal Bump.” He then extended his hand which Bump took.

“A pleasure to meet you Mr. Flare.”

“Teacher pet.” Eda said getting back up on her chair.

“Now before we all start arguing what is it that you two want.” Bump said wanting to get this over with.

“Right we want to enroll our student, Luz, at Hexside, and before you get all judgy—“

“That’s not a bad idea.” Bump said remembering Luz’s duel with Amity and being victorious with a spell he’d never seen and how well she was able to control that silver dragon of hers.

“You no-good- - Wait, really?”

“She shows potential, plus I think the student body could learn a lot from having such an exchange student. But before I even consider that, there’s a lot to be answered for.” Bump said collecting a large stack of papers.

“Oh right. Yeah. We heard all about that abomination incident.”

“Oh I’m not talking about Luz. I’m talking about the necrotic experiments, the graffiti, the scams, the cheating, Miss Jenkinmeyer’s teeth. The trouble you caused when you were her Eda. Bump said in a controlled rage dropping the stack on his desk which said “Permanent Record: Edalyn Clawthorne”.

“Huh. I thought there’d be more.”

Bahamut then took some of the paper to see how bad it went despite Eda clam.

“Using abominations in the cafeteria to find a theft that stole your sister's lunch money, releasing ghost in the girl’s locker room, summoning giant worms at the school's sports field? My word you were a terrible student.”

“Wow thanks you’re really helpful.”

Eda then proceeded to have one of the worst cleaning days of her life without any help from Bahamut and Bump constantly watching her. But seeing some of the students interact with each other by earthier helping one another out or just being sappy just like Luz. “she would love it here.” Eda said just completing another task and ready for another with confidence.

It was finally time for the H, A, S meeting, and most of the members were chanting. Human, human, human! Over and over ready for their president to unveil his friend.

“Human Appreciation Society . . . “Gus said opening the club door with his crown on and using a paperclip as an instrument.

“. . . It is my distinct pleasure to introduce to you.” Gus walked into the classroom giving room for a fully grown Nax to fly in and land in the center of the room standing on his back legs with his wings folded into his chest.

“Luz, the human.”

With that Nax opened up his wings to reveal Luz pulling up her hood revealing her round ears. Nax then shifted back to his hatchling form and was caught by Luz. The rest of the club members were ecstatic about a real human being here and seeing a dragon was the icing on the cake. Except for Mat who looked terrified as Gus asked Luz to inspect his fake human treasures.

“Stop” Mat said jumping on the table causing everyone to stop and gasp.

“Don’t make another move, human! I have something to say. I’m new to Hexside. Making friends has been hard so I lied. . . They’re all fakes. I thought if I was important enough people would like me. But I’ve caused enough drama. So I’ll go. I’m sorry.”

Gus and Luz looked at each other ready to stop him before he walked out but were stopped by Nax feeling something was wrong struggling out of Luz's arms and got in between them and Matt. “Come on Nax all Mattholomule wanted were friends we should give him a chance,” Luz said trying to get the black dragon to agree with them but he wouldn’t budge.

“Well looks like your dragon is smarter than you. Too bad it’s too late.” Mat was in the door holding up one of the magic detection orbs glowing a bright blue and causing some kind of alarm that quickly brought more guards. “There’s the intruders.” Mat said causing them to react. “Trouble.”

“It ok Nax is with me.” Luz said trying to defend her friend but was grab by their canes while Nax was put into a magic bubble unable to escape. As they were both taken away with Luz begging Gus to tell them that the ban’s been lifted.

“Oh, who’s the liar now, Augustus? Mat said gloating at his victory. While Gus was terrified for his friends.

. . .

Nax was struggling to get out of the bubble he was in while Luz was being dragged off by one of the smelling guards unable to get out of their cane’s grip.

“Where are you taking us?” Luz said wanting to know what was going on.

“Detention” was all the guard side which put her at a bit of ease.

“Oh that doesn’t sound so bad, right?” looking at Nax only to come to a massive door that took a part of the school's hall it opened its thee large eyes as they got closer, roared, and swallowed them whole with its three-sided mouth.

Back at the H. A. S. club room Gus wanted Mattholomule to explain why he was doing this only for him to say that he wanted power and drama and got both by knocking down the famed Draco witch and the President of the H.A.S. the rest of the members started booing him for his action but Mat didn’t care and continued to egging Gus.

"So what are you gonna do, Mr. President?"

Gus knew he had to help Luz but didn’t was Mattholomule to get away with this so he did the one thing he could take them both out. “Executive action.” He said raising his hand looking like he was going to strike Mat but instead pulled the fire alarm which caused the guards to return and grab the only one close to it.

“But I didn’t pull the alarm! It was Augustus!” Mat said but the guards didn’t care. “Are you even listening to me? I demand justice!” He was still ignored as the two boys were thrown into the massive door.

Quickly jumping back to his feet Mat slammed his fist at the door begging to be let out while Gus’s attention was caught by Luz riding an adult Nax flying above the room.

“Gus I thought you said the ban was lifted?”

Before Gus could even respond the floor of the room stared opened up into a huge mouth with large teeth, multiple eyes, blue tentacle-like tongues, and blue glowing pods with they think were other students in them.

“How is this detention? This is a death sentence!”

“I don’t know! I’ve never been in detention before!” Gus said backing up to the wall to keep out of the tongue's reach.

“Welcome to my world.” Mat said scooting beside Gus. “Believe it or not, in my old school I was in detention plenty of times.”

“That isn’t hard to believe. You’ve kind of a jerk.” Luz said with Nax growling in agreement.

“Well, down in detention, this jerk is king. So, if you wanna get out, you better do exactly what I say. But first, before anything else, we gotta - - Before Matt could finish a long neck snake-like creature with a dead gray face and fully red eyes came out of the mouth spotting him instantly and shot out its tongue wrapping it around Mat’s leg. “Already?” was the last thing he said before being dragged into the room’s mouth.

“Mattholomule!” Luz said trying to help him despite being a jerk but was too late as Matt was now trapped in one of the blue pods. “Gus, why did you lied about the ban?” Luz said wanting to know the truth before another one of those snakes came and took another person.

“I was afraid. I acted stupid.”

“Yes, you did.”

“Being younger than everyone is hard. You’re overlooked. Ignored. But at the H, A, S I mattered. I could make sure no one would ever get left behind. I didn’t wanna lose that I’m sorry.”

Luz remembered during the tour that Gus said he skipped a few grades making him advance for his age it would make sense that no one would take him seriously. It was just like how she was back on Earth only difference was Gus had people who like the thing he liked. Luz then nodded at Nax and without a second thought, Nax flew over to Gus before another snake appeared grabbing onto Luz’s arm hosted up onto Nax’s back.

“I get it. I just wish you told me the truth.” Luz said giving Gus a smile of understanding. The mood changed quickly as more of the weird snakes started to crawl up the mouth of the room almost grabbing the masked dragon but was kicked off by Luz.

“Let me make it up to you, Luz. I’ve got a plan.” Gus said.

“Ya! I’m in. where do we start?”

“By leaving no one behind.”

Luz nodded understanding what Gus wanted to do. “You heard him Nax down we go.” Nax nodded in agreement diving straight through the snakes and into the mouth making sure to avoid the teeth and snakes that tried to lash at him. Making their way to the bottom both Luz and Gus imminently found Mattholomule inside one of the blue pods while listening to some voice telling him that he will be a good student. Nax then bit down on the pod's skin and ripped it up causing it to dissolve into blue goo.

“Am I a good student?” That was all Matt could say before passing out.

Luz was able to pick him up and place him over her shoulder. “Oh, gosh. He’s so little.” She said surprised at how small and light Mattholomule is. That quickly turned to fear as the snakes were back coming down inside the room's mouth.

Rushing back in Nax Luz asked. “This I part of the plan, right?”

Or the illusion of a plan. Gus said as he made a spell circle creating fake copies of them that run and flown around caught the snake’s attention struggling to tell where the real group was. Some did but due to most of them still busy with the copies they were easy to fight off. Once they got out of the mouth Gus pointed at a large bone. ‘We’re gonna have to bust down the door.” He said. Nax nodded his head and the jewel on his forehead started glowing causing the bone to move on its own the black dragon then roared giving it an order as they rushed to the door crashing into it.
. . .

Meanwhile Willow was sneaking through the hall to get to the detention door she knew Gus’s plan but was completely against lying to Luz and tried to reason with him, to tell the truth, but couldn’t, and for a while, things were fine until she heard Luz screaming in the hall being dragged by the guards. So here she was trying to save her friend by breaking into detention. Willow managed to get the plank of wood that kept the door shut halfway out but had to stop when voices were coming this way.

“I washed off all the graffiti. Apologized to Ms. Jenkinmeyer for stealing her teeth. Caught all the wild cerebi. Ah, we should be good.” Eda said after her horrible experience of cleaning every mess and prank she made In Hexside and now it was finally over!

“It will be very exciting to have a real human exchange student. Especially one who can tame dragons.” Principal Bump said shaking both Eda and Bahamut’s hands.

“And you won’t tell the Emperor’s Coven about this, will you?” Eda asked.

“No, Hexside School is safe for you three. I’m the principal, not a stooge. Consider your pupil our pupil.”

“Thank you Principal Bump that means a lot.” Bahamut said glad to know that there’s at least some were and someone that wouldn’t sell out their student nor his kin.

Before anything else could be said they heard a loud bang coming from the detention door as it almost broke through but the next bang did and out from the dust was a giant bone, and Nax with Luz and Gus on his back.

“Eda? Bahamut?” Luz said wondering why her teachers were in the school.

“Guess who got you into Hexside!” Eda said not caring about the destruction that just happened.

“What?” before Luz could say anything else the snake caught up to them ready to drag them back but were stopped when Bump snapped his fingers catching the snake’s attention.

“Uh, sorry. Principal Bump. Sir.” One of the snakes said in fear not showing any of the terror it brought anymore. Even its eyes changed from fully blood red to a normal iris with a black pupil as it slithered back into the room.

“What did you do?” Bump said completely outraged.

“Ugh, kid.” Eda said knowing how this was gonna go.

“To think that any student of yours would be capable of doing anything but create chaos . . . Eda, take your student and leave! You are both banned from this campus! I’m sorry Mr. Flare but this is unacceptable. I can’t have a student that won’t follow the basic rules.”

“Wait! Principal Bump surly we could –

“Aw forget Bahamut he won’t budge trust me. Come on you two. Let’s go.” Eda sighed annoyed that all her work both good and bad lead to nothing in the end as Luz and Nax followed her to the exit with Bahamut still wanting to reason with the Principal.

“Wait, Principal Bump. Don’t blame Luz.” Gus said coming to defend his friend. This was his mess and he was gonna clean it up. “I told her the ban was lifted. We were fighting over the Human Appreciation Society. He said while pointing at Mattholomule. “I brought Luz in because I wanted to win. This is all my fault.”

“If that’s so, Augustus, would you be willing to accept her punishment as your own?”

“Yes, Principal Bump. I would.” Gus said without hesitating. Causing Bahamut to smile. “Huh. Dang, dweebus.” Eda said impressed.

“Very well. In light of that, barring any more trouble, you shall officially be enrolled in Hexside School next semester.”

Luz was practically bouncing in her tiptoes know now she would attend a real magic school. “Uh, hold on. Hold on.” Eda said wanting to tell Luz something important but want Bump to move away to hopefully avoid him hearing much. “I’m only doing this because I have fate in you and I know you’re too smart to fall for that One- Witch. One-Coven nonsense. You can learn a lot from the witches here. And maybe teach them some of that Bad Girl Coven magic too . . . well the stuff I taught you at least.”

“I didn’t hear that.” Bump said wanting to focus on something else and just mentally prepare for the dragon-eyed human trouble once she was a proper student. “As for you. I would be saying detention right now but that seems to be out of order. So as of now. I’m removing you from the Human Appreciation Society.” Bump said as he removed the president crown off Gus’s head.

“Does that make me president?” Mattholomule said still on the floor but heard everything.

“Impressive. Still alive. Yes, I supposed you are.” Bump then threw the crown on Matt's head as he raised his hand in victory but quickly dropped back down still completely drained from the day’s events.

“Now, with that accomplished, Mr. and Mrs. Flare we still have some paperwork to fill out.”

The second Principal Bump finish his sentence Eda was rolling on the ground laughing and Bahamut was trying to keep his blush of embarrassment hidden. “Principal Bump I’ll have you know that me and Eda’s relationship is strictly professional. We both share an apprentice and nothing more!” Bahamut said wanting to make sure this little confusion was settled.

“Apologizes, I just assumed due to how Eda is. It’s impossible to tell what she’ll do.” Bump said as he walked back to his office with Bahamut following him and Eda finally calming down. Ahh, the next time I see my sis I should tell her that it might flip her out enough to realize how stupid the Emperor's Coven is.” She said following the two.


As the grown-ups walked of the two witchlings, masked dragon, and dragon-eyed human were laughing at how flustered the dual-colored-eyed man got. “Ha ahh anyway wanna finish off that tour?” Gus asked.

“I can show you guys what plants not to touch in the greenhouse. And then let you touch them.” Willow said wanting to properly show her studies.

“Yeah! Let’s go.” Luz said with Nax barking in agreement. As they ran off leaving a still daze Mattholomule lying on the floor.

. . .

While the Owl group went back home and enjoyed going through memory lane with Eda’s school days. The Emperor was still training his new dragon-killing witch. Lilith had been able to handle most of the advanced spell that was similar to beast keeping magic demon hunter used but much more threatening they were so dangerous that Emperor Belos himself ban both the use or teaching of It to the public and now only a small few knew how to use this magic. And now with Bahamut suppose reappearance and a new line of kin it was time to finish him for good but first, they needed to draw him out.

As Lilith finish her training with a wild dragon that was now in critical care of the Healing and Beast Taming Covens she turned to see what was next.

“Well done Lilith it seems you’re able to handle the spell's power but now it's time for the next phase.” The Emperor said snapping his fingers causing the floor of the throne room to open up and bring up a large cage with a creature that was meant to be long gone.
“Is . . . Is that?”

“Yes, this is a greater Basilisk or to be more accurate one of the dragon king’s former enforcers originally meant to weaken witches now completely given into its hunger for magic it even consumed its own partner just to show that these beast are nothing but a danger must be destroyed.” Belos then used his staff to blast the Basilisk with a familiar green lighting spell causing it to roar and scream in pain. “Hear me now beast you will be set free but under one condition go and find your former leader consume him and his new student and kin,” Belos ordered still shocking the Basilisk that had been broken years ago and now only knew how to consume.

“Ye.Yes, my Emperor.” Was the only thing it could say as the spell finally stopped. Another snap of The Emperor's finger and the cage opened the bars dividing into single poles and sinking back into the floor.

“Then go and do not fail me.”

The Basilisk nodded its head as it quickly slithered out for the room.

“What is the reason for using that creature, my lord?” Lilith asked.

“To confirm if that reached beast has truly returned, to test the limit of this human that he’s supposedly taken as a student, and to prove a point.”

“And what is that?”

Belos only laughed before answering “That beasts no matter their origin are only meant for one of two things. Fall in line like the rest. Or be put down.


Sorry for taken so long with this but I had a lot of family stuff to do during the end of March and mid-April. that I had no idea was around the same time until now. I promise I'm going to get the new chapter done way sooner.

Chapter 8: Past and Current Regrets


Luz and Amity nerd out at a sports game while Bahamut tries to help Eda with flashing memories caused by her still growing curse.

Chapter Text

After finally getting enrolled in Hexside Luz wanted to keep training with Bahamut wanting to hear and talk to Aurora and Nax without the help of her new dragon form. However, it wasn't going so well despite getting to know more about them such as sharing the memories they had of their predecessors or the illusion dragon witches training to help communicate with each other nothing seemed to keep the bond strong enough once Luz changed out of her dragon form. And today was no different finishing up training much earlier both Eda and Bahamut knew Luz needed to get her mind off it.

"Ok that enough." Bahamut said as he finished casing his ice spell.

"But we barely started." Luz said Getting off Aurora still wanting to get this right.

"True but you've barely taken it easy with the whole wanting to talk to Nightlight and Good King here. while not looking like Papa dragon here kid." Eda said knowing full well how the illusion dragon witch felt about anything involving being a husband or a father.

" Did you really have to describe it like that?" Bahamut said annoyed with his face was bright red.

"Yup because it's hilarious to see how easily you get flustered."

". . . Anyway it best for you to take it easy on this Luz you can't force this kind of thing it will only make it harder. and even if you can't we will focus on something else."

Luz huffed knowing they were right. But it was crazy how easily she lost the connection the very second she turned back. so what was missing what was she getting wrong?

"They're right Luz." King said, "Besides we got more important things to like going to the playground and claiming it as my stepping stone to power Hahaha!" With that mention of the park both Aurora and Nax shifted back to their hatchling forms joining King's excitement.

"Alright yha waking nightmares were going right now. come on Luz." Eda said. trying to get the small demo and dragons under control.

" Aww come on Eda their a bunch of cutie pies who want to have fun with other little ones." Luz said with a babying voice.

"Sound like fun you five enjo-- before Bahamut could even walk away Eda grab him by the ear.

"Oh no you don't. You're not leaving me to keep an eye on three kids you coming to Mr." Eda said sternly.

"But the playground is for little ones Luz will be able to help yooou ow!"

"She needs to relax not stress out if King gets lost or one if Nax's paper dolls get ripped. So you're coming!" Eda then tugged at his ear even hard to bring Bahamut to a knee.

"Y- Yes ma'am." Bahamut said giving into Eda's demands as she releasing him.

"Good, come on kids let's go." Eda said with pride causing King, Nax, and a defeated Bahamut to follow her with Luz and Aurora completely shocked by the whole conversation.

"Wow I . . . was not expecting that." Luz said.

yhaaaa . . . remind me never to get Eda mad." Aurora said. as the two stared following the rest of their group.

As they arrived at the playground or its official name The Slayground Luz pulled out her note pad allowing Nax to make some of the paper come to life and start folding into different figures. After Nax arrived at the owl house, Luz found an origami book in one of the massive piles of human treasures, and instantly the black dragon loved it enjoying make the shapes and figures in it and memorized many of them his favorites were crans that actually flew, flowers that spun ant twirled around the house, people he even made versions of Eda, Luz, and King, and of course dragons. Either there were based on hIm, Aurora, or the classic Chinese dragon they all looked amazing and the masked dragon loved to when Luz came up with stories for them, and with the help of his sister, they created a real show.

But today was for relaxing so Nax just decided to make a few paper flowers and have them spin around the bench while laying on top of it. With Bahamut, Eda, and Luz joining as well with Aurora resting on her summoner's lap or at least tried to as Luz was panicking about King.

"Are you sure its place is safe I don't want King to gets hurt from the questionable play equipment or one of the other kids pushing him off something or -

"Luz you needed to calm down." Bahamut said "you're acting like a mother who's afraid to let her hatchling out of the nest.

"Saids you my Mr. I'm gonna keep his hatchlings safe around a pit of fire after being scared by Hooty." Eda said laughing

"THAT WAS ONE TIME!" Bahamut said remembering how he and Hooty's first proper interaction or more like poor timing as Eda asked him to help with training with Luz's bond by distracting them while under attack it didn't help but once everything was done and Bahamut was trying to encourage Luz Hooty desired to be Hooty and pop out of nowhere freaking out the illusion dragon witch causing him to scoop up the young dragons and the hybrid human dragon in his arms and form a ring of fire around them staring daggers at the supposed intruder saying. " Stay away from my hatchlings!" in a treating voice.

"Ok ok just wanted to be included. Jeez." Hooty said as he retreated to the front door only to hear Eda and King laughing at him.

"Hahahahaha. Aww, big papa dragon trying to keeps his hatchlings away from the scary little owl tube. ahahahahah haaha." Kind said as they continued to mess with Bahamut about it for the rest of the day making sure he never lived it down and it looks like he never will.

Back in the president Eda was laughing remembering that day as Bahamut turns his head away from her. "Ahhhh. That was funny." Eda said leaning on the still embarrassed Bahamut arm. Thankfully it helped settle Luz down as the still dragon human hybrid was enjoying watching King play and petting Aurora while she was now asleep.

"Eda!" King said shouting and rushing over to the beach. "That monster took my throne." he then pointed to a young witchling with tan skin, light brown eyes, and orangy-red hair with snot coming from his nose playing on a plastic dragon pogo ride. Apparently, King claimed the slide as his throne but the little one pushed him off it.

"you mean the baby?" Eda responded.

"No, the usurper. I want you to go over there and blow him up. Kaboom!"

"Kaboom!" The young witch said hearing everything. But Eda didn't budge only grabbing her staff and turning her palisman off it.

"Yeah I'm not using Owlbert to blow up a five-year-old. He's got better things to do. Like this... she then provided to scratch the now flesh owl underneath his wing casing him to who in joy.

"Aw, what a sweetie. How did you make Owbert anyway?"

"By using the branch of an ancient tree. all witches who obtain their staffs carve them based on their character we're bonded for life." Eda then lifted Owlbert to her shoulder continuing to scratch his stomach. "And I'd annihilate anyone who'd hurt him."

Like Me, Nax And Aurora? Luz asked

"Not to the same level, no but still quite strong." Bahamut said remembering his partner's palisman."However, the trees have become very rare to find." Bahamut added. "I'd say by the end of this generation they may go completely extinct."

Before anyone could comment on that remark King spoke up. " yha yha important tree gone bla bla bla came we go back to more important business like reclaiming my throne come on Bahamut your a king wouldn't you destroy anyone that took your throne?"

"while I would do that yes. I would never harm a child."

"Fine. Don't help. Revenge will taste all the sweeter if they fall to my hands alone." But before he could do anything with that King was pushed down by the same witchling.

" Tag your it." the little one said as he rushed back to the playground wanting the little demon to follow.

" Oh, man. Here we go. King's squeak of rage."

As if on queue King got back up only to fall back down and start flailing around while giving off a high pitch whale. Once his tantrum was over King got back up and rushed back following the witchling and still giving off that high pitch whale.

Both Bahamut and Eda started laughing at the sound finding it cute. " Haha, he's like a little teakettle," Eda said. Or an angry whistle Bahamut added.

Luz was about to make her own remark but stopped once she saw a strange hole on Owlbert's foot. " Hey what's that?" She said pointing at it.

"That's his interlock. So he only fits under my staff. Every palisman has one." Eda said answering her apprentice question but something was off the world turned grey and there was no one and nothing in sight, even the bench she was supposed to be sitting on faded. Eda was about to shout to call for someone but was quickly cut off by a large figure behind her and a large glow of light when she turned around she couldn't believe it. it was her cursed form in chains of magic the owl beast was hissing and growling not happy being locked up as it struggled to break free and for a second it was able to break one of the chains freeing its right claw trying to reach her but more chains stopped it and it returned to hiss and growl at her.

"Well it's nice to know this bond with Bahamut really is workinggg!" Eda was cut off by the Owl beast as if the name of her new ally enraged it trying even hard to break from its prison. it still couldn't but once it started giving off a loud whale Eda started seeing images of a figure coming from a door. "Your the one who did this to me aren't you?" Eda said trying to get closer couldn't as she was snapped back into reality back in the Owl house with everyone looking worried.

"Eda! you ok!" Luz said hugging the orange head witch.

What?. . What happened?"

"It seemed your curse was able to break free from my magic. it has grown stronger but I've increased the magic so it should stay dormant." Bahamut explained.

"Even with it under lock and key it still a problem. just great." Eda said annoyed that the biggest problem she had was still a problem despite having more help now.

"Is she going to be ok?" Luz asked.

"For now it will be fine but it best we pull back on the training a bit just to be sure." the illusion dragon said blaming himself for not think that the curse could get worse at any time and that the usage of both his and Eda's magic could weaken the amount of magic he was sharing with her.

"Hang on a minute buster I've been dealing with this curse before you showed up I'm sure a quick elixir after practice will be enough." Eda said waving it off like it was nothing.

"Are you sure? We could help I could even put Auror, King, and Nax in little doctor and nurse's outfits." Luz said only getting Aurora's approval with the idea. But Nax quickly refused repeatedly saying "no" in Luz's head while King gave a quack like noise in confusing not really focusing on the conversation.

"No one wants to see that".

"I do. by the way how did you get your curse anyway?"

"I don't kno-- Eda was instantly stopped talking as she started seeing visions again seeing that same figure but couldn't make any noticeable features. Her head was pounding trying to find out the truth but something kept blocking her.

"EDA!" Everyone said as the orange hair witch was struggling.

"I'm . . . I'm fine." Eda said finally able to put her thoughts together.


"I'm fine kiddo. don't worry." Eda said giving a fake smile to her half-dragon apprentice. "besides aren't you going to be late to an out with your friends?"


"No buts except your heading out the door. This is supposed to be your day off I got King and Papa dragon here to help me in case something happens"

"She right Luz." Bahamut said knowing what Eda was doing. "I'm sure if something pops up I'll be able to handle it now off. The three of you just enjoy the rest of the day."

Luz wanted to argue but it seemed that nothing she said would change either of her teacher's minds with a huff she agreed and head out the door with Aurora and Nax following her.

"Now that Luz is gone care to tell me what so important that you don't want her to know?" Bahamut asked

"You and I both know that if Luz gets involved with this she'll go overboard and do something crazy and that not when she's in dragon mode."

"Fair point"

"And the problem is I'm not sure what's going on. I've been seeing a figure that must have been the punk who cursed me but every time I try to focus on it keeps getting interrupted by an enraged owl beast trying to break free from your magic."

"it must have been due to its increased strength for a second but its anger will probably keep you from finding out the truth. At least not without help maybe it can help."

"I don't think that will work she really doesn't like you."

"Haha I guess you have a point but it better to try than do nothing. Besides it seem driven to regain control"

"oh all right." Eda said knowing that she's not getting out of this. "So what do we?"

"simple care for another trip to the dreamscape."

While her teachers get ready to find out the truth. Luz is in the air flying on Aurora's back in her adult with Nax following behind still worried about Eda. Seeing her pass out at the park and still in pain had caused the human dragon hybrid to worry deeply wishing to be back at the Owl house to help her teacher and friend but have been denied that all Luz could do was hope that Bahamut could help fix whatever is happening.

As they landed by Hexside wanting to meet up with Gus and Wilow to go to another part of the island for a school sports game against a Glandus High Luz tried to get her mind off it to keep her friends from worrying as well.

"It'll be alright Luz." Aurora said giving her summoner a confident smile relating to the fear she had for Eda who while originally was suspicious about the whole dragon event but now saw them in a positive light and grew to care about them whether she wanted to admit it or not.

"Yha in sure Bahamut will be able to help Eda in any way he can." Nax said.

Luz smiled happily to be reassured. "Thanks, guys." She said hugging the head of the two adult dragons.

"Hey Luz!" Gus and willow said waving at their friends causing Luz to rush over to them. they were both wearing clothes for the game Gus had on a yellow and blue sweater with "HEXSIDE" in blue stitching. while Willow just had on a baseball cap with the same colors and blue stitching.

"Happy game day, fellow, uh . . .Wait are we Hexidians? Hexies? Oh, Hexoleos?"

"Actually, most people call us winners." Willow said in a menacing voice while clutching her fist.

"Grudgby games are the best. The players go through these action-packed trials. And the audience gets to wave flags. Look, I practiced." Gus pulled out two flags and showed off his flag-waving it was a simple twirl that went into a gig. Still fun to watch though.

" Is it weird that I'm not wearing anything Hexside?" Luz said pulling her hoodie realizing how easily she stuck out from the crowd of fans.

Um, it's weirder that you wearing Glandus color." Willow then pointed to a flag that was used to show off the game the had one of the Glandus players posing in the same way Luz was doing pulling her shirt which caused a giant Hexside student to respond while walking past them.

" Get ready to be creamed, Glandus nerd." he said putting his huge finger to Luz's head making her look smaller.

"Hey! I'm a Hexside nerd." Luz argued back but the giant student paid no mind to it. "Gotta change out of this shirt. Where can I get a Hexside one?"

"I know. There's a lost-and-found box in the cafeteria." Gus answered.

"Ah! the lost-and-found. Where mouthguards go to retire." Luz said rushing inside before getting stopped by Nax.

"Do you think you could find something for me and Aurora?" he asked.

" I'll see what I can find." his summoner said as Luz rushed to the cafeteria to find a chest that was used as the lost-and-found and quickly find plenty of stuff that fit her and something for her dragon pals.

" Yes! Gooooo, Hexside!" Luz said jumping from the entrance back outside doing a split with pom-poms in her hands and covered with Hexside merch such as a drinking hat with flags in it, two shafts one blue and one yellow a sweater but revered colors to Gus's, and a blue and yellow cheerleader skirt. Thankful her dragon scald legs had enough flexibility to keep it hurting because that was her first time trying that. " Thank you dragon form for that."

Unfortunately no one else saw it except for her friends everyone was gone. "Uh, where is everyone," she asked only to spot the strange bus full of students and the giant hanging one its tail cheering heading for the game.

"Aw man, why didn't you guts board the bus?" Luz asked.

"We weren't going to leave you behind dragons or not." willow said with Gus continuing " Besides it better flying on dragons than the bus." he said rushing to Aurora and Nax.

"Besides we can outfly that thing any day." Aurora said proudly

Luz laugh at that before walking over to her friends." Alright then will fly and follow them but first>" Luz the took of the two scarfs she had and wrapped the yellow one on Aurora and the blue one on Nax. " here we go now you got Hexside pride." she said causing both of dragons to roared in joy as Luz and Willow hopped on Aurora's back with Gus ride on Nax. "Alright let head to Glandus High." With that, the two dragons were instantly in the air and caught up with the bus monster following it to the game.

. . .

"Hey Eda! Great news. I thought of the perfect way to get revenge on that usurper and to one-up the former king here." King then revealed his idea he wrote on a stack of papers only to read "Fire?". "Now. Don't be put off by the complicated premise. I'll break it down for you in small pieces. Huh? King looked inside Eda's nest only to find her sleeping and the fake body of Bahamut leaning on the end side of it.

"Aww, great how am I supposed to rub in my plan if they're both asleep." King said walking up to the nest planning to wake them up or at least get a good bop in on Eda and the so-called dragon king only to stop when he saw the illusion dragon witch's shadow started moving on its own taking the form of its owner.

"Wha - stay back!" King said freaked out.

"It's ok King this is just a spell. I'm using my shadow to keep an eye on the house and to make and sure no one wakes them while trying to deal with Eda's memories."

"That so." King said a little disappointed. "Oh well, I'll just tell them of my victory after I get back from reclaiming my throne," he said throwing the papers and started walking out the room.

"Oh no." The shadow quickly grabbed king by his collar lifting him to his face. " you're not going to burn down a park for something as simple as a throne."

"Why not if I'm gonna rule the I need a throne." King argued struggling to break free from the shadow's grip. "You should know that."

" I know that there's more to ruling than just a throne . . .

" Of course there's more there followers, armies, crushing enemies, and everyone bowing down to you. there's -

"people your care about . . . the one's who truly know you and trust with your life." King stopped struggling after hearing that.

The shadow put King down and sat on the floor. I think it's best we save a talk from one ruler to another.

. . . .

"Is this it Eda?"

" Yha . . . yha this is how it started last time." Eda said finally able to get a clear image of the door that came up every time the figure came in. But this time she recognized it this was the door to her bedroom or her old home when she was Luz's age. Bahamut plan worked the dreamscape was able to help her focus without the owl beast interrupting again.

"Good now it's time to see if we can get a clear view on this introducer." Bahamut said as the figure opened the door right on cue but It was still blurry.

"Come on you jerk just show us your face so I can pound you already." Eda said frustrated and annoyed that there's still no sign of a recognizable face but something strange happened the figure started walking on all four and stated grow in high, and feathery- oh no.

"What the - Bahamut was knockback by a claw from the figure that now resembled the owl beast and it was dead sent on the dragon king as it pounced on his chest pinning him to the ground as some strange black sludge tried to engulf him.

" Get off of him!" Eda said trying to get the sludge owl beast to release the massive dragon but it was of no use as Bahamut's chest and arms were completely covered by the sludge and with that, the dream version of Eda's childhood room faded and started turning into a battlefield.

"No not here!" Bahamut said in pure fear as two figures started to appear. Both looked like forms the dragon king had taken only the dragon look beaten and injured his left eye was gone and what was left was a large scar that took most of his face almost to the other eye that glowed red. While the man's armor was torn apart and one of his hands was holding on to a nasty wound on his chest.

" Lucian just hold on! I- I'll try healing it." The memory version of Bahamut said placing one of his claws on the man now know as Lucian's wound as it started glowing green but it was faint and he could barely keep it going but kept trying only to fail again and again until Lucian place his other hand on Bahamut's.

"Bahamut . . . that enough my time has come." he said weakly.

"Don't say that! I've lost everything I can't . . .

I know . . . so have I . . .But this isn't the end."

"What are you talking about? Our home, our friends everything is gone what do we have left after that tyrant -

"It's you. Bahamut"


"Your still alive. y- you can still stop him."

" I can't! Not without a partner . . . not without you."

" Then find someone. teach them what we learned. But promise me something."

. . . What is it?"

"please don't do it out of revenge. Do it to protect the people of this realm and any other Belos tries to harm."

"I. . . Of course old friend." Despite Bahamut wanting nothing more but to burn that so-called Emperor to a crisp, he wanted to honor his friend's wishes more.

"Thank my friend. I hope the future will be kind to you, unlike these savage times." And with that Lucian closed his eyes for the last time as his head dropped down as the rest of his body went completely limp."

Both Bahamut's took the sigh of their's friend death differently the memory just sat there upset and on the verge of tears. While the other found new strength remembering the promise he made.

"That's right I can't be consumed by some curse!" He said as a burst of fire came out of his mouth knock back the owl beast but not enough to free him.

" I made a promise to my dearest friend and I refuse to let him down! Bahamut blasted fire again this time forcing the sludge beast to break its hold on him.

" I Failed Lucian as a partner but I won't as Eda's nor Luz as a teacher!" Bahamut said finally breaking free with Eda herself rushing to his side.

"You alright?" Eda asked.

" Never better." Bahamut said in response with his eyes glowing as a dream version of her staff appeared in her hands. " Mind giving me a hand?" He asked with a smiled with Eda smiling back as both of them readied a spell to blast the sludge beast only for it to cower and run away creating the same door that led it in, back out.

"Well that was a thing. What was that?" Eda asked.

" It was the curse, somehow it latched on to your memory giving it a chance to come here probably to start leeching on to my magic. it seemed determined."

" Then I guess this was a bust. Oh well, let get out of the place. Seriously how can you stand all these crazy lights?"

Bahamut just shrugged. " You just used to it." He said before snapping his fingers waking up back in The owl house only to see King taking notes while the shadow Bahamut was talking. " And that's why loyalty is more important than fear."

" Haha ahaha ok that might be your most ridiculous one yet. but it does give me some ideas hehe." King said finishing his notes.

"I really hope that shadow of your didn't make the fuzzball more annoying." Eda said a bit annoyed.

"If it does then my apologies. I brought it out to distract King not give him ruling lessons. Also, I should apologize for being unable to find the culprit."

"Eh it's fine I'll fine the jerk sooner or later. Also . . . Eda paused unsure how to approach this without saying something wrong.

"If it's about you seeing the memory of my old partner and friends passing. it's fine." Bahamut responded knowing fully well that this was a conversation that was going to happen.

"You sure? That was some heavy baggage."

. . . Yes while his death still upsets me. He was right about one thing. Bahamut then turned to face Eda and smiled. I have been much more fortunate even though it's just you, Luz, King the two young ones, and Hooty. I feel at peace. Thank you for that chance Eda."

"Yha yha your welcome now stop being mushy that's Luz's job, and can you please get your shadow to stop to King before it gives him any more ideas.

With that the illusion dragon witch snapped his fingers and instantly his shadow turned into a formless blob and returned to its owner. " Aww, we were just getting to the good part," King said upset that he lost a great source of information.

The Grudgby match was intense even though it was just a scrimmage match both teams took it seriously but not as much as Bosha who was using this game to get her anger out on the human? Well, she didn't know what Luz was now. But still, it didn't change anything and the same could be said for Luz and her dragon partners and her friends still didn't like the triclops but they still wanted to support their team so just for today they begrudge agreed to cheer for her as she scored another point putting the Hexside Banshees in the lead by two points.

" Alright go Banshees!" Luz said joining the Hexside students in cheering with Gus tried to toss and twirl his flags in the air but tumbled the catch thankfully Nax used his magic to bring the flags to life and have them spin around Gus placing them back in his hands." Thanks, Nax!" he said getting a bark from the black dragon in appreciation.

" Wow this game is crazy! I'd love to give it a try." Luz said enjoying the game despite having to stare daggers back at Bosha every time she did anything in the game like scoring or taking down a player as if trying to say I'm better or this is practice for you. But still, Luz was enjoying the game and having Gus and Willow tell her about the rules.

( "I rather not Luz if you did you might have to team up with three eyes there and all she'll do is make you miserable.) Aurora said in Luz's head. but come as a growl to anyone else" I wouldn't join the team just want to try it out. Also no name-calling Aurora don't stoop down to her level." Luz said only getting an annoyed growl from the light dragon in response causing her to laugh.

"Ok ok how bout I get you one of the snacks at the stand? Will that make you stop pouting?"

(" . . .yes") Aurora said embarrassed that her summoner was using her one weakness. Food.

"Alright I'll be right back." Luz said getting to her feet. "Anyone else want anything?"

"Nope I'm good, No thank you. Both Gus and Willow said more focused on the game. ( "Can I come, Luz? The game is great but I'm a little tired of the staring contest with Bosha.") Nax asked causing both to turn to the game field only to see said three-eyed witch staring at them with a smug grin on her face as she was able to take down all three players of the Glandus team in one shot. "Yha good point come on then," Luz said heading to the ground level with the young black dragon following her.

Coming to the food stand and buying some kind of squid tentacle on a stick for Aurora. Luz and Nax were about to head back to their seats that is until Nax felt a familiar presence. ( "Hey I didn't know she was here.") He said running to the back of Glandus High.

" Nax where are you going?" Luz said running after him. They end up were the Hexside bus that must have brought the players but that wasn't where Nax was going instead he was heading for a tree on a hill that had someone sitting under it with a bag by their side and a book in their hands. The figure was frightened at first but once they realize it was Nax they petted his mask face. Luz couldn't tell who it could but until she got close and notice the figure's green hair.

"Amity is that you?" Luz said finally catching up. Amity looked up seeing what she thinks is Luz but with red scales growing on her arms, legs, and hair. " Luz is that you?" she said in shock.

"Yha ehahah. I guess it's hard to tell when barely anyone seen me like this." Luz said a little unsure how to explain her new look.

" Let me guess more dragon research?" Amity said with a smiling figuring this had to involve the dragons remembering how her eyes change during the day of the moonlight conjuring on how Luz's eye's changed to her now dragonic ones.

" Trust me it's a lot more than you think." Luz said sitting down on the grass under the tree with Nax relaxing on her lap. " The whole thing started after I got back from the whole waling star thing at the library." Luz began to tell Amity everything about Bahmaut, her now being part dragon, and how she can hear her dragon partners in her head due to them unable to speak yet.

"Wow that's just wow." Amity couldn't believe what she was told that they were more dragons like Nax and Aurora and witch's that were like Luz but their entire culture was destroyed by the Emperor, and now the last living dragon from that was training Luz.

"Yha it's a lot to take in." Luz said hoping she didn't shatter Amity's whole world perspective. "But it's ok in not trying to start a rebellion I just want to keep the portal Eda has safe."

"Yha but from what you said it sound like the Emperor has dealt with these's dragons before. What's different now?" Amity asked believing this was a losing battle.

" Easy the Emperor won't leave his castle the one place he's his most powerful while Bahamut is up at the Knee I believe is where he is and it the same situation and the only other person who knows anything about this is Lilith." Luz said before remembering the relationship that Lilith and Amity have.

"Oh wait, you're not upset about umm. . . Me probably having to fight your mentor, are you?

"No it's . . . actually ok I'm not her student anymore." Amity said remembering how she cut ties with Lilith after the whole convention incident thankfully her parent didn't hear anything about the duel in any shape or form. Even the twins didn't mention anything about it unless they were out of the manor knowing full well what would happen if their parent learning not only amity losing a witch's duel to a human. But also her former mentor cheating.

"Oh. Ok. . . Luz didn't know what to say about that yes she remembered how Lilith place a power glyph on Amity before the duel but was it really necessary? The most Luz and Aurora were going to do was just scare Amity to give up not actually hurt her. Heck, when she first went to Hexside Amity was able to command multiple abominations so she wasn't a slouch but if her relationship was anything like her and Eda's then it must be pretty tough to talk about.

"So umm. . . Hey what kind of book are you reading?" Luz asked trying to change the subject.

"It's just a base book of spell I'm trying to get this fire spell but I still can't do it." Amity answered.

"I'm sure you will heck I can't even hear Nax or Aurora without looking like this." Luz said while messing with her scaly hair.

"Haha yha Edric and Emira are thinking about taking a trip to the Knee before the next semester said it would help."

"That sounds cool maybe we could train together so we're ready for anything when we both classmate at Hexside. Oh! Maybe we can start an Azura book club."

"your going to attend Heside?"

"Yha Bahamut thought it would be a good idea to help me get a better understand of magic even though Eda was against it at first."

"Well that good and yha we can start a book club."


"But only if it's a secret book club. Amity said wanting to make sure the one thing she enjoyed reading wasn't ruined by Bosha or worse the twins.

" Got it." Luz said not really bothered by the face the club had to be a secret. She was just happy that she finally knew someone who enjoyed her favorite book series.

" Speaking of books how are you enjoying book four?"

"It's ok. I rather not talk about it until I finish the book."

Oh that's fine we can talk about something else like. . . What's currently your favorite book of the series." They then provided to talk about The Azura book series and even stuff extending the book like to movies even to meach they both had. They were still talking about a new poster coming out until they both heard a massive wave of cheering coming from the direction of the Grudgby field.

"Oh man! We completely forgot about the game." Luz said quickly standing up to see fireworks and lights saying "GO HEXSIDE!"

("Well at least our team won.) Nax said.

"Good point.

"If Hexside won then you should expect Bosha to be unbearable for a while." Amity said.

" Yhaa I figured that. We better head back down before you miss the bus and Aurora gets too annoyed at Bosha's gloating."


As the three rushed down to head back home a new figure started coming up the hill they were on. "So that's Bahamut's new student. Hahaha, He's relying too much on the past. But this will make things much easier for me." The figure said as they spotted two buses and two dragons heading back to their respected school. "But first a little snack." The figure said as they rushed down to the Grudgby field.

Chapter 9: Books and Bluffs


Lilith finally meets the Dragon king while Luz and King try to work together to write a story.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Aw, weekends. The day to make money and scam a bunch of suckers but for "Eda the Owl Ladies Human Treasures." Not so much barely anyone was even paying attention to her stand. Heck, not even Bahamut was able to help. Eda thought that his looks would attract some single ladies wanting to impressed him by trying on some of the jewelry or clothing (aka any junk Eda said was jewelry or clothing) but still, nothing as King was trying to lure people with food samples.

"Partake in my free samples! Take it! I demand it as your ruler, the King of Demons!" He said pointing and shouting at anyone that got close to the stand but was either ignored or got weird looks. Which just annoyed King as threw the tray that had the food on the ground.

"Why is anyone paying attention to me? I'm their rightful overlord. Intellectually and such."

"You really didn't take anything my shadow said seriously, did you?" Bahamut said.

"Aww what he said was nonsense none of that matters when you have power once you have that everyone will fear and admire you."

"King got one thing right." Eda then grab a passerby and took a whiff of him. "It reeks more of nerd tan money today."

"Guys! You will not gonna believe what's going on!" Luz said with Aurora and Nax by her side and this time not in her half-dragon form for once which Eda was happy about believing that Luz was getting too used to looking like a dragon. That was mainly due to Bahamut ever since Luz got back from the game and told them about going to the Knee he thought it would be a great idea believing it could help with both her connection with her dragons and her glyphs so he told he to relax a bit and only use it if in danger. Despite that, though she still able to startle Eda causing her to let go of the kid she was still holding as Luz lead them to another part of the marketplace. "It's a book fair! Where books come to life," she said as one of the books dropped down a greeted her with Luz greeted back actually used to seeing either flying book thanks to Nax or books that pretend to be alive thanks to King's pranks.

"A fair without rides?" King said not getting it.

"Who needs rides when this." A young witch said pressing an opened book to King's face."Can take you anywhere. This only annoyed King and he ended up tossing one of the food samples on the young witch's head causing some bat demon to swoop down and grab him carrying him off in the distance while screaming in terror and causing Nax to chew him out with growls, and roars. But Eda didn't pay any mind while grabbing a book from a nearby stand unimpressed.

"A. Ew. B. I'm bored. C I feel like pickpocketing some dork while they browse." she said tossing the book on the ground and on her way to initiate her new plan with Bahamut following the orange-haired witch. " Don't worry I'll keep her out of trouble," he said fading into the crowd.

"But wait!" Luz tried to stop her teachers but fail. "Will you give it a chance King? I'll let you ride in my hoodie!" Luz offered.

King instantly liked the idea and hoop in as they started scoping the book fair. " This fair got everything! A zine-making workshop, meet and greet, and- Luz stop mid-sentence seeing the next stand that had a witch with sunglasses and green mohawk, and a lizard man signing books but the most important part was the sign above them. "A writing competition!? I've always wanted to be a writer," she said.

"Writer? What? I thought you wanted to be a witch?" King said confused with the two dragons chirping curiously.

