Romance Dawn through the eyes of the songbird! - UtaUtaNoMi (2024)

Chapter Text

“Coby.. did something happen in Shells town lately?”

Uta said as she swayed her head to the rocking of the boat

”Oh haven’t you heard? The east blue demon was captured by the marines.”

Uta tilted her head in confusion

”I’ve never heard of a pirate with that title?”

Coby gapped at this

”The east blue demon!? You know- RORONOA ZORO??”

Uta made a O expression

“Oh! The bounty hunter? Why was he captured by the Marines? doesn’t he Literally work with them?”

Coby sighed in disbelief

“I am sorry but I don’t know why…”

”Don’t sweat it Coby~! We can just ask when we get there!”

Yet Uta couldn’t help a feeling of foreboding overcome her… something is wrong about this…

After that conversation nether of them spoke for awhile simply letting the sound of the wind and waves fill the silence

but eventually Coby was to overwhelmed with questions and needed to ask-

“Miss Uta..?” Uta opened one of her eyes “what where you doing when fighting Alvida…?”

”I was using my devil fruit the Uta Uta NoMi

Coby’s eyes shot open

“Devil fruits are real!? And you were named after one?!”

This made Uta burst out laughing and wheezing

“No- I- Oh my seas- hold on- n-no I was not named after a devil fruit. Uta means sing in grand”

Coby then hid his face in his hands and groaned in embarrassment

“Sorry! That’s so embarrassing…”

”relax it’s totally fine! Don’t worry about it”

“so um.. your devil fruit.. is the sing sing fruit..?”


”Are you going to explain-?”


Uta steps out of the sailboat stretching

“Come on Coby! I want to go shopping!”

”Wait what why?”

Uta pouts and whines

”I lost all my clothes in that damn whirlpool… So new clothes are top priority!”

Coby sighed in defeat and started to walk with Uta to the shopping district

“Come on! Coby~! Look at all these cute clothes!”

“Miss Uta… please… we have been walking for hours…”

Uta hummed and walked into the store

”Relax! I just want one more outfit~!I’ll finish quickly so we can go to the marine base okay?”

Coby groaned in exasperation, Although Uta couldn’t help but smile noticing the fact he’s not walking on eggshells around her anymore

She quickly picks out a sports bra and a white baggy crop top with maroon sweat pants as she goes to check out she asks the lady at the store-

“miss, do you know where the bounty hunter Roronoa Zoro-?

The moment Zoro‘s name left her mouth everyone in the store jumped hiding, Coby startled hid behind Uta, Uta her self was startled and took a step back, her hair loops pointing downwards

”N-No! I no nothing about him! I swear!”

The woman looked terrified but it was different… Uta hated it. She clenched her teeth and held her tongue

”I see.. thank you miss!”

Uta says smiling softly as she picked up the bag with her new clothes and grabbed Coby’s hand quickly rushing out.

The moment they get out of the store Coby takes a deep breath

“I knew it! He must have done something really bad for them to be that scared!”

Coby whispers trying to stay quiet so he doesn’t scare the villagers, Uta hums in response but whispers back-

“Coby i want to try something Axe-Hand Morgan is the captain here right…?”

Coby nods not to sure where this going-

“Captain Morgen-“

Everyone in the road jumped and hid screeching.

“Knew it.”

Uta scowled grabbing Coby and rushing into a alley way

”What! Why are they scared of the captain..? And what do you mean knew it?!”

”I’ll explain when we get somewhere moreprivate.

Finally, Uta stops at the edge of town. Coby was panting and sweating while Uta didn’t break a sweat

“Coby you need to work on your stamina. How do you plan on becoming a marine like this?”

“I’m sorry?? Unlike you I was on a ship for two years where all I did was clean! How do you expect me to have good stamina??”

Uta mumbled something about being pathetic Coby immediately squawked at the insult

“Yeah, okay. listen we’re heading to the marine base right now. I need to find Zoro and get more information about what actually happened.”

Coby was still confused about the towns peoples reaction

“The Marines are good people though? Why would the towns people be scared of them?”

”That is easy to answer. Marine corruption. you’d be surprised how much corruption there is in the marines.”

