Most wanted and useful applications - Mac Software Discussions on AppleInsider Forums (2024)


in Mac Software edited January 2014

I am going to buy a mac in a few months(waiting for a merom-based macbook). I am new to the world of mac and I would like to know about the most useful apps that most of users cannot live without in the mac os x. Must-have applications, freeware or commercial. From ftp and web design to system utilies all that stuff.

I want to find these programs from now in order to be ready for exploring the new mac.

What do you suggest?


  • Reply 1 of 33

    sandauPosts: 1,230member

    October 20, 2006 1:30PM

    virtuedesktop, parallels, cyberduck, isquint, azereus, tubesock

  • Reply 2 of 33

    mrtotesPosts: 760member

    October 20, 2006 5:46PM


    Originally Posted by cool11

    I am going to buy a mac in a few months(waiting for a merom-based macbook). I am new to the world of mac and I would like to know about the most useful apps that most of users cannot live without in the mac os x. Must-have applications, freeware or commercial. From ftp and web design to system utilies all that stuff.

    I want to find these programs from now in order to be ready for exploring the new mac.

    What do you suggest?

    Most of it's there already on the Mac when you buy it but Office for Mac is pretty useful for obvious reasons and I'm a fan of Graphic Convertor as a slide show and conversion tool.

    Use MacUpdate to search for anything else.

  • Reply 3 of 33

    icfireballPosts: 2,594member

    October 20, 2006 6:37PM


    Originally Posted by mrtotes

    Most of it's there already on the Mac when you buy it but Office for Mac is pretty useful for obvious reasons and I'm a fan of Graphic Convertor as a slide show and conversion tool.

    Use MacUpdate to search for anything else.

    Adium is a must have.

    Adium > iChat > AOL Instant Messanger

  • Reply 4 of 33

    smashbrosfanPosts: 139member

    October 20, 2006 6:47PM

    Quicksilver - Quicksilver is the single most useful app you will ever use... It's kind of a Spotlight couterpart. It launches apps, lets you set global hotkeys... The only real way to find out what it does is to use it. Personally, I use it mostly to skip songs in iTunes without ever going back to the app itself. But it has a ton of uses.

    Adium X - Adium X is your general all purpose instant messenger. It connects to all the major clients, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Google Talk, you name it. It's extremely customizable, so you can make it look like anything you want.

    Handbrake - Handbrake is a DVD ripper. I use it to put my movies onto my iPod. It's also handy when going on those long business flights and the in-flight movie isn't very good. If the movie's on your hard drive it'll drain far less battery life than it would trying to read with the DVD drive itself.

    iStat Pro - iStat Pro is a widget for Dashboard that I find very geeky and useful. It shows how much free RAM you have left, your computer's uptime, temperature (useful since the MacBooks run hot), and a bunch of other stats.

    All of these are freeware.

  • Reply 5 of 33

    cool11Posts: 73member

    October 21, 2006 7:38AM

    wrong link for admium?

  • Reply 6 of 33

    bergermeisterPosts: 6,784member

    October 21, 2006 8:17AM

    SnapZPro (screen cvapture tool)

    MacJanitor (runs regular maintanence jobs)

    VooDooPad (the best notepad out there, period)

  • Reply 7 of 33

    bmwintoxicationPosts: 106member

    October 21, 2006 11:16AM


    it plays videos. Most wanted and useful applications - Mac Software Discussions on AppleInsider Forums (10)

  • Reply 8 of 33

    smashbrosfanPosts: 139member

    October 21, 2006 10:21PM

    Sorry... I keep switching the U and the I in "Adium"...

    Adium X

    There's also Growl:

    Growl - Growl alerts you to any system changes, like hardware being unpluged, IP address changes, and even iTunes track changes. It automatically gets the track album art from too.

  • Reply 9 of 33

    brussellPosts: 9,812member

    October 22, 2006 7:23PM

    iSquint. Designed to put videos on the iPod, but also a good general-purpose converter from many different formats to h.264. [edit: just wanted to add that ffmpegx probably does everything iSquint can do and much, much more, but iSquint is much simpler.