"Of course I wanna be a witch. But where I'm from that's kind. . . impossible. So my runner-up dream was to be a writer." Luz then pulled out a picture from her pocket showing a younger Luz wearing a purple sweater while leading on an open window with a goofy-looking smile. "I've had this about author picture since I was seven years old. I know my good angle. The three of us should enter the competition. she said bending down scratching Aurora and Nax's head while agreeing with her ask more people were rushing over to the stand nearly running them over.

" Ugh! What are these basem*nt dwellers doing out in natural sunlight? King asked.

"Um! We're in line for Jon De Plume, the most famous writer on the Boiling Isles, famed author of the "Realm Warriors Series!" Tiny Nose a small white-bodied and orange-haired creature that Luz help during her first day on the Isles said. " I'm gonna have him read my story . . . and marry me," she said creepily.

The group just stared at Jon De as he gave out autographs on books and even someone's baby as Nax was curious about the book now. While Aurora just thought he was another blowhard like a contained three-eyed witch. But King saw him as the prime example of what he thought obtaining power and control of others. Instantly wanting it for himself.

"Luz the Human!, Nax dragon of the moon! and Aurora dragon of light! I too shall enter the competition."

" Really?" Luz said in shock but happy to have another one of her friends join in. Then we can all work together we're all best friends, so we'll make the best team!"

Team! Yes! My name goes first on the cover. King said as Luz carried him back to the Owl house with the young dragon in tow.

Back at the book fair Eda was either tossing books off shelves, trying to find a decent pass by with full pockets, or just something that wasn't gonna bore her in three seconds. While Bahamut was just trying to keep the damage she made to a minimum.

"Eda could you please not-

"BORING!" Eda said cutting Bahamut off while tossing another book off its shelf but stopped after hearing a familiar voice.

"You. Lacky."

Eda grab the illusion witch and hid being as a banner saying "Read Or ...Die". and spotted the voice's owner.


"So that's you, sister... Bahamut took a glance at Lilith and imminently sensing a familiar aura around her that could only mean. "She's been trained by Belos to use a very dangerous spell. We should leave before we get spotted." He said not wanting to fight in fear of Eda safety.

"Hang on lizard breath let's see what miss perfect is up to."

"Do you have the item we discussed?" Lilith asked a ferret-like merchant.

"Oh! Yes, right here. The merchant said handing her an old rolled-up piece of paper which Lilith instantly opened up to show some kind of map. "This is excellent. A map to the Bloom of Eternal Youth. I think the emperor will be very pleased. She said as one of her subordinates spoke up."

"Ma'am, shouldn't we be searching for the Owl Lady to join the coven? Remember that whole plan. he asked a little confused."

"Ha my sister's curse has left her frail. She'll still be here when we get back. This comes first, it's for the emperor after all."

"Yeah! All hail the emperor!" The guard said while knocking down a stack of books.

"Very good Steve." Lilith said patting Steve on his mask face. As they walk off he also gave himself some shoulder pats. but once they were out of sight Eda and Bahamut came out of hiding.

" Hey bub, what'd you sell my prissy sister? Eda asked the merchant.

"Oh! it's a map to the Bloom of Eternal Youth. A rare flower that only grows once a millennia. Like the name says it gives eternal youth to whomever holds it."

"Thanks for the tip come oh Bahamut we gotta follow her."

"Understood." he said in agreement.

"You'll need a map if you want to find her and the flower." The merchant said handing Eda an identical map to the one Lilith has.

"Alright let's go then ." Eda then grabbed the map and started heading back home but once they were out of hearing range of the merchant did Eda ask a question. "Is there really a Bloom of Eternal Youth?" She asked.

"Of course not it just an old tale meant for children or to scam people. Honestly, I'm surprised that the rumor still exists. Haha, it reminds me of the time Lucian actually believed it and we spend days trying to find it. Only to turn out a trap. Bahamut said wanting to make a ridiculous story short.

"Well it sounds like you two were chumps. That reminds me have you told Luz about your old partner?"

"No I wanted to save that information until we go to the knee. There's something I want to show her."

As Eda and Bahamut return to the Owl House Luz, King, Aurora, and Nax were going through multiple ideas for their story as Luz's room was turned into a writing office with a stool that had a typewriter on it and above their heads was a custom made poster that had their stories name " Rise of the Three Kingdoms." A story where a witch named Luzura goes on a journey with the current crowned prince of dragons Sirius to the land of demons where The Ruler of Demons was serving under a twisted witch wanting to rule the main three races and only if the three groups worked together will they be able to save their homes. A story of trust gaining, the horrors of war, teamwork, and hardship.

"Luzura then walks up to the Ruler of Demons as he stared at the remains of the former King of Dragons. His once proud handy work not only brought him regret." "This was once my greats moment he said to Luzura. My shining glory as I was able to crush my greatest rival and placing myself as the greatest ruler of the three kingdoms... " the Ruler stopped remembering his battle and thought of what happened after. The twisted witch Sid feed his ego and caused him to lay waste to the rest of the dragon kingdom leaving only remnants and stragglers to survive just to see the fear in their eyes." "After that, he declared war on the witch kingdom completely blinded by his success made him co*cky his army was too weak to fight the witches, and in the end, he was on a losing streak. Again and again, the Ruler of Demons army attacked and lost eventually leading to them leaving him and making him easy prey for Sid to finish off." " But then Luzura come and saved him despite being bitter rivals in the war after everything he did to her she saved him."

King was reading their recent draft for the character development of the character he made The Ruler of Demons. " Does he really have to regret everything? He did beat the dragon king fairly."

"It's not that he regrets winning the fight it how the fight affected him after. The Ruler of Demons believed he was completely unbeatable he abanded everything that brought him victory. All the strategy, planning, and advantages he had were abandoned for just pure power, and while that overwhelmed the witches for a bit once they found a way to stop them it was too late to do anything." Luz said trying to explain the situation the character was in now in. "It's to show no matter how great you become it important to remember how you got there."

"Who came up with that idea?"

"Nax did he wanted the characters to have a reflection sequence to show how far they come."

Nax chirped in agreement using his magic on some origami paper in the shapes of the characters for the story. While Aurora was taking the form of the fallen dragon king.

"Well I guess it's ok. It's a lot better than the mountain of shipping ideas." King said staring at their idea board and while a lot of them were shared ideas most of Luz's were other characters getting together.

"Don't you dare insult shipping in my presence!" Luz said offended. But before she could go on a rant Eda called for her.

"Appentice! Living room!"

"I'll be back, will finish this out, okay writing buddies?" Luz said as she walked out of the room to head downstairs while King took the chance to continue writing. Once in the living room, Luz saw Eda put on a hood figuring out she would be going out.

"What's up boss lady?

"Me and Bahamut are popping out for a few days to an undisclosed place to do undisclosed things. You're in charge." Eda said.

"Great!" Luz said completely fine with being alone with King and two dragons.

"No questions!"


"I said no questions!" Eda said as if Luz actually said anything. Once Eda made it clear she exited out the front door giving Luz a serious which she just shrugged and smiled at her teacher being dramatic as she walked back upstairs.

"Hey guys, we're gonna be alone for a whil-

Hey no fair I was gonna- Ow! Luz stopped in her tracks hearing King complain and the fighting in her room. Rushing in she saw King trapped by a bunch of flying paper that wrapped around him with Nax in his adult form and Aurora having their story in her mouth being super protective with it.

"What's going on?" Luz asked causing the chaos to stop in its tracks.

"It's a mutiny, Luz! These two- mumm." King's complaint was instantly stopped by more paper wrapping around his skull-like mouth a bunch of paper flew around her they looked like they belong to their story but something was wrong.

"King what's with all the changes?"

"I was just doing a little editing." This was way more than just a little editing everything in the story original was gone a lot of her ideas were just made fun of while Nax and Aurora ideas were made them look like tools for war, and King's character had the spotlight to himself while the other was either lackeys that did do anything or were dead including Luzura.

"Luzura dies!?"

"I know, right! What a twist!

This only caused both Aurora and Nax to growl angrily at King feeling betrayed as the paper tightened on him. " Nax stop let him go," Luz said not wanting her friend to get hurt. Nax obeyed still crossed but he wanted his summoner to hear King's explanation.

"Now King I know you're trying to help, but I think you're crossing a line." Luz said hoping he'd understand.

"Yha in greatness. Don't you want to win?"

I don't really care about winning I just wanted to write a story with my friends." Luz said a little upset that King would mock her ideas like this. "But if you care more about winning then fine do the story yourself." With that Luz walked out of her room with Aurora and Nax following to comfort her and went downstairs not wanting to be around King right now.

"Wow man that was cold." The typewriter itself said

"Hush you if she doesn't want to win then fine. I'll prove that my story is superior." King said rushing downstairs and out the Owl house running into Bonesborough and entering into a bar called the Grimgrub's Pub.

" Hey you scum! Which one of you wants to read my literary masterpiece! Anyone brave enough?" King said as he burst open the bar's door but only got annoyed growls from the thugs and quickly kicked him out into a puddle of mud however there was someone who actually took interesting the story as a familiar-looking lizardman took it. He wore red and yellow robes with a black sweater and a blue side hat that flopped to the side and had a small pair of glasses.

"I'll read your story." He said brushing off a bit of the mud and opened the book up revealing a third eye that caused them to glow as he swiftly read through the story, and In less than a minute he finished but seemed to enjoy it. " You wrote this?"

"Yup, that's me! Only me." King said getting out of the mud.

"Let me get you a fruit." The lizardman said with a slight bow leading King back into the bar

"Oooh I love fruit punch." King said following the lizard inside. They sat at the counter of the bar and with a snap of the lizard's fingers King was given a fruit punch with a purple umbrella and green straw as he started introducing himself.

" I'm Piniet, of Piniet Publishing House. And your name is...King?" The lizardman now know as Piniet.

"It's more of a rank than a name." King responded.

"I loved your story, so much better than the submissions we got for the competition. I want to buy it and publish it for everyone to read. I'll make you as famous as Jon De Plume." He said pointing at the said author who was finger gunning around a group of cheering fans led back falling to the floor only to be stopped by two fans making a living chair.

"I've always wanted a people chair! I'm in!" This will be my first step in my reclamation of power! King said thinking of nothing but gaining power.

With that said Piniet pulled out a contract from his jacket. "Then all you have to do is sign here."

Without little hesitation King dips his paw in the fruit punch and stamps it onto the contract causing it to glow as Piniet puts it back in his robes.

"Your ominous. And I like it". King said not paying any mind to the glowing contract.

"Get ready to be famous Mr.King." Piniet said while shacking King's paw and he wasn't kidding the next day King's book "Ruler's Reach" was realized and everyone who was anyone had a copy and praising the book and King loving the attention.

While King feeds his ego Bahamut and Eda are in the middle of the woods following the map's instruction they knew it was bunk but they wanted to see Lilith's face when she realized it was just a rosed at least that's what Eda wanted and show off to her sister with her back to a hundred percent or as much as Bahmut's magic gave her to look a hundred percent and prove she wasn't as "frail" as Lily though.

Bahamut wasn't so sure he was ready to face someone who had been trained to use the same spell that destroyed his old home. Not that he was scared just worried that his anger toward the emperor would carry on to someone who doesn't know the truth nor was involve just another pawn in a mad man's plan. As they approach a minitaur statue.

Okay, from the Minitaur, we head due north, and with luck, we should get to the"Bloom of Eternal Youth". Eda said quoting the hack flower chase only to be interrupted by the sound of shuffling branches.

"Someone behind us." Bahamut said in a whisper as he shifted his arms and hands to be that of dragon scales and claws just as Eda used her magic to create a blue glowing dagger. "Quick behind the statue," he said as hid behind the minitaur statue waiting to see the person that was behind them. The figure came through the bushes but struggled on a vine they were covered in leaves and It was too dark to get a good look, either way, they need to talk them down.

"Spicy toss!" Eda said a war cry as she jumped out of their hiding spot with Bahamut following behind her however they stopped as they recognized the figure.


"Wh- wait." Lilith backed up wanting to get a good look at the orange-haired figure she thinks is her sister. "Edalyn? that really you?"

"Ha who else would it be sis?" Eda said putting her hand on her hip with a smug grin on her face.

" How is this possible? Did you find a way to curse yourself? Lilith said. Happy that her sister was finally cursed free but also annoyed that she might have just lost her only way to convince Edalyn to join the coven.

"More or less but this guy was the one that helped me." Eda said pointing at Bahamut who was hiding his arms behind his back.

"And who might this be?"

" Hello Ms. Clawthrone my name is-" Bahamut had to stop before he fully gave himself away as he tried to think of a name but nothing was coming to him. "His name is Lucus and he's been helped me with my curse and as you can tell he's a massive formal nut," Eda said saving her scales for brain's partner.

"A pleasure." Lilith said a bit impressed at Eda's company. "At least you're interacting with someone worth your time sister, unlike that human whose only useful for being a dragon's tool."

"Hey! I'll have you know that Luz has been a great apprentice and her dragon partners have been just as. Besides word on the street your apprentice left you seems she wasn't happy that the head of the emperor dorks thought she needed help with a human." Eda said with her smug grin from earlier returning.

"You still have that thing as an apprentice along with those beasts?" Edalyn I'm telling you that-

"Yha yha yha their using me and the kid bla bla bla doesn't matter. What does matter is getting the Bloom of Eternal life before you so see yha." Eda said running of with Lilith trying to catch up but couldn't as she notice her feet were trapped in ice.

"Apologize Ms. Clawthorne but we must be going. Have a nice evening." the illusion dragon said walking of casually but smirking behind Lilith's back as he followed Eda.

"EDALYN!" Lilith screamed her sister's name as she blasted the ice away and started running after them.

Back at home Luz was finishing the original story even if King wasn't a part of it she still wanted to finish it. Surprisingly Aurora and Nax agreed even if their friend was being selfish as they didn't want their hard work to go to waste they were almost done until King burst through the door.

"Hey guys!" He said wearing a fancy brown jacket a turquoise scarf and red sunglasses. But didn't get any response from Luz and both dragons had an annoyed look on their faces and just went back to finishing the last scene.

King keep trying though hoping to impress them or just get them to acknowledge him. From telling them he won the contest or his scarf that was made from a fan's own hair but nothing was working Luz just kept writing while Nax and Aurora walk away knowing that they weren't the ones he needed to apologize to.

"So... um my publisher is throwing a huge party for my book, "Ruler's Reach", and I, uh, I'd like for you guys to be there." King then pulled out a red envelope and placed it on the typewriter stand but the dragon-eyed human just brushed it off. King was upset about it but then remembered one of Bahamut's leadership lectures "Always respect your partners. No matter how much power you gained the worse thing to lose will is their trust." And now King was paying the price he then walked out of Luz's room thinking about those words over and over again until he shook his head coming back to his scenes. " No no I am a great writer and this will prove it!" King then pulled out a booklet from his jacket and rushed out to his party.

Finally making it to his party at the Library with a huge line of his new subjects. King and Pineit were behind the main counter with a sign on each side saying "Ruler's Reach Enter The Bad Boy" on to and "Meet The Author King" on the bottom in red and white. While the center was that selling point as had had King posing in different angles getting his good side. King at the top and was gonna stay there for quite some time with his subjects asking one important question.

"When is Ruler's Reach 2 coming out?"

"That's between me and my publisher, right Piniet?" King said while elbowing the lizard man on the shoulder.

" Yes. Ooh, pardon me, I need a few moments of King's time." Piniet said as he bowed to the crowd in an apologetic then walked away with King to a deeper part of the Libary so they could talk in private between the bookshelves.

" Where Jon De Plume at? I wanted to compare sunglasses." King asked curious to know where his equal was so he could one-up him.

Oh he's taking a break to finish his latest masterpiece. Fame can really "box" you in, you know? Piniet said with a strange emphasis on the box in thing. "Uh, speaking of, how's your second book coming along?" he asked.

"Coming along? or finished!" King pulled out the booklet from earlier. "Bam! Haha! "Ruler's Reach 2" - now with more swears," King said whispering.

"Ahhh! Splendid!" Piniet then took the booklet opening up again his third eye as he speeded through it however he stopped a second later. Oh, you cad! Not only are you a great writer, but a practical joker as well! Piniet said with an amused smile.

" That's true - wait, what?" king's confidence took a nose diver as he fully took in what his publisher said.

"Oh, this is truly awful! Looking forward to the real draft. he said giving King back his joke book and walked away.

"Truly awful? But I'm a best-selling writer. How?" As King tried to understand where he went wrong he spotted Luz of all people coming into the Library though little skittish being there. Even Nax and Aurora can but they still looked pretty mad.

"Guys!" King ran toward them and surprisingly Luz gave him a small smile.

"Hey King. I know I said I didn't care about winning the contest but I shouldn't be mad that you did or your success. We're friends. so congratulations!" Luz said getting both moon and light dragons to at least congratulate him. While Luz was still upset on how King treated their ideas staring at the invitation and talking to the typewriter (Yes she talked to a typewriter it's not the strangest thing she'd had a conversation with.) was able to calm her down. she didn't want to be mad at King even if every part of her deeply wanted to shout at him, Luz was able to stay in control of her emotions.

"Great to hear, cause I needed your help with my next book."

"Huh?" Luz didn't get it what could they do when most of their ideas wouldn't help at all.

"Apparently I can't write my daring works of genius without rebelling against your ridiculous quotes, and gushy fantasy slop."


"The four of us make a great team! So here's a pen and some paper. Writey writer, clock's a-tickin!" King said trying to shove the writing material into Luz's face. Aurora and Nax were about to do something but then they saw their summoner take the pen only to snap it in half aging everyone's around attention

"Are you kidding me, King! You want us to write for you again just to make fun of our ideas again! Luz said in anger but her eyes color was changing from the bottom to mid-way Luz's brown eyes were now mixed with a shining red.

"i- it's what the people want." King's weak excess just seemed to get Luz even madder.

It's what you want! And for what a bunch of fans? Some stupid scarf? I thought we were friends but I guess we're just a joke for you to use. Luz then started to walk off not giving King a chance to respond. " Enjoy your fame King hope it was worth it." She said with mixed emotions anger and betrayal as tears started to build up. The two dragons followed her not even looking back at King.

Eda having the time of their lives messing with Lilith it reminded her of when they were kids playing in the forest and while Bahamut wasn't letting his guard down he did find the whole thing amusing as he never had this kind of relationship with his own sister. While both Eda and Lilith are on opposite sides they don't have any actual negative feeling toward each other, heck Eda just saved her sister from a spider crab his sister would have just mocked him for being overpowered by a weaker creature and how he an embarrassment and bla bla bla.

" Haaa Tiamut if you could have seen the worth in others outside our kind or I tried harder to connect to you better would we be like them? Actually, caring for one another despite our differences? ... I guess I'll never know." Bahamut had to put aside his thoughts as Eda and Lilith were now facing the ferret demon that tricked them about the flower but surprisingly neither Clawthorne's sister was fazed by it and started beating him to a pulp. "Ok... I'll just stay out of this," Bahamut said not wanting to get in the middle of the trashing,

The party had moved from the library to the convention coliseum and King was at a complete loss after Luz walked off and now he kept hearing Bahamut's voice lecturing him like a teacher talking to a failed student on how he messed up as both a ruler and a friend.


"Aaaah! No! No! I'll fix this I ... I gotta come clean." King said hoping to calm the voice of the dragon king in his head.

"What was that?" Piniet said with an amused smile.

" I gotta come clean Piniet. We can't announce book two because. I can't write without... Not without my friends."

" Ho! Why didn't you say so." The lizardman said as Piniet had King follow him into a dressing room only to stop a huge purple cube and inside were two knocked-out dragons and a physically and mentally drained Luz lying on the floor of the cube.

"Luz!" King said in fear hoping his still conscious friend was ok.

"King?... That sharply dressed lizard ambushed us." Luz said trying to stay conscious. Apparently, after Luz, Nax and, Aurora left the library one of Piniet's guards rush them outside knocking out Aurora on the steps. That causing Nax to panic and shifted into his adult form wanting to grab his sister and summoner only to get grab by his long tail and slammed to the ground by another guard that equal his size. Luz herself couldn't do anything as each hit on the dragons affected her with her head felting like it would split open and the feeling of one of her ribs cracking all Luz could do was lay down in the dirt as they were placed in the purple cube.

"What are you doing with them? Let them go!" King ordered Pineit but refused.

"All four of you wrote "Ruler's Reach" together. So if you don't want them crushed, you'll write together again ." Piniet threatened. Getting a terrified look from Luz and King.

"Oh, Don't give me that look. Some of the best books were written in literal crunch time." With that said the lizard man publisher clenched his fist causing the cube to shrink in size " Honesty it would be a shame to harm an old line of cousins even further.

"Yo- your family is related to dragons?" Luz said in a mix of shock and disbelief.

"You'd be surprised how much changes in a life or death situation. Unlike many others, my family knew when to quit and live unlike you three hatchling" Piniet said smiling with a feeling of superiority.

"Now I want my best-seller and since King is under contract. Piniet then pulled out the contract causing it to glow red and lifting King up and tossed him inside a hole in the cube along with a pen and papers.

"Make your deadline, or you'll ever be able to hold a pen again. Just like..." Piniet then held up a Jon De Plume crushed into a cube begging for help

"No!" King screamed as Piniet opened up a briefcase with more writers that suffered the same fate placing his new cube pal in and walked towards the door. "I'll leave you to it. Looking forward to your next volume." And with that, the lizard publisher left the room while the purple cube continued to shrink.

"We're not getting out of here until we write a book and that'll take forever! We're cube meat!" King said panicking.

"I still have the original story." Luz said pulling the stack of papers out of her bag that thankfully wasn't taken.

"But it's full of redemption and feelings! I can't put my name on that.

"King! The whole reason we're here is because YOU Only cared about fame." Luz was finally able to sit up and leaned on the side of the cube. "Like I said before all I wanted was to write a dumb story with my friends."

"I know and I'm sorry it's just you're living your dream. You're becoming a witch. But this celebrity is was the closes as I'll ever get to my dream. But all I did was get you guys hurt I know I don't deserve it but can you ever forgive me?" King asked with pleading eyes.

"Hey, being with you is one of my favorite parts of this dream." Luz then scratched King's skull head smiling "And yes I forgive you." Aurora and Nax chirped in agreement both forgiving the little demon.

King was happy he didn't lose the people he cared about but the mood was gone as soon as the cube started shrinking again forcing Nax to change back into his hatchling form just for everyone else to have some breathing room "I have a plan. But we need to work together this time." Luz said wanting to get everyone's attention. "Just tell me what to do," King said ready to help with Aurora nodding her head and Nax using his magic on the pen and paper ready for action.

While the group makes some quick changes to the story Piniet is using his former crushed writer as blocks stacking them up like a tower however he's pretty terrible at it this was his third try and it still fell. " Aw, dang," he said in annoyance.

"Hey Piniet! We're done!" King screamed out hoping to get the lizardman's attention. Thankfully it did as he enters back into the dressing room, the cube was now more than half its original size with Aurora on Luz's half curled up leg's with King and Nax underneath them.

"That was a lot faster than I expected!" The publisher Lizard said amused.

"That's the miracle of teamwork! King said as a hole appeared on the top of the cube allowing Luz to hand Piniet their story and take a glance at the cover " Rise of the Three Kingdoms: The What If of Ruler's Reach.

"Hmm interesting," Piniet said as he quickly started reading but something was wrong. This is much more gushy than your last book.

" Skip to the finale, because you'll find it enlightening." King said glad that Aurora gave him that saying. This only caused Piniet to roll his eyes and continue reading and stop at an unrecognizable symbol.

"What is this all about?" he said showing the light glyph on the last page.

"Light spell!" Luz said pulling her arm out the hole to activate the glyph while keeping her eyes close so she wouldn't be blinded as the booklet burned and burst into a massive light engulfed the room stunning Piniet.

"Ha enlightening that was perfect I almost missed that." "King! The contract!" Luz had to stop King from losing focus before the lizard man recovered.

"Right pretentious scarf, go!" King used his fan-made scarf as a lasso to pull the lizard man toward them as Luz was able to grab King's contract and ripped it in half with her teeth shattering the cube freeing them.

"I made you a star, and this is how you repay me?" Peniet said freeing himself from King's scarf only to see King with his briefcase.

"No, this is!" King then opened the briefcase freeing the cubed author making a bee-line for the lizard man. The groups tried to escape but saw the two reptilian guards blocking the door. Thankfully Aurora and Nax shifted into their adult forms and crash into guards taking most o the wall with them. Luz and King were about to join them until a familiar purple cube appeared trapping them in.

" You are making this harder than it needs to be! And believe me, I am being very patient!" Piniet said stepping on a cube author and taking out a pen from his robes. "But let's cut to the finish." With that said the pen he was hold shifted into a large two-headed battle-ax as Piniet lifted it above his head slamming it own with a ton of force. Lucky Luz was able to get her and King out the way as she grabbed a power and dragon glyph from her bag and placed them on her arm turning into her half-dragon form.

"You really are just a hatchling. You haven't even gotten to your mature state a shame for you to die young." Piniet said charging at Luz with the ax sliding on the floor readying to slice her in half. But due to the increase in strength Luz was able to stop it easily shocking Piniet.

"Not so bad for a hatchling?" Luz said with a smile pushing back the ax back and throwing the lizard man off balance while King tackled him to the ground. " Haha yes! The King of Demons is victorious." King said wanted to keep loathing but Luz picked him up and rushed to the now unblocked destroyed wall with Aurora and Nax waiting for them.

"Let's get out of here." Luz said running to the exit with the two grown dragons following behind.

"Th-this isn't over King I'll get my story and- "Excuse me is this King's dressing room?" Piniet speech was halted as Tiny nose interrupted him with her own story in hand.

The Clawthorne sisters had just finished taking care of the ferret demon as Bahamut just started in fear " Ok I guess Belos did find a well-trained witch but still." The dragon king was debating what to do on one hand telling Lilith the truth could easily get rid of a difficult problem. But in the other Belo's lie could make things worse the head of the emperor coven could just think that Bahamut was still tricking her sister this could end up with Lilith an even bigger threat and more driven to bring down what remains of his kind. "I guess will just have to settle with our own white lie." Bahamut decided starring at the sisters seeing them talk.

"If you are free from your curse Edalyn then you should join the Emperor's coven I guarantee there will be no ill will." Lilith said hoping that there was some way to convince her sister.

"Sorry Lily but I'm not joining a crazed tyrant curse or not. Besides I still got an apprentice to keep an eye on and train she's coming along pretty well especially with that dork's help." Eda said pointing at Bahamut who only gave a nervous smile.

Before I forget how did you meet this man anyway? And please don't tell me this is a new crush." Lilith said hoping not to get in the middle of her sister's love affairs but by the way, this man Lucas was reacting it seems she was wrong.

"Why does everyone thinking we're a couple?" The false named witch said with a blush while pinching the brim of his nose." No, we're just business partners. NOTHING more."

"Yha but it is funny to see how flustered you get hahaha." Eda said while rolling the dirt.

" That's fine but how did you two meet?" Lilith ask again.

"... We met a few days ago when I learned about Luz and her dragons I offered my services to help train her and form a better bond with them." Bahamut said with him waiting to see the coven leader's reaction.

"And what about the curse how did you help Edalyn with that?"

"I was able to give her a nation that would increase her amount of magic. It's not a true cure but at the very least Eda won't be bothered by the curse for some time."

"Hmm." Lilith didn't know how to feel. Her sister was still caused but it's not affecting her anymore they're still was a chance for her to join the coven but this man...

Very well. Thank you for your help, Mr. Lucas, as a token of gratitude I would like to extend the invite to join the emperor's coven." Lilith extended her hand wanting the false named witch to take it hoping if she did this Eda would reconsider. But instead, Bahamut shook his head.

"Forgive me for being rude but I refused. I have no desire to work under a mad man."

"And there you have it Lily some who just as pressed as you. But knows for a fact that Belos is bad news." Eda said finally done laughing. "So what now sis you gonna try to capture both of us now?"

"... No not today. Don't get me wrong Edalyn I still don't trust those dragons nor your discussion to be a wild witch, Haaa. But if some like him can exist then I don't need to worry." Lilith said with a smile.

"You hear that Lucas my sister approves of you. So don't be scared to propose now." Eda said getting a bright red face Bahamut to stomping into the forest. "Darn it no!" was all he said before completely disappearing into the trees.

Eda only laugh and got on her staff. " Alright, Lily I'll catch you later."

"Not if I catch you first. Lilith said waving her sister off as she flew away.

Finally back home somehow faster than Bahamut Eda opened the front door to spot Luz in her half-dragon form, King, Aurora, and Nax passed out on the couch. "Hey, kids. Woof that was a long couple of days." She said instantly dropping her staff and fixing her back as Eda walked to the couch.

"Yeah I'll say." Luz said barely awake the same could be said for King who just staring at Eda who now took her spot on the couch.

"Well, nothing a bit of apple blood and a good book can't mend."

Luz and King both went into a panic at the mention of books as they rushed out the room the little dragon following them. Eda couldn't understand what caused them t react like that but she did notice an unfamiliar book called Ruler's Reach with King's picture on the back. " What the?"

"Girl, you do not want to know." The typewriter said.

Back in the forest Bahamut was talking with the Bat Queen. "And you're sure what you saw was real?"

" Yes my friend I felt a familiar presence in the forset as of late. It comes and goes with no traces of it but it disappears when it heads to large crowds mainly when heading toward schools.

Bahamut was speechless at that. Yes, he had face ones that Belos corrupted but to think she was spared then this could truly be a problem especially if she found Luz.

"Thank you my friend and as promised I'll keep a better eye out on the remaining wild witches, and make sure their pailsmans are safe."

"You are welcome. Oh! and bring Luz over some time I would like to test her as well."

"Very well I'll bring her when we come back from our trip to the knee." They both nodded and went their separate ways with Bahamut thinking of one thing to do. "I have to warn them."


More lore, New-season, and an award this show is on a roll.

Chapter 10: Old Home of the Ice Drake


The Owl gang join the Blight siblings on a trip to the Knee only to meet a old ally of Bahamut's.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"This is insane Queen Tiamat." The greater basilisk said in shock of her superior as they were walking through the forest to an unknown location.

"No, This is our birthright the whole Boiling Isles is our birthright but for you, this power belongs to you and you alone." The sister of their leader Bahamut. Queen Tiamat said. She was a massive emerald green five-headed hydra about twice her size with the body of a four-legged dragon and large wings folded on her side but her heads were where the differences started. Her upper left head was purple with no horns, pure black eyes with purple iris, small serpent-like teeth, and smooth scales coming all the way down from its neck and stopped at the main body. Next was the head lower to it had yellow scales with two long spiral horns on each side of her head, crystal-like teeth, pure ice blue eyes, and white whiskers. After that was its right head counterpart had black bulky rock-like scales, pure silver eyes with white tusks on each side of its face. Finally was the head below that one with light blue scales, golden eyes, shark-like teeth, and large fins on each side of its face.

Each head combined both beauty and power to them but it was the main center head of them all that struck fear to anyone who encountered the Queen of Dragons as it was bigger than the other about twice the size and had shining platinum scales, and glowing red eyes similar to her brother except she had a row of emerald green scales on the to for the head coming down to the rest of the body, and a red glowing horn on top of her snout truly a sight to behold but what she said...

" Come now White you should understand compared to most no one, not even those pathetic witches can come close to you in both abilities and strength." Tiamat said with a smirk.

" W-with all due respect my queen most of my strength comes from the enemies we face. My power to steal magic from others Is the only reason I'm so strong, and that's due to me having my partner Lin watch my back. I'd be completely useless withou-"

"No! You could be even stronger without that little worm by your side." The main head said with her eyes glowing even brighter. "We all could but my foolish brother believes we should be equals with them, but all it's done is made us weaker. So I've decided it's time to fix that mistake and it starts with you." Tiamat then grabbed White with her front claw and carried her to their destination.

"M-my queen what are doing?" The greater basilisk now named White asked said only to get a twisted smirk formed on the hydra as they made it to an old set of ruins with an unknown serpent painted on the wall. It looked even bigger than Bahamut and Tiamat combined in fact the picture descries it as twice the size of the Boiling Isles itself.

" This is where I fix EEEVVVEEERRRTTHHIINNGG." The form of the dragon queen started to fall apart looking like a melted corpse as the area around them quickly started to change turning into a very familiar place.

"No not here! Not again!" White screamed still in the grasp of the deformed queen as they were now in the dungeon of Belo's castle. The familiar dark and empty area stuck fear into the greater basilisk remembering the years trapped here barely able to survive and ... The terrible action she had to commit.

"White." A low but familiar voice instantly got the former enforcer's attention with a mix of shame and disappointment on her face as the cage she had been locked in appeared but with a figure inside.

It was a witch female with pale skin and long black hair going up to her shoulders in a complete mess and wearing rags probably remains of what she wore. The witch looked like she had been in a fight with cuts and bruises all over her arms and face. Speaking of she looked drained and poorly nourished. But what made it worse for the basilisk is she knew why the witch looked so bad.

" Lyn..." White said wanting to see her old friend but forgot she was stuck in the grip of a monster.

"Well beast it looks like you've failed to follow even the simplest of instructions." A disappointing voice said one that White hope never hear that way again turning her head instead of the melted dragon queen stating at her instead it was a light blue eye glowing from a face showed in darkness glaring at her coldly.

"No... White said silently completely terrified knowing fully well who this was and dreaded failing him

"I suppose will have to teach you a lesson the massive dark figure said as his other hand was now coated with green lightning.

"No! No please my lord! I promised I can do better, please forgive me." White pleases only fell upon deaf ears as the lightning was fired blinding her in green light.

. . .

"NO PLEASE!" White woke up in a cold sweat in her witch disguise that was similar looking to her old partner but the difference was Lyn had a younger face that had a mix of strength and kindness young flawless skin with black hair in a bum. While White looked older with wrinkles and her face had a tested feel to it especially with her head being a bit bigger than Lyn's. It was morning and she had taken refuge in the forest that was close to Knee about halfway up, not wanting to get any attention of the dragon king the second she got any close Bahamut would find her easily and that wasn't her plan she needed those hatchlings and their partner the perfect bail and the perfect meal.

" Right the perfect meal ha hahaha! I'm going to enjoy draining both those hatchlings and Bahamut to nothing. Ahahaha I promise my lord I won't fail! Hahaha." White continued to laugh maniacally determined to succeed. "I will not fail."

. . .

" Hey you three. Your trash pile's getting cold. While mine's getting hot!" Eda the Owl Lady said laying on top of a fresh pile of human garbage while King was admiring a new stuffed teddy bear for his army, and Luz and her dragon friends sitting on the couch reading a pamphlet about Hexside while waiting for Amity and her siblings to head to the Knee. Bahamut was going to wait for them there but until then it was time to loot for some good stuff as Eda started digging.

"I have never seen such an extravagant earring." The orange-haired witch said admiring herself in a mirror with wire hangers around her ears. Luz however paid it no mind.

"You can have our trash." The dragon-eyed human said nose deep in the pamphlet. "Whoa! Did you know that Hexside was built on the bones of its rival school on it literally conquered! Luz true the pamphlet around to show a picture of a young-looking Principal Bump in the middle of a warzone standing on top of a rival school student and holding a Hexside flag proudly.

"Yes I know all these things, I went there. It was the most harrowing period of my life." Eda said still admiring herself in a hand mirror.

"Can you imagine it! The three of us in the halls of Hexside, studying with Willow and Gus even Amity!" Luz said excitedly to go to the school of her dreams with her friends. Aurora and Nax seemed to agree with her as they chirp in agreement.

"Speaking of you packed everything for the trip to the knee?" Eda asked.

"Oh yha! My bag is still upstairs I'll go get it." Luz jumped off the couch and rush up to her room once inside she double-checked her backpack making sure she had everything necessary.

"Note pad. Check, extra paper. Check, sleeping bag, extra snacks, extra clothes check, check, and check." Luz wanted to make sure she had everything she needed for the training Eda and Bahamut were planning. The day after the whole book fiasco both her teachers had been a bit paranoid for some reason, Eda had asked Hooty to keep an eye around the house for anyone who was on the verge of collapsing, while Bahamut was building something near the house saying it would be useful later on but not what it was for so Luz just decided to wait till it was done.

"Luz! The mini Blight and her siblings are here we need to get going." Eda yelled.

"Comming!" Luz responded grabbing her bag and running back down stories to see the Blight twins holding Aurora who was not happy with them messing with her feathered wings and Amity holding on to Nax protecting him from her older sibling's grasp.

"So this is Aurora. The same dragon Luz had when you two dueled Mittens?" Edric said opening the light dragon's mouth filled with a multi-colored flame ready to set the green-haired witch boy ablaze.

" Kind of hard to see this little cutie hurting anyone," Emira said using an illusion spell to turn her hair blond with a single brad and taking Aurora from her brother " Looks like I got a new twin."

" Oh you hurt me Em ... Unless." Edric stops his dramatic act and used his own illusion spell to make his hair have the same color and style as his sister. " Now were triples!" The Blight twins hugged one another placing Aurora in the middle of them completely annoyed now understand why her own brother didn't like them.

"Will you two leave her alone before she sets you both on fire." Amity said trying to save the little dragon from her sibling's antics while keeping the moon dragon away from them thankfully Luz showed up.

" Hey guys." She said getting the attention of the twins and allowing Aurora to escape their hug and rushing over to Luz.

" Hey Luz" Amity greeted her friend. ("Friend I honestly can't believe we're actually friends despite the terrible start.") she thought in her head still surprised about the whole situation.

" Hey Luz how did you get these little guys anyway?" Edric asked wanting to see if he could get his own dragon.

"Sorry Ed can't say my other teacher told me to keep that a secret." Luz responded getting a shrug from the green-haired witch boy as if it wasn't a problem.

" Oh well maybe I'll just ask them." Edric said thinking if he couldn't get the secret from the student then maybe the teacher however from the nervous look Luz had it didn't seem so. " I don't think he'll say either he's pretty cagy about it." She said. Bahamut was fine with Luz telling people how she found the dragon glyph and how Aurora and Nax came to be but only to one's she trusted and while she felt the twins could be trusted their antics could cause a little too much trouble for both their liking.

"Ok that enough fooling around." Eda said wanting to get this show on the road. After Bahamut told her of an old ally now gone crazy being spotted, and causing havoc she had been keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary even helping with the dragon king's project, and thankfully they finished it in record time and wanted to show Luz it but they agreed to show her after the trip today.

"We need to head to the Knee so grab your coats, your hats, and your bags, and let's get going." Eda ordered hoping that whatever crazy dragon that was after them hadn't found the house yet. Thankfully the teens listened and grab their stuff ready to get going excited to train.

"Alright let get going." Eda called for her staff and walked out the door with the teens and not-so-little dragons following her ready to take flight. " King, keep an eye on the house, Hooty make sure no one gets in. "Ok, bring me back a souvenir," Hooty responded. "Hey wait why can't I come? I'm a great teacher. I was the one who gave Aurora all that aerial training." King argued.

" Because the training Luz is going to do is going to be more than just a few tricks so she needs to focus and she'll have enough with these two." The orange-haired witch said pointing at Aurora and Nax."Then you doing something adorable."

"I am not adorable!" King said stomping his foot. Causing Luz and the twin's eyes to shine entranced by the cuteness.

"Awwwww." Luz and the Blight twins said in unison. " He stamped his little foot," Luz said with the twins saying "So cute." in agreement. This only annoyed King as he slammed the door shut.

Once Luz and the twins regained their composter Eda told them it would be better for them to fly to the Knee than traditional hicking there. Thankfully no one argued as Edric and Emira wanted to ride on Aurora's back but Luz denied it saying that Aurora wouldn't be happy if they kept messing with her noting Aurora's quick temper, and instead told them to ride on Nax knowing full well that the black dragon could keep them under control and the twins were fine with that and promised to be on their best behavior as they got on Nax's back. While Amity and Luz got on Aurora's back as soon as everyone was ready Eda took off first causing the dragons to follow.

The flight there was amazing as the Blight siblings were able to get a view of the whole Boiling Isles seeing the whole body of the decomposed titan that made up their home, even Aurora and Nax were enjoying the view as well with this being the first time flying up this high and seeing the said creature.

" This is so cool! Edric said raising both his arms and legs In excitement about riding a dragon and seeing the view but almost lost his grip on Nax thankfully Emira helped him stay on.

" Yha it's great but not worth getting yourself hurt. Hey, Nax do you have anything that can keep this goof on your back?" Emira asked. Nax nodded and used his magic to get some of the extra paper out of Luz's bag using it to wrap around Edric's waist and shoulders to his neck making it look like the green-haired witch boy was wearing a car set belt for toddlers. " Thanks," Emira said as Edric tested the restraints.

Luz and Amity were on Aurora's back watching the whole show causing the younger Blight to smack her forehead and sigh in embarrassment. " Haaa. Sorry about that," Amity sighed apologizing for her brother's behavior.

" It's fine. Honestly, it's a refresher that having two magic teachers being super cagy about something and not tell you anything." Luz said wanting to get this off her chest.

" What do you mean?"

" I mean that they been hiding something from me but not saying anything about it... I- I get that I still have a lot of training to do but I just don't want them to think that I can't handle myself."

"... Lesson Luz I'm sure they have fate in you. I know how it feels not being good enough but I doubt that what Eda and Bahamut are doing, not for how far you've gone, already." Amity said wanting to encourage her friend. Luz looked at the green-haired witch she called a friend and smiled thank Amity that means a lot." Amity smiled back happy to help. "We're here!" Eda said as they arrived at the Knee spotting Bahamut's solid illusion waiting for them.

"Ha. Ha. Welcome everyone hope the trip wasn't too rough?" Bahamut asked happy to have company near his hideaway. The place was surrounded by ruined buildings to what looked like a village but time and what looked like a war had made it look forgotten by time.

"Naw we're fine. Eda said landing next to him with the dragons following suit. But something weird happened the second Aurora and Nax landed in the snow a strange glow started to surround them causing them to act like cats on catnip hopping around and rolling in the snow like it was a pile of warm blankets. Thankfully the teens were able to hop off before they went crazy.

" What's happening to them? Luz asked worried about her friends.

"Don't worry it's just the magic of this place overloading them it will pass soon but you should change into your dragon form as well Luz. You're going to be needing it after they snap out of it." Bahamut said watching the moon and light dragons run and chase each other playfully hiding in snow puffs and play tackling each other.

Honestly, it was pretty amusing and it only got better as Luz joined in now in her half-dragon form having the same strange glow but that wasn't the only thing that was different with her. Luz's bangs were longer now completely down her face, also she grew a long smooth red-scaled tail with white feathered tail wings. She even had wings on her back now with the muscle part having red scales covering them while the membrane had three layers blocked by minor joints the first two were basic dragon wings while the last one had white feathers like her tail wings thankfully she hadn't tried to use them as she was more business play wrestling with Nax and digging in the snow.

That Blight twins were at aww seeing their human friend turn to a hybrid right before their eyes. Amity herself was also shocked seeing Luz's dragon form evolve to this. While Eda smacked Bahamut with her staff angrily. "YOU MORON! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE KID NOW!?" Eda said wanting to get an answer before she beat the tar out of the idiotic dragon king.

" Sorry! I'm sorry! Bahamut said hoping to settle down the orange-haired witch. " Luz's form was going to change but not like this. This is . . . something else." He said hoping this would at least calm Eda down but instead received another hit to the head. " Ok, I deserve that."

" Darn right you did buster next time you have an idea to turn my kid more into a dragon tell me first."Eda then cast a spell circle that surrounded Bahamut and lifted the ground around him up launching him into the air and crashing into a pile of snow.

After a while of seeing the two dragons and their summoner play around like pets for about thirty minutes the glow finally faded as they regained their scenes.

"Awww what happened"? Luz asked finally over her magic rush as well as Aurora and Nax.

" You pretty much turned to King when he's hyped up on sugar kid." Eda said helping Luz to her feet only to feel the extra weight on her back "What the!" Luz was stud seeing her new set of wings and tail. "What happened to me?"

" Long story short King of Morons there." Eda pointed at the beat-up Bahumut half-buried in the snow. " Decide it would be a great idea to boost your dragon form with my permission again."

"Again my apolog- Bahamut was cut off as more snow fell on him. "So... am I able to fly with these wings now?" Luz said with some excitement in her voice studying her new wings, which instantly caused Bahamut to burst out of the snow with tears in his eyes. " Aww hatchling's first flight. I wish I had something for pictures ahahaha. " Bahamut started whining tears of joy at the thought of his "little hatchling" taking her first flight.

" Oh for Titan's sake. Where here to train not a family vacation." Eda said annoyed that Bahamut has gone full parent again. " Can't it be both?" he said with pleading eyes that only for Eda to stomp her staff on the ground to summon more snow and once again bury the Dragon King again, " Ok let's get training," Bahumt said giving up.

Finally, able to start training Eda's first wanted Luz to try and make a connection to the island which meant a lot of ridiculous things from identifying different types of snow to smelling moss, and while she could do that easily with her heightened senses nothing was working, and now she was starring at the surrounding area and trying to understand what the island was telling her but all she saw was snow covering everything with some dark clouds coming in which meant what do know more snow. Thankfully her new tail and wings didn't destroy her clothes and jacket just holes in the respective places so she wouldn't get cold

" ... Maybe the island trying to tell me to throw snowballs? No that's not it." Luz was grasping at straws running out of ideas on what to do she decided to wander and see what the others were up to. Walking down the path Luz spotted Bahaumt, Amity, and the twins in a clearing. Amity was using what looked like a wand to create a spell circle that fired a purple fireball.

" Not bad Amity seeing how well you used that fire spell with your wand you should be able to do it on your own now." Bahamut said giving the young blight so words of encouragement.