Uta said with a empty look Coby was extremely uncomfortable with that expression and decided to change the topic.

”How do you plan on getting there? You pulled us all the way to the other side of the island!”

” oh that’s simple! You wanted to know more about my devil fruit right?”

Coby nodded

“alright then back up!” Coby quickly moved backwards a good distance away

“Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.”

Music notes fly around her floating around her back to circles begin to form out of music notes on next to each of her shoulder blades

“Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.”

Wings Sprout from her back as music notes dance around her, Coby is shocked

“I thought your devil fruit only worked with music?!”

”Nope! it works with poems too! Although the poems can’t be used for attacks. Just for physical changes. so I can make wings! or really anything that is part of my physical body, so I can’t do a clothing or like weapons!”

”So cool!”

Uta simply laughs before telling Coby to get on her back.

”Come on! Get on we don’t have all day!”


”I swear to Davy Jones-“

Uta grabs him and throws him onto her back before telling him to hold on tight as she shoots up into the sky


Coby screams in terror clutching on to Uta’s shoulder with an iron grip

”Coby! Relax! Take a deep breath! You are acting as if I’ll drop your!”


”Key word, almost.”


”Yap yap yap we made it so shush unless you want to be caught!”

Coby immediately covered his mouth as she lowered down from the sky Uta starts staring down at the marine base looking for somewhere she could get in or-

“Roronoa Zoro! There he is! Let’s go!”

Uta starts to fly down behind the wall surrounding the marine base

“Miss Uta look! There is a little girl in there!”

Uta’s wings disappear turning into music notes before disappearing, She quickly climbs the wall-

“Roronoa Zoro! You shouldn’t pick on little girls. I’ll tell my father on you!”

Uta frowned feeling as if they missed something important and Coby smiled in relief at the fact the navy was there and will keep the little girl safe.

”Tch! Well if it isn’t the idiot son, Living off daddy’s money.”

”Did you just call me an “idiot”? A man in your position should guard his tongue… Or he could lose it!”

Uta felt like she was going to puke this man was ticking of all her alarms

“Little girl… Did you bring those rice balls for me? How thoughtful.”

”Hey! give it back!”

The man began to eat the rice balls before spitting it out with a look of absolute disgust

”BLECH! DISGUSTING! IT’S SWEET! THERE’S SUGAR ON IT! Rice balls are supposed to be seasoned with salt! Not sugar!!”

Coby gasped in shock, Uta was barely holding her self back.

”B-But I like sweets, So i figured sugar would be better!”

The Bastard. Threw her rice balls it the ground and started to step on it and Uta was seeing RED.

“These are COMPLETELY inedible!”

”Please! Please stop! You’re ruining them!”

Coby looked to the side, Uta was grabbing onto the wall to the point the wall started to crack.

”Don’t worry! I’m sure the ants find them delicious! HA HA HA HA HA!”


”Oh, Stop that crying! That’s why I hate kids!”

The Disgusting man-child, Just kept digging his own grave!

”It’s your own fault! Can’t you read this sign? It says anyone aiding the prisoner shall be found guilty of the crimes he has committed. -Captain Morgen”

”I’m sure you’ve heard how scary my father can be! If you were an adult you would be put to death!”

“You there! Throw that brat over the wall!!”






”I’m ordering you to throw that little brat over the wall! Are you going to disobey a direct order!? I’ll tell daddy on you!”

”Y-Yes sir… Right away!!

The marine grabs the girl and throws her above the wall, Uta immediately jumped up grabbing the little girl and tucking her into her chest

“Shh… it’s okay… I’ve got you… are you hurt sweetheart?”

Uta says softly trying to calm the girl down as Coby rushs down the wall

“I- I’m okay… t-thank you m-miss…”

“Can you stand up?” The little girl nods standing up still shaking “Good good, Coby! Can you please take this little girl home I still need to talk to Roronoa.”

”Got it! Are you sure you will be okay though..?”

Uta simple waves him off, standing up and climbing the wall.

“The hell?! Why do people keep breaking in here?! This is a f*cking marine base! what do you want?”

Uta simple hummed in response

“Why are you even crucified here? From what I’ve heard about you, you don’t seem like the type to get captured easily~”

Uta said crossing her arms

“The f*ck does that have to do with you?”