  • Reply 10 of 33

    sandauPosts: 1,230member

    October 22, 2006 11:20PM


    Originally Posted by BRussell

    iSquint. Designed to put videos on the iPod, but also a good general-purpose converter from many different formats to h.264. [edit: just wanted to add that ffmpegx probably does everything iSquint can do and much, much more, but iSquint is much simpler.

    i think iSquint is just a pretty interface for ffmpegx, nothing more. I like it (iSquint) though, simple, good interface.

  • Reply 11 of 33

    yetieaterPosts: 12member

    Here's a thread with some useful software for Mac OS X on a forum that I visit. Take a look, pick what you like.

  • Reply 12 of 33

    artanisPosts: 156member

    October 24, 2006 11:18AM

    Graphic Converter, the best freeware application I've ever seen.

  • Reply 13 of 33

    kenaustusPosts: 924member

    October 28, 2006 3:39AM

    I've had a HD go bad and caught it early because I was going to do a Repair Disk Permissions and saw the warning. Found a small app called SMARTreporter (at that has a small disk on the menu bar - it's green if the HD is fine and goes to red if there is a problem. Very nice to have the warning in order to make a backup. Donations accepted.

    I use Overflow to keep the dock to a minimum - there are about 30 apps in mine and it allows for very fast selecting of an app to open,

    Bookpedia ( is what I use to keep track of my book library (there are also versions for CDs and DVDs). I like the simplicity of this compared to Delicious Library and have set it up to download a copy of the library to my iPod so I can stop buying duplicate books - I tend to do that a bit now that I'm getting old . . . puts up a different free app each weekday and is an easy place to look at different free apps. is a listing of 16,300+ OS X apps, ranging from freeware to full commercial packages. You can spend a lot of hours going through it and making a list of apps to look at when getting you Mac.

  • Reply 14 of 33

    max_naylorPosts: 194member

    October 28, 2006 11:49AM


    Originally Posted by smashbrosfan

    Quicksilver - Quicksilver is the single most useful app you will ever use... It's kind of a Spotlight couterpart. It launches apps, lets you set global hotkeys... The only real way to find out what it does is to use it. Personally, I use it mostly to skip songs in iTunes without ever going back to the app itself. But it has a ton of uses.

    Adium X - Adium X is your general all purpose instant messenger. It connects to all the major clients, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Google Talk, you name it. It's extremely customizable, so you can make it look like anything you want.

    Handbrake - Handbrake is a DVD ripper. I use it to put my movies onto my iPod. It's also handy when going on those long business flights and the in-flight movie isn't very good. If the movie's on your hard drive it'll drain far less battery life than it would trying to read with the DVD drive itself.

    iStat Pro - iStat Pro is a widget for Dashboard that I find very geeky and useful. It shows how much free RAM you have left, your computer's uptime, temperature (useful since the MacBooks run hot), and a bunch of other stats.

    All of these are freeware.

    Handbrake is good but make sure you stop by here to pick up a replacement icon to get rid of that ghastly one. Apps that I can't now live without:

    - Google Earth FREE! - well if you don't know what it is, you soon will.

    - Google SketchUp FREE! - an excellent 3D modelling tool, excellent!!!

    - Image Tricks the lite version is FREE! - a free and fun image-manipulation tool that makes use of Core Image filters

    - Mactracker FREE! - if you're a Mac geek you'll love to keep a library of all the Macs ever made

    - Flip4Mac FREE! - saves you having to download Windows Media Player for .WMA and .WMV files

    - iAlertU FREE! - if you have an Apple Remote you can use it to secure your Mac with car alarm style defences

    - iClip SHAREWARE ($19.95)- an indispensable utility that lets you have multiple clipboards

    - Delicious Library SHAREWARE ($40.00)- an essential cataloguing tool

    Just a few of my favourites. By the way, stop by here if you want some replacement icons for things like Firefox and the Desktop icon to make them more 'Mac-like'. He also offers a free download for QuickTime that updates the playing controls to a more Tiger-like style.