" But I can't. I've tried before but the most I can do is make a spark." Amity said making a small purple spell circle on her own creating a small flicker of fire on her finger.

" Hahaha. Nonsense if you are able to do that then you're assured to do it. Look. " Bahamut kneel to Amity's height. "Focus your aim on that tree. Just focus and have fate in yourself."

Amity took a deep breath positing herself to face the tree then proceeded to create a similar purple spell circle focusing hard on shifting it into a fireball it took some doing but she finally did it as a purple fireball fired and hit the tree dead on shining the wood. "See what did I tell you. All you needed was some fate in yourself." Bahamut said patting Amity on the shoulder.

"Cool I didn't think you could actually do it, Mittens." Emira said smiling, as well as Edric, proud of their younger sister.

"You two should try to encourage your sister more than making jokes." Bahamut said as his happy voice turned serious.

" Hey we haven't been that bad as of late after the whole whaling star library incident." Edric said shrugging the statement off like it was nothing.

" Yha besides she already knows she's the great, perfect student Amity Blight." Emira said joining her brother.

"Just because someone knows or it called something great doesn't mean they believe that. In fact, all that does is add more pressure on someone ... " Bahamut wanted to continue but stop remembering his past and two out of three of his greatest mistakes. Amity saw this and understood she had to be strong had to be perfect, she couldn't show weakness to anyone but meeting Luz made her realize the price of doing that she closed people off, turned cruel, and ...

Amity was about to ask Bahamut something but he quickly got up. "I'm sorry I... I'm going to go see what Luz needs." Bahamut said as he started walking towards his other student not even looking at the three siblings leaving them with concern.

"Bahamut..." Luz wanted to say something but didn't know what.

"... Haha apologize, Luz, I was distracted did you need anything maybe some tips?" Bahamut said trying to hide his emotions however Luz could easily see through it. But went with it.

"I...I just wanted to know how am I supposed to make a connection to the island? I can barely do it with Aurora and Nax so can I do it with the isle?" Luz asked.

It's more of understanding the Isle itself. Think about it the Isle gave the ability to use magic in the first place and give birth to beings like witches, demons, dragons, etc so that should tell you?" Bahamut waited for Luz's answer.

Luz was trying to think. Magic is what made the Boiling isles by the dead titan they lived on giving and as it decomposed its magic was freed from its body giving life to every amazing and terrifying creature here magic was just natural to here magic is." Magic is everywhere." Luz said getting it.

"Correct, and if you wait a while you'll see a prime example of magic being everywhere. Bahamut said pointing to the snow cloud coming through. "So before that happens go round up your friends and I'll meet you where Aurora and Nax are they should be with Eda working on some teamwork practice.

" You got it Teach." Luz said about to head to the clearing the Blights were in until someone shouted her name. " Hey, guys I'm heading to the ruins to find Eda, and them wanna come?

" Not yet I still wanna see if I can catch that bat, If I can't keep I want to eat it. " Edric said rushing back into the thick woods with his twin trying to bring him back or at least make sure he didn't get hurt.

" Sorry about Ed I think he's trying to impress Bahamut. " Amity said smacking her head at her brother's antics. But Luz just waved it off "

" It's fine, unfortunately, Bahamut doesn't want to have another student at least until I have a better grasp on my glyphs and working with Aurora and Nax. "

" Whelp there goes that dream for now.("LUZ HELP!") A familiar soldier tone voice called out n her head.

"Nax! What's wrong? What's happening?" Luz asked worried at the sudden need for help.

" ( A giant snow creature appeared out of nowhere and attacked us Aurora down, Eda and I are struggling to stop it but something else is here, gha it hiding in the wreckage we can't see it, and it stealing our magic! Hurry we can't-") Nax's voice was instantly cut off leaving Luz worried.

"Bahamut, Nax, and the other are in trouble." Luz shouted alarming Bahamut. "Get the Blight siblings I'll head to their location first. Meet me there." The illusion dragon witch said as he ran deeper into the ruins.

Luz managed to find Amity and the twins as Edric was trying to catch a bat determined to catch it after Bahamut denied his request to teach him how to tame a dragon. " Guys I need your help."

"With what? what happened?" Amity asked getting the twin's attention.

"Aurora, Eda, and Nax are in trouble. Some snow monster and another figure attack them. Bahamut went to help them while I got you guys.

" Then we need to get going." Amity said as they were about to run off until a massive white-furred behemoth broke through some of the old buildings. The creature looked like it only had a mouth but once it roared they spotted eyes in its gums underneath the inner upper lip alongside a few teeth beneath them.

"AWW what a cute Slitherbeast came we keep him?" Emira asked her twin. " It may not be a dragon but it's an upgrade to a bat," Edric said as both of them created a spell circle casting a binding spell that was able to bring the beast down.

"Keep it down I'll finish it." Amity was about to cast her fire spell only for another figure to appear out of nowhere and grab her. This new figure was bigger and taller than the Slitherbeast looking like a white snake with a human-like face and fish-like fins on the side of it with black hair in a bud as well as having eyes similar to a goat.

" What is that!?" Luz said in shock.

" Hahaha. So the little human has a wrym form I guess that makes you my little sister this would be more amusing if not for the circ*mstance. I can't disappoint my lord." The massive snake said still holding Amity in their hand she tried to blast them with her fire spell but it ate it?

" Wha- how? " Amity said with the rest of the group stun at the sight however this distraction caused the twins to lose their grip and the Slitherbeast was able to break free from their bindings and quickly captured them.

"Edric! Emira!" Amity said fearing for her sibling's lives as the beast rushed off.

" Don't worry young witchling you and my new little sister will be joining them haha. The massive snake said. "Or I could just use you as a little snack. As the snake said that they opened their mouth about to consume Amity only for a massive fireball to hit them instead, dropping Amity.

" Leave the young ones alone White." A voice called out coming out of a pile of rubble reviling to be Bahamut. " So the mighty dragon king finally shows up. Congrats it only took you several decades."

" How did you get that Slitherbeast to attack the others?"

" More worried about some useless creature than your ally? Fine, then I was able to manipulate the light dragon's blast to hit it and then lured it to your friends. I'm surprised you still relying on beings below up.

" I guess Belos proved he was the better ruler than you after you decide to hide like a coward and abandon us after your weak partner died. " That remark about his old partner only set Bahamut off as his eyes glowed bright red and rushed White dragon claws out.

White responded by rush Bahamut as well, the two crashed into each other claws locking as they struggled to overpower each other as the snow started to fall.

" You've gotten weaker Bahamut back then you hand no equal."

" And you were never this co*cky. Luz, Amity now!" Bahamut ordered his two students as they White with a fireball, and iceball knocking her away.

" You little- White was cut off as Bahamut tried to hit her with a lightning spell only to dodge the first blast and consume the next, this caused white to increase in size. " Haha you a fool Bahamut your magic will only make me stronger and one step close to the power I was destined to have." White's works shock the illusion dragon witch figured he needed to end the now which meant.

"Amity, Luz go help the other I'll handle White." Bahamut ordered " But what about- Luz was about to argue but was interrupted by her teacher " Go! I'll be fine but our friends need you two."

" He's right Luz who knows what going to happen to the other." Amity said worried about their siblings and friends. Luz looked at her friend knowing she was right "Alright let's go. Be careful Bahamut" she said as they ran off to follow the Slitherbeast tracks.

" It's just you and me White and I'm done holding back. " Bahamut said his eyes glow more fierce but this illusion faded. "Ha, what's wrong Bahamut giving yourself a new title as king of the cowar- White stopped her insult as the ground started to shack.

. . .

Amity and Luz made it to the cave where the Slitherbeast had their friends and it looked like it was seasoning them. Aurora and Nax were still out cold while the twins and Eda were stuck in some kind of goo.

"Ok we're going to need to cause a distraction. " Amity said seeing the best way to handle the situation. "Ok, I'll handle that while you free the others," Luz said getting an idea. " But first we're going to need a little help," Luz said pulling out a dragon glyph and using her new trick.

"Achoo. Ugh, I hate garlic." Eda said having an allergic reaction to the seasoning. As she heard a familiar voice. " Hey! You big idiot! Over here!" Luz said waving her hands in order the get the beast's attention. It worked as it roared following the half-dragon girl. the second the Slitherbeast was gone Amity made her move rushing toward the trapped group.

"Kid what's Luz doing?" Eda said concern about her student, especially with that Greater basilisk on the loose. " Don't worry," Amity said using her fire spell to melt the goo off. "She has a plan," she said with a smile. Back outside Luz was running to a clearing of the woods with the Slitherbeast hot on her tail literally. But once she made it to a tree Luz sprung her trap. " Gotcha! Frost now!" Luz slammed her claws into the snow-covered ground creating a massive ice pillar to shoot out and launch the Slitherbeast into the air however its entire body froze instantly while it was still in the air as a huge gust of cold air came leaving the best in a block of ice.

" What the?" Eda said as they saw the frozen Slitherbeast fall to the group's feet leaving the cave with Aurora and Nax waking up in Eda and Amity's arms. " Yes, it worked Frost you can come out now," Luz said heading toward the group as another figure came out of the woods. It was another dragon but unlike its older siblings this one had no wings at all but was just as big as Aurora, but It was hard to tell since it had massive crown-like horns on top of its head with a similar shape to a snowflake with a long mane of white hair that went down to it black clawed legs covering its eyes, and carried on to the rest of its light blue scaled body but stopped to its tail where it was covered in ice blue sharpened ice.

" Everyone this is Frost, Frost these are my friends, teacher, and your older siblings ." The hairy dragon bowed its head greeting the group. (" Hello brother and sister") Frost said in a very calm noble-like voice to her siblings but was surprised that Emira ran toward her hugging her leg. "Aww she's so cute, no fair Luz now you have three dragons you gotta tell us how you got them," she said nuzzling into the ice dragon's silky smooth hair.

" I well-" Luz wanted to explain but didn't know if it was the right time to since they still- her thought was interrupted as the ground started shaking and a massive torrent of heat brushed through the forest they were in. In fact, the heat was so immense that any snow around them instantly melted creating a dome of heat that refused to leave and melt any snowflakes that fell.

"Umm. What was that?" Edric asked taking off his coat as the heat was making it too much with the other joining in his idea. "If I had to guess Bahamut probably just unleashed an insane spell that turned that stupid snake to dust," Eda said smiling knowing fully well how strong the Dragon King was when he got serious. " Wow, your husband is pretty strong Ms. Eda." Emira said that only causing Eda to burst out laughing "HAHAHAHA. Ohh man you think you can tell him that when he shows up."

" Are you all alright?" As if on cue Bahamut emerge from the forest his chest and shoulder plates were gone as if they were broken off with a few scars and cuts on him and now only wore a tank top with his half-torn robes reviling his somehow muscular illusion body. " Oh hello daddy. Eda said under her breath. With the dragon king getting a chill down his spine " Why does it feel like I just made things harder for me? Bahamut said in his head.

" Bahamut who was that?" Luz asked getting the dragon king's attention but unsure how to answer the question so the best thing to do right now was to tell Luz the truth. " Haaa... That was my former enforcer White the Greater Basilisk during the middle of our war with Belos my sister wanted her to awaken a power that once belonged to a dragon far stronger than me one that was once rumored to be just as powerful as the Titan itself The Wyrm King Shinryu."

Luz recognized that name as a massive long-bodied dragon that was able to consume everything even worlds " But what does White have to do with that monster?" Luz asked in worry. "Because she is a living descendent of that creature and fully capable of obtaining the exact kind of power. . . And I fear that in my anger I allowed her to get close to that level. Bahamut said disappointed in himself for letting his emotions get the better of him after all this time, and it worried him, even more, when Luz spoke up. " Is that why you two have been so protective as of late?

" Yha kid that's the reason." Eda confessed, " We wanted to tell you but I didn't want to stress you out knowing some crazy monster was after you and we both thought coming here would be safe, guess not." If Eda and Bahamut thought Luz would be upset that they hid something life-threatening from her they were wrong as she instantly hugged Eda the rush to do the same to the illusion dragon witch. " Aww, you guys." Luz was happy that her teachers cared about her well-being. but that left one thing to ask. " So what happened to White?"

"... She escaped hurt, yes but White managed to consume some of my magic and has turned into a sudo-form of the wrym king now I need to go find her and ... end this." Bahamut hated the thought of ending one of his own, especially an old friend even if she'd lost herself in her hunger. "But that's something for tomorrow. right now I would like to see what you and our new dragon friend here can do." He smiled at Luz wanting to enjoy his student's success,"

" Oh yha Eda you gotta see this." Luz broke the hug and stepped back placing her hands together closing her eye to focus as the magic around her formed in her hands. Luz then opened them revealing a ball of light.

"Wow..." was all Eda could say seeing her apprentice do magic without her glyphs nor a spell circle, while Bahamut just smiled "Hahaha. It seems you are able to connect and control magic similar to any dragon." the dragon king said really wishing he had something to take pictures. " Is that something that can happen to humans," Emira asked getting out of her shock while her brother's brain tries to process everything. " Well, humans don't have any magic in any shape or form making them balance slates for it. Luz's ability to do this I assume is due to the form and the immense amount of magic that can be focused here, even the form it shelf change her, even more, is an unknown to me. Bahamut explained trying to understand this new predicament.

"Ugh, please save any more surprises after we get home, I'm beat. " Eda said out of her shock and now just exhausted and rater avoided Bahamut's muttering. "Very well." Bahamut then stretched out his hand toward Aurora and Nax his hand glowing green as well as the two dragons glowed the same way giving them a comforting feeling as their strength came back to them. Hoping out of their friend's arms, the energy they had before was back and thankfully not making them act like a bunch of cats. (" Thank you, Teacher.") Both Aurora and Nax said showing their appreciation to their elder who nodded with a smile.

The sun was already down when they got back to the Owl House and the first thing they saw was a destroyed living room, and King and Hooty hugging. " What the heck did you two get into?" Eda asked annoyed about the mess.

"Um excuses me we're having a moment here!" King said annoyed by the ruined moment. But once Hooty started overreacting about it was completely gone. Eda just sighed really not wanting to deal with this after the day they just had so she decided to take Luz somewhere else for the night. Sure Bahamut said he would show her but Eda didn't care right she was sleepy and cleaning a mess was the last thing she wanted to do." Ok, you two bags of scales follow me she pointed at Aurora and Snow still in their adult forms. " Nax you know the way so once the kid said goodbye to her friends head to the den. Eda then walked away with the ice and light dragon following her, with Luz turning to the Blight siblings.

" Well, this was certainly a crazy day." Luz said scratching her head. "Hey it's cool," Edric said "Yha this was actually one of the more eventful training trips we've taken, and hey Mittens here finally manage to get that fire spell," Emira said wrapping her arms around her little sister only for her to brush them away. " Yha and it's thanks to Bahamut for that you got a great teacher Luz," Amity said with a smile. " Haha thanks, oh! maybe we can study together when were classmates. We can even have an Azura book club." Luz said excitedly. " Only if it's a secret club," Amity whispered with a bit of a blush agreeing with her half-dragon friend. " It's not a secret anymore." "We going to tell everyone." Both the twins said that just instantly annoyed their younger sister. "Any we better go see yha at school." She said walking away and grabbing the twins by the ears as they whimpered away.

The walk to this den was pretty short, in fact, it was by the beach Eda went to when the trash slug corpse washed up, and around a corner from it stood a cave by the cliff near the house and it was glowing with several dim lights. As Luz and Nax walk through the cave the light slowly grew brighter revealing a massive opening. The place was huge! And the light they were following was made by a large number of multi-colored crystals that glowed like a pulse. They covered ledges and cliffs covered with large nests made of sticks and leaves and ceiling but the center nest was the biggest one of them all and that just so happened to be the one Aurora, and Frost was sleeping on with Eda who seemed to change into her sleeping clothes was nuzzling in the ice drake's hair. Luz laugh at that and joined them while looking down at the edge of the bridge hearing water below them. Sure enough, there was a pond just as big as the cave itself but it was pretty shallow about three maybe four feet deep kind of like a swimming pool.

"This place is amazing!" Luz said completely amazed and waking up Eda but she didn't seem to mind. " Yup welcome to the Draco Den. Bahamut made it originally to keep us safe and out of danger if that crazy basilisk showed up at the house. But since he's gone snake hunting we can use this place to our hearts contain. She said making a spell circle around the half-dragon human that instantly changed her into her own sleep clothes that thankfully didn't get damaged by her wings or tail." Now less talking more sleeping." Eda then buried herself more into the silky hair of the ice dragon causing Luz to laugh again as she went to sleep with Aurora laying close to the light dragon's sleeping figure only to have her feathery wing wrap around her causing Luz to instantly fall asleep with Nax following suit.

"Curse him! Curse Bahamut! He hasn't gotten weaker. So why? Why didn't he take out Belos? Why did I end up getting captured for decades? Wh- ghaaaaa!" White's rant was imminently stopped as her head started pounding as a result of Belos " taming her." ... It doesn't matter even with my burns I still obtained plenty of his magic." A sicking smile started to creep to her face. " with a bit more magic I'll gain the power to consume him then. Hahaha, Belos will be next."


Ok, that took a lot longer than I thought comment if I made any mistakes, and now I have something to say for the next three chapters Luz's first day of Hexside will be the end of White so what should be her fate just end being nothin but a pawn or a type of redemption I have planned. And as for the plant dragon, I have something special for that one but do you guys want that or just something simple if it's my choice I'm going for the special one cause it gonna affect one of the characters and some future chapters.

Chapter 11: The First Day pt1 Dragons vs Tigers


Luz's first day at Hexside is turned into a nightmare after getting into the detention track, while White escapes Bahamut's wrath.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

" OK this is it, guys... GHAAAA! I don't know if I can do this. Maybe we should head back home." Luz said backstage trying to hype herself up for her Hexside entry exam but her nerves were getting the better of her despite the three dragon hatchlings trying to help. She even wore her dragon eye necklaces as a good luck charm but all it did was stare and flare up a bit like it was watching the human.

Aurora and Nax were chirping and whimpering at her while Frost used her ice breath to cool her off. Surprisingly the ice drake was nothing like her adult form. Her white hair coming from the head down was in a half bun style with a tin icicle sticking out while the rest of Frost's hair was pushed to the side of her face revealing her ice-blue eyes and her ice crown horns now looked like snowflake hair ornaments on each side of her face, the rest of Frost hair on her back went down Frost's hid legs and completely covering her tail.

"Kid, you got this, just do what we practiced! I would also say something really nerdy but that Bahamut's job and right now he's still snake hunting. But he did leave you this. Eda then pulled out a folded note from her hair and handed it to Luz.

" Dear, Luz sorry I couldn't make it to your entry exam but I want you to know that I believe In you, and so long as you have fate in both your partners and yourself I know you'll pass."

" Good luck my little hatchlings, I am so proud of you."

Sincerely, Bahamut.

" Awww, that's sweet." Luz said happily.

"Ugh only the Dad king could make something that mushy." Eda said rolling her eyes to the note and calling Bahamut by the new nickname he had yet to know about. " But you see we both have fate in you kid. Heck, I had to do the same thing when I was a witchling. It's like a rite of passage. Granted, I was a little more skilled-

" Eda! "

"Buuuut I didn't have a horde of dragons helping me. So you got an edge now. Get pumped.

" Pumped!" Luz then grabbed her bag of supplies.

" Get ready."

"Ready!" Luz then Luz pulled out a dark cloak from her bag quickly putting it on. while the three dragons got ready to head out.

" Now, go!" Eda then gave Luz a little push to the main stage just in case her nerves broke. Thankfully that didn't happen as the curtains open a stage light turned on with her appearing by herself first.

" From the humblest of beginnings, a hero will rise." Luz stated in a narrative voice. " I have traveled from another realm and trained with powerful witches. to master an ancient and lost art of magic. I am..."

With a twirl Luz took her cloak off revealing herself. " Luz Noceda!" she said only to see Principal Bump with a stern rather unamused look on his face in the audience instantly killing her mojo. " Ahaha. Confetti!"

"Right. The human and the exclaimed Draco witch. I've heard rumors and despite my better judgment, wanted to see for myself plus become a student at Hexside. Can you truly tame dragons let alone magic with all your... Human parts?" Bump said curious to how a human was able to do magic let alone boss a dragon around. Sure he saw Luz and Agustus ride on out of detention but nothing else.

" I sure can." Luz then pulled several large pieces of paper with the colors red, green, and white from her bag. "Nax your up first." Luz then tossed up the papers in the air as Nax burst out from backstage his gem glowing indicating he was about to use his magic but jumped midway over Luz's head while shifting into his adult form and taking flight in the auditorium with the colored paper now in his magic follow him In the air while folding themselves into multiple shapes creating two Chinese new years parade dragons that were the size of Nax's skull head flying side by side with the moon dragon.

"Frost, Aurora your up next." Luz then slammed two large pieces of paper with the ice glyph on them onto the stage creating two ice pillars that the light dragon and ice drake quickly hopped on as they both shifted into their adult forms as well ready to do their part of the show as Luz brought out one more glyph. "Amber time to take center stage!" slamming another glyph onto the stage the orange holo dragon appeared with a mighty roar and took flight higher than Nax and his paper dragons and hovered at the top of the ceiling as they started flaring up.

"Nice! Now Aurora light fire and Frost ice breath! Luz said as the two dragons fired their respective blasts into the air and collided with each other but instead of turning into mist the blasts combined with Amber radiating heat created a wave of colors glowing above.

" Amazing." Principal Bump was speechless at the performance. Luz's use of magic was something he'd never seen before and how well trained the dragons were was equally astounding. Looks like he'll have another star student to rub into the Glandus principal's face and with the official Grugby season coming up ohohoh that will burn. He thought said Luz brought her performance to an end as she brought out several smaller pieces of paper.

" Final time for an old favorite." she then balled up as the paper started glowing then lifted her hands to let go of the fluffy balls of light as they floated up to the ceiling giving it the illusion of stars in an aurora night sky as Nax and his two paper dragon flew and dance above their head.

"I must say Ms. Noceda I was skeptical when I first heard about these dragons of yours. I thought anything mentioning them was just overreacting. But you have proven to have tamed them quite well, and your spell casting with paper is something I've never before. So with that said. Welcome, Luz to Hexside School of Magic and Demonics! Bump them tossed her a pamphlet.

" YES! Yes Yes Yes. I got into Hexside! Eda I- Before Luz could continue cheering she was pounced on by the hatchling forms of Aurora and Nax in excitement Frost shifted back to her own but just bowed to her summoner with a smile. which got her scratches on the side of her head with Luz smiling back. This was something she found out about Frost while her adult form looked like a common heavy wall that would be happy to get in a scrap that wasn't the case, she was a lot calmer and proper only reacting to anything unless she was asked to and most of the time was pretty relaxed than her siblings who were more emotionally and hyper maybe it was due to being born on the Knee? Who knows but it was an interesting change as Frost and King became napping buddies due to her silky soft hair, getting multiple pictures on Luz's phone as the duo were so cute like that.

While Luz celebrated her acceptance to Hexside Bahamut was in the wood trying to find White. His former enfor- no his former friend was even stronger now making her a massive threat to not only his new friends but also a threat to the Boiling Isles. He needed to find her and . . . do what needs to be done before she became too much for him to handle.

" She close I can feel her magic going after a small group." Bahamut said to himself as he rushed off to the group wanting to keep the injuries of others to a minimum. A few seconds later the group was in sight seemingly using the massive bush and tree as cover for some kind of meeting. There were only four of them all witches wearing red garbs wearing some kind of masks with a witch with dark skin and green hair and the most featured mask looking like the leader of the group. " Must be in some coven." He said keeping an eye on the quartet. If White wanted to attack them he needs to keep them safe not wanting the mad basilisk to gain more power.

" Alright Bats theirs a group of emperor coven members on route to bring a group of wild witches into Bonesborough we don't have the precise location but we do know they're entering near this location." The leader said giving her team the details she had and started planning. " So their rebels. Ha. Nice to know there as some in covens that realized that mad man they call an emperor is nothing more than that." The illusion dragon witch said kind of wanting to help the group out but having a bigger role to play prevented that but made a note to find these bats again but as soon as thought that a shimmer was seen in the shadows. " She's here," With that White attack the group from behind wanting to surprise and overwhelm them in their shock that would have worked if it wasn't for a blast of fire striking her forcing her to recoil back with Bahamut follow suit with speed so fast that the group could barely see him. " What was that?" One of the bats asked, "Not sure but we need to get out of here before we lost the element of surprise." With that, the leader and her group disappeared into the woods.

"Bahamut you wretched- White's rant was cut short by a torrent of ice heading straight for her despite still hiding in the shadows however she took advantage of her new forms abilities White was able to avoid the attack by consuming the very ground she stood on of life and hid underground as the ice continued to travel freezing everything in a three-mile radius.

" Come out White we ending this NOW!" Bahamut then slammed the ground with his now changed dragon foot creating a massive earthquake tearing the ground apart as pillars of stone-like veins broke through the surface forcing the White to come out before getting crushed. Bahamut wasn't taking any chances as he charged her with his hand now turned into claws slashing at White's face leaving scars near her right eye and above her snout as she rallied back.

" GHAAA you accursed- again white's rant was cut off as her entire body became paralyzed. " This is your end, old friend. " With that said Bahamut opened his wing getting into the air while taking a huge breath. White instantly knew what he was going to do and struggled to break free of the spell she was in there was no way she could consume the attack so her best bet was to run if she could just open her mouth just a little.

" Goodbye, White MEGAFLARE!" and with that, a massive ball of pure magic that covered the sky was aiming straight for her burning everything around them due to the extreme heat it gave off despite being far away. " No. NO!, I won't die here! You hear me. I. Won't. Dieee." the Megaflare came crashing down to the ground burning and tearing apart everything it touched as it continued to travel burring deep into the Isle until it burst creating a pillar of light and fire that shot out so high it threatened to burn the sky itself. The light show lasted for five minutes before it subsided leaving a massive gash that looked like burned skin nothing In the area survive as everything that was there was ash now, but Bahamut was seething rage. " No! She escaped, but were? How?" He was now panicking wanting to end this quick but failed and now there was a big chance his cover was blown, but he couldn't he just couldn't hold back on her not while she looked like that, not while she reminded him of that menace. he just. Just...

" Haaaa I need to calm down and dispel this illusion now before someone spots me." with that the fake body disappeared as a group of emperor coven members were coming into view with Lilith leading them with a look of shock and horror on her face seeing the massive destruction but quickly shock it off needing to report this as she took out her hand mirror.

"Kikimora I'm at the location where the light was seen, but there's no sign of anyone here now and the area here is nothing but ash now."

" Thank you for your report, Lilith. I will alert The Emperor. For now, return to your mission of catching the Owl lady and her apprentice.

"It shall be done." With that Kikimora cut the call as a voice behind her called out. " So Bahamut's shadow has that much magic," Belos said sitting on his throne ready to change tactics. " If we can't get to that beast then will just go after his little student and her pets. Kikimora, send a message to Hexside about an inspection, I shall release my mindless beast there and destroy what little hope he has."

" What about the rest of the students and teachers, my liege?

" A necessary sacrifice to ensure the day of unity to go without any interruptions." Belos said ending the call with a smile under his golden mask knowing full well that once Bahamut's new apprentice was gone he'd go on a rampage and try to approach him in anger which will be the dragon king's undoing.


The next day Luz was riding on Eda's staff with Aurora and Nax flying beside them and Frost riding on her brother's back, Luz wanted to make her first day at Hexside like the first day at her human school with her mom by riding with both of her teachers, however, Bahamut was out hunting down White. But thank titan to that because Luz was panicking again and if she was actually on one of the dragons she might have had them turn back home.

" Mmm, we gotta go back. This was a mistake! I'm gonna mess things up again ad everyone will see, and-

"Right, you gotta calm down." Eda said speeding up their flight before her apprentice's composure was completely gone. "What are you nervous about You've been to school before.

That's why I'm nervous! At my human school. I didn't make a good first impression. Now I'm kind of on a pedestal, I just don't want to screw it up.

"Hey, don't worry about what those dorks think. If you want my advice, walk to class and punch the first kid you see. To establish dominance. Or just feed one to these three." Eda said pointing to the three dragons causing them to growl in annoyance at that remark, but the orange-haired witch didn't pay it any mind.

" Yhaaa. I won't be doing that. But thanks." Luz said appreciated Eda for trying to help build her courage back. As they went for a landing on the path to Hexside.

" Last chance to back out and earn a new Bad Girl Coven path. Eda then pulled out a " patch that read "Quitter Badge" Quitting: It's like trying, but easier."

"Nah, I'll just earn it when I quit showering. Maybe switch to ash bathing." Luz added remembering the first time she saw Aurora roll around a pile of burned leaves and turned into her dragon form just to avoid the heat from burning her but that heat felt nice on her scales relaxing even, heck a part of her wanted to grab more leaves to burn just to be buried in the ash they made. " Anyway see yha." Luz was about to run on only for Eda to stop her with her magic.

" Just try not to be too much of a goody Luz shoes, and you got this." Eda said with a smile.

"Thanks, Eda. In fact" Luz gave a node to Nax who instantly used his magic to pull out several sock puppets that looked like all of them from her bag. " We have written a heartfelt sonnet to commemorate this occasion. But before she could even start Eda was already flying off. "Whoops! A gust of wind just got me. See you after school! I'll have Bahamut pick you up! Byeeeee!" And with that Eda was gone leaving Luz and her dragons with a bunch of puppets floating around her with two of them on her hands that looked like her teachers.

" You're gonna do great, kid." " Were so proved of you." the sock puppets of Bahamut and Eda said with Luz mimicking their voices. "Thanks, Puppet teachers," Luz said getting the three dragons to bark in agreement.

Making their way to Hexside they saw a banner that read " WELCOME TO THE NEW SEMESTER" hanging up with a bunch of familiar colored flags standing in order, with a few students chatting about their new classes there was even a unicorn that caught Frost's attention and started a conversation of chirps and huffs with, as Luz looked in aww at their surrounds on for her attention to be grabbed by Nax with a familiar witchling.

"Amity!" Luz greeted her friend with an abomination following her.

" Hey Luz! Congrats on getting in." Amity said as the abomination coping her movement. But then she started looking around. " Did Bahamut not come with you I thought he said he wanted to see you off to school?"

"He did but he's still tracking down White." Luz said knowing fully well that the dragon king wasn't happy about missing another event of his student's life.


" I AM NOT HAPPY MISSING ANOTHER EVENT OF MY HATCHLING'S LIFE! Bahamut said sounding like a parent who had to work on his kid's birthday as he launched a storm of lightning on a group of emperor coven members. He finally found White late at night but she wasn't alone several emperor coven guards were with her as support thanks to that White retreated deep into the woods. Bahamut tried to follow but the coven guards refused to let him pass bombarding him with spell after spell that barely effective him but once he got rid of one group another appeared to replace them. "I'M MISSING THEIR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! GET OUT OF MY WAY! With a wave of his arm, Bahamut shot a wave of ice freezing the guard's in place.

" Hey I heard yha man." One of the guards said still frozen. " It's my kid's first day too." "It mine's first day in the Beast taming coven." Another said," It's my gram grams birthday." More guards shouted out telling him that they all had family members that had important events today but got stuck with attacking him. While Bahamut didn't like the emperor coven at all he felt sorry for these guys and was about to make a deal with them if he let them go until a familiar voice called out. "Enough." The illusion dragon witch turned to see more guards and "Lilith" he said in annoyance.

" Hello Mr. Lucas or should I call you Bahamut the dragon king." Lilith said hiding her anger from being tricked. "Haaa. Yha I was wonder when this day was coming." Bahamut sighed shaking his head now having to deal with another problem man this wasn't his day. " Sorry little ones look like I'm gonna be late."


" Awww farts," Luz said now in the detention track scrubbing the classroom floors, How did this happen? Well... ( Flashback)

Luz and her dragon pals were in Principal Bump's office trying to get into multiple tracks but Bump wasn't having it saying that a good witch needs to hocus-focus and only pick one track, the downside for the dragon eyed human she couldn't choose just pick one and since the only item that could help with that was under lock and key. Not to mention Bump needed to get her into a fitting track before the emperor's coven inspector showed up, so he put her in the most obvious track Beast Keeping as her school outfit changed the blank white sleeves to orange fitting the track.

The class was mainly outside with who knows what kind of creatures with witches having them perform simple tricks like sit, fetch, breath out spiders, turn a rock into goo, and the second Luz was introduced into the class well she was pretty much seen as a celebrity and quickly rose close to be the top student there due to how tamed all three dragons were and Luz's ability to summon them with ease except Nax. But while it was fun spending an hour with her three little dragons it was starting to get a little dull as the Latino girl and her dragons were pretty much stuck in the same class but for different lessons, with the next one being beast transformations.

" Alright class our lesson for today will be realizing your inner beast." The wild blue-haired Beast keeping teacher said with a small cat-like creature that had a similar neo blue glow to it like Nax from its paws, spots, and the tip of its two tails with a cerulean jewel on its forehead that was resting in front of her desk, as she created an orange spell circle that gave her her hair grew wilder and looking a bit crystalized with whisker marks appearing on her cheeks, and fingernails turning to claws. " Now focus on your animal friend and see if you can enhance one of your scenes to their level."

"Well this should be easy enough." Luz then pulled out both the power and dragon glyphs ready to slap them on her shoulder until someone spoke up. "Ms. Softpaws Luz is mixing different magic!" A voice said from the back of the class sat a girl with long black hair that covered half her face and her left eye while the right was crimson red with what had to be a reversed version of a white tiger by her side, only it was bigger not as big as Nax or Frost in their adult form but close enough with glowing white antlers and claws with a smug grin on his face. This was May Long the head student of the Beast Keeping track until Luz showed up and from that moment on she couldn't stand the dragon-eyed human or her dragons. It wasn't like she was jealous normal she was quiet but got great grades thanks to her partner Shade, but something about the human brought out this new side of her and her tiger friend.

" Ms. Noceda is this true?" Ms. Softpaws ask starring at Luz hoping she didn't have another one. " Well the glyph I need is from the construction coven but- " I'm sorry Luz but I have to address Principal Bump and give you detention." Ms. Softpaws said interrupted Luz before she could explain. " But Ms. Softpaws I- " Again I'm sorry Ms. Noceda but rules are rules and my class can't handle another incident with mixing magic." Luz wasn't even able to defend herself as Bump was actually around and heard everything the provided to drag her off to the new room for troublemakers

They then ran into King who hid in her bag to get a ride so he could eat from the trash great for him but terrible when I came to help due to the advice given to him at the beginning of the day " If anyone asked, you don't know me. Why did I say that!" Luz said grunted in annoyance regret her decision. So here she was In the detention track scrubbing the floors for standing up for the other students and her dragon pals were back in the beast keeping class so she didn't have their company if felt kind of weird not having them near her, and a multi-eyed teacher who didn't seem to care as he was asleep. " Haa, guess this is how it feels to hit rock bottom," she said now whipping the windows as a group of young witchlings were heading for a field trip to someplace called the Astral Planes

"Luz!" A familiar voice called out but one Luz was happy to hear as Gus and Wilow approach the window. "Oh my gosh! I missed you. Let me squeeze your faces. I've been so lonely." Luz then started squishing Willow's face much to her annoyance but didn't stop her.

" What's going on? We didn't see you in any classes" Gus asked.

" Principal Bump put me in the detention track after I tried to go into my dragon form thanks to some tiger girl, turns out it mixing magic." Luz grew annoyed at that similar to May she didn't like the girl the moment she saw her and that tiger demon which didn't make much sense cause she barely knew them.

" The detention track? You can't do anything in there."

"You'll learn less than did before." Gus added.

"NOOOO! I'm gonna get that tiger girl back. You gotta help me break out." Luz said enrage with her eyes turning half red that causes concern to her friends.

"Uh sure Luz. We'll get you out just try to relax you getting all dragon ragy again." Luz quickly came to her scene shaking her head before a chair squeaked indicating someone was getting up.

" The teacher gotta go." Luz quickly turned around hoping to at least pretend to be cleaning only for a familiar detention student to be behind her instead. " It's you". she said until the girl shushed her then pointed to the Detention Teacher and telling her to follow. Stopping at the chalkboard the drawing to what looked like a safe door with the keyhole in the center and then the girl tapped it with the chalk opening it heading to what looked like a passageway.

" Whoa." Luz was amazed at the sight but was stopped and again was told to follow as the girl went inside the hole with Luz following her with the entrance closing behind them. They made it to the main hall and Luz took the chance to ask. " What is this place?"

" This is the last room you'll ever see alive." The girl said threatening causing Luz to think this was the tiger girl's plan. " Nah, just messing with ya. I'm Viney. You're the Draco witch right?" she introduced herself. Viney was about Luz's high maybe an inch taller with pale skin and olive eyes, her dark grey hair was in a bun that was coming loss from a red hair thorn thing, and a fishhook pierced her right ear. her uniform was tattered a little with the button for the hood gone and replaced with a splinter of wood and the dress part was torn and tied up.

" Yha, I am but my name is Luz she said terrified.

" Thanks for standing up for us back there. Not many people would do that. Follow me! I wanna show you something." They headed toward a door that had a "keep out" sign on it. " You're one of us troublemakers now so you'll get special access to the Secret Room of Shortcuts!" Viney then opened the door revealing a massive tower-like room filled with doors leading to who knows where, as Luz stared in awww.

" Hey Jerbo! Barcus! You can stop hiding now!" Viney called out as a red door opened up and two students can out half hiding in the door.

The first one was quite tall with light tan skin, dark brown hair that looked like a half-cut, and brown eyes "How do we know she's cool, man? She's an upperclassman how do we know she won't turn us in? What do you think?" The taller student asked a canine-like student with brown fur, large square glasses that looked like they had been broken multiple times with the amount of tap wrap up to keep them together, and a gold earring. He barked but whimpered a little.

"Barcus says your aura is strong and silly, like a baby's laughter but has burning anger that desires to protect underneath. Welcome." Jerbo said with a smile.

" Aah i love secret rooms! Where do the doors go?" Luz then open a door to her side that led to the main hallway of the school using the lockers as an exit and a familiar green-haired witchling was pacing around." So you two go to the same school now, that doesn't change anything." Amity sighed trying to understand her feelings about a certain dragon-eyed human until the slamming of a locker broke her focus.

" This place connects the different parts of the school. We found it after being thrown in the detention track. The witch who made it is known as..." Viney then pointed to a framed picture on the wall that was covered in paint making it impossible to tell who it is the only clue was the yellow sleeves the founder wore " Lord Calamity."

" They started this trouble maker wall and we added our names In their honor." Jerbo preached bowing his head in respect.

"This place is amazing. I bet you guys can get into so much trouble in here." Luz said making a note to never bring Nax here with his distaste for mischief.

" Sure, we can, but we can also do so much more." Viney then pointed upward of the spiral steps for Luz to spot Barcus listening in on an Oracle class. The teacher was making a paper fortune teller thankfully the angle the door was in was great so the dog witch was able to copy the steps easily showing it off to his friends.

We aren't allowed to study any kind of magic, so we study every kind of magic in secret." Viney explained sitting on the floor with Jerbo.

You guys actually like school? Luz asked jumping back down to the ground level.

"Yha we might have liked it too much." Viney said as each of the detention students described their attempts at mixing magic. First, Jerbo tried to mix plant and abomination magic only to lose control of it wreaking the plant track classroom. Next, Barcus mixed oracle magic into potions and ended up traumatizing the teacher who out of fright tripped and fell face-first into an unfinished transformation potion giving the teacher eyeballs for hair. Finally, Viney tried to teach a griffin named Puddles healing technique's but when she summoned her assistant he ended up breaking through not only the pens but also the walls causing Principal Bump to toss them in the detention track.

" We all want to be in more than one coven track! But Bump just says we need to focus. Viney said her head down in defeat.

"Sounds like Bump's priorities are out of whack."Luz said a little annoyed. At least you guys had a shot at showing what you can do, I got busted before I had a chance that to that girl and that walking coat of hers." Luz really didn't understand where this anger for that tiger witch was coming from, she never felt like this for tigers or any kind of cat in general. Heck, she wore a cat hoodie for crying out loud!

"Who?" Viney asked noticing the dragon-eyed human disgust and her eyes turned red again. "This long hair, red-eyes girl with a tiger who snitch on me in class when I was about to mix my dragon and power glyph together to turn into my dragon form I couldn't even explain before Bump dragged me out."

"That sounds like May that pretty weird she's normal the quiet loner type and wouldn't outright get people in trouble." Viney thought about this wonder what could have triggered this sudden change in behavior until remembering something about tiger-like creatures they were few of them, yes but they were powerful, not magic but, their abilities to enhance one's strength and courage focusing on themselves no one else making rivals to- " Luz did you know about tigers being rivals to dragons?" Viney asked catching her new friend's attention as a sign of shock was caught on her face.

"Wait what? No, I never knew that!"

" Yha tigers are less social than dragons, they don't have a lot of magic and but can form bonds with a witch to increase their partner's magic but they rely solely on themselves and their partner the seen worthy, believing their better off alone than in a group but that does make them arrogant and overestimate things. The complete opposite to dragons which means -" .

" Which means me and May were made rivals the second I came into class Uuuugh." Luz fell on her back laying on the hard stone floor placing her hands on her face thinking about this really unwanted species feud. " Awwww I'm a semi-cat hater now. Nohoonoo."

While Luz has aaa- little episode, the three dragon siblings were stuck in the outside pen with the rest of the Beast keeping track's creatures. (" I can't believe that hairball and his partner got Luz in trouble over nothing!" ) Aurora said enraged that not only were they not around their friend but also stuck in the same room with said hairball who was sleeping in a tree. Surprisingly the pen was quite large with each pen separated by enchanted wood that was able to shift and extend to best fit each creature, the same could be said for the shelter while It didn't hold a candle to Draco den it was big enough for them, especially with the smooth rocks that were in a perfectly aligned that it had a great mixture of shad and sunlight so it was great for naps which her younger brother was currently doing.

( " Calm yourself sister." ) Frost said coming back from a conversation with Ms. Softpaws partner Toura hoping that the cat demon could help explain to the teacher why Luz was mixing magic. ( " Getting angry won't help Luz it'll just cause more trouble.")

( " Then what do you expect me to do? Take a nap like our bother?") They then both stared at Nax happily sleeping in the cool shade ("Or talk to another brainless hairball!") Aurora growled out.

(" That "hairball" is a teacher and we should respect them just like Bahamut and Eda so please sister don't be rude, and as for what to do I think our brother has the right idea.) Frost said heading towards the rocks

( " What you can't be serious.")

( " Yes I am the best we can do now is wait and not cause any more trouble.") With that, the ice drake hopped onto another rock in the shade then curled up ready to take a nap herself.

( " Hey! don't you dare fall asleep while Luz needs us... Hey! Did you seriously fall asleep that quick? ) Aurora continued to bark and growl to get her sister's attention but nothing was working as a burst of laughter caught her attention.

( " Hahahahaha you dragons are so typical always rash never thinking about a plan nor the repercussion of you action is almost sad that this new generation hasn't learned ) The huge black tiger with white stripes said continuing to laugh.

( " Oh I know what we would have done." ) The light dragon growled in anger not like being mock (" Our partner would have kick your partner's butt and I would have roasted that tail of yours off.) she said with a toothy smile as she could tell the tiger was annoyed getting out of the tree and started walking to pen fence looking down at Aurora.

( " You really think a small fry like you could take me on? HA! You just an overgrown bird with scales not even worth a decent meal") Shade said smirking with that Aurora started glowing shifting into her adult form now taller than the snarky tiger (" Who are you calling small fry kitten.") she growled with a smile back but before either one could continue their banter a familiar student came for the tiger. " Come on Shade we need to head for the auditorium." Shade partner May showed up just before the teacher's own partner was about to break them up opening up his pen and quickly hid behind him despite not like the dragon's at all her old shy nature broke through, not want to catch any more attention of the ticked-off dragon with Shade himself understanding hiding her with his front legs protecting her like a cub.

Aurora just huffed still wanting to help Luz but that wasn't happening anytime soon so she signed in defeat shifted back to her hatching form and took a nap on a rock in the warm sun. At the auditorium, the inspector was currently watching a student from the construction coven and while she did have an amused smile on her face in reality she was bored out of her mind.

("Uuugh where are you, little sister." ) The fake inspector thought running out of patience she had already seen three students of their respective track show off the talent and all it did was make her hungry but she couldn't feast, not yet she just had to wait a little longer.

" And now we move on to the Beast Keeping track." Principal Bump annonced. ("Finally.") The disguised basilisk thought she figured if Luz was anywhere in this school then it was in Beast Keeping and no doubt she would be presenting the track. A hint of pride spruces up in White's chest making her smile an actually genuine smile but quickly shifted into pain Belos restraints reacting again thankfully Bump didn't notice, but her pride was shattered shifting to anger seeing the student.

"May Long and her partner Shade the Night Tiger." With that, the two took the stage with May casting a spell circle on herself shifting into her inner beast form as several black stripes appeared on her arms and the side of her cheeks, while her hair and nails gained an extra length and turning white similar to her partner's horns and claws.

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" White shot up from her shouted out causing everyone to stare at her in alarm. "I a- mhmm, I had heard that a student that recently enrolled here was able to tame dragons why aren't they here? The fake inspector asked regaining her composter. "Ah yes however she was sent to detention." Bump answered. " And what pray tell was the reason for the punishment?" White was about to lose it she was this close to getting Luz and instead got a wash-up furball and a little girl that barely show any level of talent the tiger clan could do.