Zoro says snapping back

”Rude much? I came here because I heard about you and my interested was peaked! I wanted to ask if I untied you would you join my pirate crew?”

“Me a pirate you think i would lower myself to that level? No thanks.”

Uta laughed which pissed Zoro off

“Why the f*ck are you laughing huh?!”

”Sorry sorry! You wouldn’t lower yourself to the point you’d become a pirate? But you’d let yourself be captured.”

Uta stopped laughing instead she stared at him with a sharp gaze

“I- I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about!”

Zoro for some reason felt like he needed to prove himself to her, he’s never cared about what other people thought. so why does he care so much right now?

”Zoro. don’t bullsh*t me. I know for a fact nobody else here could beat you. Even in your state right now which about that you look like you already have one foot on the Flying Dutchman.”

“First of all what the f*ck is the Flying Dutchman? Second, I made a bet with captain Morgan’s idiot son, all I’ve gotta do is survive here for one month. So I don’t f*cking need your help!”

Uta’s sharp gaze disappeared instead of it came a soft smile, and Zoro couldn’t help but take a deep sigh of relief.

“You really are interesting! If you ever change your mind, My offer still stands!”

Uta says turning around waving at Zoro but he quickly stops her-

“Wait a minute! Could you feed me that?”

Uta followed Zoro’s line of sight

“The… rice balls..? Those are… more dirt than rice-“

”Just feed it to me! Goddamn!”

”Ay Ay! Here..”

Uta picked up the rice balls and threw it into Zoro’s mouth Zoro began to quickly eat the rice balls coughing and choking but making sure not to drop a single grain swallowing all of it.

“T-Tell the kid- Tell her it was Delicious and that I ate it all.”

“Of course.”

Uta says walking away deciding right then and there that she will have him as her first mate.


”Yup he ate it all up and said it was delicious!”

”I’m so glad!”

Uta was smiling happily at the little girl- Rika as she giggled

”He really isn’t as bad as everyone says huh…”

Coby says smiling at Rika’s excited face

”Of course! Mister Zoro isn’t bad guy! He hasn’t done anything wrong!”

“Everyone make way!”

Captain Morgan’s son said walking in the street with his two wolves, barking like crazy

“My beloved dogs are on a walk!”

Captain Morgan’s son laughed as his wolves run amok, destroying things and eating food from stalls, one of the wolves begins to destroy Rika’s garden, Rika then tries to make it stop destroying her garden by swing a mop at it.

”Go away! Go go! Stop destroying my garden!”

The wolf was enraged and began attacking Rika, She screamed in fear begging someone to help her but everyone in the town began to look away or hide in their homes.


And then-

A man with three swords jumped in! and slashed the wolf away sending it flying back to Captain Morgan’s son!

”Watch your dogs you pathetic bastard.”

“So that’s what happened huh…”

Coby said curling into himself, Uta hummed her face was blank.

“Uta… is this why you don’t like marines..?”

Uta opened her mouth before quickly shutting it and sighing

“I- listen Coby… The marines aren’t all hopeless… some of them are actually good! And I believe in you to be one of those good marines, so don’t worry about it too much alright?”

”Yeah… You’re right! I-“

“HA HA HA! You’re not bowing your heads low enough, Scum! I’ll tell my father on all of you!”

Uta scowled imagining all the ways she could beat the sh*t out of him.

”Do you want to be jailed like Roronoa Zoro!? We’re going to hold a public execution for him in three days!!”

WHAT. THE. f*ck.

“We’ll make an example of him! I can hardly wait!”

“Three days? I thought you made a deal with him?”

Uta said standing up

“What? Where did you hear about that? That promise was just a joke!! He’s just a stupid beast for believing it!!”

Uta was SEETHING, She walked over to him her face shadowed

”You disgust me.”

And then all of a sudden…


The bastard was sent flying, Uta kicked him straight in the face.

”Coby. If you want to be a marine, back away and act like you don’t know me.”

”because I’m tearing down this whole marine base.”

Romance Dawn through the eyes of the songbird! - UtaUtaNoMi (2024)


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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.