    Max Most wanted and useful applications - Mac Software Discussions on AppleInsider Forums (18)

  • Reply 15 of 33

    gonPosts: 2,437member

    October 28, 2006 3:05PM


    Quicksilver - launcher

    Vim 7.0 - text editor (OS X has Vim 6 in the Terminal but you need to get the 7.0 package to get windowed Vim and important new features)

    Transmission - BitTorrent client

    Fugu - SFTP client

    VLC Player - video

    MPlayer - video

    Growl - interfaces with other apps to deliver notifications to you; for instance Transmission and Acquisition support this

    GrowlTunes - uses Growl to show what's playing on iTunes

    AcidSearch - plugin for the Safari browser in OS X - adds "smart searches" like Firefox has


    OmniOutliner - create outlines - best single app on the Mac IMO

    OmniGraffle - create graphs

    Acquisition - multi P2P client

    Of these, Vim, VLC and MPlayer are the same than on other platforms and not Mac specific, but hey... best tools for the job.

  • Reply 16 of 33

    tknPosts: 224member

    October 29, 2006 6:45AM

    A list of the apps I use are at:

    This site is great for browsing people's choices.

  • Reply 17 of 33

    galleyPosts: 971member

    October 29, 2006 9:09PM

    Inquisitor - now FREE!

    NewsFire - RSS

    Overflow (launcher) - much better than the dock, IMHO.

  • Reply 18 of 33

    studiostudPosts: 1member

    December 23, 2006 12:56PM

    Here's a list of software that I am head over heels in love with:

    FIREFOX - Safari, Apple's web browser, is really pretty great. But sometimes it doesn't translate pages as they are intended. Firefox is the answer. Plus, you can get plugin scripts for Firefox that allow it to do other cool things.

    Toast Titanium 7 - the new version lets you drag and drop any format video files and creates DVDs from them that can be played on console DVD players

    Fetch - the original FTP client and still the best

    Senuti (iTunes backwards) - this app has an iTunes-like interface and allows you to copy songs off of your iPod to your desktop

    UnRARx, Split&Concat, and Gumby - these 3 FREE utilities will decompress pretty much anything you throw at it. The days of Stuffit Expander are over. They can go Stuffit somewhere else...

    VisualHub - this little app is a Godsend and should have been made years ago. It allows you to convert video files to and from most of the popular formats (IE. mpg, avi, wmv, mov, etc)

    Yojimbo - this app will be your 2nd home if you're anal retentive about organization

    MacTheRipper - will let you rip commercial DVDs on to your desktop for later viewing

    Cinematize - for when you want to rip specific scenes from a DVD

    DropDMG - If you put stuff in a folder and drag the folder onto this app icon, it will create a DMG archive file of that folder

    LinoType Font Explorer - awesome free font utility. free because it omits all the useless bells and whistles of Suitcase that no one ever uses anyway and it's better than Apple's Font Book.

    Little Snitch - this app will tell you when anyone at all is trying to connect to your computer from anywhere on a network or the internet and gives you the option of allowing or denying them

    Pernian - this is a collection of Apple Quicktime Codecs that work for most videos you come across including Windows-based video formats

    Snapz Pro - like taking a snapshot of your desktop... but video

    Chax - If you use iChat but don't want to bother with Adium, Chax is a good utility that adds some other cool features to iChat. My favorite is having tabbed windows so 5 conversations in one iChat window...

    DiskWarrior/Drive10/TechTool Pro - macs don't crash often. but when they do... they crash HARD. these three system repair tools are indispensable. they WILL save your a$$. they've saved mine more than once...

    Onyx System Optimizer - great little utility for doing spring cleaning like emptying caches, repairing permissions, and running the maintenence scripts

  • Reply 19 of 33

    sandauPosts: 1,230member

    December 23, 2006 12:59PM

    Firefox is fine, has been my favorite browser on any platform for years. But version 2.0 is the slowest initial loading browser I've had since Mosaic in 1993.

    Its now off my list of favorite programs because of this. On my super fast MacBook Pro, it takes 17 bounces, a spinning beach ball for 30 seconds, a blank page for 10 more for a total of 1.5 minutes to load. What a POS. And yes, I've installed and reinstalled it.

  • Reply 20 of 33

    cool11Posts: 73member

    December 27, 2006 3:58PM

    Persian. Where can I find more info? Google seems not to have any information.


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Most wanted and useful applications - Mac Software Discussions on AppleInsider Forums (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.