"She was mixing magic and as the rules clearly say that-

p> "I see no problem with that, in fact, we could have a very promising prodigy for the emperor's coven seeing as how the emperor wishes to unearth new talent."

" But ma'am I-

"And any student who's able to tame some of the most powerful creatures on the Isles is truly worth the time of both the coven and the emperor himself. So unless you wish for the inspection to end as a failure I suggest bring her here. Now."

Bump was backed into a corner the school needed the money but he didn't like how the inspector wouldn't even give his student a chance. " Very well ma'am I shall bring Ms.Noceda here." Bump then turn to look at his upset student. "My apologies Ms.Long but your assistance is no longer needed."

May was devasted that human and her three matching sets of walking boots took her chance to impress the emperor's coven as she ran off the stage Shade stared at the inspector before following his partner ( "Something about her doesn't feel right.") He thought as he lasted down next to May to comfort her who was sitting on a chair trying to hold back her tears.

Luz finally calmed down from her little episode at her new cat-hating ( or at the least tiger-hating) instincts unfortunately she was unable to hear both sets of friends she had. Willow and Gus had managed to get into the detention classroom without waking up the teacher but they didn't see any students.

"Luz? We're here to get you out of this horrible class." Willow called out but no response.

"Maybe she already booked it. She was pretty determined to go after May, and we've both seen what happens when she gets angry nowadays." Gus said remembering all the time Luz had allowed her anger to get the better of her such as the moonlight conjuring even though that was his bad or the race she had with Boscha that Luz told them about but snapped out of it when King warned her about Eda being in trouble.

"I don't think she'd go that far sure her anger has been... a lot but I doubt Luz would hurt someone for something like this. Right?" Willow asked in worry not wanting her friend to get into more trouble.

"I hope not but just to be safe." the two instantly got out of the classroom and headed toward the Beast Keeping track pens outside. " Hey, Luz your friends were here," Viney said trying to get her attention.

" Which ones? All the cute little kittens I betrayed?" Luz started whining again all her cute cat dreams crushed, even the thought of her favorite hood had turned sour cause it reminded her of that stupid tiger.

"Well no, they were students, and they mainly wanted to make sure you didn't cause a turf war at school with May and Shade." Jerbo said kind of uncomfortable with Luz going into another episode.

"Awwww is it bad that I feel like I should."

"Bark." " Barcus said yes."


" Attention all Hexside students." Bump called out using the demonic loudspeakers. "Would Luz Noceda please come down to the auditorium for the emperor's coven inspection. I repert would Luz Noceda please come down to the auditorium for the emperor's coven inspection. With that, the announcement was done and the detention students were at a loss for words.

" Why would Prinpal Bump want me at the inspection?" Luz asked not understanding what's going in Bump's head.

"Not sure, maybe something went wrong and he needs something big to impressed the inspector?" Viney answered. "I mean even if you are in the detention track you still can tame dragons with ease so I'm guessing he needs something big."

"Hey maybe we could use this chance to change Principal Bumps' mind!" Jerbo jumped in, the other in the group thought about this if Luz did this and mixed magic then Bump could see how well she used mixed magic then maybe...

"It would be tough and Luz would have to plan everything right but if it works we could all get into multiple tracks." Viney said still thinking of how everything would go. Yha they were better at mixing magic now but one more mistake could end everything.

"Putting on a show with dragons and one-upping May? That's something I can do." Luz said with newfound confidence if she wasn't going to war with the tiger girl then this was the next best thing.

"Um Luz."

"Right keep the instincts down and focus on the plan." With that, the detention track group guided Luz to the door outside the beast keeping tracks pens getting the dragon siblings who were happy to see their friend, and telling them the plan they had that they easily agreed to especially Aurora.

Making it to the auditorium Luz and her dragon pals spotted all the top students from each track with most giving her confusing looks all wondering why a detention student was here, and only three knew why first was Boscha who just gave Luz and dirty look her very presence insulting her. Next was May who wasn't even looking at her but Aurora did raspberry at Shade who snarled back and getting scold by Frost, and finally was Amity who generally looked like she enjoyed the human being here.

"Luz where were you I thought you were in beast keeping?" She asked getting a look at her friend's school uniform.

"It's a long story, but don't worry I won't be wearing grey for long." With that Luz and co rushed over to Princapal Bump with Amity smiling at her confidence.

" Even if she was still in beast taming she still wouldn't be here." May said talking after being silent for so long but her remark didn't go unnoticed.

" What do you mean Luz could easily make top student there." Amity argued trying to defend her friend.

"No she wouldn't those dragons are the ones with the talent they bond with many witches and demons. They bond with one another because their weak, that human has no talent nor ability in magic whatsoever. This famed Draco witch thing is nothing but a ruse.

"I've trained with Luz I even meet both get teachers and both are strong witches in their own right and Luz herself has been learning how to use an alternate form of magic and has been doing great." Amity argued. " look i get your upset with Luz taking your spot, and I get it it's tough that all your hard work has been pushed aside for someone else but that should motivate you to keep working hard, and Maybe... Maybe even ask for help from a friend... " Amity looked back at Luz who was getting ready while May just shook her head.

" Your just as blind as everyone else Blight." With that, the tiger witch just tuned everything else around her except for her partner. Amity didn't even bother to continue the conversation but a certain triclops was taking in on what she heard. " Maybe I can use this girl to get at that Lozer."

" Now as an added bonus from The Detention track Luz Noceda the Draco Witch." Principal Bump announced making Luz's entrance as flashy as possible while he wasn't a snitch no but he still wanted the best for his school, so he followed with Luz's plan using his magic Bump made long strings of confetti stated falling from the ceiling but were stop mid-air as they were caught in different magic and started folding into paper flowers as Nax dived from above landing with a roar.

As the paper flower danced and twirled around the young black dragon the air them started to grow cold and the paper flowers were quickly encased in ice and a lane of frost formed on stage. The spotlight then focused on it as Frost herself started to walk toward her brother then turned to bow at the inspector. A second later a bright array of colors filled the stage as the light refracted from the ice flowers shining beautifully, and in an instant, they burst by small balls of light fire hitting them with perfect acuraccy crating multicolored particles floated down similarly to fireworks and in the middle of it all an orange ball fell to the stage and as it dispeled Aurora and Luz emerged in hermature dragon form however her was gone, but no time to worry about that as they ending with a group bow.

"Hahaha well done Ms. Noceda your performance was as beautiful as the last." Bump said with a smile. He knew Luz hadn't learned much from her classes but the fact she came up with something so quick was great, and it looked like it worked as the inspector was clapping with a smile on her face. In the backstage. Amity and most of the top students were clapping as well looking actually impressed while Boscha sneered in anger and May didn't pay it any mind.

" I must admit I'm quite impressed. But I shouldn't expect less from my little sister." The fake inspector announced causing everyone to stare at her in confusion but for Luz it only made her blood run cold. " Oh no." She said pulling herself up from the bow only to be greeted with a twisted smile.

" Hello again Luz"


Here's part one of The First Day. And buckle up cause it's going to get wild later on.

Chapter 12: The First Day pt2 Return of the Wyrm King


White attacks Hexside gaining more power, Luz and her friends can barely hold her off, and Bahamut is stuck in a trap unable to help. Man, this just isn't their days.


Ok, this should have been out two weeks ago but I've been busy with some car problems but it's better now, hopefully. Hope you like this chapter, and write in the comments if I missed something up even with Grammarly their still mistakes that the program can't spot.

Chapter Text

"RRRAAAAAAAA DARN IT ALL!" Bahamut shouted after another failed attempt to escape the emperor's coven guards. Every time he dispelled his shadow somehow the guards would easily find it again after reappearing this was insane there's no way they could keep finding him unless... " Double darn it the Rat Tails. Of course, they would have those things uhgggg." The dragon king sighed in annoyance the Rat Tails were made to help guide wild witches or demons who wanted to escape Belo's grasp to his old village or more accurately him but they were lost to time, thought to be destroyed alongside his old home.

("Just great the items I created to help one's of the savage era are now my undoing I have to go after White but I can't allow her to ally herself with the guards let alone the new dragon killing witch.") Bahamut continued to run through the forest now with a new goal to destroy his self-made trackers.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Luz couldn't react in time as White appeared in front of her and grabbing her by the neck, Aurora and Frost tried to help by shifting into their adult forms but were knockback into Nax by a massively long tail. "Now it's time for a feast." With that White reverted into what should have been her basilisk form but this was different. She was twice as big and her once white scales were grey almost platinum in color with two sets of bat-like wings sprouting out from her back, the first set was close to her shoulder blades. They were huge and covered the whole stage with the same platinum grey scales covered them with an orange mainsail while the smaller set near her lower back was the same, one thing she had in common with Luz was the additional wings on the middle and the tip of her tail except they were bat-like as well. White's face barely changed besides the new scales but the fins on the side of her face had much more harden scales with red horns extending out and her eyes had gained a slit down her once goat-like eyes were now a four-pointed star.

Luz was struggling to breathe as she was now in the new red claws of White if it wasn't for her increased strength her neck would have been crushed by now. " Let me go," Luz said struggling to break free but it wasn't going so well as she tried to overpower White's grip but all it did was amused the older wrym and make her already twisted smile more derange as she started to open her mouth, that is until a blast of fire hit her back.

All students evacuate the auditorium! She's an imposter!" Principal Bump shouted in the middle of making another spell circle only for White to consume it while draining the principal of both his magic and by the look of it his youth as Bump started to grow older wrinkles took form on his face and hands looking shriveled and weak while the color of his clothes started to fade. But the weirdest was his hat the colors completely fade and cracked like wood, Bump's fell to the floor as White continued to consume his very life force with everyone watching in horror.

" Leave him alone!" Luz was able to get one of her arms up and focused on her light spell it took longer to do it but she could feel the magic forming in her palm once she was ready to use it Luz fired a blast of light right in white's face causing her to reel in pain. " RAAAAAAAA Little brat! " White screamed out tossing Luz thankfully she was able to glide down safely, " Everyone come on we gotta go! Amity can you carry Principal Bump? " The mint-haired girl nodded and made a spell circle bring out her abomination.

"Abomination. Carry" with that the purple goo golem grab Bump thankfully he was still conscious. "Take Bump somewhere safe, Frost go with Amity." Both the ice drake and Amity look like they wanted to argue but looking at Luz's glowing red eyes instantly told them it was no use so they both just nodded and with that Frost bend down for Amity to clime on her back. "Once we get Bump safe will come back to help ok Luz."

"Alright just be safe." Luz gave the mint-haired witchling a confident smile and returned it with her own as they hurried out the main entrance, just in time too as white's version started to return enraged.

"Nax get everyone else out of here, head to the exit." the half- wrym girl ordered getting the moon dragon to nod rushing backstage to get everyone out while she slammed her hands down summoning Amber while Aurora got back up to fight. "Hahahaha this will be a real treat I haven't had a proper taste of our kind in such a long time," White said her massive grin showing and getting a disgusted look on her opponent's face. " You ate your own kind? What happened to you White? You used to be kind, you used to be an enforcer Bahamut told us -

"Bahamut was the one that left ME! I lost EVERYTHING! My home, my friends, I was loyal to him, and in the end, I was forgotten I was driven into becoming a beast with one drive, consume everything in sight I even had to consume my own partner out of desperation. But now I have a chance at revenge I'll consume you and your partners and once your gone Bahamut will go on a rampage in anger allowing him and Belos to fight and destroy each other and If not I'll devour who remaining with the rest of the Isles, I shall consume everything just my ancestor Shinryu once tried to do. I'LL CONSUME EVERYTHING! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

" White allowing her hunger to completely take over as she charged at the group they were able to dodge with Aurora countering her by firing a blast of light at her only for the wrym to swallow it and was about to do the same thing she did to Bump only to get staggered by Amber pouncing on her back. The heat the holo dragon gave off burned some of White's scales but it didn't seem to bother her until Amber bit into White's neck. Despite being purely made of magic the holo dragon was still able to pierce through white's body and burned her flesh like magma seeping through.

White flailed around in pain crashing into the walls and destroying both the stage and the stage lights trying to break Amber's grip. Aurora and Luz had to jump off the stage as White was about to crush them once they got back up to look at the damage only to see a disturbing seen the mad wrym had Amber in her claws and in one quick chomp of her mouth devoured the holo dragon like a kid eating a cookie it was sloppy and left pieces of orange glowing scales fell everywhere while slurping up its tail like a noodle.

"Ok that... that's gonna haunt me for the rest of the day." Luz said trying not to lose her breakfast with Aurora doing the same.

"Don't worry you'll be joining them soon." White mocked charging at the duo while Luz grabbed several ice glyphs from her pocket and slamming them on the floor creating a huge pillar of ice lifting them up hoping the wrym would crash into it however White saw this in time and wrapped herself around the pillar only to see another ball of life being fired at her with a puff of smoke appearing indicating it hit with White's screamed in pain conforming. Luz and Aurora jumped off the pillar and glided back to the front of the stage wanting to keep their distance but before they could even land two red claws grabbed to crushing them with their grip.

"Not bad little sister, might have made a decent enforcer, hahaha." White brought Luz closer to her seeing the half wrym girl's face of anger staring back at her. " Someday. But, not today." with that said White started to consume the magic that changed Luz, her wings, hair, and tail slowly started to shrink and disappear. Aurora tried to attack White but the second she tried White slammed her into the ice pillar causing it to break apart and fall leaving the light dragon underneath a huge pile of ice. "I'll finish her later but fir- White was interrupted by an unknown lightning spell shocking her and dropping Luz now out of her dragon form.

"Honestly you dragons are always causing trouble." a familiar voice called out, Luz and Aurora looked up gaining mixed looks of annoyance and confusion. " May what are you doing hhhhheeerrreee!?" Luz said in a panic as she was quickly dragged to the tiger girl's side by her partner saving them from White who was about to crush them.

"Obviously saving you and finishing what you failed to do." May and Shade then walked by the exhausted human making another spell circle and releasing her inner beast from before.

" So the Tigeroid and her little half-breed are going to try and fight me? Ha!, you two don't even hold a candle to your predecessors. White mocked.

" Will see about that Shade show her."

(" With pleasure.") Shade then charged at White who was still thinking of him as a joke until he vanished in a flash of light and reappearing behind the new wyrm claws glowing in light slashing the left side of White's back-breaking through her scales and almost damaging her lower wings leaving bleeding gashes with White screamed in pain.

"AAAAAAA. YOU! Litt- White rant was quickly stopped was another stream of pain hit her back again. While turning around to face Shade, May had landed another electric slash on her back ripping through the opposite side of White's back not as deep but was much farther with the lightning slash tearing halfway through her lower wing.

"RRRAAAAAA." White hollowed in pain need to gain some space she flew in the air breaking through the auditorium ceiling now in the main hall. " Little brats," White said gaining a second to breathe then with a huff the mad wrym took a deep breath inhaling the magic from the very air and the school causing the walls, doors, and locker demons to turn grey and brittle as their strength was taken away. In an instant White's wounds started to heal until the damage was gone. "Hahaha, I could turn this whole school to rubble little kitten if you want to save it then leave here now, and let me finish dealing with my little sister." White turned around to see May on Shade's back. They had gone after White leaving Luz and Aurora in the destroyed auditorium.

"We... we gotta help them." Luz said struggled to her feet she felt drained even though White only took the magic from her transformation having it ripped from you at such a fast pace was disorientating. "Aurora are you ok?" As if to respond the light dragon burst out of the ice pile with a mighty roar. (" I will NOT! Be beaten by that traitor again, nor will I be outshined by that tiger!")

"Still can't tell what you're saying but I like the enthusiasm." Luz said struggling to get on her back until a familiar voice called out to them.

"Luz, Aurora you guys ok?" Looking up seeing the detention group opening a door on the side of the destroyed ceiling which Aurora flew through. " What happened? What is that thing?" Jerbo asked in panic

"Her name is White, and she used to be a greater basilisk but now she's consumed enough magic to turn into a wrym king or should be a queen? Doesn't matter we have to help May and her partner." Luz said.

" I guess my cousin at St. Epiderm was right about seeing a greater basilisk but I have no idea what a wrym king is." Viney said trying to think of anything that could help them. "But are you sure you'll be able to help May, Luz? You did want to get out of here to go after her?

" Yha and now if Principal Bump finds out we were mixing magic again he'd kick us out of school." Jerbo added causing the detention group to look down in defeat they had no plan and even if they did they'd just get in trouble for helping.

Hexoleos are out there gettin' hurt and right now we're the only ones who can save them even May, yha I still don't like her but I'd hate myself even more if I let her deal with White by herself. We're trouble makes right so let's get out there and make some trouble." With that, the group of students started to hatch a plan.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

" Group four respond." Lilith called out using her hand mirror but not getting any response. " I repeat group four respond she called again still no one answered. " ghaa, can any group hear me? Does anyone have eyes on the target?" Still nothing.

Thing had turned south fast for her distraction group it was supported to be simple keep Bahamut and possible her sister at by while that wretched beast took care of the human and her dragons using these ridiculous glowing tails in jars to keep track of them. But now their plan was ruined, the witches holding the rat tails were snuffed out fists leaving the rest of the group confused about what just happened. It was slow and quiet but they were able to manage with bigger groups forming making it difficult for the shadow to continue but once a huge surge of magic was felt around Hexside's location, that's when things turned for the worse.

Soon explosions, shocks of lightning, and massive waves of ice started to consume the forest quickly taking out, or disabling groups one by one and in a few short minutes, Lilith's group was left with nothing. No sound was made the groups of six Lilith was in said and heard nothing, not even the wind made a sound everything just stop.

After a few minutes of dead silence one of the guards spoke up. " Ma'am, what do we do?" Steve asked but before Lilith could answer a loud voice beat her to it.

"YOU CAN HAND OVER THE RATS TAIL AND LEAVE!" Bahamut's voice boomed through the forest sounding like it was coming from everywhere " Form a perimeter NOW! Lilith shout getting the rest of the group's attention circling shoulder to shoulder keeping an eye on everything around them staff's at the ready, this didn't help with the anxiety though Lilith's group still didn't have any idea where Bahamut was, once they heard loud footsteps their fears grew.

" Where is that coming from?" an old guard asked.

" It's all around us." A young recruit added grasping his staff tightly in fear.

"THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING LEAVE THE RAT TAIL ON THE GROUND AND I PROMISE YOU WILL NOT BE HARMED." Bahamut wasn't holding back anymore that surge of magic was from White and if she's at the school the Luz and her friends, and all the other students were in danger, and these emperor coven dogs are allowing this? NO! He wouldn't allow this to stand.

"We have orders from the emperor himself beast! To keep you here while our ally deals with your collages." Lilith announced but a massive growl was the only response she got as a scream behind her was hear turning around the head coveness only saw a hole where one of her squadmates once stood. Another second late a shadowy figure rushed them and grab another guard by the mask into the forest.

"Ma'am what's going on!" Steve asked in fear.

(" Darn it.") " Fire at the forest, burn everything." Lilith ordered. With that, the four coven members drew spell circles and fired flames into the forest setting it ablaze only for the flames to collect on to one spot and spotting a familiar figure.

" There! Attack him NOW!" The recruit said breaking formation with his superior yelling at him to come back but it was too late, as soon as he got close the young recruit cases a spell to bind the figure as magic rope appeared wrapping around what should have been Bahamut but once the bind was finished tying around him the shadow vanished in thin air shocking the young rookie only of a large figure to slamming him into the ground a second later.

" All of this can end Lilith, give me the rat's tail, take your coven members, and leave." Bahamut said furry in his eyes but not blind rage while he hated the emperor's coven and was disgusted with their actions he wouldn't stute to their level of ending lives. Every coven member was either knocked, frozen, or paralyzed and at worse some would need minor medical aid, even the young man would live even if he was gonna wake up with a massive headache.

"We have our order to- " To allow a monster to attack a school full of children! How disgraceful. If you want me very well, but leave the next generation out of this!" Bahamut said interrupting Lili- no the emperor's coven leader.

" We wouldn't have to send that beast to Hexside if you would just surrender yourself to us." Lilith said trying to guilt the dragon king.

"... Even if I gave up my life now that wouldn't stop White nor save the students, so for now I'll have to end this and help them myself." With that Bahmaut's shadow disappeared then reappeared behind the older guard kicking him toward a tree knocking him out. Lilith and Steve tried to attack him with weapons made of fire and ice only for them to be stopped by a platinum cane pushing them back. The cane itself looked more like a witches staff with a platinum wrym-like creature with reddish-orange wings as its handle while wrapping its tail around the white shaft with the heel being a mix of red and platinum and easily made Lilith's blue fire dagger and Steve's ice knife look like nothing as the head coveness charged at him again.

Using her magic Lilith dashed in a blinding light at Bahamut using her staff as a blunt weapon encased in magic as well aiming for his head, but the dragon king sidestepped the attack like it was nothing with a bored expectation. With another magic dash, Lilith tried to attack him again and again but still, Bahamut just dodge or sidestepped them like it was nothing. Annoyed Lilith attack Bahamut again witch he easily avoided but felt multiple bursts of magic aiming right for him, right before he was hit Bahamut lifted his arm catching and crushed the spells with his barehand causing Steve to panic knowing the plan he and his coven leader had failed. It was simple while his leader used her speed to distract their target he would overwhelm him with spells but his barrage was blocked so easily and there wasn't even a scratch on his hand.

"Who or what is this guy?" Steve said in worry not sure if this plan was gonna work anymore.

"It doesn't matter keep firing!" Lilith ordered at her last guard's side ready to use the spell emperor Belos taught her as she made a spell circle forming green lighting similar to the demon hunter's restraint spell but much worse as the green color was darker and the sparks were more violent, unlike the hunter's spell where it only attacked and damaged the body this one damage both the body and the magic in anyone's body making the magic itself corrupted and poisonous to said person, even the bile sack was attacked causing permanent or even outright destroying it. Truly a terrifying spell and one of the very few ways to overpower a dragon.

"Darn it!" was the last thing Bahamut as a wave of green plasma engulfed his shadow.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

" Ok this wasn't a good idea." May said still trying to catch her breath, ever since she went on to fight White things have turned for the worse she was still able to hurt the wrym king but it didn't matter she could heal it off like it was nothing, and that caused more damage to the school and May was sure that there were still students and teachers around as several of them either got caught by the beast and thankfully saved, or tried to help and failed. Not to mention she was limited with her spells, her lighting slash was her most effective but it was predictable and after a while, the wrym king had been able to dodge it easily. But her water magic was the worse whether it was a heavy blast of water or a massive wave this beast just swallowed it up not leaving a drop left so she couldn't even use it with her lighting with it.

(" This isn't getting us anywhere.") Shade told his partner exhausted just like her but a lot more ruffed up. During this whole fight May was riding on his back and with his speed was able to outpace and dodge a lot of the washed-up enforcer attacks but when she started to heal off her wounds and others tried to intervene they had to help which lead to a lot of hits being taken on purpose, Leaving him now with one of his legs injured making it almost impossible to avoid attacks.

"Well little tigeriod you've been a fun toy, but I'm bored of you so." White then grabbed both May and Shade with her tail coiling them both to keep from any useless resistances. " All this fight has worked up an appetite and it's been a while since I've had fresh tiger." With a sickening grin, the mad wrym king opened her mouth and all the duo could do was just close their eyes and just hope their end would be quick, that is until a pillar of ice fired out of one of the lockers slamming into White's face letting go of May and Shade.

"What the?" May said as Luz and Aurora flew down in front of them. " What are you doing here?" she asked.

"What does it look like helping you. Guys now!" With Luz's calling another door opened near White still staggered after the ice smacked her in the face only to look to see several pieces of paper and paper dragons attacking her. "Haha. What's this little sister another one of you tric-Ghaaa!" White's mocking was stopped as Nax and a Griffen come out of the same door with a familiar fish hook earing-wearing witch rode on its back tackling and forcing White closer to the hole that was made earlier.

"Nice work you two. Ok, you three you're next." Viney said as another hidden door opened up revealing a massive abomination about the same size as White but had moss mix in with it and the ones controlling it were Jerbo, Willow, and Amity? Yha that was a can of worms that was difficult to deal with.


Luz and the rest of the detention track trio were watching May and shade fight White they were still doing alright but saw that White just kept healing and tearing the school apart the halls looked ancient and the locker demon looked old and sickly didn't look like they would last any longer.

"Come on we're gonna need more help." Luz said getting a nod from the others.

They rushed through the shortcuts trying to find Luz's other dragons and friends. They found Gus and Willow still in the halls wanting to know what was going on but after a quick rundown with them that they need to help May they were shocked.

" I thought you hated her? Gus said in surprise.

"I do but she's in trouble. The whole school is in trouble! I still don't like May, but I'd hate myself more if I didn't do anything to help her."

Gus and Willow were happy that their friend was willing to help a person that got her in trouble so they nodded and agreed.

" Great! Now you know how your pound of me for setting aside bad blood for the good of the school Willow."


" Weeeeell"

. . .

" I don't think this is a good idea Luz." Amity said, after getting Principal Bump to the healing track they were able to give him some of their magic but it wouldn't last for long with Amity and Frost were ready to head back and help Luz only for said human and several students to open a wall like a door and tell them the plan to stop White.

" I... I'd have to agree." Willow said a bit unsure about working with Amity.

" I know. I know you two aren't on great turns, and I don't make it easier being friends with both of you but you two are the only ones that can help Jerbo with the mixed abomination he can make. I can't understand the feeling of betrayal you have Willow, but I can understand being difficult to work with someone who wronged you heck I still rather let May become wrym food than help but that's not important now. The school, the students, teachers are in trouble. I'm not saying forget the past I'm just asking to put it on hold, for now, until we deal with the bigger problem cause right now." Luz then turned to see Principal Bump's older form drifting between consciousness on a medical bed.

" We've all we got." Luz said hoping to have gotten through her friends as Amity and Willow stared at each other for a second before sighing " Ok what do we do first? Amity asked getting a smile as a response from Luz.

( End of Flashback.)

The mossy abomination joined Nax and Puddles in their fight against White who tried to crush it with her tail but once it was reduced to a chump of goo and moss it reform taking the mad wrym king by surprise as it landed a heavy punch to her face causing her to spiral back, and any attempt to consume either one of them was stopped by Nax's paper dragon's stuffing themselves into White's mouth.

" Luz we gotta wrap this up." Willow said struggling a bit to help the mixed golem but ready for the last step of the plain.

"Right." Luz then looked at May and extended her hand shocking the tiger girl. " What are you doing?" She asked.

" The last step of our plan is for you and me to take White down. " Luz answered.

" Hmm, and why would I help you? This is you and your stupid dragon's fault anyway."

"Because... I can't stop her alone. The others can hold her off but we need your help to end this, we have our differences but we have one thing in common we both want to stop White, and to do that we have to work together." Luz said without losing her resolve with May looking like she would refuse but after hearing a shriek of pain coming from the three or two now struggling to hold off White. Viney and Puddle were on the floor easily telling that the young griffin was hurt as she tried t get back up but refused to put any pressure on her right front claw thankfully Viney was patching her up but with the decrease of help, the three witchling students controlling the moss abomination were struggling to keep it stable.

"Ha, fine I'll help but just this once." with a huff May grabbed Luz's hand and getting up from the floor this caused Luz to smile and nod filled with determination.

( " Well if we have to help a pair of boots to stop an even bigger of boots, then I'm in.") Shade said in a snooty huff getting back up and walking towards May's side.

( "Oh shut up! You walking furball." ) Aurora said growling at the night tiger. "Haha, I still have no idea what you two are talking about," Luz added unsure why her light dragon friend wanted to tear their temporary ally apart.

"Don't worry about." May said as she drew another spell circle releasing her inner tiger form. " Let's get this over with."

" Right." Luz then pulling out another pair of dragon and power glyphs and slammed them on her wrist turning into her full dragon wrym form." Let's end this. Guys Now!" She called out getting a nod from the three witchlings barely keeping the mixed abomination stable as the goop and moss latched on to White's body and dragged the mad wrym king into a door on the floor leading back to the destroyed auditorium. White struggled to break free of the mixed goo only able to break her wings free but could feel the abomination falling apart just trying to keep her down. (" Soon I'll be free and then- White's thoughts were interrupted as ice started to consume her limbs and tail.

"No!" White shouted spotting Frost in her adult form feezing everything while trying to break free but it was too late as her tail was completely encased in ice but managed to keep her arms to some working condition, only for a dog of all things to appear and splash a potion into her eyes and she saw... "No! This is just a trick!" White was completely enraged now. "Luz! You little coward quite hiding and fight me!"

"With pleasure." White couldn't even react as two slashes come from the open hidden door cutting her wings completely off "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA." White hollowed in pain turning around to see the culprits, It was May and Luz both in their respected forms and riding on their partner's backs with their arms wrapped in some kind of magic. May had used her lightning spell the sparks of electricity circling her arms and shared nails ready for another attack, while Luz had done something similar but with her ice glyph coating her clawed hands in sharp dark blue ice.

" So a tiger and a dragon working together. Ha, almost making me sick." White spat out in disgust.

" Yha trust me this wouldn't have happened if you didn't if it wasn't if a bigger threat being here." Luz said shrugging her shoulders.

" Agreed after we're done here where go back to our little rivalry trying to one-up another and shooting glaze at each other." May added.

" Arrogant little brats, I'll devour you both!" White had enough of dealing with these children so with one slam of her fist she destroyed her frozen tail leaving her with a little stump now but that didn't matter she could easily restore it later as she charged at the group only for shade and Aurora jump up into the air landing on the giant wrym kings back this gave them an opening to attack slashing away at the scales weakening them and making White's back a weak spot.

The mad wrym king could only flail around now with very few ways of defending herself, ready to smash herself against the damaged light equipment Aurora and Shade jumped of now standing on the opposite sides of the stage, but their two partners jumped off their backs and slashed again at White this time at her face only for one of Luz's ice gauntlets to melt when it collided with electric claws leaving white soaked with water.

" Ha stupid brats. Your two spells can't work together they'll cancel each other." White mocked.

" True but it can help with someone's spell." Luz said in an innocent tone while May had a big ball of lightning in her hand which caused White four-star eyes to shrink as the ball was launched and engulfed her in electricity shocking her entire body stiffing a little as her scales were torn away leaving her brittle and barely able to move.

Guys let's wrap this up. " Luz called out to her friends backstage holding onto ropes and vines holding bags of sand and huge balls of ice once they got the signal they dropped them crashing and crushing White's weakened body causing her to throw up all of the magic she had eaten around the school and students regaining their youth and color back as well as Bump who immidentaly shot up from his medical bed.

" The student I have to stop that thing." Bump said getting out of bed and headed back to the auditorium ignoring the healers who wanted him to rest a little longer.

"We did it! hahaha, see I'd told you it would work." Luz said cheering trying to hug May but failed.

Yha, yha, you were right don't get too excited I doubt she finished for good but I'm leaving you to finish it, Shade let's go." With a nod the night, tiger followed his partner out of the auditorium not even looking back now that this little truce was over. With that Luz and Aurora looked back at the pile of crushed ice and opened sandbags to see it moving White was still conscious but couldn't get up her spin was destroyed and due to the massive loss of magic, she changed her back into a basilisk but looking defeated.

" Hahaha well looks like I failed but to be honest ahahahaha." White gave out a nasty caught with blue blood spuing from her mouth. " I'm glad I did especially to you little sister." White gave Luz a weak smile but her vision started to blur and instead of Luz was her old partner. " Lyn, my friend I'm finally... finally... free..." White's voice faded taking her final breath before her eyes went dim and lifeless. Luz took off her other gauntlet and placed her hand on the now-dead enforcer.

" I'm sorry this happened to you, White... I wish I could have done something to - " Luz then got an idea and pulled out a dragon glyph clutching it tightly " If this spell can create new dragons then what about a deceased one?" she then summoned Amber the holo dragon started at the fallen basilisk and placed its own head on White's causing a massive spiral of multi-colored flames to form consuming both Amber and White it was beautiful but also sad as the flames went from a light orange and yellow colors to grey then to red and black with a sickening shade of green mixed in. To anyone, this was just a fire show but Luz this was a glimpse into White's memories she saw everything White's life as an enforcer, the partner and friendship she had with her partner Lyn, her imprisonment, and torture by Belos and... It was too much for Luz. She fall to her knee and wrapped her arms around her body trying not to break down in tears it was so painful she wanted to scream as tears started to form and... and... it was gone the memories stop flooding her head and so did the swirling flames and in its place was an egg it was about the size of a full sandbag with the shell being shining pure white with a few grey patches.

" Did... did it work?" Luz crawled towards the egg worried that it would vanish in an instant once she got close Luz carefully placed her clawed hand on it she could feel life in it, it was warm and felt at peace happy even like the creature inside was having a nice dream. Luz then dragged the egg closer to her chest practical hugging it.

" I got you, sis." Luz said getting back to her feet egg in hand.

"Luz!" The half wrym girl looked to her side to see her friends, the detention track group, and Amity rushed toward her seeing everything.

" That was instance what was that? " Gus shouted excitedly.

" Yha what was that? And what happened to White?" Willow asked

" Well long story short this is White now." Luz lifted the egg showing it to her friends who all looked shocked.

" I've never seen a greater basilisk egg before." Viney said studying the egg but smile looking back at Luz. " I guess this makes you the big sister now or does this make you a mom now? she said with a smirk causing Luz to blush

" Nope! I'm going with big sister I don't think I'm ready to be a mom yet." Luz's face turned redder unable to finish her sentence.

Ok... That's enough messing with Luz." Amity said getting everyone's attention. " let's try to get this place straightened up before-" Amity's sentence was halted by the auditorium door opening revealing an annoyed-looking Principal Bump. "Oh no."

"What is going on here? Why are you three out of your classroom? What happened to the stage, why are you holding an egg Ms. Noceda, and is that a secret hideout? " Bump said starring at all the damage.

" It is. But think about Principal Bump why would kids in the detention track need a secret hideout?" Luz said trying to get Bump to question himself but failed.

" I don't care to know the ins and outs of rascality." Bump then pulled out the rulebook. But if the Emperor's coven can -

"The Emperor's coven were the ones who send the greater basilisk here! Luz said enraged still having the memories of White fresh in her mind. " They knew the greater basilisk was here and all they did was prevent anyone from coming here to help. I get it you need coven money but are you really willing to go so far as to hurt or someone else harm your students?

Bump was speechless at the sudden news and was about to ask how Luz knew that the Emperor's coven was behind this but for now. " Ha, alright I'm smart enough to know when I've made a mistake. Which tracks would you like to be in? Bump said asking the detention trio

" Healing and Beast Keeping!' " Viney asked.

" Plants and Abaminations! " Jerbo said in confidence.

Barcus just barked but Principal Bump understood him drawing spell circle and changed their grey-sleeved uniforms to a half and half colors of their shared tracks causing the trio to cheer finally able to study and learn at their best. " But do any more property damage and I'm feeding you to the choosey hat." Bump warned. "And you Luz," Bump asked.

"Luz thought about that but just couldn't pick one, yha she was great at beast keeping but that was due to training before coming to Hexside. Potions would be nice so she could help Eda but if it was just as limited as beast keeping then probably not. Illusion? Need the glyph for that, abominations? Same thing with potions but with a teacher that would probably be breathing down her neck from the first time she came. Plants? Uuuuga she couldn't decide. "Honesty Principal Bump I wish I could study a little bit of everything."

With that said but drew another spell circle causing Luz's uniform to glow magical girl style as the sleeves turned to different colors now it sleeves for one of each track " This is so cool!" Luz said wanting to jump around in excitement be remembered the egg in her hands.

" You know, only one other student wanted to study every track." Bump then summoned the picture of who the detention track called Lord Calamity. Unfortunately, she never got that chance. Bump then waved his hand removing the excuse paint of the picture showing a younger Eda.

Luz was shocked for a second but smiled. " I shoulda guessed."

" Now Ms.Neceda I would like to know more about a few details about this whole incident in my office." Bump said that Luz with the egg and her dragons in tow head towards the principal's office ready to explain the whole mess.

"So the greater basilisk was after you but with the help of Ms. Long and the rest of the students that were president in the auditorium help you defeat it, and you felt sorry for the creature and now it's reborn as an egg. Am I understanding this Ms. Noceda?

Luz scratched the back of her head with a worried smile on her face. " Yha pretty much." That was all she could really say.

"Hmm well, thank you for the information Ms. Noceda this should get quite the reaction from the Emperor's coven." Bump said organizing a bunch of papers of everything Luz knew about this whole mess. " And as for that egg, you're free to keep it but whatever creature that hatches from it is your responsibility."

" Don't worry Principal Bump I promise I'll teach them everything I know." Luz then held up the egg with pride making what she said a solemn vow.

" That's what worries me." Before Bump could say anything else his office door was kicked open revealing a frantic and beat up looking Bahamut

" Luz! I'm here help to stop White and . . . and . . . uh I missed everything, didn't I?"

"Unfortunately yes Mr. Flare." Bump said.

" What happened to you. Did you get burned by something?" Luz asked seeing the damage on the illusion witch there were some minor scratches on his face but the biggest concern was Bahamut's armor-like robes were burned off almost completely with only the right side plate holding on by its sleeve while the left was consumed by a nasty burned scar.

" Ran into the Emperor's coven coming here, Lilith got me with one of her fire spells nothing to worried about."

"Not to worry? You look like you were almost blasted in half!" Luz shouted not like how her teacher was being careless about his injury.

" Luz I'm fine trust me." Bahamut tied to remind his student that the body their seeing now was nothing but an illusion, and it seemed to work but Luz still wanted to argue about it. "Anyway, what happened to Whti-" Luz then lifted the snow-white egg in front of Bahamut's face and instantly felt a familiar presence in it.

"It. Is that."

" Yup, It's White I used the dragon glyph too. Well... Reincarnate her I guess." Luz said explaining everything that happened today again leaving Bahamut speechless and a bit angry at himself for not thinking about trying something like this before but decided to just appreciate that Lua was able to figure this out.

"Hahaha, you really are making that spell your own." Bahamut said giving Luz a pound smile.

" Only because I have two great teachers." The still half-dragon girl said with the illusion witch nervous about something " What's wrong?"

" You... you don't suppose I could hold the egg? Just for a little bit." Bahamut asked really wanting to hold an actual dragon egg after so long, Luz nodded and handed it to him casually not wanting to damage it. Once he finally got a stern but careful hold on it easily feeling life in it not quite White but nothing like that twisted wrym king. " While I promise I won't let you down this time," Bahamut said nuzzling the egg and getting Luz jealous.

" Hey I'm there big sister give her back!" Luz said trying to snatch the egg back.

" It's still my turn to hold it just wait! Bahamut argued back only for Luz to jump on him but failed. This lasted for about ten minutes until Bump got sick of their arguing and fight. " As wholesome as this is I suggest you two settle this outside my office." Bump said with a serious look getting the teacher and apprentice to stop fighting and quickly strengthening up.

" Sorry Principal Bumps, Apologize Principal Bumps." Both said.

" It's fine the egg is Ms. Noceda's and since school is over, your dismissed. " With a nod, the two left the office only to continue to the argument while walking away. "Uuugghh only a few hundred years till retirement." Bump said feeling like those two are going to drain him before this year's graduation.

Chapter 13: Big Sister Luz


A day of fun is ruined when the egg Luz is caring for is taken by a revenge drive Tibbles in his Tent of Tiny Terror. Only to get a taste of Luz's dragon rage

Chapter Text

Another day at the Owl house where our favorite bunch of Weirdos are currently in the kitchen. Eda and Nax were in the middle of making potions while Luz in her dragon form was taking to Gus and Willow using a crystal ball with the egg in a baby carrier while King, Aurora, and Frost waiting for them to finish.

The main reason she had been in this form was because of the egg, Bahamut had said that if she wanted the young one to be comfortable with her it would be best to make sure that she stayed like this until it hatched that way they would be familiar of her scent even if her body was infused with magic, plus having something similar to them would make it easier to trust her when it hatches which could be any day now and Luz was excited to be a big sister and it showed by her actions she'd have been super protective with it heck Luz almost tore Boscha apart when the triclops mock her unhatched sister saying that it will be a failure and should just smash it, Luz may not have been able to do anything at school but once out it was a full-on chase leaving the pink-haired witchling in a block of ice with paper figures all dancing around mocking her.

The same was from anyone else the dragon girl knew being super protective and almost motherly. King was a prime example to the point she was practically babying him whenever she came back from school and King wanted to play she'd spend an hour just doing whatever he wanted. Even babysitting the Bat Queen's babies started becoming common. Thankfully Aurora was able to help keep them in line but Luz was actually getting the hang of taking care of them pretty quickly even asking the Bat Queen about any other tips for taking care of babies. But for now, her main focus was getting this last bit of homework done, or at least it was until a conversation with Gus and Willow took her off track.

"So they said I couldn't remove my thumb, but look at this!" Luz then used the classic thumb removal trick causing Gus to freak out and a chuckle from willow.

"You sliced it off! You sliced off your own thumb!"

"Haha, you make doing homework actually fun."

"And they say humans can't do magic." Luz said mocking the comment. " At least not when you're infused with it."

King was getting tired of the two witchlings hogging Luz so he hopped on the table they were sitting next to getting the half-wrym girl's attention. While he was getting a lot of it that was only due to Luz being so big sister crazy, but once the egg hatched her attention would be focused on her new sibling which worried him. He needed some way to keep their bond alive. " You've been talking to them all. Don't forget about our the Little Pals comedy hour!"

" Please, no. Not the comedy hour..." Eda begged not wanting to lesson to terrible puns for an hour.

" This week we've been working with props!" King the turned around for a second then reviled having a cardboard tub on his snout." Oh dear, I've got a tube stuck on my nose! Will, I ever eat again?" King then grabbed a piece of bread from a sandwich made for Luz's lunch and slammed it on his tube-covered face. "Looks like I'm toast!" They both started to laugh as Aurora and Frost were getting their props ready.

" Oh hey looks like someone frosty today." King said as Aurora came walking on the table with frost and snow covering her head, eyes, and back.

( " I just hope I don't leave anyone shivering when they see me. " ) Aurora's thoughts sang out to her summoner getting a snicker from her.

" And our new brightest star." he added with Frost coming up next to her sister with balls of light in her now tower-like hairstyle and several more coming down her side. Her frozen tail kept it all together.

( " I thought I let myself shine today.") Frost told Luz in her head getting a laugh.

" It just goes on like this for an hour!" Eda said already sick of the jokes with Nax whimpered burying his head with his claws not wanting to hear anymore.

" Wow you guys really brightened up my day looking so cool, but you dough boy need to quit loafing around." Luz said hugging her little pals.

" Why don't you bake me? " King said getting the group to laugh, even the egg was shaking a little as if the creature inside was laughing as well only for an alarm to go off on the crystal ball reading eight a clock.

" School time! See you guys in class! " Luz said saying goodbye to her friends still on the crystal ball.

" Bye Luz! "

" But what about the thumb?! " With that Luz end the call with King sighing in disappointment that he couldn't spend more time with his friends.

" Hey, don't worry. We'll finish our comedy hour when we get home." Luz said kissing King's skull head getting a giggle from the little demon. " Oh, you!" he said waving her off with the dragon siblings following their summoner out the door.

" Try not to miss me while we're gone! " Luz singed closing the door with King jumping off the table and scrambling over to the door.

" You. . . you really think she's coming back? " King asked in hope that it was true, that the egg wasn't gonna hatch in the middle of the school day and Luz wouldn't leave them.

" Yes she'll be back; she always comes back. " Eda said stopping her cooking to answer King's question the fifth time this week. Ever since Luz started going to Hexside and brought home that egg a lot of her time has been focused on those two things, and training made King extra clingy for the human girl's attention. " It's cute you miss her, though." Eda then went back to stirring the potions.

" The King of Demons misses nobody!" King lied tossing the bread and tube off. " I wouldn't care if she came through this door right now! Wha!" As if on queue the kitchen door opened revealing Luz and her dragons.

"Hey, you're- " You're back!" King interrupted Eda and climbed up to Luz's head. " I didn't miss you at all," He said not planning to let go of the half-dragon girl's head.

"Apparently there's an infestation of pixies at Hexside, so school's been canceled." Luz informed them

" That sounds like a crumby situation. "King joked getting a laugh from almost everyone except Eda who sagged at the joke and Nax walked back outside.

( " Nope." ) Was all he said before slamming the door close.

" That's great." A voice called out and in an instance, Bahamut's shadow appeared but instead of wearing his armored robes was wearing a white t-shirt saying " The Coolest Grandpa Ever." in bold red words. Ever since Luz resurrected White into an egg the dragon king has been absolutely annoying whether it was worrying about Luz's care for the egg or being a mix of a proud dad to spoiling grandpa to a worried teacher and truth be told it was driving Eda crazy. Heck, when she found the shirt and gave it to him he insisted on finding another for Eda. the second Bahamut said that the orange-haired witch argued that she wasn't that old only for him joke "Not without my magic you don't." Which caused the orange-haired witch to beat the snot out of him.

" We can continue with your flying lessons," he said with a smile but getting a look of dread from Luz. Out of all her training, she gets from Bahamut flying lessons were her most hated mainly having to jump off the side of a chiff a try to keep herself up with her wings only to lose her strength and land face-first on the beach.

" Or we could give the kid a break and head to a one-day carnival," Eda said saving the girl from eating sand the whole day.

" A carnival? You know. I've been so busy with school and training lately, what do you say we take this comedy hour on tour? It'll be a little pals day! " Luz said getting King to let go of her head but still holding him.

" That's my kinda day! " the little demon cheered with Aurora and Frost growled in agreement.

"We can go right Bahamut? " Luz asked.

But, but you still need to strengthen your wings so you can fly and-" The dragon king tried to argue but seeing the puppy eyes coming from his student, the young demon, and the two young dragons broke him easily. "Awww darn it! Alright."

The four cheered happily to get out of training today and have some fun. " Good now let's get out of here before Hooty find his camera," Eda said pushing the illusion witch out of the house with the others following them as Hooty made it back to the kitchen with sunglasses and sunblock on his beak.

" Good news. I'm bringing my knapsack full of games!" he said only to find an empty room." Hello?" Before the owl tube could try and find his housemates as a fly catches his attention.

" Oh, a fly! Talk to me, talk to me." Hooty said chasing after a new companion.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

" Well here we are, kids. Look at all that fresh meat." Eda said as the group enter the carnival with a view of games, prizes, and food stands.

"Mmmmm, and smell all fresh meat!" Luz said shutting her eyes and smelling all the food around them. Another thing great about her dragon form was that it increased her scenes, and even be able to see the magic flowing through every living thing on the Boiling Isis, at first it was just a burst of colors covering someone but the longer she stayed like this it seemed to focus more and thankfully found out how to turn it off at will. The downside was this didn't help find new glyphs, spell circles just looked fuzzy.


When she first told Bahamut this he was surprised that the form had grown to the point it was reaching that ability that was only used by dragons of his level, and got him wondering how the spell was able to do this. " Maybe it was due to Luz not having any magic of her own? or. . . "Awww doesn't matter it's nice to see Luz's growth of both herself and her dragon's increase, but I should give her a book about dragon maturity especially when the egg hatches but first," Bahamut then pulled out a book of baby names " Time to find a name of the cute little hatchling!"

" AWWWW!" Bahamut and Luz started gawking at the book suggesting cute names with King trying to help, but nothing good came up so they just decided to wait for the egg to hatch and name them then.

( End of flashback. Mainly due to Luz getting a fly stuck in her nose.)

"Aww, nuts" Trying to get the bug out Luz put one of her fingers to her empty nostril and with one big huff got out a very annoyed fly buzzing around her in anger. "Sorry."

While that was happening Owlbert was untwisting himself off Eda's staff wanting to join in the fun but, Eda stopped him. " No games for you. Owlbert, we've got scams to run," she said getting a sad hoot for the little owl only for everyone to go on guard as a familiar figure wearing a ring leader outfit landed in front of them.

"Friends! Welcome! I see you got my postcard."

" Tibbles? You sent this?" Eda pulled out the flyer, turning it around it reed " To my Owl House Pals, From Tibbles." with a picture of the pig demon dancing when tilted the paper side to side, and once she looked back at Tibbles he was doing the same dance." Mm-hmm." he said.

" Aren't you mad at us for destroying your stand?" Luz asked curiously. Ooh, and destroying his life! That was the best part!" King added but Tibbles just shrugged it off.

"No, no, no. I should thank you. After my stand was destroyed, I reevaluated my life and found my true calling! I'm now ringmaster of... " Tibbles turned towards a red tent and with a snap of a whip opened up. " Tibbles Tent of Tiny Terrors! open up the tent, a big sigh lit up with the said name, and in the center of it was a small glass cage with a bunch of mini circus attractions, and a water feeder for the tiny animals all looking pretty miffed.

" Aw how cute." Luz said stopped when she heard Nax growling at the pig demon ready to attack. " Nax what's wrong?"

(" He's lying.") The moon dragon growled which caught Eda's attention.

"If that dragon's growling then what your saying is hot garbage, and out of everyone here I should know." Tibbles panicked knowing his plan of revenge was ruined so long as that walking pair of boots was around.

" Oh come now he's probably just smelling this drink I prepared." He then pulled out a large bottle with a light pink liquid in it. " To toast our new friendship."

" Oh sure will just - Aurora fetch!" Eda said snatched the bottle out of the pig demons hands and tossed it in the air while getting a reaction from the light dragon to fire at the target in the air destroying the supposed drinks container but the liquid fell on the head of the oracle teacher " What th- was the only thing he said before disappearing.

" Nice try Tibbles but I trust our little lie detector over you, hahaha." Eda said walked off laughing coming towards a food stand and knocking everything off. " Beat it loser and step right up to." The orange-haired witch made a large spell circle and in a flash of light the stand change now having a hand-made face of Luz and a dragon skull figure on top of it behind a sign saying " Eda's Human Horror House, and Dragon Relic Museum." With the stand itself covered with belonging and picture of her appreantice

"Humans shed their skin and I have proof." Eda then pulled out a set of purple fishnet stockings " How about the world's largest dragon scab." tossing the stockings the Owl lady pulled out a jar that had a flacking scab that had remnants of white scales. " Want to touch it? Ten snails."

"Um Eda what's is this?" Bahamut asked a little uncomfortable about what was happening.

" This is my new get rich quick scam. What better than selling human treasures?"


"Simple showing off trinket from a real-life human, add a little bit of dragonology and Boo! Instant payday. Now come over here and help me with the money this stuff is gold, hahaha!"

Bahamut couldn't tell what was worse. He, his kin and, his student personal items and fallen scales, and feathers were on display or the face people were paying money just to see them and ten times more when the idea of selling them was asked. But if it helped Eda put food on the table then he should help. " Hey, folks if you think that's something why not check this out." With a slam of his hands, the illusion witch created his own stand with shelves filled with titan knows what and a sigh in some kind of language no one knew but with a wave of his hand now read "Bahamut's Dragonic Emporium"

"Step right up and see relics of a dead civilization that once lived during the savage era. Here we have a collection of silverware made from the bone of an unknown creature." He said holding a display case with the silverware and just by the look at them they were very old the bone almost completely black and deformed but still have the look of simple knives, forks, and spoons. " Or how about see the creature that the bones supposedly originated from." Bahamut then showed the crowed a jar that had some sickly green creature in it that was still alive starring at everyone.

"Ok, I've seen enough." King said officially creeped out the bunch of weirdos and the two witches selling even weirder stuff than usual.

" Good point do want to waste the whole day worrying about this." Luz said giving one last look at her teachers displaying either their personal belongings or her own but today she's fine with it. " Because today it's just us hanging out," she said scooping up King who was cheering with the dragon siblings only for the dragon girl to stop in her tracks "Oh before I forget." Luz quickly rushed off to Bahamut and carefully took off the baby carrier holding the egg. "Hey teach, can you look after sis for me a bit. I don't want to worry about them while I'm on a ride."

"Sure," Bahamut said putting on the baby carrier looking proud. "Time to prove this shirt right, Hahahaha.

" I really shouldn't have given you that shirt." Eda said annoyed at her massive dork of a business partner.

When Luz and co walked off Tibbles hid in a tent to formulate a plan he couldn't go after Luz with those dragons near her so. He then looked at the egg strapped on the man with the ridiculous shirt. " Look like I'll just have to add a new star to my show." he chuckled hiding back in the shadows.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Back with the group of kids Luz was amazed at the weirdly awesome-looking Carnival. "Now this is my kind of weird. So guys what do you want to do first? Ride the molarcoaster, eat a mysterious blob... She asked ready for anything only for King to point out something on a stand.

"Ooh, what's that? Running up to the prize stand King spotted a pair of half-broken heart necklaces. " Some kind of deadly string weapon. He said observing the necklaces.

"No, silly. That's a friendship bracelet. Luz answered.

" Are they like yours? Oh, will they give me powers!?"

" Only the power for friendship, It's a declaration to the whole world that your best friends." The dragon girl said while putting the two broken hearts together.

" Wow that's a safer way than becoming blood brothers! Luz, we must have those bracelets! " King announced but took what Luz said into thought ( " If I get these bracelets then maybe Luz won't forget about me when the egg hatches" ) before King could give the other half to his friend they were taken by the three-eyed prize vendor " And yoink. "

" Sorry ma'am. If your bone dog wants these bracelets you'll have to play the games and win the tickets. You know, carnival rules." He said placing the necklaces back.

" Naaaa, beat up the man and steal his things for me. We can feed him to Aurora. " King whined and got a disgusted look from the light dragon.

" Or we can just play the games."

" Oh, okay. " The five started laughing rushing toward the gaming area cheering " Games! (Games!) Games! (Games!)" Only to run into two familiar witchlings.

" Friends! "

" Oh my gosh. I didn't think I'd see carn-y'all here." Luz joked but got a boo from Gus.

" We got invitations from Tibbles." Willow showed her the invite saying " COME TO THE CARNIVAL! TO: YOU OTHER TWO." We figured it's a trap since we squashed his stand with a walking house. Gus added

" It was." Luz answered.

" Who cares? This place has a Scarris wheel." It's like a human Ferris wheel but it gives you long-lasting nightmares. "

" Yes! I am so ready for trauma. But ..." Luz looked at King smiling at him. " We're on a very important quest to win a special prize for King."

" Oh! We can help with that." Willow said wanting to help.

" Aw. Does the little guy wanna win a prize? Uh, does he? " Gus said babying King who pushed his finger away.

" Well it's nice to see you using that destructive tendency of yours for something useful." Another voice called out and instantly got an annoyed scowl from Luz seeing the owner.

" Oh come on May, just for today can we call a truce and just not mess with each other? I promise we'll go all out one-upping each other in class." Luz asked not wanting their carnival day to be ruined.

" Sorry human," Boscha said with her group wrapping her arm around May but getting an annoyed look from the tiger girl. Ever since the basilisk incident, Boscha had been hanging around May a lot trying to get her on the triclop's side wanting to use her to put Luz in her place, but May wasn't having any of it. However, the annoying witchling latched on to her like a parasite refusing to let go. " But me and my new BF are planning on getting all of the prizes around here."

May pushed Boscha off getting sick of the girl and the only way she was gonna get this stupid jock off her back was to just go along. " You know what fine." May the drew a spelling circle bringing her night tiger partner Shade. ( " Why have you-) He looked around seeing Luz and her friends as well as May with that annoying girl and her little flies. ("Oh no.")

"Sorry Shade but if we get this done quick, will get these jerks off our back for a while." May whispered to the tiger knowing fully well he hated Boscha and her group but, hated Luz and her dragons just as much. ( Very well let's get this over with". ) the tiger growled.

" Ok so here's how this is gonna play out, all of us will go out and win tickets the group with the most tickets not only gets the losers pile but also are allowed to cut them in any of the lines for the rides here." With the stipulations said May then drew a purple spell circle the everlasting oath wanting to make the deal official. " So what do you say Draco witch you game? "

Luz looked at her friends, Gus and Willow look like they were expecting her to accept while Aurora was having a growling contest with the night tiger ready to start the contest while her siblings tried to break them up, but her main focus was King the little demon looked upset that their day of fun was interrupted by a spices rivalry causing Luz to be torn. While she would love nothing more than one up May and stick it to Boscha, her desire to make King happy was stronger. Picking him up Luz gave him a smile reassuring him that she knew her choice.

"Thanks but no thanks, I made a promise to a friend for a full day of fun and I plan to keep it. " With that Luz walked off with King still in her arms. " Come on guys I see a whack a giraffe stand over there and it's empty." " Woohoo, ticket city here we come. " King cheered as they ran off with Gus, Willow, Nax, Frost, and a begrudging Aurora following behind. Leaving May surprised and Boscha annoyed.

"Aug, whatever will get her next time right May?" Boscha said walking off with the rest of her group while May just stared at the fading figures of Luz and her friends. " ...I don't get it? Why didn't she... " May couldn't understand Luz's actions. Yha dragons made people the same line of emotions as them. Loyal and protective of friends, extremely caring for young one's but the one thing they always failed to do was deny their instincts especially facing off against their natural rivals that would easily make Luz agree without a second thought but she did. Why? " I don't get it? Was it her loyalty to her friends? Was it because of the little demon? ...I don't get dragons at all. May started to walk off trying to understand her rival's unusual response with Shade walking back home.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Back with the two collabing stand owners Eda was showing off an outdated human reference aka a fidget spinner, while Bahamut placed his head on the egg a second ago her heard a sound coming from it and wanted to confirm it. " Hey, the egg is chirping! The little one should hatch soon! I should get Luz and -

Before Bahamut could even leave a figure spoke up. " Okay, show's over, these witches don't have licenses. " That immidentaly got the crowd to scatter.

" And what are you? The fun police? " Eda asked annoyed at the figure for ruining her scam.

" Yes!" The clown then squeaked his " Fun Police" badge on his uniform the looked like it belong to an old retro cartoon black and white elastic and all with the exception of his red boots that matched the red face paint on his mouth and nose. " And you two are coming with me."

Bahamut growled he didn't want anyone near the egg unless they were close friends but resisting could be trouble and with the egg close to hatching the last he wanted was for it to be alone or harmed so beguiling he left his stand with his hands up.

" Now hold their sir. I'd like to have a word with your staff. " Eda lifted her staff ready to cast a spell and escape but there was one problem. Owlbert was gone. " Owlbert! Owlbert? Where are you? " Looking to her side Eda saw her pailsman plying a Whack a Giraffe game hooting happily.

" Owlbert, your luck I can't get mad at your adorable antics. Bahamut why don't you roast this clown? " Eda asked not wanting to get busted by this joker.

" I can't endanger the egg, not while it's so close to hatching." Bahamut said firmly he hated this just as much as Eda but if it kept the egg safe then fine he give himself up.

" Ugh fine I'll go peacefully, bleee you and the kid are making me soft. " Eda grunted getting a smirk from the dragon king as the two were slapped on the wrist with plastic cuffs heading towards the boss's office.

In the office the head clown had teal hair with a half-bald cut and mustache that covered his mouth or maybe it is his mouth due to moving when he talked while wearing a dress shirt with a bowtie on top of what had to be his original clown clothes goofy-looking shoes in all.

" Just when I thought I couldn't respect the law any less, It surprises me." Eda said while the boss clown places his squeaking shoes on the table.

"I think I'm starting to hate clowns." Bahamut said annoyed that he was restained but also that they took the egg with the rest of their belonging which he disliked immensely one of them had to be near it if it hatched and anyone found out what it was the newborn would be in danger instantly. He needed this conversation to end quickly and get it back

" So, I hear yous two are running scams at my carnival? That's my job, and I take my job very seriously. " The clown boss said his bow tie to spinning.

" Spare us the yuks. What do you want? " Eda asked knowing Bahamut's worry.

" Since I'm a forgiving demon, I'll give yous two a choice." He then pointed to Eda's wanted poster. " I can pass you both along to the Emperor's Coven, who'll throw you in the Conforatorium, or yous can scam for me." He then pointed to two mannequins one with a purple and red dress, and the other a spare clown outfit with a cart of caramel crab apples and a bunch of multi-colored balloons.

" Fine just give me back the egg. " Bahamut said almost begging.

" Calm down big guy you'll get your kid back just put on the uniform and will go head back to storage to get it. " With that, the boss clown untied Bahamut and Eda and told them to get ready for work unaware of a certain pig demon putting his plan to work.

" Hahahaha, so little one are you ready for your debut? " Tibbles said placing the egg on a stand holder while taking out a blue potion. " A little bit of the Grimm Hammer growth elixir should do the trick. " He then placed a drop on the egg which seep through causing it to shack sporadically the creature inside wanting out Tibbles looked in amazement as the creature broke through the shell seeing pure white skin then another break came with a long tail sticking out of it.

" Haha, yes you'll make me rich! And get back at that family of yours. " Tibbles continued to gloat while the head of the little creature head burst out making small growl eyes still closed only to hear voices coming to the room.

" I feel ridiculous. " Eda said now wearing the purple and red dress and a stupid little mad hatter hat.

" At least you don't look like... This. " Was all the illusion witch could say to compare his outfit he was wearing a multi-colored clown suit with white face paint, a red nose, a rainbow-colored wig, and shoes. " I look like a painbow threw up on me. "

" Hey, bub quit complaining and grab yha kid already yous two got work. " The boss clown said not wanting to hear any more complaining. Bahamut just signed and opened the door to storage instantly spotting the egg and thankfully was fine.

"Ha thank goodness." He said grabbing the baby carrier and placing the egg in it then rushed out wanting to get this embarrassment over and done with so he could find Luz unaware of a small demon carrying a newborn wrym in his magic using a hidden passage back to his own tent.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

King was surprisingly having a good time sure there were times Luz didn't notice him but they were pretty small like when she goes into conversations with her school friends that he didn't know about Luz gave him the back story of it, or when they got that blob thing to share Luz let him have the last bit after Gus took a huge one. All in all, things were going pretty well but that didn't calm his nerves about losing Luz. Thankfully they were at their ticket goal, and soon he could finally get those bracelets, right now they were back at the prize stand with the vendor counting their tickets.

" 1230... 1231..."

" Now, King, before you spend your tickets are you sure you want those friendship bracelets and not this bad boy? " Luz asked picking up King and pointing to a dangling skull with red eyes that roared.

" I am the King of the Night. And every breath you take brings you closer to darknessss. " It said dramatically its red eye stop glowing.

" This guy's a riot." Luz said unaffected by the thing. But the three dragon siblings started growing at the thing not wanting anything to do with it.

( " What a creep. " ) all the agreeded.

" Yes Luz. I want the bracelets. It's... Kind of important to me, okay? " King said wanting to explain more to the dragon girl more but the skull started talking only to be frozen by Frost.

" Hey thanks it takes forever to shut him up." Frost bowed her head appreciation. " Now, where was I uh... "

" You were at 1245 sir. " Gus answered the vendor. Wanting to hurry up to get kings prize before the lines to the rides got long.

" Oh right. 1246... 1247... "

" Count faster " King ordered.

Luz was about to tell King to relax until a small voice spoke out. ( " Hello? " )The dragon girl turned around looking for the voice's owner only seeing passerby. " What th- "

(" Hello? Is anyone there? I can't see. I'm scared. ") The voice spoke out again fear easily seeping in.

Luz took a second to get her bounding realizing that the voice was in her head closing her eyes Luz tried to call out to them she had never done this before but if it's somewhat like Aurora and her siblings may she could. ( " Hello? Can you hear me? ")

( " Wh- who's there? Please there's something scary here, and I'm all alone. " )

( " It's ok! I'm here. Don't worry. ") Luz tried to calm whoever this was hoping to get a clue on who this is. This couldn't be another dragon witch Bahamut said they weren't any survivors so who could this be? They sounded like a child.

(" Y-you sound familiar. ") The voice said calming down a little getting comfortable with Luz's voice.

( " Wait. What? What do you- ")

(" WHAAAAAAAA. ") Before Luz could get an answer the voice cried out clearly in pain.

(" What's wrong? What happened? ")

(" It. It hurts. It hurts a lot! ahaha." ) The person's voice was breaking on the verge of tears.

(" D-don't worry I'm - I'm coming to find you. Ok, sweety? ") Luz was starting to panic she didn't even know notice what she just said all she knew was whoever this was is in trouble and she had to help them she just had to. Looking around she noticed that her friends were looking at her worried unsure what was going on But she just stared at them with a deadpan face trying to think.

" Luz what's going on? " " Is something wrong? " Willow and Gus asked seeing the panic on their friend's face, which got King's attention as well now holding the friendship bracelets

" Luz... Hey, what happening? " The little demon asked what could have his friend in such a panic.

"These someone in my head! They're just a little kid and they're in pain! " Luz clutched her face was on the verge of tears hearing the young voice cry in pain unable to do anything to help. She needed to find them. NOW!

" ... Nax i need your help. " Luz asked her voice shall and barely above a whisper. Without another thought, the black dragon came over to his friend's aid seeing her eyes having a mix of brown and red. When Nax got close enough Luz kneeled down to his level.

" Use your magic to find whoever is in my head. " She didn't know if this would work with Nax not knowing the person exactly but if they could talk to her just like her dragons then it was worth a shot.

(" I'll try. ") Nax started to focus his gem starting to glow surprisingly the person who was taking to Luz had a much stronger connection to her than they thought. (" I know where they are follow me." ) The black dragon rushed off with Luz following him, her friends in tow they didn't know what was going on but whatever it is it had to be important.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

" Come now little one, I'm your new owner and you are my ticket to revenge and richest but that won't happen if you don't listen. Now move! " Tibbles shouted used his whip to discipline the beasts in their tiny circus who all applied to do simple tricks. Jumping thought hops, diving in pools of water from tall highs, walking on the tightrope, or just simple pet tricks and all were done without a problem getting them nice and hungry except for one. A little snake-like creature only an inch smaller than him with pure white scales with grey patches, short black hair, and small folded wings. they had blood-red gashes on their back laying on the ground shivering and covering their face with their hands crying. They had refused to move ever since he brought them to the tent wanting to train them before the " main event " but nothing was working not even when the pig demon tried more motivated methods. No matter there be plenty of time to do that once he got rid of those brats.

" Very well will hold your training for now. " Tibbles then pulled out another shrinking potion spray. " We can't keep our audiences waiting. Hahahahaha. " Laughing manically he sprayed the newborn hatchling shirking them and placed them in their new home.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Luz's whole mind was on full autopilot following Nax the voice in her head had stopped talking not even their crying was heard which meant that the connection was cut off and that terrified her the most who knows what caused it to break.

" It's fine. They'll be fine just have to follow Nax and they'll be fine. " Luz didn't know why she was so worried about this person she never knew, of course, she would help them no matter what but some type of instinct was telling her to hurry that they were in trouble and they were hurt.

" Luz turn around! " A familiar voice called out finally getting the dragon girl's attention. Looking over her shoulder she saw her friends with Bahamut in a clown suit with the egg still in the baby carrier but it felt different almost-

" No." Luz finally stopped in her tracks and rushed over to her teacher.

" Luz what's going on? Your friends told me you heard a voice in your head was it the egg? " The shadow asked holding up the egg for his student to hold it, but Luz just looked at it as if it was an insult the feeling she got being around it was gone. Before he could ask what was wrong the half wrym girl grabbed the egg ripping it from the dragon king's grip gave it a good look while tracing her sharp fingernails on the shell until her finger caught on to what she was looking for.

" There's a crack here. " She said her voice void of any emotions while slipping her finger opening it up revealing a frantic demonic bird hopping out startling everyone except Luz who was starring at another item inside the resealed egg until her world turned red.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Back in the Tent of Tiny Terror, Tibbles was getting ready for this greatest show yet. "Ok, one last check before curtain time let's see, Outfit? Check. Beast in their tank? Check. Well everything seems to be in order all I need now is-

" TIBBLES! " A voice called out from the front of the tent and was rapidly rushing towards the back." Ah yes, the group of brAAAAA! " The pig demon had to duck under a ball of ice that would have taken his head right off as it crashed into a pile of merchandise once sold on his family stand leaving it stuck in an old suit of armor, while catching his breath he got a good look at the ball of ice and saw his greeting card stuck in it that said " Guess who? " With a picture of him with a sly smile on his face.

" Wh - who did that's, " He asked trying to figure out who I that group of brats could have done that only to be answered with the curtain opening revealing a figure with bright red eyes glare at him like prey. walking towards him the dragon girl grabbed the trembling Tibbles up to her face anger clearly seen in her eyes.

" WHERE ARE THEY! " Luz said her voice echoing practically ordering Tibbles.

" N- now, now if you really want that little snake of yours back safely you'll have to let me go. " Tibbles tried to convince the enraged girl hoping using his soon-to-be big money maker will give him some time.

With a growl Luz let him go not letting her guard down for a second with the little pig demon got back on his hooves that's when Gus, Willow, and King showed up but were taken back when Luz glanced at them with her burning red eyes except the anger in them seemed to disappear just for a minute until her focused return to Tibbles.

" Luz you gotta calm down Aurora, Nax, and Frost are going on a rampage Bahamut's trying to keep them under control, you have to stop them. " Willow said the first one to find voice but Luz didn't respond.

" Oh you don't have to worry about that. " Tibbles said in a mocking tone before pulling on a rope that caused a large bucket over their head to tip and spill a familiar pink glowing liquid with a massive splash and a big poof of pink smoke. " Because once I get rid of you twerps you won't have to worry about anything ever again. Hahaha hahaha! " Tibbles then walked over to the spot the group of kids used to be and happy to see the startled little things grabbing them he made on last just to the still rage driven Luz. " You wanted to see that little snake of yours? Fine, then it'll be a touching end to my show Ahaha. " This only got Luz even madder as she struggled with the rest of her friends even tried to use magic but her rage was clouding her thoughts until they were dropped into a familiar tank leaving her and her friends in a pile of themselves.

" Welcome to the Greatest Show of The Boiling Isles! " Tibbles announced into a microphone causing the stage light to turn on and the crowd to cheer in excitement. " Will these witches and demons survive feeding time? Let's find out." Pulling a bell out Tibbles called for his little pets to emerge from the tent inside the tank all snarling in hungry even a unicorn whose face was once cute turned demonic in a second.

" You ruined my livelihood. So now, you'll feed my livelihood. Creating a spell, a spotlight turned on and curtains were pulled away to show the inside of the tank where the frightened trio and an even more annoyed Luz as several unicorns, a griffin, and a manticore push them to a corner.

" Place your bets and enjoy the show! " With that Tibbles skipped off to collect bets sure he was a bit worried about the dragon girl's rampage but what can one tiny girl do to a group of angry, hungry beasts?

While bets were talking place on who would get eaten first ( The high bid was Gus ) Eda was selling caramel crab apples not even noticing the kids in distress.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Back outside and thankfully away from the carnival the dragon king was struggling to keep three outraged fully grown dragons from tearing apart everything in sight trying to head back to their partner and trying to find the newborn hatchling in the most violent and destructive way possible.

" You three need to calm down! " Bahamut order dodging a blast of light. He didn't want to hurt them but at this rate, he wouldn't have much of a choice as the dragon siblings burning red eyes glared at him while roaring in defiance.

( " NO! WE MUST RETURN TO LUZ! " ) Aurora said getting ready to fire again at her teacher.

( "" WE MUST FIND HATCHING! " ) Nax continued somehow getting his own blast ready.

( " AND END THAT PIG! " ) Frost finished firing ice at Bahamut with the rest of her siblings causing the three blasts to combine into a huge elemental sprial of magic aiming straight for the dragon king.

" Ok that impressive but . . . " With one hand Bahamut held the attack at bay. " This isn't enough. " In an instant, he crushed the blast to bits.

" Forgive me you three for what I'm about to do. " disappearing from their sight Bahamut dashed toward his students the first was Aurora with a quick jab to the side of her neck she was out like a light and reverted back to her hatchling form. Next was Nax who was tossed into the air unable to fix himself and dragged back down hard leaving the black dragon in a crater of his one fully grown self. Finally, Frost had been easily flicked away with one finger, crashing into several trees and nearly burying her into the ground Leaving Bahamut just standing in the middle of a new clearing.

" I need to get these three back home. " Picking up his students Bahamut look back in the direction of the carnival hoping that everyone was ok.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Things were not ok Luz had been unable to keep the beasts a bay while keeping her friends safe while also trying to get into the tent but nothing was working and all it was doing was getting the dragon girl madder.

" I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS! " Copying a trick from Frost's book she stomped her foot down causing ice to spread out and trap the paws, and hooves of the beasts. They struggled to break free but the ice had a firm grip on them.

" FOLLOW." Luz said to her friend not even looking at them destined to find the hatchling she was caring for as she head for the tent. Once they were inside they saw huge bedding made of hay and straw with a small white ball with grey and red markings sleeping with tears in their eyes, this caught Luz attention the most rushing to the bedding getting closer to the figure who seemed to have sensed her turned their head in her direction but their eyes were still closed. They look a bit like White did but their face was a lot more snake-like and cute looking.

Once she was at arm's length of the hatchling Luz's eyes were starting to soften her anger was subsisting now turned to a sunset red while carefully putting her hand on the little one's head causing them to flinch from the touch. " It's ok sweety, I'm here your gonna be ok. " Luz said softly hoping that they recognized her voice thankfully the little one got closer resting their head on Luz's chest while the half wrym girl pulled them in for a hug " I got you, sis." She said softly. Willow and Gus awwed at the touching scene while King gave a small sigh. " I'm too late. " He said looking at the friendship bracelets before putting them in his fanny pack.

Back outside an angry crowd was booing the show the animals were still stuck in ice and the kids haven't come out of the tent this was a cop-out and they wanted their money back." No refunds. " Tibbles said annoyed while laying in a pile of snails he still wasn't worried about the brats escaping heck the ice was melting so feeding time will resume so he just placed a snail on each of his eyes and relaxed on his riches.

" Ah, Luz? We need to get out of here. " King said peaking through the tent and seeing the tiny terrors breaking free from the melting ice.

" Ok let go, I still gotta get back at that piece of pork for what he did to little Lyn here. " The half wrym girl said rubbing the back now named wrym hatchling careful not to put too much pressure on the whippings, she was still angry but much more focused.

Running out of the tent the tiny terrors were about to surround them but Gus cast an illusion spell of a vacuum cleaner startling the beasts and forcing them to back up, while Willow used her vine to pull down a water filter so Luz could get enough hight to fly up to the rim of the tank with King and a sleeping Lyn. " We still need a way to get back to normal size. " King said Hey you piece of bacon jerk! Wake up!" Luz shouted shooting a snowball at the sleeping pig demon hitting him on the side of the face right on his cheek Wwking up Tibbles who just looked confused from the cold water on his face.

" Hey watch your aim! " Tibbles shouted to the still booing crowd while brush tapping the water off his face until he pause in shock with the snail's fall of his face. " Oh, no. "

In an instant King, Luz, Willow, Gus, and Lyn started glowing a dark pink. The crowd seem to know what that meant now shouting out for refunds.

" Hey, hey. No refunds buddy." Eda said trying to calm down the crowd.

" You guys owe us. There's nothing happening in this show." One witch said.

Yha not a single one of those dumb kids have gotten hurt yet. " Another said.

" Dumb kids? " The orange-haired witch turned to the screen seeing Luz hold a little snake-like creature while helping her friends get away from the tiny terrors. " Those are my dumb kids! " Eda shout and was about to beat Tibbles to a pulp until the kids reappeared back to their normal size giving a sigh of relief until the animals pop back to normal size as well.

" Really? " Luz said looking at Tibbles wanting an explanation.

" It's the tent of Tiny Terrors, Something need to be tiny "

The crowd started booing again they still haven't seen the kids get hurt. " Come on finish the job! " one man barked. " Yha get those kids! " Another shouted.

" Come on feast " One of the boys in Boasha's group Keith shouted throwing his crab apple at a buff unicorn wh caught it in its mouth and ate it making their eyes turn starry clearly liking it. The other animals started growling at the crowd eyeing the food they had in their hands and with the charging order from the buff unicorn they chased after the crowd who started running in panic.

While the former tiny terrors ate the dropped apple Luz brought her focus back to Tibbles. " Willow could you hold Lyn for me. " passing the still sleep wrym hatchling to her friend Luz walked over to the terrified pig demon her eyes turning pure red again " WHERE HAVING PORK FOR DINNER! " Luz didn't know if she could even eat demon meat in this form but she didn't care this jerk kidnap and hurt her sibling, almost got her friends kill, and ruined her fun day out with King.

" A good idea kiddo. " Eda said while behind Tibbles. " But I think he should have his dessert first. " Luz didn't get it at first but once she saw Eda dump the crab apples on him a wicked smile crept on her face.

" Hey girls this one's on the house. " Eda called out to the former tiny terrors who were eating fallen apples from the stand the crowd once were. Seeing more food a buff unicorn order the group to go after their former owner chasing him out.

" Looks like we ruined his life for a second time. " Willow said. Handing Lyn back to Luz

" Yhhha were on a roll. " Gus said in victory.

King just watch Luz cradle her new sibling feeling defeated he started walking out of the tent.

" Hey King where are you going? " Luz asked feeling like something was wrong.

" It- It's, nothing I'm just a little tired so I'm gonna head back home. " King said struggling to find a decent excuse. But before he could continue walking out Luz scooped him up using her other arm. " Hey I know I kind of botched things up with my whole angry big sis thing but I was mad for more than just that. For one I didn't like our little pal's day being ruined by some jerk's revenge scheme, and for breaking my promise to get you those bracelets they were important to you so they were important to me too." Luz gave King a small smile hoping the little demon would open up to what was really going on.

" You don't have two worry about the bracelets. " King then pulled out the trinkets from his fanny pack. " It's just. . . I wanted to get these for us so when your new sibling showed up or you were hanging out with Gus and Willow you wouldn't forget about me. I know despite you being busy with school and training you find time to spend with me, I was just scared of losing you. " King said looking down at the ground.

" Aw, King even if I am busy there's no way I would forget you. Besides even with Lyn here your not losing me your just gaining a new friend. " Luz said waking up to one of the least destroyed branches then taking the bracelets from King she placed one around his neck and the other around Lyn's neck. " And I'm sure when she gets older they'll be your best friend too just like us. the half wrym girl said hugging the two littles ones which King returned.

" Where have you been buster." Eda barked at Bahamut who finally showed up while laying on what was Tibbles pile of snails.

" I had to keep the young ones from destroying the place or hurting anyone. Thankfully I was able to knock them out but had to walk all the way to their den. " He explained looking around at the minor damage in the tent until he spotted Luz.

" So the egg did that. " Bahamut said flatly.

" Yha it did how come Luz was able to figure that out but not you? " Eda asked

" Parental instinct, despite not being related by blood Luz still shared a bond with the egg, It's why she was hearing the young one's voice in their head when they were in danger. Even though the egg was right in front of me I couldn't tell that a stupid bird was in it. Ha, guess I don't deserve that shirt now ha? "

" Fffff, naw you find yha big dork you just made a mistake. Not your fault that some Porkchop tricked you. " Eda said trying to cheer up the Bahamut. ( " Can't believe I'm giving a pep talk to the king of dragons ") She thought but with the smile now on his face was a good sign.

" Thank you for that Eda. Still, I should go and apologize to Luz for letting her down." Bahamut then walked over to his student who was talking to her friends about getting on some of the rides but Luz wasn't sure not wanting to leave the little one alone again.

" If you still want to have some fun I doubt me and Eda are going to be doing anything staying in here. We can watch them." He offered hoping Luz still trust him.

" Really? Thank you, Bahamut. " Luz got up from her set and handed her still sleeping little sister to Bahamut.

"She's so cute did you give her a name yet? "

I named her Lyn after White's partner. Luz said with an embarrassed smile hoping that was ok, but Bahamut didn't seem to mind even smiling back. " That's a perfect name she'll be a remembrance to both of them. " Bahamut then laid the wrym hatchling over his shoulder rubbing her back before turning back to Luz.

" I'm sorry I couldn't- " It's fine Bahamut. She's safe now and that's all that matters. " Luz cut Bahamut off assuring him that things were ok. The dragon king gave a stressed-out sigh happy to hear that. " Thank you Luz now you four better runoff don't want to waste the rest of the day here, hahaha.

Haha, ok come on guys first one to the molar coster get back seat. Luz cheered running out her friends following her only to stop at the exit. " Oh and Bahamut you might want to change out of that clown suit I don't want Lyn getting nightmares " Luz said before leaving getting a shocked reaction from the dragon king who look down at his Titan awful clothes with dirt and burned marks making him look terrifying and getting muffled laughs from Eda.

"Now that's a look. " she said before Bahamut change back to his armored robes the taste of the Granpa shirt still sour his mouth.

Chapter 14: Understanding of Rivals


May want to understand Luz while Amity tries to hide her past with Willow only for the two's neutral " Friend" to ruin everything.

Chapter Text

Hexside, a high social school where some of the most skilled witches started at this school brought out the best of the best from some of the most feared Emperor guards to top coven leaders. Yes, this school was tough and serious . . . or that's what May thought until getting dragged into Boscha's gang who were all practically driving her crazy.

They were currently hanging around in the hallway ( where her locker was. ) leaning on the lockers just doing their own thing Amity was reading while Boscha was using her magic to change her nails to different forms waiting for their third main member the bard student Skara. She was nice but a pushover honestly May had no idea why she was with this group, the Blight was just a coward she couldn't stand this group just like her but didn't leave because of some stupid hierarchy. Then there was Boscha's grudgby squad and all of them just followed her because she was good at the stupid game, Finally was Boscha herself and honestly, she couldn't tell what's the girl's problem was? She treated everyone like dirt with no sympathy at all heck the only reason she hung around her was to get at ( or be a shield from ) Luz, and unfortunately, that plan was slowly failing. Oh well, at least this means that the triclops will finally leave her alone.

" Hey May what do you think of my nails. " Boscha asked wiggling her cat-like nails.

" Please don't. " May said flatly not wanting any form of bond with the pink-haired witchling.

" Hmmm good point, " Boscha then changed her nails back to normal. " Don't want to get roped in with those multi-track losers." She said pointing at Luz ( thankfully out of her dragon form so she could say anything she wanted without dealing with the girl's wrath ) and Willow who were playing some weird human game with their thumbs.

" Hey girls! " Skara called out.

( " Finally now they'll leave. ") May thought with a sigh of relief still digging in her locker for her books.

" Time to bug out at my birthday party! " She then pulled out an invitation that unfolded onto the shape of red butterfly wings reading " SKARA'S 15".

" Invite only, but you witches are my VIPS! " Skara then passed the invites to Boscha and Amity she then walked up to May to give her one as well.

" What's that? " May asked not paying attention to the conversation.

" Ummm, an invite to my birthday party? You three being my VIPs? " Skara repented waving the invitation for the black-haired girl to take it.

May took the invite and just stared at it thinking would it be worth the headache to go. On one hand, she would be stuck with the group for hours pretty much less of a birthday party and more " Ok Boscha let's do your thing ". On the other getting hassled for not going would be just as annoying. She was honestly on the thought to just go and not be rude until she heard Boscha shouting.

" Ugh! Skara! Why did you give me an invite that was molting? Gross! Give me another one. " the triclops then tossed the invite to the floor of two young witchlings.

" Ahh an invitation to Skara's party! " The unibrow one said before pushing the rabbit-like one to the ground trying to grab the invite, only to get kicked off it. The two started squabbling trying to push one another off the other but still keep them in place. the history teacher came around the corner and saw them however instead of breaking the two up he just called out a Kid Fight getting the attention of other teachers to watch including the detention track teacher.

May watch the two little ones fight while Boscha and the others walked away with a smile on her face. She was about to do the same until she saw Luz walk into the crowd.

" Alright you two that's enough. " She said picking up the invitation.

" Hey! that's mine! " " No it's mine! " the two said in unison.

" Is this thing so important that you two would harm each other to get it? " Luz asked looking at the two little kids.

" YES! " They said in unison again. " Skara's parties are awesome! " The rabbit one said.

" And if I go I could impress them so much they'll let me hang out with them. " The unibrow one said.

" You mean I'll hang out with them! " " No I mean ME! " The two started fighting again rolling around the floor.

" So you two are just temporary friends until you go up the popularity ladder? " Luz asked getting the young witchling to stop their squabbling and look at her, shock clearly on their faces but didn't respond to the question.

" Popularity fun and all but if you have to step on someone else, like your closes friends, for example, ones who have been with you through thick and thin is it really worth it to give it all away for ones who are going to like you for one thing but when things get hard are gone in an instance? " Luz said staring at the two younglings her slit eyes piercing into their souls.

The two younglings stared at each other remembering all the fun times they had from their playdates at the Slayground, how excited they were when they started hexside and being in the same class together. The two separated looking down at the floor in shame.

"We're sorry Ms. Dragon lady. " They said not looking at Luz's gaze.

" I'm not the one you should apologize to." she said pointing at the two of them.

The two younglings faced each other knowing what to do. " I'm sorry I pushed you. " the unibrow one said hoping that her friend would forgive her.

" It's ok, I'm sorry I kicked you. " The rabbit one said wrapping her arms around her friend for a hug with was returned. " Hey, maybe we can make out own party we can invite our class and some of the other kids at the Slayground. "

" Yha that sound fun! " The two started to giggle Skara's party completely forgotten as they rushed off to their class leaving a group of disappointed teachers and a proud looking Luz, once they were gone Luz looked at the invite in disgust placing a light glyph on it burning it instantly, getting the crowd to start booing her, some for ruining their show while others were mad at losing their chance at the invite but Luz didn't care walking back to her friend.

(" I don't get her why would she . . .") May was at a loss she didn't understand why Luz just did that. She barely knew those young ones but not only did she stop their fighting but also teach them a lesson in friendship. Why though? Why do that for strangers? Was it another dragon thing or. . (" ugh she's so confusing. I need some answers but I can't ask her directly not while our rivalry still going on slim as it is.") May thought even though their tiger vs dragon despite was starting to fall apart they weren't friends so it would just be weird to just openly talk to the human girl like that? (" Maybe she's having a class that can give me some answers.") Coming up with the best idea she can go with May followed Boscha's group if there was anyone who would get close to the girl that wasn't her friend it would be them.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

" I'm still surprised how good you are with kids Luz. " Willow said surprised at how well the Luz handled that little squabble earlier.

" Yha kind of went big sister mode when I saw that. Luz said with a smile while scratching the back of her head. She'd only been an older sister for a day in a half but thanks to all that bat babysitting Luz had been doing a pretty good job, the only thing that was trouble was finding Lyn something to eat. Sure she could eat anything witches could or the vermin and small birds her dragons ate but that wasn't enough even though Lyn was a wrym she still had a lot of traits a basilisk and that meant one thing a hunger for magic, which cause a lot of messes whether it was a hunger temper tantrums or eating something she shouldn't, it was only pure luck that Eda still had those Hexas Hold'em cards.

" Awww that's sweet, and hey will probably gonna get to see some of those moments again from the pictures in photo class." Willow reminded her.

" Oh yha! I still can't believe you can make pictures out of your actual memories. Aww, I'ma see some baby Willow. " Luz said gawking at the thought of seeing her friend as a baby while trying to get her books out of her locker unfortunately it was being stubborn. " Hey! don't eat that! " Luz started fighting her locker in order to get her book thankfully she was strong enough to get it free from the demon's grip.

" Haha. " Luz cheered.

" Hisss." It responded in annoyance.

" Grrrrr. " Luz growled back.

" Such as shame she hangs out with her of all witches! It's just embarrassing. " Boscha mock holding up her hands to her eyes like glasses " Oh look at me! I'm going on a date with my ferns! " The triclops continued to mock impersonating Willow who heard everything as they passed by them.

" Hey Willow don't listen to them I know for a fact if you dated someone it would be better than a fern. " Luz said trying to cheer her friend up, only to hear laughing coming from the school bullies.

" Haha, Solid Willow impression Boscha! Hey, Amity weren't you friends with Willow? Skara asked getting the green-haired witch to stop in her tracks.

" I'm a Blight. We only associate with a select few. Amity started her voice sounding hollow like a recorded. Before Amity could continue May spoke out.

" Then shouldn't she be included them? " She asked. While May never interacted with the plant witch she know strength when she saw it and out of all the witches in the plant track that attended Hexside Willow could grow up and become something that could give even the head of the plant coven a run for their money that deserved respect.

" Ffff Hahaha yha right like half-a-witch could even be part of that list. Oh, maybe that's why Amity left her? It wouldn't surprise me! Hahaha." Boscha burst out laughing at the thought of Willow even being on her level.

" Well it would make sense out of all the witches I've seen who use plant magic her's is not only the most powerful but the most unique. Sure she wasn't in the plant track in the beginning for some idiotic reason but it was a poor choice that only hindered her growth. I'd say if she started there in the start she would have been the top student in a heartbeat and even been an apprentice of the head of the plant coven herself. Honestly whoever thought of putting her in your class Blight was a fool and almost ruined her life and potential entirely. "

The three girls were a bit confused at the remark and so were Luz and Willow wondering why May was being so defensive about the plant girl.

" Why are so observant about this. " Skara asked not getting May's reasoning.

" As a student of Tigers, I can notice someone's strength and despises when that kind of talent is wasted, It's disgraceful when someone's abilities are wasted by one's who are too stupid to realize it that's what makes my training different from Luz we don't help other's to weak to help themselves. Weaklings are meant to be disposed of while the strong survive, it's pointless to try to protect or help those too weak to do anything themselves they're meant to serve the strong or just die off as they deserve, It's how the world works. It's why we Tigers survived while the Dragons got turned into mindless beasts and tools and, why out of all the students here Willow has the capability of doing so much more than anyone else. The only thing she lacks is a poor choice of friends and no I don't mean Luz." May gave a glare at Willow and Luz as if she was judging them but then gave Amity a glare of utter disgust as if being around the green-haired witchling insulted her causing Amity to back away from the tiger girl pricing red eyes getting a feeling she was all to familiar with. With a huff, May walked away from the five girls who watched her go with shock and fear in their eyes. Yes, this is what she was told this is what she knew, May had gone through her whole life knowing this but . . . May thought about Luz ever since the human showed up things had changed and so was her perspective it was confusing and annoying at the same time.

"I'm just gonna. . . head to class. " Amity said her head down about what May said.

" Yha same. Let's go. " Boscha ordered getting Skara's attention as they head to class

" We should get going to Luz. " Willow tugged at her friend's sleeve trying to get her attention but Luz seemed to be in a trance. " Luz, are you ok?"

" Y-yha I'm fine, let's head to class. " She said following her friend to class.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In photo class Luz and Willow had been pulling out pictures from each other's heads that were hung on clothing clips the conversation from May thankfully forgotten.

" Alright memory melon, let's pick another juicy one. " Luz said putting a pair of pliers in Willow's ear.

" Be careful with my brain! " Willow joked while Luz pulled out the last needed picture.

" Ooo, who says brain surgery is hard. " Luz joked back. While the Photo Teacher examined their work.

" Good work students. Note that some prints have greater clarity than others. These are moments that invoke a strong emotional response." She pointed out when Luz's pictures started to appear. One had a young Luz with her hair tied in three big braids with several ribbons keeping it together. The next one showed Luz's mom reading her the first Good Witch Azura book as a bedtime story. After that was Luz in the forest playing with a bunch of snakes and another older figure right beside her but their face was cut off, the fourth one show Luz's first day in the Owl House, and the last was a group picture of Luz holding a sleeping Lyn.

" Wow all the colors of the brainbow. " Luz said about to touch the photos only to be stopped by a big blue halt hand.

But, if you damage the prints, you'll damage the memories themselves! Be extremely careful. " The teacher warned before walking away.

" Whoa. Photo class is intense. Luz said freaked out a bit by the teacher's warning glare as Willow's picture started to appear " Oh my gosh, Willow, you had an awkward hair phase. too? I knew we were meant to be friends. She said pointing at the younger Willow whose hair was a lot bushier getting ready for what looked like a school photo from the cute outfit.

" Yha, but I think you're still going through one when you go into your dragon form." Willow joked

" Hahaha true but I kind of like it. " the slit-eyed human giggled at the thought. " Oh hey here comes the rest. " In an instant, the rest of Willow's memory pictures appeared the first was a picture of a young Willow being pushed on a swing made of bones by a dark skin man with a brown beard while another was pale like Willow but his hair was grey wearing glasses watching the two play. Next was Willow feeding a carrot to what looked like a giant spider with bull horns and a cowbell, after that was the two men again wearing sweaters to what must be the Boiling Isles version on Christmas sitting in their decorated living room with little Willow opening a president. ( " Those must be Willow's parents awww how sweet. ") Luz thought as the last picture appeared and oh...

" The last picture showed a younger Willow getting hugged by a younger Amity wearing birthday hats. This got Willow to groan in annoyance while Luz tries not to remember May's shallow view of the world instead tried to cheer up her friend.

" Hey I know you and Amity have a history. Wouldn't you feel better talking about it? " Luz asked wanting to help her friend. Willow looked at the picture and just wanted to turn it around out of sight out of mind she always said but . . . What May said started to echo in her head just like Luz.

With a sigh Willow decided to open up a bit. " It's just. . . the day Amity broke up our friendship was so sudden. One minute she was encouraging me to keep working on my magic the next it was a problem saying I was weak. It was like she was trying to hide how much of a failure I was with false words until. . . " Willow bit her lip unable to finish her sentence the betrayal of her first friend being too great and was on the verge of tears only for Luz to wrap her in a hug.

" I get it. " she said. " You don't need to explain anymore. I'm sorry I brought this up, Willow." The green hair girl didn't say anything but returned the hug letting the tears she had formed fall but not outright cry but happy to have someone.

After a minute of hugging the school bell ringed and the two separated Williow took off her glasses to whip her watery eyes. " Thank you Luz I feel a little better. "

" No problem just remember your not alone now you got me and Gus to talk to and I promise will always have you back. " With a nod, Willow and Luz left the classroom ready to head to lunch however a certain tiger girl was hiding by the side of the classroom using a camouflage spell. Once she knew all the students were gone May sneaked in wanting to see Luz's pictures hoping something in her past could give her some answers.

" Let's see now weird hair day, bedtime stories, playing with snakes, ( figures ), that must be her first day on the Boiling Isles, and wait isn't that the same basilisk we fought? Why is she- Ugh question for later. " May tried looking at the pictures closer making sure she didn't miss anything but nothing. This is insane she just wanted to understand Luz she's just a HUMAN! For crying out loud and yet she found an old way of using magic and somehow gained the notice of a near-dead civilization leader that should have changed her drastically But no her new dragon instincts only lasted for a few weeks until she got any control of them it the main reason why their rivalry was darn near gone. May sighed in defeat giving up trying to find anything. " Ah-ha I'm not getting anything with this, I should go befor- "Hey May what are you doing here? "

Hopping back from shock May saw a confused Boscha and a worried-looking Amity. She could tell the blight was staring at the photos of Willow by how sporadic her attention darted from a certain picture to the triclops, wanting to get out quick May straightened her posture before answering. " I was looking for some dirt on the weak Dragonoid but nothing I was just about to leave. " She lied.

" Ha! If you wanted to get dirt on someone you should have invited me, If anyone can help you dig up dirt on Luzer and half-a-witch that would be me." Boscha gloated walking past May to see the picture getting a sigh from the tiger girl while Amity started to freak out.

" hey how about one big team-up? "Boscha asked pulling off one familiar photo from Willow's rack. " We send copies of this photo to everyone in school with a little quote from Amity here showing what that loser had before and what she has now and forever will have. Nothing, with the three of us and Skara putting her in her place when that dragon freak isn't around," Boscha said waving around the picture that changed both Willow and Amity's lives.

Amity was about to shout out in defiant but May beat her to it. " There's no way I'm doing that Luz is my prey, not Willow. I'm not going to bully someone for someone else lack of observation when it comes to analyzing someone's abilities. " May said sternly really getting sick of this girl.

" Just because you think she has skill doesn't mean she does- Boscha was quickly silenced by a monstrous growl from tiger girl " Are you questioning my abilities you little BRAT! " May gave of a dangerous-looking glare looking like she was about to tear the triclops apart. But Boscha seemed not to care.

" Fine then we won't use my plan. " Boscha said sounding like she was giving up. " So let's just do this the easy way. " She then turned around snapping her fingers and in an instant, both Willow and Luz's picture memories were set on fire. Amity and May were left speechless at Boscha's actions

" Are you insane! Do you know what you just did? Why did you do that to Willow and Luz? " Amity asked in a panic.

" Who cares just two fewer losers in this school. With that Boscha tossed Willow's last photo into the fire and walked out of the classroom leaving the two students in a panic trying to put out the flames " AAAAAA! Why are these pictures so flammable? " Amity asked trying to blow the flames out.

" Don't know, don't care. GRRRRR! It's no use my water magic only makes it worse. Instead of burning it a soggy mess." May said in frustration trying whatever she could to keep the photo's from any more damage.

While the two tried to stop the flames Luz and Willow were watching a panicked Gus who had to interview a person who was interesting, accomplished, and noteworthy. Luz was about to try and calm him down but suddenly the room started spinning her breathing became rough and she was heating up.

" W-what's going on- Luz passed out on the table not moving, causing Gus to look at her in shock.

" Luz? Luz? Are you ok? " Gus sad trying to wake his friend up but to no avail. " Willow do you know what- his words were cut off as the sound of steam caught his attention, looking over as Willow who had just poured a picture of water all over herself but the water was evaporated quickly and she was currently drying off her glass but when Willow placed them back on her pupils dilated making her eyes completely black.

" Uhh, hi! I'm Willow! Remind me of your name? " She asked in a confused tone.

" Willow, this isn't the time for jokes. " Gus said still trying to wake up Luz thankfully she was starting to stir.

" I'm-I'm serious! Who-who are you?"

" What is going on? Luz do you know- uh oh." Gus's question was caught in his throat when he saw Luz's eyes they were half brown half sunset orange which could only mean she was angry and that terrified him after the last time but the slit-eyed human looked more confused than mad.

" What. . . what just happened? " Luz asked confused.

" You passed out and Willow's acting like she doesn't know us. " Gus answered.

" I really don't. I'm sorry if I forgot but I seriously don't remember either of you. " Willow said trying to defend herself.

"Yha see."

" Gus I think she's serious almost like, oh no." Luz then grabbed Willow and told Gus to follow her to their photo class.

" Sliding inside the classroom Gus pointed his notepad at the supposed intruders. " Hexside Free Press! What's going on here? " He ordered with Luz and a drunk like Willow right behind him only to see Amity and May still trying to put out the flames.


" Uh hey." The two girls awkwardly greet the new arrivals.

" You two burned both mine and Willow's memories!? " Luz shouted.

" It wasn't us Boscha did this she wanted to use Willow's memories to embarrass her, but we were able to save some. " Amity then held up several pictures two of them were fine but the other three were a soggy mess. She was about to hand the to Luz only for a rouge ember hit the pictures causing them to burst into ash in a second causing the slit-eyed human to riddle back her head pounding.

" Luz are you- Amity's question was halted by Luz raising her hand.

" I'm-i'm fine, but we need to get to the Owl House." She said her head clearing up but also feeling a bit hollow. (" Why do I feel so...empty? ") She thought but could understand why. Deciding to hold that thought Luz got back on her feet only to hear Williow giggle in a strange glee while wiggling her finds. " Have I always had these crazy things? " She asked losing all form of proper thought, wobbling toward Luz and Amity and wrapping her arms around them. " I can tell we're gonna be good friends. " With that, the plant witchling fell to the floor knocked out at the moment getting everyone in the classroom to think of the same thought they needed to get to the Owl House and fast.

Flying out of the school was a bit weird, first Willow was trying to peel Aurora thinking she was a fruit, and once she was on the dragon's back the plant witch was trying to fly as well or eat clouds. Next was Luz and that was the one thing that stumped them. At first, she was completely fine but after stopping a few times from constant headaches she started to speak in a language none of them knew until May was able to piece some words together.

" I don't know how but she speaking in runes. " The tiger witch said remembering her teacher's lessons on the topic.

" What that? I've never heard that language before. " Amity asked.

" It's a dead language that ties with Luz's teacher The Dragon King Bahamut I'm guessing that the magic in her is trying to help by adding new information and memories to replace the old ones.

" So Luz thinks she's part of Bahamut's old group? That's great! I can use that for my journal project. " Gus said about to ask the dragon-eyed human questions until Amity stopped him.

" This isn't the time Gus. " the mint-haired girl shouted only for Luz to try and break the argument up.

" Rok nii yuvon Amity, " Luz said making sure Willow didn't fall off.

" What did she say!? What did she say!? " Gus said in excitement.

" We can do that later, right now we need to help Willow and see what you forgot Luz." May said getting a nod from the human while silently thanking her teacher for beating the lesson into her literally.

Finally making it to The Owl House Amity and May explained everything to Eda and Bahamut who both looked like they were going to murder someone.

" THAT LITTLE BRAAAAT! " Bahamut shouted eyes burning red. " I'M GOING BACK TO THAT SCHOOL AND- Bahamut was about to rush out of the door until Eda stopped him.

" Hey big guy I'm just as angry as you but we still got a situation here. " Eda pointed to a completely dazed Willow and a Luz singing some unknown song to sleeping Lyn in a crib Bahamut made in a completely different language from her Spanish that was surprisingly keeping the baby wrym asleep.

" Ahh chair is for sitting " Willow tried to sit on the couch where a sleeping King resided only to face plant first, then handstand to fully be on it.

" Nerd girl's brain is fried and I already couldn't understand the kid when she went full Spanish mode I defiantly can't tell what she singing now. Let's fix them first then you can roast some spoiled brat. " Eda's words were able to snap the dragon king out of his rage enough to understand her reason.

" Haaa, Ok so how should we do this? My magic can't heal mental damage. " He asked.

" I know a spell but first, Naptime. " Eda made a spell circle that turned into a small shot of light at the plant witchling putting her to sleep and just in time as Willow was about to peel King's fur off like a fruit.

" Ah sleep spell... " King said about to go back to sleep.

" I didn't cast it on you."

" Yha, who cares. " King yawned waving Eda's complaint of a just fell back asleep.

" Los til zu'u dreh wah aak? " Luz said to everyone's confusion except Bahamut.

" She asked if there was anything she can do to help and no Luz I need to ask you some questions. "

" Ok. " She answered

" Good now. First question who are you? "

" Luz fin dovah witch."

" Hmm, next do you know anything about the human world?

Luz thought for a minute to think only to shake her head " Nid. "

" Do you remember your family. "

Luz nodded her head this time " hi guy's dii Mom, Aurora, Nax, Fo, ahrk dii mal briinah Lyn.

Bahamut wasn't like this as far as he knew Luz's memories were gone and replaced with new false ones but there was one thing he need to check. " Luz, how did you meet Eda?

" Zu'u... " Luz clenched her head in pain, the whole memory was nothing but bits and pieces that she couldn't put together. " Zu'u ni dahmaan." She answered with a sad and confused look on her face. Even though Bahamut hated seeing his student look so lost her knew with that missing piece of information meant that there was still hope to restore Luz's memories. " Ok, there is still time Eda use your spell on me I'll go in and restore Luz's memories while Amity and Gus wil- " Bahamut was cut off by a loud grunt by the illusion student.

" I'm running out of time. Ugh, I'm in total free fall. " The boy was still trying to find someone to interview how he brought that clipboard all the was here was a mystery itself. His pacing around was only stopped by a stack of books with one about raising the dead. " Must I turn to forbidden sources? " Gus was about to touch the book giving in to his desperation but the whole stack including the book he was going for came to life causing him to stumble and fall out of shock. " Ok that boy has too much on his plate so let's do this." Bahamut them created a black spell circle and in an instant two similar armored were standing side by side " My shadow will help Amity while the original will fix Luz's memories. "

" Are... Are you sure I should help? Willow and I don't have a very good history. " Amity wasn't sure if it was a good idea to invade Willow's privacy with how bad she's treated her and May's defending and logic earlier today just made her feel worse.

" True but out of everyone available you are the only one who knows Willow the most, so my shadow will need your help to find the problem and fix them. So what will it be will you just sit and do nothing? Or will you try to make amends?" The disguised dragon king knew that this was a long shot but from what he could tell from the witching she didn't like the relationship she had with her ex-best friend.

" Ok, I'll do what I can. " Amity said skeptically.

" Good now let's-

" Umm sir is there any way I can go with you to help Luz? " May asked cutting Bahamut and honestly shocking him.

" And what reason do you wish to assist me? " Bahamut said curiously about the girl's answer.

" May scratched her shoulder not wanting to share this but knowing she had to. " It was my fault that Boscha even did this. I wanted to understand Luz better as our rivalry was dying and her nature was turned back to from what I've heard is her normal weird friendly self around me, but instead, I just antagonized someone who was more than happy to do harm to them. Haaa... now I just want to make things right." She said hoping that the dragon king would allow her to help.

Bahamut just gave May a judging gaze as if staring into the tiger girl's soul only to smile. "Hahaha, very well then young one will heal Luz together. He said with a smile extending his hand out for the girl to take it. With a bit of hesitation, May accepts it.

" Alright enough emotional mussy stuff. Let's get these two fixed up. " Eda said putting Luz to sleep as well. Once the two witchlings were ready with their Bahamut duplicates Eda made a spell circle in the flood around Amity and Bahamut 1 then brought out a handbell giving it to the green-haired witching, " When your done ring that, and I'll cast you back, Oh and keep an eye out for her "Inner Willow " She's the gatekeeper of emotions and memories. She might help yha. " With that Eda had the spell circle encase them in the light turning them into glowing particles that Eda then guided toward the sleeping Willow entering into her ear.

" You two are next, and I have no idea what to expect in the kid's head if some of her memories have been rewritten but try to fine Inner Luz maybe she'll know what's happening. " With a nod from May and Bahamut 2? ( dear titan let this end soon cause this is just getting confusing.) Eda handed them a bell and used the same spell only guiding them to the sleeping Luz.

Amity and Bahamut had just arrived in Willows's mind it took the form of a forest with several types of trees and small plants but the ones that caught their attention were the trees along a natural path. They were short and had high branches with big bushes of leaves, moss-covered them as well with a portrait in the center of them.

" Where her Inner Willow? Do you think it'll help? " Amity asked continuing to walk down the path.

" Not sure, this type of mind magic is unknown to me. It may be best to start fixing the damage and hope we run across her. " With that said Bahamut walked up towards a burned tree brushing the ash off from the portrait that had a made shift fort on a beach. " I wonder how. . . " Bahamut tried to place his hand on the picture but surprisingly it fazed through it. " Amity I think I found the memory here. " He called out getting the green hair witchling to rush back to him before dragging her with him into the memory. They fell onto a beach but the whole place was grayed out with burns and ash everywhere like a picture on fire.

" Where are we? " Bahamut asked

" Lake Lacuna. " Amity said pointing at the sign above a dock with the name she mentioned. " This is where Willow and I took swimming lessons. The ash must be from all the fires. Amity started walking off getting closer to the lake oh to gasp in surprise. " Our fort, in the dunes!" she said before running towards the made shift fort that the memory represented. In an instant, Bahamut was right beside her before she started telling the story about it. " One time Willow wanted to play hooky from our swimming lesson so we built this. " Amity said fixing the fort at a quick pace.

" Hahahaha! Even with the most basic of things, students will always try to find a way to get out of practice. reminds me of when I started teaching Luz how to manipulate ice it wasn't going so well and I decided we take a break from it and try some flying lessons for the rest of the day. Oh titan you should have seen her face it was like I told her I'd burn her books, Next thing I know she's running off into the forest trying to hide. I humored her and waited to see what she would come up as a hiding spot, when I finally went to go and find her I don't know how she did it but when I finally found her she was in a melted dome of ice covered in leaves. Hahaha, I could tell if I should have been mad that she was able to hide so well and ditch her training or happy that she was able to do it so well. " The false dragon witch started laughing again while helping Amity who giggled at Luz's antics

" Haha, Willow did something similar we knew that the swim teacher would be on the prowl, but Willow said she'd protect us with an illusion spell. " Amity said looking at the fort with a smile until she realized something. " Wait, something is missing. " Looking around she spotted a small flag in the sand that read " A+W " picking it up the green-haired witching smiled at the memory it held before placing it in a small flowerpot tied to the top of the fort." There. " The second Amity place the flag back in its proper place a blinding light filled the memory and in an instant, they were back in the forest.

" Were back! "

" So fixing the fort fixed the memory saw well. " Bahamut said happily that this was the extent of the damage. " Hey, the memory is playing. " This got Amity's attention as she turned to watch the memory play swatching a younger her and Willow running into the fort laughing.

" Ugh! The seagulls are back again! " young Amity said annoyed at the skull birds that had a blue shell-like body with wings on them and web feet.

" Don't worry, I'll get rid of them! " young Willow drew a spell circle however instead of getting rid of the birds she made the fort disappear allowing the seagulls to get trapped in and start making enough noise for the swim teacher to find them.

" Willow! "

I-I'm sorry I thought I was getting better! " The memory ended with the two getting dragged back by the teacher.

" Willow was a late bloomer. " Amity explained.

" I can see that, but as they say, the latest bloomers are the most beautiful of them all. And from what I've seen those words have never been more true " Bahamut said he had seen Willow's magic firsthand when helping with Luz's school work and he had to admit the blue-haired witchling's skill in plant magic was something that could have rivaled the plant dragon Rosay and her partner Scarlet the two held both grace and beauty, but get them mad or damage the garden they cherished so much and they would bring the whole forest to life and turn you into fertilizer.

" Yha. . . that true. " Amity stared at the ground thinking about everything that had changed between her and Willow and . . . May's words from earlier today " The only thing she lacks in is a poor choice of friends. " Those words she knew the tiger girl was talking about her but it felt like she wanted to say more and with that stare, it was like she could see her wrongs, her cowardice, her weakness. Amity was about to go deeper into guilt only for a hand to be placed on her should.

" Don't worry about the past, you're here now to help Willow that's what matters, alright? " Bahamut asked giving the green-haired witchling an assuring smile.

Amity gave him a small smile back and nodded.

" Good now let's find another memory to fix. " Bahamut started looking around for more burnt trees and spotting one across from them and was about to walk towards it until Amity grab his arm. " Not that one! " the green-haired girl said having a look of panic on her face.

Bahamut squinted his eyes to get a better look at the portrait but it was pretty burned up the most he could see was a young Willow being hugged by someone though if he had to guess. " Very well, but will have to come back to it. Ok? "

" Haaaa, alright. "

" Ok, now let's tryyy. Ah, this memory. " Bahamut started walking towards a tree with the portrait of a young Willow having quite the hair day. " This should be interesting. " The illusion dragon witch put his face into the memory and quickly pulled back out. " Ahaha, I. . . gonna need your help with this. " He said getting a smile from Amity as she walked over to the tree. " I just hope May and the other you are doing better with less emotional baggage." She said.

" I highly doubt that the most I can see happening, is May getting a better understanding of Luz's character. " Bahamut said. Thinking that this will only help the tiger girl with no complications.

" Oh Titan! why is this in her head!? " May screamed running away from an angered dragon with Bahamut right beside her. The dragon had a similar build to Aurora but had red scales and a long neck like Nax's sunset orange eyes. Its wings were just like Luz's one set having feathers while the other was bat-like the same with the tail, With the hair on its head, started with a mix of red scales and dark brown hair to a dark orange following down its lower neck. And a gold necklace was around their neck with glyphs inscribed on it.

" It must be her inner self but in dragon form, she must see us as intruders. " Bahamut said trying to find some kind of escape they were running through a hallway similar to the owl house but it also split off to another home than to rock walls and back again with them passing by multiple doors with windows on them.

" Look that must be a damaged memory. " May pointed to a burned-up door that was coming up.

"Ok will head there, but first, we have to lose her open that door there. " Bahamut pointed to another door nearby, May nodded and kept running while Bahamut turned toward the fully-grown dragon version of his student. With a stomp of his foot, Bahamut froze the floor in front of him with a sleek sheet of ice making dragon Luz slip and slide on the ice unable to reduce or stop her momentum while the tiger witchling got the door open leading to who knows where and slamming it shut.

" Ok that should hold her for a bit now. " Bahamut stared at the burned door with a cracked window making it impossible to see through. " Let's see what this memory holds, you ready? " He asked. May gave the dragon king a nod as he opened the door revealing a blinding light.

Once the light faded Bahamut and May looked around to get their surrounding but the forest they were in was completely unrecognizable. " Where are we? Is the human realm? " May asked.

" I believe so, but I have no idea how to fix the memory. "

" I'm not- wait. " May then rushed towards several shrubs brushing through some of the leaves she found a cloth banner saying " Noceda's Snake bushes "( " Seriously was this girl just born to be with reptiles? ") She thought while tying the cloth around the bushes. Once the banner was fully secured another blinding light flashed and the two were back in the hallway the door looked good as new and the glass window was clear to see through. They saw a young Luz running over to the bushes with another figure behind.

" Look Papa this one has pretty colors! " Young Luz said pointing at a snake with red, black, and white scales.

" I see it Mija, that a San Fransico Garter Snake. Quite rare to see it in the wild. " The man now identified as Luz's father said with a smile.

" Can we bring him home? Pleeeeease! " Young Luz said giving her dad puppy dog eyes with quivering lips

" Sorry Mija, but the answer is no." He said causing young Luz to frown. " But don't forget this is our little reserve for snakes so we can visit anything. " He said luring the Garter to his hand. As it wrapped around his arm he brought it closer to his daughter who had stars in her eyes while trying to get the snake to wrap around her own arm. getting the little girl to start giggling. " That tickles hahaha. " Her father joined in on the laughter as the memory ended.

" Awww how sweet. " Bahamut said then turned toward May. " How did you know that was the problem? "

" I saw it before Boscha burned it. " She answered. Getting a smile from the dragon king.

" That's good, It should be easier to fix the rest of them. I'm glad you are here to help May, I doubt I could fix any of these without prior knowledge.

" Even though it is still my fault that Boscha even noticed them? " She asked still ashamed.

" From what I've heard there was a good chance she would have found the memories with or without your involvement. The only change is there's someone who saw the memories beforehand." Bahamut pointed out. " So yes as I said before, I'm glad you are here to help May." Bahamut finished with a smile getting the tiger witchling to smile back.

" Now, let's- Bahamut's words were cut off by a familiar angry roar echoing through the halls. " Run for our lives again. " With a quick nod from May, the two then started running in the opposite direction from an even angrier dragon Luz.

The four mind hoppers continued their work fixing their friend's memories Amity and Bahamut 1 were doing well, while May and Bahmut 2 situation were. . . weird. At first, Inner Luz wouldn't allow them anywhere near the memories but after fixing the second one she finally decide to talk, in a blinding light the dragon changed back to what they're used to seeing Luz in her own dragon form except her eyes were still burning red.

" What are you doing in here? " She said in a commanding voice.

" Calm down Luz were just- " I'm not talking about you. " Inner Luz interrupted Bahamut then pointed the May " What's she doing here? " She said in anger.

" I'm here to help Luz." May answered.

" And why would you do that? As far as I'm aware you and she are still rivals. " Inner Luz said her eye narrowing.

" I know that but with Luz's instincts going down, and her old nature coming out it was starting to become pointless with trying to continue since she wasn't even acknowledging it anymore, I wanted to learn more about her.

" Hmmm, and why would you do that? "

" Because I wanted to know once and for all if everything that was taught to me about dragons was true or not. That they rely heavily on their dragons and nothing else, that they don't show any promise picked because they were weak. But Luz proved that all wrong, I'm just not sure what to think anymore. . .Ha, guess I'm a hypocrite aren't I? " May said thinking about the conversation she had with Amity earlier.

" . . . Alright I believe you and I'll help you two with the other damaged memories. " Inner Luz said in a huff.

" Thank you, that's very helpful but I must ask you something. " Bahamut asked.

" What is it? "

" Why have Luz's memories been replaced? I've seen several doors with claw marks or forced entry. "

Inner Luz just looked away with a huff. " I just changed some of her memories for the better.

" W-why would you do that? Your support to be protecting her memories, not cause more damage. " May shouted in anger.

" I've only alternated the painful ones nothing else. " Inner Luz said as if it was obvious.

" That doesn't justify you to change them. " Bahamut shouted. " Each memory is what makes Luz the person she is. "

" So you think she should keep all the loneliness, the bullying, the mocking, And don't even get me started on her parents. " Inner Luz growled in anger. " The Boiling Isles have been more of a home to her than Earth the only thing keeping her from staying here is her mom. Other than that I don't see much of a reason to even have them."

" So you just going to let her live a lie? That not right, " May growled back.

Inner Luz pointed her gaze at the tiger witchling with a stern look not intimidated at all. " Yes. "

May saw the devotion in Inner Luz's eyes, she wasn't going to change her mind and Bahamut look completely defecated. She didn't know what to do if they couldn't persuade Luz could lose much more than just her memories.

" . . . I understand where your coming from, the pain of being alone, the loss of someone you care for and having to ask. Was it your fault? Could there have been anything I could have done to change their mind? I know that's hard for anyone to go through but going through those experiences makes you appreciate others you come across and the ones who are always there for you. Bahamut said with a small smile creeping on his face.

" And I bet that one little tether is making it difficult to change many of these memories without causing more damage? " The small smile on Bahamut's face turned to a smug one and that infuriated Inner Luz because it was true, Camila Noceda was a great person and a great mom despite having to work so hard she always found time to spend with her daughter or just being there for her.


Inner Luz was looking at the damage the fires had caused not many were damaged but this still infuriated her some attacked Luz's mind as if all the loneliness and bullying in a human school wasn't bad enough now she had to deal with THIS!? Well no more. She headed for one of the memories partly damaged by the flames heading in she could see some of the damage, most of the colors were gone but it was still easy to identify her surrounding, this was the school Luz went to before coming to the demon realm it was Halloween at the time and the school was decorated with paper pumpkins and ghost, doors and locker had their own themes and decorations for the holiday and the school was playing either creepy music or classic like Ghoul Catchers, or Fiend Bash. But that wasn't what she was focused on, it was the end of the day and everyone was rushing home to get ready for the night everyone had their costume on except for one.

Luz walked out of the school with her head down and her backpack looking like it was about to burst due to her costume. At first, she was excited to show off her costume but after a few mishaps and one big incident, she had no choice but to change out of it and back into her usual clothes. Now she was walking home with some of the students whispering around her whether it was party plans, trick or treat routes, or the mess in that cafeteria. Making her way home Luz pulled out her costume from her bag getting a look at the damage, it was an Azura costume however the bottom of the dress was torn and one of the sleeves was completely gone, a big red punch stain was on the white fabric and unfortunately had already bled in. Luz just sight at the costume and placed it on the floor, for now, to get the rest of the objects first was the witch hat it was dusty and trampled with shoe prints all over it with a huge tear on the top coming down right through the middle almost splitting the hat in two, finally was the staff it was smaller than the one in the book but it was close enough at least it used to now it was snapped in half with the crystal smashed with the pieces in a plastic bag.

Her costume and its props were ruined and there was no time to get a new one so with a heavy sigh she placed everything on a dining room table but took the bag of broken sky blue quartz crystals to her room wanting to see if she could use them for decorations. " At least I can salvage something. " She said with a small smile.

Hours passed and it was almost Eight O'clock at night everyone would be starting to go trick or treating, so Luz decided to get the bowl of candy ready even if she couldn't dress up didn't mean she would ruin anyone else night. Luz the walking down the steps of her house and headed to the dining room only to be surprised a the sight. Her mother still in her nurse uniform was sewing an outer blood-red shirt with an inter-black dress with a sleeveless right side with an orange rip pattern going down to the left. On the left sleeve was a black-looking serpent-like creature that had feathered wings that gleamed with glitter.

" Mom where did you get home? And where did you get the costume? " Luz asked.

" I was able to come home early Mija, as for the costume weeell. " Camila stood up finished the last stitch and revealed the costume in full to her daughter. " I saw what happened you your costume so I made some changes. I know it does look like the one you wanted but-" Before Camila could finish her sentence Luz wrapped her in a hug almost knocking her off her feet.

" Thank you, Mama! This looks amazing but what is this winged snake on the sleeve? " Luz asked being careful not to ruin the image.

" That Mija is a Quetzalcoatl an Aztec god of the wind that burned himself alive. I thought I make your costume based on the legend. "

Luz smiled and gave her mother another hug " Gracias mama tú el mejor. "

The memory ended with Camila returning the hug with Inner Luz just started at it memory just thinking while the memory started painfully and embarrassing but... she shook her head no this memory is fine sure it was terrible at the start but it was nice in the end, with that she left looking for any other useless memories unfortunately many were the same every time Luz had a bad day or was mocked for her hobbies her mama was always there for her. This made it difficult for her to change many of the memories the most she could do was change the scenery to the Boiling isles.

(Flashback end)

" Inner Luz looked away from the smiling dragon king annoyed that he was right. " Those memories will always be someone most precious there what makes us the people we are now, changing or losing will only make them hollow and suffer more. " Bahamut said his smug smile turning into a happier one thinking about his old partner and his current student.

" So you just want me to stop? Just allow all this pain to carry on like it's nothing? " Inner Luz asked.

" Yes but not just on it also the kindness and comfort that came when it passed. "

Inner Luz was about to say something but quickly closed her mouth. " . . . Haaaa, alright you win. "

" Really!? " May said in shock

" Yes, Most of the memories I've changed were minor I've only been able to fully change ones that Luz just keep in the dark from the one person that kept her from falling into depression, but even those will be easy fixes. " Inner Luz said before walking away to do her job.

" Thank you for seeing my point of view. " Bahamut said to inner Luz happily causing her to stop

"Don't get it wrong Bahamut everyone has a breaking point even a kind one like Luz, and when it happens I won't hesitate but to wipe everything clean and allow her dragonic half to take full control. "

Bahamut frowned " I would never allow something like that to happen and if that day comes I'll be there to prevent it. " He said sternly

" Or be the cause of it. " Inner Luz said in a whisper but Bahamut still heard it causing his frown to deepen.

" Come May let's finish our work here and leave I have several people to meet after this. " With a nod, May followed the fake dragon witch to more damaged memories. Once done the two rang the bell getting Eda's attention from the outside world before they left thought they saw Inner Luz or at least the dragon half leaning against a wall with what must be the human half waving them goodbye with a young Luz by her side. Back to the Owl house living room, they seemed to be the first ones done as Willow was still sleeping and Luz was starting to stir

" ugh Lost Los zu'u? " Luz said with a bit of a headache. " Que Paso? "

" Kid try to focus on one language. Or one that at least one of us can understand." Eda said not getting either of what the human girl was saying.

" Luz are you alright? " Bahamut asked a little worried that Luz can still speak dragon tongue.

" Y-yha. . . Sorry, just a lot of thoughts going around." She said trying to piece everything together but turned to look at May. " But I do remember what you did in there thanks for helping May." She said with a tired smile.

" No problem." May walked over and extended her hand " Truce? " She asked Luz.

" Perminate? "

" Yha, this fud is over, and honestly, I really want to get away from Boscha before I feed her to Shade. "

" Hey got more restraint than me I wanted to do that when she insulted Lyn one time. " Luz said accepting May's hand. She was about to leave until Bahamut stopped her.

" Hang on May I'm coming with you. " Bahamut called out getting confused looks from everyone.

" Why do you want to come to my home? " May asked confused.

" I need to talk to your teacher about something... something important. " He said not wanting to explain as he got up to join the tiger witchling.

" What are you planning now? You bag of scales. " Eda asked not getting what he was going on with Bahamut and the look on his face didn't help.

" Don't worry. " He turned around looking Eda in the eyes with an easily seen fake smile. " Just want to wrap up a little business with an old friend. " Bahamut the guided May to the front door and left without another word.

" Kid do you what's going on with him? " Eda asked.

" I'm. . . I'm not sure. I remember that he was talking to my Inner self dragon half but something she said worried him I don't know what it was. " Luz said trying to get even a piece of the conversation about it but everything was a blank halfway.

Eda looked at the front door thinking about how draining today was, first was getting two groups of people into the minds of others, next getting tossed away by Luz's dweeb friend for Hooty of all people for an interview, and now a Bahamut was hiding something from them. " Uuuugh I'm getting grey hair from this.

" Um Eda please tell me that literal. "

" What do you mean kid? " Eda as only for Luz to pick up a mirror showing her teacher's hair. Grey patches were sprouting

" What the... hooohoo that dragon got some explaining to do when he gets back. " Eda's rant was cut off by the sound of a bell. Looking a Wilow she remembered another way to get information from the pair of boots.


May felt like she was being crushed, the second she approved the main gate things got tense there waiting for her was her teacher a man as tall as Bahamut wore pure white robes with black strips going down to his shoulder and arms. His eyes were ice blue and his face look stern with short white hair with black bangs on his side. This was The White Tiger, Byakko at first he was happy to see her but once his eyes spotted Bahamut they turn to absolute furry while Bahamut himself held his head down.

It took a while for the rage to die down and her teacher spoke with a voice of patient cracking a little. " Young one head to the compound I must speak to our guest alone. " He said and in an instant May quickly walked passed him into a forest that hid their home. Once May was out of sight Byakko's attention went straight to Bahamut.

" And what do I own the pleasure of the Dragon King coming to my home? " His eyes narrowed.

" . . . I come here to ask a favor. " Bahamut said still not looking at the tiger clan leader but his voice sounded drained.

It was hours before the original Bahamut came back and the first thing he saw was a ticked-off Eda and his body double tied up beating and gagged by a candle thankfully it seemed they were the only ones in the house.

" Uuuuuh, wheres- " At the Den," Eda said interrupting him.

" Are Luz's friends- "They fine and you're double here told me some everything.

" Bahamut looked at his double who look ashamed and dispelled it not liking the memories that he got back after leaving Willow's mind.

( Flashback )

Finding Inner Willow took a while but when they did find her she was trying to fix some of the damage a meeting up with Amity and Bahamut was awkward. " Hoo! Um hey, there mind helping me out with this? She asked lifting up two tied-up bones. Within an instant, Amity picked up another one, and Bahamut's double had picked up a large bone with a swing and placed it on the stands on it fixing the memory.

"Thank you for the help." Inner Willow said with a smile.

" Don't worry about it but we still have a few more memories to fix, if you wish we could assist you." Bahamut asked with Amity only nodding.

" Thank you I appreciate your help. " With that Inner Willow lead them to the rest of the damaged memories and were quickly able to fix them well more like Bahamut doing most of the work while Amity and Inner Willow stood to the side watching the restored memories some being of them from the past. It was only when they were at the last one did Amity spoke up. " Umm, maybe we should leave this one alone." I mean what's one useless one over so many nice ones. " Amity struggled to make up an excuse.

" You mean like the one full of eggs? or the roller ghoster? Willow deserves to have her memories restored all of her memories. " Inner Willow said trying to convince the green-haired witching but she wasn't bugging.

" She's right Amity, leaving this damage and hiding it from Willow is no better than burning them. " Bahamut double added but Amity still wouldn't budge.

" Haaaaaa. She gets it you know. " This got Amity's attention wondering what Inner Willow was talking about. " She wasn't good enough for you to be friends and probably not ever but that's ok she had Guss and Luz now and... That's good enough, even if she'd never be good enough for you at least she'll have people who will be there for her no matter what. " Inner Willow said getting Amity to look at her hurt. She didn't know what to say at that Willow had excepted that they were no longer friends and the thought of going back to that was gone. This caused Amity to remember that look May gave her while defending Willow from Boasha and what she said... That made her hurt even more cause she was right all she had done was just run and hide her problems and what did that really get her sure she was a top student but so was Willow, and while Willow had friends real friends who cared about her she just kept hiding in a facade. " The only thing she lacks in is a poor choice of friends. " that quote kept echoing in her head and she hated how true it was.

Amity looked at the ground defeated for a minute before responding. " Your wrong about one thing. " Amity said walking over and entering the memory. With no other choice but to follow the two other wanders to follow. Once in the memory, they ever in Amity's room and saw her watching her younger self and Willow apparently Willow was trying to understand why Amity was ending their friendship.

" Is it because I still can't do magic? " young Willow asked on the verge of tears but young Amity didn't wasn't looking at her.

" Well yes that... that is why! Because you're a weakling! You can't do magic so I don't wanna be your friend. Now go." The memory ended with that Inner Willow clenched her fist remembering the day but before she could say anything about it Amity spoke up.

" You were never too weak Willow to be my friend. " At that response, the bedroom door slammed open, and inside was young Amity talking to her parents except they didn't deserve that title they belittle their own child and only cared about their status. It made Bahamut double sick how they threatened their child by ruining her friend's future and forced her to be stuck with one who didn't truly care for her or her hobbies. But unfortunately, it got the results they wanted.

" I was too weak to be yours. I know I can't make up for what I've done nor do I expect to be your friend again but I can promise this. I won't let Boscha and her gang pick on you ever again!" Amity then pulled out the invite to Skara's birthday party and was about to rip it up only to stop. " I'm not actually going to rip this because it's a really nice butterfly, but you get the gesture right?" Amity asked putting the invite back and seeing Inner Willow in tears. " Yes, thank you Amity. " the two hugged happy to get some closure about this, with Bahamut's double smiling for them.

After Amity and his double come back from Willow's mind they saw a very crossed Eda a mix of orange, and grey hair setting off alarms in the double's mind thankfully Willow woke up just in time gaining the Amity and Luz's attention.

" Willow Do you know who we are? " Luz asked.

" A bush person and a friendly scarecrow? Ha! just messing. I remember everything! " She joked.

" She's back! Our girl is back! I'm gonna hug you so hard you'll never forget us again come on guys! " Luz calls out expecting her dragon partners to playfully pounce on Willow only to have Nax being the only one.

" Hey where's Aurora and Frost? " Luz asked Eda still starring daggers at Bahamut two.

" I told them to take King and Lyn to your Den so I can talk to scale for brains here. " Eda said. While Luz wanted to know what was going on the way Bahamut's double was sweating probably meant this wasn't going to be a nice conversation. " Got it, Hey I can show you two the Draco den while you tell me the about your adventure. " Luz asked Amity

" Sorry Luz but it getting late so I should head back home. " Amity said getting up from the couch and was about to head out the door only for Willow to call out to her.

" Amity. "

The green-haired witching turned to her old friend to see her smile. " Thanks for helping today, you didn't have to but thank you. I can't say we're friends but it's a start. " Willow said getting a small smile to creep on Amity's face.

" You welcome, I'll see you two in school. Amity then waved them goodbye and headed out the door.

" Ok enough cutesy stuff the adults need to talk so Luz got to your Den now! " Eda said losing her temper more one the quivering dragon king double than her student as Luz, Nax, and Willow ran out the door as well.

Now that they were alone Eda could unleash some of her anger on the idiot double before the real one come. " Ahaha I'm in trouble aren't I? "

" You no. You stupid boss? Oooh, big time. " Eda said before pounding the snot out of the double as a warm-up.

(Flashback end )

Bahamut was snapped back into his current scenario by the cracking of Eda's fists " So Mr. Dragon King how that plan of never telling me my curses was getting worse going? "

" Awwwwwww crud. " The night just provided with Eda sleeping with a bit more weight on her shoulders and a buried Bahamut tied to a tree with Hooty telling every story he knows.

Chapter 15: Bloom of the Twin Dragons


It's the night of Grom, and everyone is excited except Amity, who was chosen to be Grom Queen alongside Luz but has no idea of what it means to be one until seeing the creature the dance is based around. Can the two help one another against their fears, or has something worse arising?


Ok I'm almost done with this chapter but due to me changing laptops and for some reason can't get to the this on the new one your goanna have to watch while me I finish it

Chapter Text

It’s been two days since the whole memory-burning mess for a certain pink-haired triclops it's been nothing but a nightmare for her. First was the next day of school where the entire building was under the wrath of Luz's teacher who was clad in armor and the owl lady making sure he didn't burn down the school demanding to meet both her parents and the principal to discuss an issue. To say that conversation was nothing short of intimidating was an understatement, the guy was furious about what Boscha did to Luz and Willow and demanded she be punished.

Her mother Who looked much like an older Boscha only with a light shade of pink hair scoffed it off saying that it was a harmless joke and they shouldn't freak out about it and if anything, that human apprentice of theirs should be expelled for overreacting. Honestly, Eda was about to let Bahamut burn this woman alive. Still, to her disgust, someone had to be responsible and give Principal Bump statements from not just themselves but also their friends who saw the whole event happen.

To Bump surprised he saw May's name on it with Amity similarly describing the incident. So, with a heavy heart as his crushed dreams of this year, Grudgby season Principal Bump was about to announce Boscha's suspension, but Boscha's father was able to convince him with a large donation to the school to lighten her punishment, Bump accepted and placed Boscha in the detention track for the rest of the school semester much to her annoyance.

Next was her social status, where things went south for her. May was completely done with the triclops calling shade anytime she tried to come near her and threatened to feed her to the rest of the streak, as for Amity she was always there to stand up for Willow when Luz wasn't around not having any interactions with her at all and if the dragon girl was anywhere near well... let's say Boscha had to run out of the school grounds as fast as possible or be stuck as a chew toy to three fully grown dragons.

But enough about the biggest pain turned into an afterthought (Just like in the show), here we are at the Owl House with Luz surrounded by plants and Bahamut nearby trying to help his student get a new glyph while watching Lyn as she was trying to eat some of the paper.

“Come on work this time.” Luz said trying to get the glyph right after half an hour of trial and error. Her dragon form helped her to get a better look at it but getting to work was the main problem. But maybe this time.

Luz tapped the new glyph and finally, it worked as a flower bloomed. "Yes! Check out guys my Glyphs skills are blossoming." While King was watching something on her phone, she joked and Bahamut checked her work.

“Well done Luz.” Bahamut said smiling at his student while in thought. (“One more and that should be enough to teach her more advanced glyph tricks. Oh, I'm gonna enjoy that. “)

“You think that's impressive? Check this out two warriors battling to the death! “King announced while Luz hopped on the couch to see what he was watching. What she saw on the cracked screen were two cute cats possibly meant to do something hilarious, but one just stared at something off-screen, and the other flopped to its back.

“Ah I see we're getting enough Wi-Fi through the portal for cat videos.” The dragon girl said seeing the opened portal door while King kept cheering for the nonexciting violence.

“I regret teaching you about the internet.” ("Note to self, make sure little sister doesn't fall victim to internet lies like little brother. ") She thought.

King only laughed at the thought nothing could make her regret teaching about the internet and imminently told her that the Earth was flat, Losing his phone privileges for a bit.

Before she could do anything else, her phone vibrated, noting that it was her mom texting her about reality camp to her horror. Luz panicked trying to think of a way to reply at first, she tried to reply by saying it was going fine but that wasn't true then a part of her wanted to explain what was happening, but fear took her, and she changed her mind until finally just typing a thumbs up emoji and sending it.

“Good enough.” She said she hoping that her mom wouldn't ask for details.

“Ah a severed hand. Perfect response. “King said. Getting Luz to slide down the couch and put a pillow on her face.

“What am I supposed to say?” Luz said with the pillow still on her face until she hopped off the couch pillow still in hand. “Hey Mom, not at camp actually. I'm in the Demon Realm learning to be a witch. Also, did you know that demons, dragons, and magic is real?! Oh, and I have a cute new little sister who's a dragon and I can turn a half-dragon! She will end me. “Luz then fell to the ground with a freaked outlook. King consulted Luz by patting her head.

“Naw, she'd be freaked out about our world anyway. By keeping the truth from her, you are doing her a favor. “He said with a cheerful look. Luz was about to agree with him only for Bahamut to speak up.

" Are you sure you want to keep this a secret from her Luz? By the time summer ends you'll be returning to the human world, then what? Wouldn't you like to see the friends you made here without having to lie to your mother? Even if she freaks out about everything, she'd have both our and your support to tell her things here are ok, that you are happy being here and not in any danger." Bahamut said trying to get his student to at least try to admit a bit of the truth to her mother.

" It's not that I don't want to tell . . . I, don't want her to feel like I abandoned her for my desires.” Luz said looking down at her feet trying not to think of her mom's look of hurt.

" Home is where the heart is Luz and for you, that means the people you care about you won't be abandoning her if you let her in, or at least tell her about the people you meet here, it will give her the chance to know and show how much you care about them. You don't have to tell her everything at once but at least try to open up with her a little. “Bahamut gave her a kind smile hoping the advice would at least give Luz something to think about.

Luz looked at her teacher's smile and thought about his suggestion until Hooty Bust opened the front door. “Hoot, hoot, Luz! Time to fill up that darling little head of yours with." Hooty then proceeds to regurgitate several of her schoolbooks that were up in her room. “Mmm mm! Delicious knowledge! “Hooty said with a smile, but this just led to Gus and Willow wanting her to hurry up, not wanting to be around the house demon any longer.

“Please hurry! “Gus said standing beside the door staying as far away from Hooty as possible

“The more I look at him the more uncomfortable I get." Willow joined in getting an energetic HOOT HOOT from the said still smiling Hooty.

Luz gave them a thumbs up and kissed both Lyn and King on the forehead. “By Lyn, By King don't spend all day watching YouTube.” She said heading out the door to join her friends. Getting a giggle from the baby Wrym and rebellious just from King “I forge my path.” He said before watching another video of a cat trying to catch its own tail." “Php what a dumb dumb.” He said and was about to do the same thing only to slack down and continue watching the video. "Haaa, who has the energy?” He said before

"Bahamut just shook his head and was about to say something only for Lyn to tap on one of the plant glyphs and get a small tree down his throat. Getting both the baby Wrym and the little demon to laugh at the Dragon king trying to get the branches and leaves out of his mouth. “Haha, I wonder if that counts as her first spell,” King said trying to see if there was a way to record the event.

“Thankfully no, since that was just a glyph, not a spell of her own.” The disguised dragon king said pulling out some splinters from his gums still holding the laughing baby. “But it looks like someone going to be like her sister when she grows up! Ahahah-gwa. “Bahamut’s laugh was cut off by Lyn getting her hands on another plant glyph and shooting tree branches up his nose.

King was trying to control his laughter while trying to record a struggling Bahamut trying to pull out the branches. “Oh, man now that entertainment. Hahaha."


Amity had a feeling that she wasn't going to have the best of mornings, no it wasn't due to any of the twin's pranks or her conflicting feelings about a certain human or dragon girl. (Whatever Luz could be described as.) No, it was her mother joining breakfast. For any normal household, this would be a sign of a parent wanting to talk to their kids or just spend time with them this wasn't the case. No in the Blight Manor anytime their mother came to talk to them it was to inform them of something that involved them " Proving themselves of the Blight name, or As Blight's were meant to do this and accurate with that. " A note that was always mentioned every time some event, party, or sale show for new products their dad made.

(“Just hoped this had nothing to do with Grom. ") Amity thought barely focused on her food and just waiting for her mother to speak with Edric and Emira doing the same. The mother wasn't even eating either she was mainly focusing on some papers that none of the Blight siblings had any idea what they were for the past five minutes before looking satisfied enough to speak to them.

Odalia was a mature-looking woman with a hairstyle just like Amity's but some of her green hair had faded to a lighter shade, and she had light blue eyes with a few bags under them. She wore a sleeveless overshirt with a light purple honeycomb-like pattern on it while the undershirt was long-sleeved with a slightly darker purple, with a gold pendant around her neck with tight black pants and dark grey heel-like boots " Now, I believe it's time I heard about all your progress in school. Edric, Emira what did you two get on your last assignment? “Odalia practically ordered not giving them a choice.

“We started creating clones the assignment was to have them last at least fifteen minutes ours lasted for a solid hour and we tied with our classmate Augustus.” Emira said in a dull voice. She and Edric never really cared much about getting top grades in school but at least when they did it got their mother off their back but mentioned Gus was a mistake as their mother looked annoyed.

" Hm, to think the son of a mediocre reporter could actually do such a spell let alone tie with you two. When your next assignment comes, I want you two to be on top and only you two. Understand? “Odalia said with an unsettling smile staring daggers at the twins, and they both knew what that meant. Either get better than Gus she'll deal with him herself, which neither of the twins wanted to do as Gus was the one who helped them a lot with some of the more boring parts of illusion class such as written assignments or note-taking part and the thought of betraying or worse loosing that was unsettling. Hopefully, if they agreed they could just ignore it.

" Now Mittens your turn. I believe with half-a-Witch out of your class things have gone much more smoothly. “Odalia asked a bit smugly.

Amity wanted to walk away from the table and just got to school but knowing her mother would demand an answer she had no choice but to reply. “We are currently finishing a group experiment on different ingredients to alternate abominations I'm teamed with Lu- the human.”

“The quote " Draco witch?” Hmmm, standards of Hexside must be slipping if they let all such a farce attend, and from what I've heard attend multiple tracks. Please Mittens do try not to let her drag you down dear. “Odalia then snapped her fingers getting their abomination butler to bring her a cup of tea, taking a sip she continued.” Honesty if your grades get smug by a liar, I'll have Bump expel her in an instant. “

" But mother she honestly not that bad, in fact, she got the idea and theory of Abomination magic quite well even though she can't do it the traditional way. " Amity defended getting her mother's attention at what she said.

“What do you mean? “

" I-I’m not sure how to explain it but the way she makes it and how she controls it is different from mine or father's. Most of the materials she uses are draconic which turns the goop from a shade of purple to a sickly green, or a tar-like black, and takes the look of a melted dragon with bones actually forming like its skull, tail, and ribs." Amity finished remembering when Luz first made her dragon abomination in class and how haunting it looked, Professor Hermonculus wasn't impressed until the dragon girl commanded it to bow it responded to her by kneeling before her its head bowed in respect, next Luz ordered it to speak and in a haunting draconic voice, it responded.

"Ol hi hind Kulaas.” It said getting a confused look from Luz. Still not impressed the Professor wanted it to fight one of his own abominations and let's just say the teacher underestimated it quite a bit. Despite its body, Luz's dragon abomination could shift and dig into the ground giving it speed that the Professor wasn't expecting as it crushed his abomination in one blow thanks to its increased mass.

When Amity asked how she was able to make and control it Luz just said Bahamut taught her after refusing any more flying lessons until he made a deal with her that if she could at least stay in the air for at least five minutes he teach her a way to do one thing of each of her classes, so begrudgingly she did and was at least able to go up and stay in the air of a bit before her wings got tired after that was two days of none stop of illusion, abomination, and music lessons with Eda giving her potion lessons not wanting Bahamut to own the title of cool teacher the only downside was she could only do the Dragon king's teachings while she was in her dragon form.

“Hmmm, interesting next time you see her get the recipe she uses.” Odalia said getting an idea for their next product and the human's abomination would be the centerpiece.

“You want her to steal from her classmate?” Emira almost shouted but restrained herself. “What would be the point? Dad's abomination and weapons are great why steal Luz's recipe? “Edric continued just as confused at the request.

" Oh please as if that human could really do much with something like that, but with your father's work and with some improvements we could reach even bigger highs! Think about it draconic abominations that could outpace and outperform the standard abomination. We'd be on top of abomination research and just imagine the profit and fame the Blight name would obtain. “Odalia boasted so focused on her desire for fame that she barely heard what Amity said.” What was that, Mittens? “

" I said what about her teacher Bahamut? “Amity tried to explain.” He's very protective of her and hates it when something unjust happens, he's already threatened Principal Bump to burn the school down after the event with Boscha and it honestly terrified him even with the threat of having the Emperor's Coven he didn't care."

" Odalia thought about this for a moment if someone like that could threaten Bump and not care for what the Emperor's coven would do to him was either stupid or just that strong, she dout it but just to be safe. " Very well then give him this offer. Name his price or train you."

All three Blight siblings look at their mother in shock not because they fear the Dragon King but at the thought of their wanting Amity to be taught by someone else with no fame to their name was alarming. “You willingly want Bahamut to train me?”

" Of course, while he may be just a fraud if someone like that could teach a human to do magic then I'm sure he would be thrilled to teach someone with both class and true talent. Besides I've noticed that some of your grades have been slipping a one hundred on one test to ninety on the next. Ridiculous. “The green-haired woman said shaking her head.” Honestly, it seems you need a new teacher with that kind of grade change hopefully this one will be more competent than that hack Coveness Lilith."

(" The only hack around here is you for coming up with such an idea. “) Amity thought knowing that her mother really wanted her to use Bahamut and then stab him in the back once she got what she needed, but that would be crazy remembering the aftermath of one of Bahamut's spells and how massive it was Amity was terrified for what he would do to traitors. However, her biggest fear was betraying Luz.

Lilith was the first person to actually show her any shred of kindness after having to break ties with Willow. Luz just seemed to trust her like a friend after the whole event at the Covention despite being such a jerk to her at first, she told her everything about the dragon glyph and the stress it brought, allowing her and the twins to join in on their training trip to Bahamut old home, and Both Luz and Bahamut help patch her and Willow's relationship. She liked Luz Remembering the flight to the Knee and seeing everything at such a high altitude freaked her out a bit but Luz told her to hold on to her and in an instant, everything just changed sure she rode a staff with Lilith, but it was a different feel with Luz the view of the Isle's, the wind in her hair, and just the presence of Luz herself made her feel...

" MITTENS, are you listening to me? “Odalia shouted breaking her daughter's thoughts.

“Y-yes Mother!” Amity responded with a small blush on her face.

" As I was saying after Grom night you'll offer this Bahamut whatever price he wants in order to train you. Is that clear? “

“Yes Mother but what if he refuses?” Amity asked only to get a laugh from her mother.

“Oh. Mittens, you should know no one said no to a Blight, and if they do we persuade them in other ways. “


When Luz and her friends made it to Hexside she wasn't sure what was going on the whole school was decorated with golden ribbons tied to the rails, entire ways, and columns with abomination balloons floating everywhere, and all the students were excited. "Something seems different. Did everyone get a haircut? “Luz asked trying to figure out what was going on, while Aurora and Frost were focused more on the decorations and were thinking of helping by adding a few of their own, Nax, however, could tell something was off something grim was here and it was growing at a rapid rate he tried to locate it but the second he tried flash of untold horrors would fill his mind stopping the black dragon from finding out what that thing was.

Nax was about to get Luz's attention only for him to move out of the way of two healing coven members running into the halls with a medical bed the two stop by a student who was standing by Skara with huge ears and blond hair that covered his eyes.

"Come with us imminently! Your disease is advancing! “The bigger nurse said while the student lay down on the bed.

“Is there a cure, Doc?” The big ear student asked.

“Only one. “He started darkly but quickly lightened up for his answer. " Finding the perfect date to Grom! "

“If that's the cure, then, Skara will you go to Grom with me?! " He asked pulling out a still-beating heart with " Grom. " Written on it.

Skara tossed her books and screamed in joy. " Of course, I will! Or whatever! " She said jumping on the bed to hug him, while the students who were walking by cheered for them. From above they saw a spider-like student finish a Grom banner with golden thread.

" You guys have a weird version of Prom on the Boiling Isles!? I was kicked out of my last school dance for dressing like an otter, but here maybe I could be your Grom Queen." Luz said possing that looked a bit more intimidating than it should, but Willow and Gus were more concerned about her statement.

" That's Umm, not something students sign up for. " Willow was about to explain more only for someone to bump into her friend

" Watch it, nit - " Amity stopped herself from snapping when she saw who walked into her - Oh. Hi Luz and Co, sorry about that. "

" No problem. Here let me help you out with that. " Luz gathered the rest of Amity's book and a pink note (" must be an invite to Grom.) She remembered from her human school how some students did something similar. " Here, your note." handing it to Amity who quickly snatched it. " Man, you got some quick grabbers. "

" It's just. . . it's private. " Amity looked away, something clearly on her mind. Before Luz could even ask her bout it the loudspeaker turned on gaining everyone's attention.


" Oh man this is it. " Gus said in anticipation.

He's announcing who will be this year's Grom royalty. " Willow said with a hint of fear. In fact, everyone in the hallway had that fear emanating from them and Nax didn't like it. (" Why is there some much fear coming from a simple announcement? ") He growled getting both his sibling's and Luz's attention but could continue as Bump's voice was heard again.


Everyone was startled at that not expecting two Grom royals as they looked and whispered about them with a bit of fear, while Luz was cheering about the news." Woo-hoo! You hear that Amity, We are this year's Grom Royals! “Luz said giving Amity a side hug.

Amity didn't know how to respond to this a part of her should be happy that she and Luz were picked but fear and hesitation crept in forcing her to run away. Luz was about to go after her only for Willow to stop her. “You might want to give her space. Being a Grom queen is a tough job, even for Amity. “She said with Luz about to ask what Grom royal even do only for the bell to scream and break up the conversation, thankfully most of the classes were pretty free due to all the excitement for Grom so she decided to talk with Principal Bump who was in the Gymnasium overseeing some of the students that were getting the finishing touches for the dance.

" Very good. Lower the streamers, fill up the punch bowl, and how's my disco ball? “Bump asked a familiar pink money demon and his now bedazzled shell.

“Nauseous.” The Snaggleback responded dangling on a rope tied to the ceiling that was spinning around.

“Great. Just keep it up for thirty-six more hours. “Bump said about to walk out when he spotted Luz.” Ahh, our other Grom queen what do you think? Quite the setup don't you think? “He asked wanting to get another's opinion to make sure Grom was perfect. Luz looked around the Gym, she hadn't seen most of the decorations at her human school before getting kicked out but most of what she saw was pretty similar the only thing that stood out was the stage was pretty bare.

“Everything looks great but may be added something to the stage unless you have a band playing there. Luz answered forgetting her question for a second.

" We will have members in the bard coven come and play as well as an Emcee for the main event you and Ms. Blight will perform, but you might be on to something. " Bump said thinking about any addictions while walking off only for Luz to regain her focus. “WAIT! Principal Bump I needed to ask you about Grom royalty. “

" Aww yes, I know it's uncommon to have two Grom royals, and while both you and Ms. Blight were up there, I thought it would be best for you both to have the spotlight this way everyone wins, the school gets more funding and, doesn't get burned down by a thunder of dragons." With that Bump walked out of the Gymnasium wanting to see if there was anything they could add to the stage.

“NO, WAIT PRINCIPAL BUMP! I STILL NEED TO KNOW WHAT Grom, royals, do . . . Haaa." Luz's words fell on deaf ears as Bump continued to walk away to focus on stage decorations. She then walked back into the Gym and looked around admiring the decor and feeling a little sorry for the Snaggleback (" Note to self-get him something for nausea. ") She through finishing her visual sweep of the soon-to-be dancefloor, until spotting someone familiar in the balcony. “Amity!” she called out getting the green-haired witchling who saw lost in thought at the time.

" Hi Luz.” She responded heading down to greet the dragon-eyed human. “Hey, you alright? You looked pretty upset when Bump announced we were Grom Royal. “

“It’s nothing Luz.”

“I didn't ruin your chance at asking someone to the dance, did I?” Luz said feeling a little bad remembering her own school dance rejection. Amity looked at her with shock. “No, no! That's not it. "Amity's face flashed a bit pink. It's just . . . Haa it probably best if I showed you. " She then walked to the announcement stand where a big red button, once pressed two rows of various weapons, and the floor opened up to an underground dungeon. Looking down Luz saw a literal shadow slipping from the ground.

“W-what is that?”

“That’s Grom. Short for Grometheus the Fear-Bringer it's a monster that lives under the school. “Amity then cast a similar tapestry spell that Eda used when she first came to the Boling Isles and told her a false story about King's crown only this time it showed a student fighting Grom." Every year it breaks out, and a student has to defeat it before it invades the town. Ever the optimist, Bump holds a party and calls it "tradition." The spell ends and Amity walks over to the weapon rack." Taking a sword from the rack Amity continued. "The worst thing is Grom can read minds and shape-shift into your worst fear. And mine... Is very embarrassing. “She said staring at her reflection on the blade.

" Hey it's ok we all got embarrassing fears heck mine are jerks online who want to debate, and human souls trapped in cat bodies. " Luz shivered at the thought of that. “Besides were both Grom royalty, so whatever nightmare Grom turns into well do it together.” Luz gave Amity a kind smile trying to bring her courage up, but it didn't work with Amity still looking at her with a defeated look.

“It’s more than just little fears, it's your insecurity, your inner worries, and trauma. That makes Grom a threat bringing people's suppressed memories out. Can you really say that you don't have any inner fears or worries? “Amity retorted more of a question but not expecting an answer which Luz was about to respond in full-heart honesty no, only for her conversation with Bahamut to echo in her head remembering a big topic that still haunted her.” Aaa. . . Ok yha, I'll admit I may have a bit of a fear of how my mom will react to . . . Well, pretty much everything here. But like I said we'd be able together to help one another get through them we won't do it alone, but if you are still uncomfortable about it, I can just do it alone. “Luz finished not wanting to force or lie to Amity into this if she was uncomfortable.

Amity was shocked to hear that from Luz as if she didn't just admit her biggest fear. “Luz there's no way I can just leave you alone to face Grom not when you just to me your fear.” Amity tried to argue but Luz just hooked it off. “It's fine really, I'll just ask Bahamut for a bit of emotional training," Luz said giving the green-haired witching an encouraging smile. (“Just hope that doesn't mean extra flying lessons. ")

Amity felt torn, she was happy that Luz was willing to take the burden herself but that just made her hate herself this was their responsibility and she wasn't even going to try but . . . Amity started tugging on her uniform sleeve angry at herself her fear was consuming her to believing that she would lose everything again just when she had people that generally cared for her and vice-versa. But if she didn't do anything she'd lose someone important to her anyway.

Luz watched Amity's inner struggle and was about to snap her out of it only for the green-haired witching to grab her hand. “How about I come over and we can train together?” Amity asked not looking at the dragon girl. If Luz could admit her fear, then maybe she could face hers whether it was facing or at least supporting Luz.

“Are you sure Amity? It's really no- Luz was cut off when Amity lifted her head and stared at the dragon girl right in the eyes with a determined look getting her to blush a little at the look. “Yes, I'm sure Luz, this. . . This is my responsibility too. “The green-haired witch said courage seeping into her voice.

“Great! Let's head to The Owl House after school! Will kick Grom's butt and be crowned Grom Queens in no time. “Luz cheered grabbing Amity's other arm and started hopping around like a goof with a smile on her face. Amity started blushing with Luz's excitement but still smiled.

" Umm, Luz.” The dragon girl stopped her jumping around to focus on the still-spinning Snaggleback. " I hate to ruin a touching moment, but I think I'm going to- the Snaggleback had to use one of his hands to cover his mouth to keep whatever was in his stomach from coming out. " Be sick. “The two students didn't need any explanation as they ran out of the Gymnasium,” I promise I'll bring something for your stomach. “Luz shouted while fleeing.

The rest of the school day went on with everyone getting the last few decorations up Bump even asked to borrow Frost for some ice ornaments for the gym. Once that was done and the school day was finally over Amity and Luz flew back to the Owl House hoping whatever mental train Bahamut would give them would help. The two teens entered and heard an annoyed-pained " Oww " from Eda's room Looking in they saw King and Bahamut sowing a dress that Eda was wearing the dress was a simple long skirt short-sleeved with a pattern of red and platinum going to the bottom in a diagonal pattern, with a black sash tied around her waist while the body had two slashes between it with the center being red and platinum on both sleeves sides.

“Carefully with those pins King.”

“Why am I helping with this? I don't even wear clothes! “

“Keep that side still King, I Still need to finish the sleeve.” Bahamut asked focusing on finishing the left sleeve while having Lyn in a baby carrier sleeping.

" Hey Guys what's with the new duds? “Luz asked with Amity giving a nervous wave at Bahamut which he waved back quickly before returning to his work.

“Me and Bahamut going to help chaperone Grom tonight, so I have to look sharp and mock some of the other parents that are there.” Eda said with Bahamut finally finished with the dress.

" And Gus asked me to come and see the fight" King then pulled out a flyer with him and Gus side by side cool guy posing saying " GROM with your GROMMENTATORS " "We're gonna turn the blood bath into a fun bath.

" Oooh did they announce the victim yet?” Eda asked getting Amity to look down at the floor leaving Luz to explain. “Yeah, it's me and Amity we came to see if Bahamut had any mental training he could give us or at least help me get through my fears.

Bahamut looked skeptical at the suggestion remembering the creature from the old times that he and his clan locked away until Belo's foolish system-loving covens unearthed it while King just started laughing “A great joke, Luz!” King said still laughing.

" While King enjoyed his laugh Eda was indifferent." Kid, that's a noble sentiment but even with all the crazy dragon training you've been getting Grom is still above your pay grade, you’re still a human you're fragile both physically and mentally. “Eda said. This only got Luz to turn red in anger and embarrassment.

“Hey! I've learned a ton of new spells I can totally handle it plus even if Amity doesn't join in, I won't be alone I'll Have Aurora, Nax, Frost-

" And what will you do if Grom turns into their worst fear? And let's not forget you are still pretty emotional when you are fully human which will be a smorgasbord of fear for Grom to use, what happens if for some reason you change back? Grom's meant to be one-on-one, and your biggest strength will be your biggest weakness kid. “Eda said sternly.

“Eda please calm down.” Bahamut placed his hand on her shoulder typing to ease the orange-haired witch, but he couldn't tell if it worked.

" Eda I-

“Bahamut just . . . help them with this fear training thing I- I need a moment alone.” Eda then turned and leaned on the dresser King was on just trying to get her nerves together.

The Dragon King looked at the Owl Lady and sighed having a feeling he knew what was wrong, so he made a double of himself with the original him taking the girls and giving a signal to King to follow and left Eda's room. Taking his time Bahamut's double waited for Eda to calm her nerves before speaking “Eda-

“Stuff it Bahamut I don't need a lecture right now.” Eda said cutting him off.

“I get that you are worried bu-

" Worried? Worried! I'll tell you what I'm worried about, I'm worried that I'll be stuck as the Owl beast since the thing keeps coming back with a vengeance if one of us slips up with the elixirs or the magic you are sending me, I'm worried that one missed step is going to leave us in big trouble and the kids in danger. And now I have to worry about Luz getting in trouble if that form of hers fails and her fear consumes her. I don't doubt her Bahamut, not one bit she's proven that when it comes to anything physical and with magic, but mental strength isn't something you can improve in a day, especially in Luz's situation. Eda's huff caught her breath from shouting all her worries out and now shared with the one who kicked-started it.

Bahamut just looked down at the floor, he didn't think his return would cause this much trouble he overestimated himself and underestimated the problems that would occur Eda's curse, Belo's new dragon slayer, and Luz's bond still making her emotionally unstable he allowed his old experience to cloud his judgment and just assumed it would settle quickly as it did before, and that was just Luz, Having a hatchling around definitely isn't helping an with the stress of Eda's cursed seeming to loom over her head every day despite giving her magic the curse just seemed to consume it easily, Bahamut couldn't help but feel like he'd lied to her the Dragon King promised to help with it but even that wasn't helping by much now that more than half of Eda's own magic had been drained by the curse and was losing more every day if nothing was done soon then . . .

“Eda I’m- "

“Just. . . Help Luz the best way you can, I just need a minute. “Eda said not looking at Bahamut who wanted to protest but didn't want to argue, so the double dispelled himself with the original getting the memories and just sighed. The talk with Eda was pretty bad but he deserved it for hiding her situation there had to be a way to keep the curse under control- maybe that could work gaining control or at least making a deal with the beast. That was food for thought right now he needed to see how Amity and Luz were doing one thing was true having Aurora and the others involved wouldn't be a good idea that said he was quite proud of them.

They started small with Luz's and Amity's minor fears of cats with human souls, giant phones making debates Bahamut had no idea what they were talking about, and finally an Umm a giant black cloud with Edric and Emira's faces on it that created an assortment of creatures and events that even the Dragon King couldn't understand it. (“Man, I don't know if I should be scared or just creeped out”) He thought as the two were able to handle the fears very well more getting annoyed or creeped out of them than actually scared well guess it was time to get a bit more serious. Snapping his figure Bahamut got rid of the first group and in an instant, Luz was in a baby seat being picked up by a giant Eda disappointment on her face while Amity had puppet strings warping around her being held by her mother.

"Oh Mittens you really think I didn't know about your little reunion with Willow? Or whatever your scheme with that human over there? “That giant Odalia said while using the strings on Amity to make her bow.

“I’m not using Luz and Willow was my first real friend they're both my friends.” Amity countered only for the illusion to laugh a curly.

“Hmhmhmhmhm, oh dear you seem to forget Mittens we are Blights. We don't interact with Half-a-witches or Humans, they are nobodies and as such shall be forgotten or disposed of and since you failed to cut ties with them or at least take advantage of that Human them it seems I will be the one to deal with them. " Odalia made a black spell circle and summoned several terrifying shadow creatures with pricing red eyes and what they had in their claws made Amity go pale both Luz and Willow were trapped in their clutches both looking pale as if drained of life. Amity wanted to scream, she wanted to cry. However, some part of her mind that wasn't trapped in pure horror took advantage of the illusion trying to scare her and make a spell circle firing a huge ball of fireball at her fake mother creating a huge exposition of pink smoke and breaking the illusion.

Amity fell to the ground free from strings, thankfully not that high off the ground glad to be free from the nightmare as she took in a few deep breaths. She lost control of her emotions but honestly, that was fine. “Better than breaking down. " She thought regaining control of her breathing while looking up to see if Luz was ok.

Luz herself wasn't having the best time with the giant Eda telling her she was inadequate and how she was relying too much on her dragon form and knew without it she wouldn't have stood a chance against any of the crazy events if it wasn't for her dragons or her friends. This was fine since she countered that Eda herself needed help like in the Conformatiorm or their first encounter with Tibbles Luz growled at that just thinking of the pig still made her mad (" I swear if I see him again, I'm feeding him to Lyn for a week. " ) She thought completely willing to do that but first deal with this illusion.

“Honestly, I'm starting to think this was a bad idea.” The giant Eda said shaking her head in annoyance, whatever limit she had it seemed that Luz had just reached it. “Do you really think all the training and practice will get you through Grom? It won't you're just a mentally unstable human who just got the attention of a washed-up dragon king and a symphonic witch thief who felt sorry for you."

Ok she'll admit that one hurt a bit. “Yha I got lucky that Owlbert chose my trash bin, took my book, and I chased him back to the Boiling Isles But when it came down to letting me stay you were fine with it. You could have just whipped my memory and tossed me back into the human world, but you didn't. You actually-

“And queue that stupid form to wear off.” The fake Eda said with a smug smirk on her face. Perfectly timed Luz stated changing leaving her completely shocked. “H-How did you time that out so perfectly?” Luz asked not sure what to do now. "Like I said I have to keep an eye on everything you do because you always get over your head with things. Heck, I bet I'm not your biggest fear and you're just worried that you'll lose whatever kind of respect or pity I have for you.

Luz could feel her heart breaking, pity was what Eda really felt about her after everything she'd done to help her was it just a show for her to watch? The dumb human girl finds out the Boiling Isles gets apprenticed to the witch with the door back to her realm whenever she wants. (" Or when said teacher gets bored of her and throws her back into the human realm with no way to come back.") Luz was starting to panic at the thought and what would happen to the people she met? Gus, Amity, Willow, and everyone she'd met at Hexside they were great at what they did but she didn't want to leave without saying goodbye, and then the dragons. Oh god, what would happen to them? Sure, Bahamut was here but for how long would he be able to keep them safe before something went south, she didn't want to think what would happen to them if they were swarmed by Emperor Coven members or worse ran into Lilith, and then there was Lyn. Oh god Luz didn't even want to think about that she couldn't, she'd seen it once heck the memories still give her nightmares but thinking about her little sister going back to that nightmare made her want to scream or was, she already screaming she couldn't tell ever just seemed void to her.

Bahamut covered his ear due to the loud roaring and screaming that Luz and Lyn and his descendants were making he could tell Luz was at her limit but didn't expect this, King was trying to calm the baby wrym down trying to speak softly between the roaring dragons, but his words hit deft ears as the young one was bawling her eyes out. “Ok, that's enough.” Bahamut snapped his fingers and the giant Eda disappeared as well with the highchair that held his student who was still screaming.

" Luz it's over calm down " Bahamut rushed over to the girl's side and wrapped her in a hug hoping a familiar presence would calm her down it didn't Luz struggled and fought to get away at whatever was holding her " Luz it's me Bahamut please calm down your emotions are affecting the others and their scaring Lyn. " That seemed to get to her as Luz finally stopped struggling and started muttering something of an apology before finally passing out.

" Haaaaaa, thank Titan for that.” Bahamut picked up Luz and carried her on his arm and was about to walk over to the still crying Lyn only for a voice to call him. “Um, Mr. Bahamut is Luz going to be, ok?” Amity asked wanting to help but didn't know what to do. Bahamut smiled happy that the green-haired girl wasn't anything like or had any attention like that pile of sludge her mother is and genuinely cared about her friend. (“Still going to incinerate that woman if I met her. ") “Actually, you think you can go to the Kitchen and get some water and an ice pack, at best Luz will just wake up with a headache or she could be out for the rest of the day.”

With a nod Amity ran into the house thankfully Hooty opened the door without any complications with that done Bahamut walked over to his disciples who were trying to calm down the still-crying baby wrym. “It’s ok, little one,” Bahamut said picking up Lyn and carrying her in his opposite arm trying to calm her down by cradling her, but it wasn't working only when the baby Wrym saw her big sister nearby did she slowly stop crying and struggled to get to her, Bahamut saw this and brought her closer to Luz making sure not to drop them. Once Lyn made it to Bahamut's other arm she started squirming into Luz's arms nuzzling into her chest before falling asleep. Smiling at that the Dragon King grabbed the three dragon siblings with his other arm and carried them inside.

Getting into the house and carefully placing Luz and Lyn on the couch and placing the dragon siblings on the opposite end Bahamut had to take a step back and think about the situation at the moment the training went. Well better than he expected worse than he hoped, both Amity and Luz gave in to their minor fears and insecurity Luz completely lost it while Amity only escaped due to her panicking. "Ha, just hope I didn't create a new problem.” He said rubbing the back of his head while leaning against the wall.

Amity came back into the living room with the water and ice pack a minute later placing them on the side table for later use. “Thank you again Amity I know we should be training but with Luz out like this, we're gonna have to wait,” Bahamut said but only got a nod from the green-haired witching worry emanated on her face. “Is something wrong?”

" Are. . . are you sure you want to keep training me after- " After hearing what that worse-than-trash, green-haired pile of sludge that dares call herself your mother or a parent to anyone. " Bahamut finished for her a smug smile on his face.

“Uh, yha she wanted me to be apprenticed by you to get the dragon abomination recipe and use it to make a profit.” Amity explained still shocked by Bahamut's view of her mother. True she didn't have the best opinion of her mother either, but this was the first she heard anyone bad-mouth her.

(“OK new plan, burn their company to the ground with her mother inside. Make it look like an accident, and everyone walks away happy. “) Bahamut thought with an annoyed smile anger easily seeping out but not wanting to scare the green-haired witching." Really getting sick of these Hexside students' parents. As for the apprenticeship right now, I'd like to focus a bit more time on Luz before finding more potential students, but you'll be the first on my list for my next one. As for a response to that “Mother” of yours, tell her to shove whatever threats and money she has and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. " The dragon king finished his eyes glowing red showing how serious he was with a desire to say more than just that hollow denial.

Amity couldn't help but chuckle at that noting she'd have to dumb down the response to a simple no. The two continued to talk and tune out Hooty's additions until the bird tube messed with Amity enough to attack him forcing the dragon king to pry the green-haired witching off and patch Hooty up. Luz and her dragons slept a lot longer than Bahamut thought, by the time Luz started to steer the sun had fully set. “Luz, are you alright? You've been out of hours. “Amity asked while Luz fully awakened still, holding her sister.” What happened? “She said with a grown.

“You passed out after the words of the illusion got to you causing you and the others to have a panic attack." Bahamut answered.

"Really? Ugh, I don't remember much of it it's just jumbled up thoughts and memories. “Luz said gripping her head just trying to remember anything that just made her headache worse. Thankfully the ice pack Amity handed to her helped.

" Then it's best not to force them, here let me take Lyn so you can relax. “With a nod, Luz handed the still-sleeping baby Wrym to her teacher and walked out of the room to prepare dinner as Eda hadn't made an appearance since the argument.

With the dragons and King fast asleep Amity was practical alone with Luz still nursing her headache, while she thought it would be best if she left to head home and let the dragon-eyed human get some rest the image of seeing Luz and Willow being harmed by her mother well . . . she didn't want to be anywhere near the women right now. “Hey, Amity.” The green-haired witching snapped out of her thought at the sound of Luz's strained voice.

"Hum, something wrong Luz?” Amity asked.

“I just want to apologize for passing out the whole day.” Luz said getting a confused look from the green-haired girl.

“Why would you apologize about that? Neither of us knew that you'd react like that. “Amity said trying to understand what Luz was apologizing for.

" It's just I took up the rest of your day, so you didn't get the chance to give that note of yours to whoever you wanted to ask to Grom. " Luz answered getting a shocked look on Amity's face.

“H-how did you know what the note was?”

" Back at my school in the human world, I saw a lot of classmates and students ask each other out for school dances in different ways from yes or no notes, to flashy stuff like that guy who asked Skara out. Luz explained.

“Really? Did... did anyone ask you? Amity asked.

Both no here and in the Human realm, everyone in my old school thought I was a weirdo and everyone in Hexside is either scared of me or they don't like that I'm human despite the whole Draco witch thing or scared because of that.

“Oh.” Was all Amity could say.

“What about you? I bet at least someone in Boscha’s Grudgby team or one of the boys she hangs out with asked you last time. “Luz asked curiously getting a laugh from Amity taking a set on the couch.

" Ha, yha right I mainly kept my distance from everyone, the ones I was supposed to be around I didn't really hang around with and the ones I wanted to be around I couldn't without my parents finding out. “Amity said looking down at the floor.

“I’m guessing the person you want to ask isn't in the circle of friends your parents want you to be around?” Luz asked and got a nod from the green-haired witchling.

"Well hey, if you want any help keeping it a secret or just get Boscha off your back so you two can hang out, me and the others can help. " Luz said getting Amity an encouraging smile.

“Ha, thank Luz.” Amity responded with a small smile. “I’ll see if I can ask them later that day right now, we should focus on beating Grom.

“Right.” Luz said looking down at her unused hand thinking about everything that happened the argument with Eda and the panic attack she'd had earlier a mixture of worry appeared on her face. (“If I can't control my emotions, I'm going to be a burden to Amity and everyone else. ") Luz clutched her fist the last thing she'd ever wanted was to be a burden to anyone not to her mother and definitely not to her friends here.

Amity was starting to worry about Luz one minute she was smiling the next looking down in contact. She was about to ask the dragon-eyed girl if she was alright until Luz clutched her hand before speaking. “Amity.”


Luz closed her eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling Luz took Amity's hands and looked straight into her eyes golden meeting slit-brown. “I promise I won't let you down, will beat Grom together, and have a great night,” Luz announced.

Amity didn't know what to think she was happy that Luz was willing to keep going but . . . (" Why was she so close!? “) She thought a shade of pink appeared on her face.

" T-that's great but we should wait it'll tomorrow to get back to training.” Amity said turning her head away so Luz couldn't see her blush. That snapped Luz out of her determinate thoughts and blushed a little in embarrassment with a smile on her face. “Oops. Ahaha sorry, I went a little overboard. “She said scratching her head with a goofy grin on her face.

The two students just sat on the couch unsure of what to do but still blushing for different reasons until Bahamut returned to tell them dinner was ready only to see the two flustered and decide to mess with them. “Well, now it seems you two had a good conversation.” He said with a cheeky smile.

Luz only looked at him not understanding but Amity sure did as she started turning even redder than before. Bahamut just kept sneaking telling them that dinner was ready. Without hesitation, Amity got off the couch and rushed to the kitchen still trying to hide her blush with Luz following.

Dinner wasn't what Amity expected Luz was eating mostly vegetables and griffin eggs while feeding her little sister living plants consuming whatever magic was in them while King scarfed down his stew and asked for more While Bahamut had just come back from giving Eda a plate. Honestly, it was kind of chaotic but weirdly comforting.

" So Amity After dinner do you want me and Luz to take you home or would you rather stay the night so we can continue fear training first thing in the morning? " Bahamut asked while re-filling King's bowl.

Hmmm, I think it would be best if I stayed over. Grom's tomorrow so we won't have a lot of time but if we wake up early enough, we could get a bit more practice in. I'll just Hex the twins that I'll be staying over. “Amity said summoning her scroll.

“Got it. Oh, before I forget what colors are you wearing Amity? “Bahamut asked freezing the green-haired witch in her tracks as her blush returned.

“Umm, purple why?”

"Well, since you and Luz are going to be Grom royalty, I thought it would be nice if you shared a color. You know to complement each other. “

"Ha, yha right you just want to take pictures of them as dates, go all dad mode, and cry the whole night. " King said laughing stew dripping from his skull face.

“I Will NOT! I'm making Luz and Lyn outfits for Grom I want to make them look nice for the night. “Bahamut countered while making sure to keep the camera Eda got him safe, he still wanted to take pictures, but he wasn't going to cry. . . Hopefully.

“I don't really mind that but, Amity already has someone in mind for her Grom date. Wouldn't it be a bit misleading for others? “Luz asked not wanting to mess up Amity's chance, but the green-haired witching quickly raised her hand in refusal.” It's fine Luz really, I'm sure they won't mind." Amity said trying to convince Luz it was ok, honestly liking the idea.

"Then it's settled, do you have an idea of what you want to wear Luz?” Bahamut asked bringing some food to the now-awakened dragon siblings when.

" Oh! I have an idea." Luz then went up to Bahamut and whispered something into his ear getting an interesting look on his face until something Luz said quickly whipped it off leaving him with a look of annoyance " Really? " Was the only response Bahamut gave. " Hey, it's either that or make the whole thing look like one. " Luz countered. Bahamut's annoyed look was still pungent but was thinking at the same time." I'm going to make the outfit, but I'll add a glyph that can change you into. . . That." He said walking off and leaving Luz with a goofy smile. " Thank you," she shouted to him.


" Deciding to head to bed early so they could get some more training in before Grom Amity and Luz were trying to decide the bed. Luz's original bedding was just a sleeping bag but after getting Lyn as an egg it quickly changed. Instead, now there was a pile of blankets that looked like a makeshift nest on the far right of the room with a few extra pillows and stuffed animals inside, a jar of fresh herbs and flowers in water was on a shelf with an assortment of books and stacks of paper, as well as two big chests with all sorts of items with an Azura poster on the wall.

" Wow wasn't expecting your room to look like this. " Amity said looking through everything.

" Yha, I made the nest when Lyn was still an egg and kept it since she likes sleeping next to me at night. We tried to get her to sleep in a baby crib but . . . " Luz looked at the empty space where the crib once was and remembered how scared her little sister was the first time she went in and started crying instantly before Luz picked her back up hugging her as if her life depended on it. If wasn't for Lyn warming up to Bahamut and Eda, she'd doubt Lyn would ever let Luz put her down. " We never did that again besides it's better than cuddling up in a sleeping bag all the time. " The dragon-eyed girl said wanting to move on from that memory.

“I understand that but how are we supposed to sleep like . . . this." Amity said pointing at the makeshift nest, it was big enough for both of them but sleeping even with Lyn buuuut. Amity got a small blush thinking about sleeping next to Luz. “Aww don't worry Amity, we can make it comfortable for all of us. Besides whom can say no to this cute face!" Luz then lifted the baby Wrym who started making cute mumbles trying to get closer to the green-haired witching. “Aww looks like someone wants to be held by you.”

“Oh! No Luz I really- before Amity could protest, Luz placed Lyn in her arms, guiding her to hold the baby Wrym properly, and Amity had no idea how to react. Sure, she was used to little kids but not babies as golden eyes meet quad star eyes Lyn, however, sniffed at Amity's necklace and was trying to put it in her mouth only for Luz to quickly take it off Amity's neck. “Aha ha ha, Lyn," Luz said wagging her finger. “No numbing on Amity's necklace.” Walking over to the shelves Luz placed the necklace next to the jar of herbs.

" Sorry about that Amity, Lyn really likes numbing on gemstones or valuable metals. Bahamut's said it's common, but we found out the hard way when this cute little troublemaker got into some of Eda's potion ingredients and started gnawing on some of the gems, ended up draining the magic from them making the potions go crazy, hahaha." Luz explained while giving the giggling baby some of the herbs to snack on.

“Haha, Its ok Luz. (“Would be a good idea to get rid of the thing. ") Amity thought thinking of a way to "accidentally” have Lyn eat it only for say baby Wrym to start nuzzling in her chest looking ready to fall asleep.

" Awwwww, she likes you! “Luz quietly started to squeal at the sight while Amity was trying to process the whole thing.” Hey, since she's so used to you why don't you take the nest while I sleep in my sleeping bag? “Luz suggested getting the green-haired witching's attention.

" I-I can't just take your bed, and what if she wakes up crying? I don't know how to handle babies, “Amity said worried that she might mess something up, but Luz just shook her head a small smile on her face.” No worries I'll still be in the room if she starts crying besides, once Lyn falls asleep, she won't wake up unless she has a nightmare or is hungry and that shouldn't happen tonight after everything. “Luz encouraged despite Amity's still worried look, but before she could continue arguing, Luz was already guiding her to the nest.

Several hours passed and Amity was still waked only thinking about the baby still nuzzling in her chest it felt weird having the little one so close to her for such a long time and yet it felt. . . Nice. Looking a little over the edge of the nest Luz was sleeping peacefully in her sleeping bag despite not being in her own bed (or at least a variant of a bed.), and her little sister sleeping with someone who's barely interacted with her. (“It’s so crazy how these two trust me so easily but. . . ") Amity thought about everything that happened since meeting Luz from the abomination incident to the trip to the old dragon witch town and all she could do was smile while bringing Lyn closer. (“I don't think I'd change a thing. ") She thought ready to close her eyes and sleep only for Lyn to start acting up. The baby Wrym was mumbling something in her sleep while clutching onto her shirt for dear life but wasn't crying at least not yet, the green-haired witching tried to soothe the baby Wrym with sweet words but fell upon deaf ears as Lyn started to cry not a completely whaling but tears still left her eyes.

" Oh no. It's ok Lyn what's wrong? “Amity trying not to panic asked cradling the baby Wrym trying to figure out what upset her.

“Amity is Lyn, ok?” A voice that the green-haired witchling wasn't expecting to be so close asked. Looking up Amity to see Luz wide awake and stepping into the nest.

" I- I'm not sure she just started crying in her sleep. “Amity said trying to explain still cradling the little one who wasn't crying as loud as before but tears were still falling from her face.

“She must have had a nightmare.” Luz then lifted her arms signing Amity to hand Lyn over with a nod she did with the baby Wrym instantly clutched her older sister's neck with her nubby hands wanting to be close. "Shh sssh sssh it's ok Lyn it's ok,” Luz said rubbing the back of her sister then what Amity didn't expect to happen Luz started to sing. “

“Kiir do fin golt, dreh hi hon. Echoes do vahzen daar ont rang clear?”

“Ziin sil intertwined. Gein vahzah ros nust drey siiv “

“Drun golt ahrk heavens near.”

“Nuz yolosse tol burned full bright, soon spaan vul”

" Memories dimmed naal shadowed hearts ko faal waxing gloom, drey wane faal lovers' iilah.”

“Watching ol nun leinne drift apart”

“Gein sil's cry, aan smoliin dwelling tu’um”

“Zahrahmiik, aan final plea wa ek from”

“Yet daar bond do hope, naal tahrovin sizaan broke”

"Scattering ek rotte wa faal ven. "

The song was quite soothing, but Amity couldn't tell what the song was about due to Luz singing it in dragon tongue. Despite that, it was calming Lyn down as her grip on Luz lessened but didn't fall back asleep yet.

“I didn't know you could speak dragon so well already; your singing was really good.”

“Haha, thanks Bahamut taught it to be in his tongue I can sing it in English and Spanish, but Lyn really likes it when I sing it in Dragon.” Luz explained remembering how weirdly simple it was to get the language down so fast.

“Really? It sounded like you were telling a story, what's the song about? “Amity asked curiously.

Luz sighed. " It's about two lovers a Royal and a soldier from different worlds falling in love only for war to break out between the two, sadly the soldier kills their lover in betrayal leaving them heartbroken and continuing the war. In the end, they're alone with nothing but lost friends and lost love and a world filled with anger. . . It's a story about a never-ending cycle of betrayal, and grudges, and the price of it. A kingdom now has no leader, and the soldier now has nothing. " Luz explained looking a bit down the song had such a depressing story to tell but when hearing or singing it was impossible not to enjoy.

(“Endless cycle of betrayal and loneness ha. . . ") Amity quietly signed thinking about her own situation what her mother told her to do and what has happened since meeting Luz as a small smile crept on her face. (“I guess she's been my knight from the start. ") Amity thought looking at the two dragon siblings making random baby gibberish. (“In her own weird kind of way. ")

Luz was still making baby noises with Lyn when Amity spoke up. “I think it's time we head back to bed Luz, we still have training in the morning," she said trying to get Luz's focus back.

" Hahahaha, you're right here I still want Lyn to sleep here than the sleeping bag.” Luz tried to hand Lyn over to Amity she did, but the baby Wrym refused to let go of her big sister's shirt.

“It’s ok Lyn, Amity will be with you and just be out of the nest.” Luz's encouraging words fell on deaf ears as Lyn still didn't let go of her shirt and was starting to get upset.

Luz didn't know what to do her little sister was ok being with Amity but didn't want her to leave, and while she had no problem with that Amity did. (“Awww I don't know what to do. ") She thought trying to find some way to prevent Lyn from crying. Amity saw Luz struggle just trying to make both her and Lyn happy but seeing as how the dragon-eyed girl was trying so hard to figure out some kind of compromise it was clear something had to break.

" Hey Luz.” Amity said quietly but loud enough for the human girl to hear.

“Yes.” Luz answered getting out of her stupor.

“. . . If Lyn wants you to stay then it's best if you stay. " She said with a small blush while leaving Luz shocked.

" A-are you sure I don't want to make it awkward for you.” Luz asked not wanting to make her guest uncomfortable.

" I-it's fine, and before you ask, no, I'm not taking the sleeping bag since Lyn doesn't want me to go anywhere either." Looking down at Amity's waist the baby Wrym had her tail warp around it, meaning Lyn wasn't letting go of anyone anytime soon.

“Well since I'm outvoted, Ok I'll stay.” Luz said getting Lyn started to giggle like she just won some kind of game. With that Luz got herself comfortable and even tried to see if her little sister wanted to sleep with her now that she was in a better position, but Lyn seemed to like being near Amity so with that the three were finally able to fall back to sleep without any more incidents.


Bahamut reappeared inside the Owl house at Seven AM with several covered-up cloth bags his late night work finished and now he wanted to cook some breakfast for the girls before they started training so tip-toeing past King and dragon siblings who were sleeping on the couch piled on one another, and into the kitchen preparing a fruit salad, (both demon and human origins) with some griffin eggs and toast. The smell of food instantly woke up King and the siblings as they fell to the floor in a heap of limbs until they untangled themselves and headed into the kitchen where their plates were already prepared. While the little ones started to eat Bahamut checked the clock and it was almost seven-thirty.

(“Good time to wake up the girls. " ) He thought heading upstairs with a plate of food for Eda who probably wouldn't want to see him just yet and seeing as how she left her dishes outside her bedroom door from dinner it was clear that was still the case still he would accept it picking up that dishes and placing the fresh food next to the door and knocked " Eda I know that you're up if you're hungry I brought you breakfast if you hungry." There was no response it seemed he would have to wait until tonight to talk to his partner. “I’ll leave it by the door." With that Bahamut placed the plate of food on the floor and headed to Luz's room.

Knock, knock Luz, Amity it's Seven thirty, you two need to wake up if we're going to do some more fear training before tonight, " The Dragon king called out behind the door but only got some muffled grunts and groans but no response or indication that anyone woke up. (“Whelp looks like it's a snow call today. ") Ready to wake up his students Bahamut opened to door ice crystal started to form in his hand until he saw a sigh that made him happy and wanted to cry at the same time. Inside the makeshift nest, Luz had her arms wrapped around Amity who was practically nuzzling in Luz's neck while holding on to Lyn sleeping peacefully in the green-haired girl's chest, the sight reminded him of the old days of couples on dates, parents with their hatchlings. Oh, how he wishes he'd had the chance to be a father even if he acted like a father to Luz, Lyn, King, and the dragon siblings, he wasn't sure if they felt the same. (" I'm still taking a picture of this to mess with Luz a little. Hahaha “) Bahamut thought summoning his camera and taking a quick pic before getting back to why he was here.

Luz, Amity it's time to wake up. “Bahamut called out getting both girls to steer with Amity being the first to wake up and turn bright red seeing how close she and Luz were. Rising Luz herself unconsciously untangled herself from Amity and started to stretch with a big yawn, once that was done, she opened her eyes and started looking around seemingly in a daze. “Morning everyone.” She said oblivious to Amity's still-red face.

" M-morning Luz. " Amity answered still red lifting the baby Wrym who was trying to get her big sister's attention seeing this Luz let the baby Wrym grab her finger joking about how strong her grip is getting her little sister to laugh again despite it being early. Amity thought the scene was pretty cute smiling a little as Lyn held onto Luz's finger.

" As cute as this is we still have a few hours before Grom and if you two still plan on last-minute training you three should head downstairs before King eats the rest of the food. " Bahamut interrupted.

“I’ve already started!” King said shouting from downstairs “Darn it all!” Bahamut rushed back downstairs with the girls behind him hoping that King didn't get through everything.


Thankfully the most King did was just make a giant egg sandwich out of most of the food and was somehow holding his own at keeping the dragon siblings away from it, however, after Bahamut gave him, a stern talking to the girls were able to eat in peace until Hooty broke through the back door.

“We have company! Hoot! Hoot! He shouted bringing his coiled-up body inside and dropping two familiar green-haired figures.

" Edric Emira what are you two doing here?” Amity asked.

" Well there's a lot of reasons but the main one for us is to see if you need any extra help. " Em answered.

“Also to get a good laugh at your more embarrassing fears.” Edric added more as a joke but caused the two girls to flinch at that remembering yesterday.

Bahamut just shook his head at the jest. (“There goes my plan of keeping them at ease and encouraging through the training.”) He sighed in annoyance. “The most you two can do right now is cheer Luz and your sister during training since you two ruined the mood.” The Dragon King said giving the twins an annoyed look. The twins just gave him a nervous smile silently agreeing to take his word and stay out of the way until they were needed.

Finishing breakfast and getting ready for more training both (psychically and mentally) Luz and Amity headed outside to join everyone else only to see two huge familiar figures both staring at them with unimpressed looks. “Wow. . . Bahamut doesn't waste any time, does he? “Amity asked Luz still staring at the figures with a look of shock and fear.

“Sadly no. “The dragon-eyed girl answered with the same look as her friend fully aware of Bahamut's training methods.” Alright, you two yesterday I made it a bit. . . extreme I shouldn't have separated you two like that and had you deal with your fear alone soooo. “With a snap of his fingers, Bahamut merged the illusions of Eda and Odalia to make a bigger Eda.” Instead, you two will face one of your fears together then the next, if you two are going to face Grom together then you need to work together and help each other out when doubt starts to take hold. "

“I highly doubt this will work.” The giant illusion Eda said." One's a spoiled brat and the other a disappointment. “She said getting everyone except the twins at the same time to stare at Bahamut with a look of annoyance feeling like this was going to be a repeat of yesterday the twins instantly thought (“ Wow ouch ") at the same time.

“What? I have no control over what she said, it’s to make the experience like the real thing. “The Dragon King tried to defend himself.

“Well your idea sucks! Yha stupid bag of scales! “A voice shouted from the top room of the house. It was Eda the real Eda still in her sleeping clothes but looking just as annoyed as everyone else with the King of moron's decision. “I thought you weren't going to get involved with this?” Bahamut asked.

" I wasn't because I thought you'd handle it while I watched the kids progress and prove me wrong for worrying so much. But after yesterday's fiasco, I'm tired of hearing that ugly thing! “Eda said pointing at the illusion of herself.” Listen, kid, you're a great protégé and I'm proud of your progress both with magic and as a person, and as for you mini-Blight, I'll say this you are a better person than your mother has, is, and will be. Now shut that thing up so Mama can have some fun tonight I need the stress release. " With that final word, Luz couldn't tell if she should be happy or flat-out laugh at Eda's retort so instead, she smiled dumbly and nodded getting herself ready to deal with this minor fear with Amity following her.

Eda smiled seeing the two girls work together so well, only to see Bahamut smile like he did something right the whole time. (“Don’t look so happy Mr. ") Eda said using the link to Bahamut to talk in his head. (“I had to do your job and keep the kids from doubting everything they are, you owe me one. ")

(“But I-

(“No buts Bahamut ") Eda interrupted. (“Get the girls ready for Grom I gotta make a list of stuff you are doing for me tonight. As I said Mama needs a stress-free night and you treating me. ") The owl lady announced not giving the Dragon King a chance to respond before cutting the connection and closing the window. (“Haaa, well hopefully tonight won't be too bad. ") Bahamut thought looking back at Amity and Luz as they defeated the giant Eda. " Hm, one down " With a snap of his fingers the giant dissolved into smoke and reformed into Amity's mother with a snarky smirk on her face but before she could say anything a block of ice was shot to her face. "Hahahaha, OK after everything I've learned about that woman last night, I would have done the same thing just to keep her mouth shut. Nice one Luz. "

The two Hexside students continued to fight the fake Odalia with Bahamut making light purple flags and shirts with Luz and Amity's faces on the front and a crossed-out face of Odalia and matching hats with Grom Queens on it to cheer them on. Even the twins had on the hats (“Don’t want their mother to find the shirts so it was the safer option. " ) with Nax using his magic to make multiple flags wave and cheer alongside his siblings. The girls themselves were doing well handling the fake Odalia and her bad-mouthing the only problem was that Bahamut (the Perfectionist) gave the illusion minor foresight for some reason so she was able to predict and counter their moves thankfully she could only see one of them at a time so combining their efforts with the help of Amber and Amity's abomination they were able to take her down.

“Well done you two, I'm impressed that you've worked so well together.” Bahamut cheered.

“Thank but I gotta ask. Why give that illusion foresight? If we're going to fight a fear demon, shouldn't it just have been Amity's mother talking trash and messing with our heads? “Luz asked.

" Ahahaha, sorry overdid it a bit. (“And to make sure if that literal Blight comes anywhere near you for any reason, you'd have some examples of what an oracle witch can do. ") Bahamut thought his once goofy grin turned into a sinister one, making sure if the burning of the Blight Industry warehouse down plan failed the fake mother of the Blights wouldn't be a problem.

Luz wasn't sure what her teacher was thinking but that smile probably wasn't going to stay for long if Eda had something to say about it. “Well either way should we get back to train?” She asked

"Unfortunately no. “Amity responded for the Dragon king.” That additional obstacle took too much of our time Grom will be starting in a few hours and we still need to get dressed.

“Good point so teach were you able to get my fitting done?” Luz asked.

" Haaaaaa, Yha I did quite a unique look. I only wish you didn't ask for your “personal touches.” Bahamut answered with a grown knowing fully well what he should have expected something interesting Luz would want to add in her outfit but not. . . That.

“Alright hey Amity do you want me or Nax to take your guys home and pick you up later?” Luz asked.

“Naw, it's fine will walk home and you can pick us up. Ed, Em come on, or we're gonna be late. “

"Awww don't you want to say goodbye to your-

" Finish that sentence and I'll tell your dates that you're both sick with common mold.” Amity interrupted still walking home with the twins now running to catch up to her.

" Bahamut and Luz snickered at the sibling's antics before waking back inside with Luz excited to go to a school dance while Bahamut turned pale at the length of the list Eda made.


It was time to head to Grom and everyone was ready Eda was wearing the red and platinum dress that thankfully was finished before the whole argument went down. Despite not wearing clothes King still wanted to wear something fancy so he put on a red bowtie with Eda's help straightening it. Lyn had on a simple cute dark purple dress with the collar and bottom being platinum that Bahamut made for her getting the young one to giggle happily wearing it as for Bahamut himself well he had the most change due to being one of Eda's punishments requests for his new illusion now looked more witch-like no sign of any draconic connection except his eyes which were blue slits with light tan skin and wild shoulder length platinum blond hair, he was still fairly tall about a foot taller than Eda but his armored robes were gone now wearing traditional blue and platinum robes with the dragon glyph on the back and a sign that read " EDA'S ARM CANDY. " Dangled around his neck another part of his punishment that honesty was the only thing that annoyed him the rest he was more than happy to do. Go to the dance and make the other parents who were chaperoning jealous, watch his student and her partner kick the can out of a fear demon, and finally celebrate with a huge feast dragon clan style or a fancy restaurant whichever Eda's choice and he was more than happy to do so if it meant not getting on her bad side again.

" Ok last check I'm good, you're good, you're good, and you little lady are just adorable Hahaha.” Bahamut said picking up Lyn above his head and making the baby Wrym giggle.

“Luuuuuz! Are you ready? We got to get going. " Eda shouted upstairs only to hear a door close and footsteps coming downstairs to reveal Luz in her outfit and to say she wasn't impressed was an understatement. Luz's hair was pulled back and wore a dark purple suit jacket the same shade as Lyn's dress with buttons, sleeves, collar, and side pockets that were platinum in color with a white shirt, a purple battle-half skirt with the back being solid black inside and loosely falling halfway to her calves with the front having a layered-like style coming from the side to the center falling downwards to her thigh finally she had purple fitting leggings going down to a pair of black dress boots. “Wow, kid you look great.”Eda praised getting a blush from Luz. “Haha thanks," she said scratching the back of her head.

" Indeed I was a bit worried when she asked for a dress-suit combo but honestly, this turned out quite well. " Bahamut said proud of the look until he remembered one detail that Luz asked that instantly changed his tone. (“Well at least it will be nice until the end. ") He thought.

" Whelp that's enough gawking let's go pick up mini-Blight and her siblings before we're late.” Eda said walking out with Owlbert in hand but not for flying this time nope now was the Owl lady's turn to ride on a dragon sure it was another psychical illusion of Bahamut in dragon form but this one was a lot cooler. This one was just as big as the one Eda saw in the dreamscape but was stand-up right more like a humanoid with platinum armor-like scales with yellow claws on both its feet and hands. Its wings were layered-like and were more feathered-like than the typical draconic ones but still look like scales. The first layer had those weird, feathered scales with a yellow and purple pattern with several bigger red feathered scales going outward from them. The second layer had a much thicker wrist with the same feathered scales but was solid platinum in color and had the red scales as the first shade going down. The last part of it was honestly a mystery to Eda as a golden wheel-like object was floating behind its head with the symbol of the sun on it.

Honestly, if it wasn't for Bump promising not to tell the Emperor's coven any about this Eda would be full hardy against how flashy the figure was but with that promise and Bahamut wanting to stick it to a good amount of the parents. (Mainly to Boscha's and maybe the Blight's parents.) She'd let it go tonight." Alright, big guy let's get going. “Eda said using her staff to bring up the ground and hop on the bigger Bahamut's back.” But no funny stuff," she added.

" Oh sure you tell me that, but I bet you are going to be treating me like a piece of meat all night.” Bahamut mumbled getting on as well holding on to Lyn with Luz, King, and Frost following suit. Aurora and Nax turned into their adult forms and with one flap of their wings were in the air with the giant Bahamut following them to the Blight's Manor.

To say that the Blight siblings weren't in shock was an understatement as they saw the new dragon the owl group was riding on, both the twins had stars in their eyes as they gawked and tried to touch it while asking questions about where it came from, except for Amity who was getting used to Luz and her mysterious teacher's unorthodox ways.

“Hey Amity you look great.” Luz greeted sliding down the huge dragon. Amity wore an old-timey style-like dress with an undershirt with puffed shoulders that were a light purple that matched her socks with the vest was a royal ruby in color the same as her boots with a pink teardrop jewel in the center of it, and her skirt was at kneel length that looked to be a dark pink. Luz thought I fit her quite well and gave the impression that Amity preferred the classic to her siblings who preferred something a bit more modern with Edric having a gray suit and black shoes and Emira having a long, yellow-colored dress with a small white bow on the chest.

" Thank you Luz you look quite well yourself.” Amity said giving the dragon girl a small smile.

“Ha, thanks. Oh, I almost forgot." Luz searched into her pockets and pulled out a small medium case handing it to the green-haired girl. Opening it up showed a flower of yellow and orange with multiple small petals and three light orange and red fiery-like feathers sticking from its left side, the band was made of smooth-looking vines with several small purple flowers blooming from it.

" A corsage!?” Amity asked stunned at the gift.

“Yha, I wanted to give it to you as thanks for sticking with me through this. With a bit of dragon tradition to it the feathers are from a phoenix, according to Bahamut, they are a sign of trust and partnership from dragon folk. “Luz explained getting a small blush to appear on Amity’s face.

" T-thank you Luz um how do I put this on?”

“OH it goes on your wrist hang on. Luz took out the corsage and wrapped it around Amity's wrist. “There what do you think?”

Getting a better look at the corsage Amity couldn't help but admire it The flower was beautiful though she had no idea what it was called but, the smell it emanated was quite nice and the phoenix feathers complemented very well, and while a piece of her was curious of how Luz got her hands on the feathers from a creature that's hasn't been seen since the dark ages she'd just chuck it up to list of mysterious stuff Mr. Bahamut has in his back pocket " It's beautiful, thank you, Luz." Amity said with a smile.

“You’re welcome.” Luz smiled back.

“Alright you two you can phrase each other all night after you beat Grometheus.” Eda called getting both girls to nod in agreement as Luz claimed on Aurora’s back and Amity climbed on Nax's ready to take on whatever fears they'll face.


" The party was just about started by the time the group got to the school as a large group of students and some of their parents saw their descent with the two familiar adult dragons and the even bigger one that was three times their size shocked and terrified them wondering where a beast like that would even come from, thankfully when the Grom royals came down their respected dragon as well as their family members everyone started to calm down only to start gawking at Bahamut some acknowledging how handsome he was while others laugh at the sign dangling around his neck. (“ I can already tell I'm gonna want to incinerate this place and about half the people here.”) The embarrassed dragon king thought while carrying Lyn in his left arm and Eda holding on to him on the right.

“Guys! You made it. “Willow cheered happily seeing her two friends (If she can call Amity a friend now) and in good spirits. Willow was wearing a one-piece dress with a long white neckline, and a yellow flower belt tied to her waist that matched well with her dance shoes. The dress had a flower leaves pattern with the top half being a darker shade of green than the bottom which had a small white flounce.

“Yup we're ready for anything.” Luz boasted trying to hype herself up only for Amity to grab her arm.

“Don’t get overconfident Luz, we're better at dealing with our fears together but we can still freeze up if our fears get too deep.” Amity explained wanting her partner for the night to stay focused.

" Awww come on Ams with your brains and my quick wit will roast Grom's butt and celebrate as royals the whole night! “Luz cheered getting a small smile from Amity.

“Oook Draco witch now you are starting to sound like Bahamut with the whole “Let’s set it on fire to solve our problems.” Amity joked getting the dragon girl to realize what she said. " Oh no I'm not gonna start getting ideas about pushing Lyn off a cliff when she gets older to teach her how to fly, am I? " Luz whimpered not wanting to do that to her little sister down the road. Before either of her friends could snap her out of her future fear of becoming her teacher Gus came out to greet them.

“Hey, you guys made it.” Gus was wearing a simple teal suit jacket and pants with a blue bow tie and brown dress shoes. “Is King here? Bump wants me and him by the stage soon."

“You bet I am let's get these people pumped up!” King cheered running inside Hexside with Gus right behind.

“Well King's got the right idea.” Eda said coming up the stairs with Bahamut still carrying Lyn. “Make sure you are ready for anything you two, Grom can still show you something unexpected. Bahamut added getting a nod from both Luz and Amity."

“Good, now time to show off my new boy toy! Hahaha! “Eda cheered laughing away getting Lyn to laugh with her and increasing Bahamut's growing sigh, with the three girls giggling at the ordeal until they started heading toward the gymnasium themselves.

The party was now in full swing as students, some teachers, and chaperoning parents were dancing to the band's beat from the Bard Coven. While that was happening, Eda was gloating and showing off her “Dream boat " of a date getting some of the mothers jealous at how the biggest troublemaker in Hexside history was able to catch such a man. Thankfully their partners got the full story from Bahamut on what the real relationship was between him and Eda, which got him a lot of nods of understanding as they all shared stories of messing up and having to do errands or fancy dates as an apology to their spouses. King and Gus were going through ideas for their routine when the Grom fight started wanting to get the crowd as pumped as possible even coming up with nicknames for each other. Edric and Emira were sitting in the bleachers looking bored they'd been waiting for their dates for a while now, but they hadn't shown up yet. The dragon siblings were all having a blast automating the lights wanting to give the Snaggleback a break. Willow was making corsages for dates she was honestly surprised that anyone asked her for something like that let alone being such a big hit. Finally, Luz and Amity were going through everything they needed and came up with a simple plan. DON'T GET SEPARATED.

" Then he comes out of the woods with a massive explosion behind him, most of his armor gone built like a minotaur, smiling like a goof like he didn't just cause said explosion. I didn't know what was more impressive the light show, or the gun show. Ahahaha." Eda laughed telling her own version of the events on the Knee but leaving out details to get the crowd curious and even more jealous with several of them looking at Bahamut himself on the dance floor with Lyn wondering how long the two really have seen each other, which only got Eda to laugh harder.

“Wow didn't think you'd be this relaxed after what happened yesterday.” King said running toward the Owl Lady after finishing his conversation with Gus.

Eda had to catch her breath from laughing so much. “Yha.” She started with a serious tone. " Honestly King I'm still worried, I know that's she not alone but there are some things no matter how well you think you can handle it are just too much for yha. I'm just hoping little Blight can pick her up when it happens. “Eda finished with contempt on her face unsure how this night was gonna end. The thought however was interrupted when the lights dimmed.

" Ladies, Gentlemen, and assorted Demons! “The light on the stage turns back on revealing Gus getting the crowd's attention “It’s almost time for our main Grom event. Please, take a seat and be aware that the first three rows are designated splash zones. “Gus announced having the light point to the said splash zone where one of the guests wearing a raincoat and opening an umbrella, getting the crowd to cheer again with a few joining in the splash zone. Eda, King, and Bahamut who had Lyn sitting on his lap sat toward the back wanting to get the best view of the fight to encourage the girls or in Eda's case jump in if this went bad not to say Bahamut wouldn't do the same, but his worries weren't as high. While the dragon siblings stood a row just above the splash zones just like Eda, they would jump at the very second things went bad.

“Wow Gus is good at this; they’re hanging on his every word!” King said amazed at how Gus was entertaining the crowd. Getting Bahamut to nod. “As much as I hate the coven system, I'll admit the illusion track sure knows how to teach students how to wow a crowd.” He admitted with Gus encouraging the crowds to keep cheering.

“I see we've got Principal Bump in the house! Now, sir, I hope you won't throw us in detention because, uh, we're about to raise the roof. “The spotlight turned toward Bump sitting in the bleachers doing a nervous raise-the-roof dance getting the crowd to cheer.

"Whoo, I, hope my material's up to snuff.” King said pulling out and dropping multiple gag items and scrip cards his nervousness getting to him as he slipped and sat on his own whoopee cushion. “What do think will go better with the youths, close-ups or impressions?” He asks.

" Oh King. “Eda said picking him up by his collar “Teenagers are brutal. They'll boo anyone, and that kind of public humiliation can stick with you for life. “Eda warned getting King even more nervous. Bahamut shook his head at the whole thing. “Ok, I think that's enough drama, we'll have enough to deal with when the fight starts.” The now blond-haired man said grabbing King from Eda and putting him back down on his set on the bleacher.

“King relax just think of this like you and Luz's comedy hour. You know, work on top of one another. "Bahamut tried to encourage hoping an everyday experience would calm King's nerves.

“Y-you think that would work?” King asked unsure. “

“I don't see a way it can go wrong. You two are great with those, I'm sure once you and Gus find your own rhythms. " Bahamut finished rubbing the little demon skull head with Lyn trying to pet him as well which King allowed getting both to laugh and getting Eda to groan now stuck with another bad joke market session.

Back outside the Gymnasium Amity is standing in the doorway watching the open performance while holding onto her note it was almost time for them to face Grometheus and still she didn't ask Luz to the dance. Sure, they were technical together but that was due to the role they were in. Maybe she should give her the note now? No, the fights coming up. Haa. . . She didn't know what to do.

" Hey Amity " Luz's voice got the Green-haired out of her thoughts placed the note back into her pocket and turned to see her fellow Grom royal. "Not sure if it's nervous or if I accidentally drank some milk, but something's making my stomach squirm. “Luz said clutching her stomach nervousness clear on her face.

" Hey now, we've been through worse than this.” Amity said placing her hands on Luz's shoulders and prompting her to stand up straight. “And you're forgetting two things.” Amity started pulling up her finger "One. We’re actually prepared rather than getting ambushed, “she continued with another finger " And two we have each other's back like at a certain night that will not be mentioned.” She finished with a small smile getting Luz to chuckle remembering said event.

Haha, encouragement and being quick-witted you finally going soft on me Blight? “Luz joked getting a chuckle from Amity.”

“Ha, you wish. I-I just want to say thank you for being so open to me despite treating you so poorly when we actually introduced ourselves. " Amity admitted still puzzled by how quickly Luz trusted her with everything involving her and the dragons and now even her worst fear.

" It's no problem, I don't really know why but after the duel and seeing you in the back hall I . . . I don't really know I felt bad but there was something else. Something familiar. “Luz clutched a part of her shirt close to her heart remembering what Amity told her then and what she knew about the green-haired witch situation now thanks to Bahamut's " get rid of the Blight parents. " Plan quickly getting stomped out by her and Eda with him using the information as a reasonable excuse, and now she understood Amity a bit more and the actions she took she wanted her freedom to make her own patch in life. Something the Emperor's coven could have given her and something Luz could relate to being with Eda and King. A place where she can be herself with others like her.

" I-I can't really explain why I trust you so much, but I do know I care about you just as much as Eda, King, Lyn, and Bahamut and the others, and I see them as family. But. . . I-is it ok if we hung out more? After this I mean, I know you still have someone you want to be with during the dance but, would you save me a dance? “Luz asked with a small blush on her face.

Amity didn't know what to say. Luz just admitted that she saw her as family, maybe more with the way she’d ask for a dance later, but she wasn't sure how deep those feelings were. Before Amity could respond Gus started their sentence announcement.

“Now introducing our Grom Queens. First, we have a Hexside classic the number one-star student of the Abomination class. Amity Blight! “Gus pointed to the gym entrance getting the spotlight to follow to show Amity there still holding on to Luz. Quickly pulling herself together Amity rushed toward the entrance before looking back at Luz.

“Let’s finish our talk once we deal with Grom ok?” She said giving Luz a small smile who responded with a nod of approval as she headed out to the weapon shelves with the crowd cheering for her.

“Next up you know her, you love. . . You've at least heard of her Luz the Draco witch! "

" Luz took a deep breath and headed out the join Amity by the soon-to-be entrance and got another round of cheers from the students as a familiar pedestal with a red button skittered onto the stage with Principal Bump following it. With Luz and Amity ready Gus pressed the button causing the Gymnasium to open up revealing the Lair of Grometheus and the weapon shelves.

The crowd cheered ready for the fight. Even Skara and her date were excited revealing their Grom jerseys underneath their dress cloths. The two Grom queens looked at their weapons of choice, but both decided not to use any Luz pulled out one of her dragon glyphs and placed it on her shoulder turning into her dragon form and getting a lot of looks of aww as Luz gave herself a quick look at herself liking her look quite a lot. Her wings, extra high, longer hair, and tail made her look fierce, and it seemed the crowd liked it too even Amity seemed to like it as she was trying to hide the tinge of pink on her face.

Shaking her head Amity regained her focus and drew a spell circle summoning some abomination goo that coated her hands and took the form of heavy-duty battle gloves, Luz saw this and followed suit Luz focused the magic onto her hand turning them into ice and having them shift into her clawed gauntlets. The two Grom Queens took a minute to get a feeling for their respected gear before giving each other an approving nod and heading down the ramp.

The two were cautious coming down to Gromethus Lair trying to see where Grom could possibly be hiding but saw no sign of it as they stood in the center until a sickening sound made them turn around. A growing mass of black sludge was seeping from the ground and heading toward them. “There you are, Gromarama. Not too scary. “Luz joked trying to calm herself and Amity for whatever Grom was going to turn into first. It didn't take long to guess as Grom took the form of a massive storm cloud with Edric, and Emira's faces on it getting some of the students to give the real Blight twins curious looks with the only response they could give were sheepish smiles trying to wave it off. “Hey, Mittens. Me and Ed came up with a great idea for a prank! " Grom Em cheered while Grom Ed already laughing at what they had planned " Check this out!” Sticking the ground with lighting the Grom twins' newest “prank “was revealed. A solid black battleship cannon with a rainbow of light coming out of the barrel." Say hello to the magic shuffle cannon! One touch from the load will turn your magic into something else."

“Allow me to demonstrate.” Grom Ed chimed in shooting a small bolt of lightning at the fuse of the cannon and readying it to fire.

Wanting to get some defense up, Luz slammed her ice-covered fist into the ground bringing up a wall of ice. Perfectly timed a loud explosion filled the entire Gymnasium but no impact of the said explosion was seen, instead A wave of water came crashing down on the two shocked Hexside students sweeping them to the far end of Grom's lair and almost hitting the wall, but thankfully stopped just by it.

“Ok, " cough " if I wasn't afraid of what the twins could do if their pranks went too far " cough " " cough " I sure do now. " Luz choked out trying to cough out the water that almost drowned her.

“cough ““cough” " Yha, sorry but now you see why one of my worst nightmares is Edric and Emira free to do whatever they want.” Amity responded recovering a little faster than Luz and looked up only to see another ball of rainbow light heading toward them. Think fast Amity brought her hands up quickly and drew a huge spell circle in mid-air bringing out a large fireball to counter the blast creating another explosion that thankfully just turned it into harmless balloons. Which caused the Grom twins to laugh.

“HAHAHAHAHA, Oooh titan that was great. Grom Ed laughed “

" Hahaha, Yha. Oh! I got a great idea! “Grom Em said the smile on her face widening.

“What’s that?” Grom Em made a familiar teal book appear with another lighting strike. “Let’s see what little Miss Perfect's hiding in here.”

Amity was stunned she didn't know Grom could go this far so early in the fight but maybe it was due to her fear of the twin's unpredictability, Amity was completely lost in her thoughts trying to remember past Grom fights or even ones she knew from when her own parents went to Hexside but then again, their situation was different.

“Amity quick draw another fire spell I got an idea.” Luz shouted trying to get the green-haired witching’s attention thankfully she snapped out of her thoughts and quickly drew another fire spell circle while Luz pulled out an ice glyph. “Now, focus on a single point and slam them together."

“What? What's that going to do? “

“Just trust me." Luz said focusing more on the spell circle Amity made. She could see the glyph for fire in it but that wasn't her main focus instead she was seeing how strong the flame was going to be while trying to calculate how strong she needed the ice glyph to be to get this idea to work. Getting a rough estimate right Luz plunged the slowly active ice glyph into the fire circle Amity was bringing closer.

The two spells collided and thankfully what Luz wanted to happen worked Amity's heavy focused fire spell was melting her much colder ice creating a mist from the focused area and completely blanking the arena and blinding the Grom Twins.

“Hey, no fair!”

“Now we can't read any secrets!” The Grom Twins complained with the Grom Ed trying desperately to read anything from the book while Em was trying to find the two Grom queens with the cannon ready to fire the second she'd spotted one of them. Seeing something shifting in the mist, Grom Em started firing wildly to her left hearing most of the blasts hit the wall until one hit something. “Ha! Got one! “Grom Em cheered.

"Oooh, who'd yha hit!? Who'd yha hit!? “Grom Ed asked in excitement curious to see the damage as the mist slowly started to clear however instead of a body, they saw what looked like an ice statue that was half turned into rubber.

“Awww, I wanted to see what the cannon would do to an actual person.” Grom Ed whinnied.

“Don’t worry we still have it, so we have plenty of opportunities.” Grom Em said trying to encourage her other half. “That’s what you think.” Both Luz and Amity's voices rung out but with no clear indication of where it was coming from, nor see where they were. A second later a massive spike of ice shot from the separating the Grom twins and destroying their cannon in the progress.

“Aaagh, Hey Mittens, I thought you were the best student in the school? Why hide? Why not come out and prove it? “Grom Em said trying to tempt Amity into doing something rash but her only response was more mist. Now she couldn't see anything not even her other half. “Ed? Ed! Where are you? “She called out but got no response. It was only wandering in the mist for what felt like hours that she heard something, and it only made her mad.

" AAAAAAAAAAH! It was a scream from Ed no less, and with the returning black mass coming to her it was clear that she was now alone. " AAAAH! You rotten little brats! Where are you!? “Grom Em shouted in rage now looking frantically for the two until spotting a faint orange light in the mist.” There you are. “She rushed over to the light while making a separate black mass to create a new cannon ready to fire the second she spotted either of the two only when she got closer to the light it vanished without a trace.

“No, No, NO! STOP HIDING ALREADY! Come out and FIGHT! "She shouted completely done with the two Grom Queens.

“Alright sis you asked for it.” Amity's voice rang out in the mist but still no indication of where she was. Grom Emira was frantically looking around trying to see anything until a small light shined in her sight. Without hesitation, she created another cannon and fired at it only for another light to appear right beside her and again fired without a second thought then another and another light as multiple lights to life out of nowhere, but it didn't stop Grom Em from blasting every light she saw, blinded by her rage Grom Em wasn't able to notice the giant abomination fist heading towards her until it was too late as it smashed her into the ground burring her in rubble and goo until she dissolved back into the black mass of Grom. Using Amber Luz was able to blow away the mist finally reveling themselves unharmed and, in an instant, the two were bombarded with cheers from the crowd thanks to Bahamut they were able to see through the mist and they were on the edge of their every second of it.

" And with that our Grom queens have bested Grom's first and possible most fierce form yet." Gus announced getting the crowd hyped. And now, to hand things over to my co-emcee: King. The crowd cheered wanting to see what kind of jokes the duo would do. King gulped still nervous "OK King you got this just play on what Gus is saying. Yha, that could work. I hoped." With one more quick breath, King ran into the spotlight of the stage but wasn't looking at the crowd. " Haha, you go that right Gus but you gotta wonder but you gotta ask who should be fearing who? Amity and Luz against Grom's tricks or Grom itself against our Queens of Terror! "King shouted getting the crowd to agree and cheer.

(" Hey this might actually work.") King thought taking another quick breath before turning to the crowd of parents, teachers, and students, and oh man there are a lot of people here. " Ahah-a sooo how about that mist trick those two pulled off ahaha. " King tried to come up with a follow-up but his mind kept going blank every time he looked at the crowd. Trying again King tried to come up with a new joke. " What about that crazy voice echo thing they did, were they really down there or- BRING BACK THE FUNNY KID! " King was interrupted by one of the teachers with the rest of the crowd booing in agreement.

" I-I. You will clap for me! Please. " King tried to calm the crowd down in his way but they only got loud in their boos, and started throwing things at the stage making Him drop the mic and run out of the Gym with Gus following. Bahamut would have joined the illusion student in cheering the little one, but Eda stopped saying that. " He needed to be here for the girls. " And to be honest she was right after Grom reformed it started taking forms of Luz's minors fear and just like the twins they were much more aggressive. The humans trapped in cat bodies much fiercer than the ones they dealt with in training taking the form of lions, panthers, and tigers saying they would turn them into one of them. Thankfully they acted quickly and used Amber to hold off the tigers while using adnomination goo and vines to trap and restrict the rest before taking them out. Now they were dealing with what seemed to be a combination of both their fears phones having not internet debates but messages taunting and mocking Luz while scrolls did the same with Amity except they were more of orders and gloating about how superior they were and how everyone else was beneath them, while this annoyed both girls it did very little else as the two Grom Queens easily shut them up.

All of this seemed quite off from the usual Grom attitude and Bahamut had to say it out loud" Strange, why is Grom making their fears so extreme? Like it's despite. " He asked getting Eda to think the same question Grom always acted nothing more than any typical wild demon only changing into people's fear perfectly accurate to bring and feed off that fear. It was pure instinct that every demon had but only wild ones fully embraced it causing chaos everywhere it went, however with how Grom was acting it was like it was fighting for its life. Back in the Arena Luz and Amity were finishing off the last of the phone messages. " Hey, I was right about Griffins having spider breath so get bent! Luz argued before slamming her gantlets on the ground bringing up a pillar of ice to pierce the phone saying that she was crazy about the Griffin topic. " Haa, that all of them? "

" Just about. " Amity answered walking over to Luz as Grom was reforming. The Fearbringer's body was currently swirling in a black mass, but its mind was enraged these two were different from the ones who fought it before but the smell. THAT SMELL! It reminded Grom of how it was imprisoned in the first place those creatures and witches that swarmed and attacked it was something it never experienced but their fear tasted great but there were two who weren't afraid, and the pain, THE PAIN! They dealt was agonizing it could smell one of them was here and there sent carried onto these two. Young ones. PERFECT PREY. Without even reforming Grom grabbed Amity and Luz using its tendrils to search their minds for their greatest fears and anything that could help break these two. The green one fear was deep but not deep enough, but the other. The one that smelled like ONE OF THEM! They are hiding a lot, and their fear would be the perfect vessel for it.

With that Grom let go of the girls leaving them in a daze and started taking a new form. " Ugh, what was that? was it digging in our heads? That felt weird. " Luz asked trying to get her thoughts together. " This whole Grom night had been weird, well weirder than usual. Our fears while accurate were changed to do more than just scare us but why? What's different? " Before Luz could ask Amity anything Grom had lunged at them swallowing them in its dark mass, shocking everyone in the stands seeing Grom practically consuming the two without even shifting into one of their fears. " WHAT THE! " Eda shouted about to get to the bottom of this until Bahamut placed Lyn in her arms and jumped down into the pit. " Luz! Amity! Can you hear me!? " The dragon King shouted into the black mass but darned not touch it, however his cries weren't heard as Grom continued to expand until it was a massive dome of darkness that almost filled the entire arena. Bahamut had no choice but to jump out before he got crushed.

" Bahamut! what's going on? Are the kids alright? " Eda asked worried while soothing a scared Lyn. " I'm not sure Grom surrounded the girls I can't get in, but I can't touch it without getting caught by that thing and if I attack it, I could hurt the girls. " Bahamut answered worried as he looked back at the dome. The only thing we can do right now is hope that Luz and Amity can stop it. "

Inside the dome Amity was wandering around in the darkness trying to find either Luz or an exit but so far, there was nothing darkness not even the light spell she used was helping her see. " Hello, Luz where are you? " She called out hoping to hear a response but still nothing. " This is insane Grom's never done this to anyone else in pass years, so why? Why is it doing this? " Before Amity could try to understand this unknown scenario a familiar voice called out to her.

" Amity. " The voice was quiet and had none of the regular energy it normally had but it was still recognizable. " Luz? Is that you? " Amity asked frantically looking around her trying to see anything in the darkness until a figure stared to appear it was Luz but " Oh Titan! " Amity was in horror on the conduction Luz's suit was almost in tatters with clear sigh of bites and claws being the culprits but she was still in her dragon form but her feathered wing on her right side was gone while the other was completely limp, the other more traditional set of wings membrane were torn to shreds, Luz tail was also bitten off from its second set of wings leaving a barely movable stump, she was caring her left arm that was injured but to what degree she couldn't tell, Aswell as her left leg limping behind her. Luz's hair was a mess and with a nasty slash to the dragon girls face that was across her right eye that must be damaged if not completely destroyed while her left eye was dull of life.

Over all Luz looked like she was in the losing end of a fight against a wild demon and was going to collapse at any moment. " Luz! " Without thinking Amity ran to the barely standing girl who collapse into her arms. " Luz! what happened? What did this!? " Amity rambled worried about her friend while looking around in the darkness to see if anything was following the dragon girl. " G-grom, lost focused, couldn't- couldn't handle it well, m-manage to force it back. Haaa and escape " Luz answered struggled to talk though the pain. Amity was starting to worry Luz was hurt really bad but didn't know how to escape this void they were in nor where or when Grom would come after them. Taking a deep breath, the green haired witchling had to focus on what she could do and that was prepare for an initiable encounter drawing a spell circle Amity brought up a new set of abomination gloves then made two more to summoned two medium sized abominations one was processioned right behind them while the other carefully picked up Luz. " Weregetting out of her Luz." Amity said watch some of the dragon girls body seep into the goop taking off any pressure on her limbs.

" N-no Amity- " AAAARARARARAGHA! " Luz was cut off by a loud ear-piercing roar coming from the darkness. Both Amity and her abomination got ready for whatever was coming but still couldn't see anything except for the stomping that was coming towards them from every direction. " Amity you're not gonna be able to fight if you have to worry about me." The mentioned girl's attention was instantly brought to her partner who was getting out of her abomination's grip and fell to the ground with a nasty thud and struggled to get up. The green-haired witchling rushed over and kneeled trying to prevent the dragon girl from moving anymore only for the stomping to get louder and a low growl was joined it forcing Amity to look frantic she still couldn't see anything, but it sounded like the growl was right in her ear. " Luz, please just hold on let my abomination carry you, and- " "No." Amity was cut off as Luz grabbed her hand. " I'll slow you down. You need aah, you need to get out and get help. I'll hold Grom off. " Amity looked at Luz like she was crazy. " Are you insane! You can't even stand! Please Luz just let my abomination get you out of here. " Amity pleaded but Luz wasn't having it " N-no I'll call the others. We can hold out until you get help." Luz somehow managed to stand on her own and limped a bit away from Amity bringing out several glyphs and in a flash of lights Aurora and Frost were beside her in their adult forms and instantly had looks of worry on their faces. "

"I'm- I'm alright guys," Luz said struggling a bit to stay upright but by holding on to her light dragon partner for support. Amity was panicking Luz wasn't listening to reason and was practically sacrificing herself, but she couldn't do a thing to stop her. Amity honestly thought of using one of her abominations to knock out the dragon girl but didn't want to make her friend's conduction worse. Friend that word stuck the most to her Luz really had become something to her despite their terrible first few meetings and now she saw the dragon girl as a friend and maybe more. Maybe if she . . .Yha maybe that could stop Luz from being so reckless here. Gaining her courage Amity pulled out the note from her pocket and started walking towards Luz. " Luz there's something I've got to tell you. " The dragon girl turned her head slowly towards Amity only to have the face of Grom screaming at her come and in an instant start running towards her injuries completely forgotten as she jumped over the green-haired witching's head turning into a familiar black ooze-like form with both dragons following suite as well as the dome, she was able to see the Gymnasium with everyone having looking's of worried the second she could see their faces but the only one she was mainly worried about was nowhere to be seen but the familiar figure of grom running out gave her the answer she'd dreaded. " Oh no Luz!"

Luz's perspective minutes before Luz wandered in the dark calling out for anyone whether it was Amity who was trapped here as well or anyone outside, she didn't know if this was part of the usual Grom fight but seeing as no one mentioned it she was starting to get worried, " Amity! Where are you? " Luz shouted into the darkness starting to get worried. " Maybe I should summon Aurora and the others? No, no. That won't work, If they were in Grom then it could use their fears against them before we could call for help. Augh." Luz groaned literally and figuratively in the dark with no clue what to do she even tried using a light spell to see how big the dome was, but the ball of light just kept going higher and higher until it was a speck so small she could barely see it. " Well, that's encouraging. "

" Aaah, so this is Bahamut's new student. " A familiar voice called out and instantly made the dragon girl's blood freeze she only heard it in her nightmares where she was in Lyn's old memories, and slowly was dreading the day she ever encountered him turning around she was right at who it was. He wore a white cape with a gold trim, the top part covering his shoulders and collar looked like brown leather with three bolt-like buttons going around it from the front to the back, In front of it all was a pendent with the emperor coven symbol on it. Finally, his face was concealed by a gold mask with two long upward-facing horns. There wasn't any way of seeing his face as his eyes were sunken in, but Luz could still feel his stare on her it felt like he was sizing her up wondering what to do with her. " Emperor Belos. " Was all Luz could say as Belos slowly started walking towards her. " What a shame. So young and yet doomed to fall. " He said getting closer. " Your people didn't belong to the Titan's will. " He stepped close ready to grab her. " They didn't belong in MY WORLD! " As if on command light finally shined in the dark void but wishing it didn't. Bodies, bodies EVERWHERE! Bodies of different witches and demons with the light from their eyes completely gone and next to them were dragons. Dragons of every shape and size lay next to their deceased partners, bile dripping from their mouths the very magic that gave the life gone to a sickly green as if it was poison to them. And the bodies weren't just adults, teens, kids, hatchlings, and even eggs were smashed.

Luz was starting to freak out from fear and anger at the horrid sight. " How. . . How could you do something like this!? " Luz asked the fake Belos trying to stay strong, but tears were building in her eyes.

" Hmhmhm, just as I've said, they didn't belong in my world. And neither do you. " Beloes lifted his and unfolded his staff the design always confused Luz as it looked less like a traditional wooden staff and something more mechanical but the second it started generating that sickly green lighting, she had to run. Several bolts of blinding light darted past her with Belos following the dragon girl she tried to defend herself with magic, but it failed wouldn't as any she used spell wasn't strong enough, and calling any of the dragons she'd called would just be spelling their doom, so the most she could do was running and cursing herself for bring anything to draw on to make a fire glyph. There was nothing she could do even if this were just another one of Grom's tricks Luz wasn't about to test and see if the spell Belos was using was the real deal as she'd seen her spells and glyphs corrode when the lighting hit them, she was running out of options and was worried that fight was her only choice left until she saw.<,p> " Light!? maybe it's a way out! " Luz thought hurrying to the light before it closed, only when she got closer it turned not to be an opening but the portal between the Isles and the human world glowing in the darkness. Oh no not now, not after seeing ... Luz tried not to remember the horrid sight she had just escaped from and the man who started it but this ... Luz turned around from the door ready to run back into the darkness only for a familiar voice to stop her.

" Hello, is anyone here." The voice had a Hispanic accent with an older tone to her own. Turning around to face the figure she froze, the figure peaking out through the door was a female of Hispanic origin wearing a nurse outfit and glass with the top rim being red and bulky, and her hair was tied in a bud with some of it still flowing free with two small bangs and light blue stud earrings just like her black ones. This was her mother Camila Noceda, Luz was happy to see her mother after being in the Demon realm for a month in-a-half but not like this, not like when she looked like this. "Excuse me young lady but do you know where I am? " Camila asked not recognizing her own daughter.

" M-mama, I-it's me, Luz. " The dragon girl staggered not knowing what to say.

" Luz!? What are you doing here? I thought you were camp. Wait why do you look like that? What is this place? "

" Mama, this place. . . " It's called the Boiling Isles, it's filled with magic and demons, witches, and-

" And you decide to ditch going to camp and come here to play with magic!? " Camile interrupted looking heartbroken.

" Nno, no, I mean not at first but- "

" So you just abandoned everything. Staying here and forgetting about our home? Forget about Me? "Camile asked tears building up in hear eyes.

Luz didn't know what to say. While she had no plan to just abandon everything she had in the Human realm she didn't want to lose what she had in the Demon realm eathier. The dragon girl bit her bottom lip unable to answer, but it seemed to be Camile.

The Owl House: Luz the Draco Witch - Dusk_Somnus (2024)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.